Personal Greatness GRIT Classroom Checklist

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Personal Greatness: GRIT Classroom Checklist

These tips from can help you to create a classroom culture that encourages every student to be
a leader. This is not an inclusive list, just some ideas that you may want to get started with.

 Post The 7 Habits with student friendly definitions

 Post the Classroom or Team/Department Mission Statement inside

and outside the classroom

 Greet students or shake hands with students as they enter the room

 Assign a student to be the Greeter (to greet anyone that comes to the

 Create roles within your classroom to create leadership opportunities

for students

 Use Leadership language in lessons weekly and as often as possible

in normal interaction

 Help students create and use Leadership Portfolios to track their

goals and progress

 Let students select an “Accountability Person” to share weekly goals

and progress

 May want to hold Student Led Conferences and let the students
review their goals successes with their parents in the spring

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