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ESCUELA BASE EL BOSQUE Evaluación formativa

English Department 5th Grade Unit 3

Miss Tamara Miranda Larraín 28/09/2021

Reading N° 1: Eating Healthy

Name: ________________________________________________Class:________Date: ___________

OA 5: To demonstrate reading comprehension through a short text related to healthy habits and
express preferences.

I. MATCH the following vocabulary. USE different colors.

1 2

a) Healthy food
b) Diet
c) Well-balanced
d) Overweight

3 4

II. CLASSIFY the food from the box into Healthy and Unhealthy Food.

Burger – Soda – Spaghetti – Apple – Banana – Pancakes – Salad – Chips – Bread - Broccoli

Healthy Food Unhealthy Food

Elaborado Equipo Pedagógico – Inglés- 5° Básico 1
ESCUELA BASE EL BOSQUE Evaluación formativa
English Department 5th Grade Unit 3
Miss Tamara Miranda Larraín 28/09/2021

III. READ the text about food and UNDERLINE the words related to food.

Food Fight

Doctors in Britain are worried because British teenagers eat lots of crisps, sweets
and fast food. Most teenagers don’t eat enough fruit or vegetables and more than
one million British school children are overweight.

Some teenagers say that they don’t have time to eat good food.

Americans have the same problem with fast food because it was born there.
McDonald’s, Pizza Hut and Burger king have restaurants all over the world.

A steady diet of burgers, fries and soda don’t help your body with vitamins and
minerals. You need to stay healthy. Fast food lacks many important nutrients.

Some parents are blaming the proliferation of fast food restaurants where people eat
food with high-calories and low nutritional value.

Now doctors are giving young people books and games about a good diet.

Having a healthy and well-balanced diet can help you feel better and live longer.

(Taken from:

IV. WRITE true (T) or false (F). UNDERLINE the false information.

a) British teenagers eat a lot of fruit ________

b) Some teenagers say that they don’t have time to eat fast food ________

c) French people have the same problem ________

d) Fast food was born in China ________

e) McDonald’s have restaurants all over the world ________

f) Fruit and vegetables lack of important nutrients ________

Elaborado Equipo Pedagógico – Inglés- 5° Básico 2
ESCUELA BASE EL BOSQUE Evaluación formativa
English Department 5th Grade Unit 3
Miss Tamara Miranda Larraín 28/09/2021

V. ANSWER the questions according to the text.

a) Which countries are mentioned in the text? ?

They are

b) Why are teenagers overweight?

Because they

c) How can a balanced diet help you?

It can help

VI. WRITE the common actions related to food that appear in the text. CLASSIFY them into healthy and
unhealthy actions. LOOK at the example.

Example: “eat lots of crisps”.

a) Healthy Unhealthy




Elaborado Equipo Pedagógico – Inglés- 5° Básico 3
ESCUELA BASE EL BOSQUE Evaluación formativa
English Department 5th Grade Unit 3
Miss Tamara Miranda Larraín 28/09/2021

VII. DRAW what you understood from the text and WRITE a sentence to support your drawing.

VIII. ANSWER the question below and COMPLETE the table. LOOK at the example.

and Add ideas connectors but Contrast ideas


What fruits do you eat?

I eat bananas and apples, but I don’t eat grapes.

a) What do you eat for breakfast? b) What do you eat for dinner?

I eat__________________but I don’t _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

c) What do you eat for dessert?


Elaborado Equipo Pedagógico – Inglés- 5° Básico 4

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