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Food Loss and Waste Crisis

The scale of the problem is staggering. Each year, 1.6 billion tons of food worth about $1.2 trillion are lost or go
to waste—one-third of the total amount of food produced globally. And the problem is only growing: Boston
Consulting Group estimates that by 2030 annual food loss and waste will hit 2.1 billion tons worth $1.5 trillion.

Food loss or waste occurs at all steps in the value chain—but it is most pronounced at the beginning
(production) and at the end (consumption). In developing countries, the problem is largely a function of the
production and transportation of food from farms, while in developed countries it is most prevalent in the
consumption phase, among both retailers and consumers.
Who are The Real Junk Food Project, Birmingham?

The idea behind TRJFPB is to highlight and challenge the issue of food waste whilst creating an inclusive
environment for people to come together and eat. Food waste is a growing concern in the UK with up to 4.2
million tonnes of avoidable food waste being created a year. That’s £12.5 billion worth of food that could have
been eaten! Food waste has a huge environmental impact when you take into consideration the resources
used to grow and distribute this food and then dispose of it!

The Real Junk Food Project hold regular cafes all over the city, serving over 2,000 meals a month. Operating on
a ‘’pay as you feel’’ basis, where customers can contribute whatever they can whether that be money, time or
skills towards the success of the project. TRJFPB even have a share house, providing perfectly edible food to
people that otherwise would have ended up in a landfill or an incinerator! Can’t make it to the shops? You can
order a ”freegan” box of food for collection at one of their hubs.

Watch the video and say if the statements are true (T) or false (F):

1) The lady has been a volunteer for a year in the café

2) There is just one small junk food café in Birmingham at present
3) Part of the food they offer could have been used as food for animals
4) People can buy part of the rescued food at a food boutique
5) People can come and eat nutritious and delicious meals that they prepare themselves in the cafes
6) The community supermarket is open six or seven days a week
7) Volunteers that donate time are offered a free meal

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