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Kindergarten Routines

● Students will arrive at the school and line up in the front of the school outside
● I will go out and get the students and have them say goodbye to their parents as
we walk inside
● The leader for the day will be at the front of the line and will lead the students into
the school
● We will walk in and will sanitize our hands on the way in
● The students will then go in and sit on their spot in the atrium and take their
shoes and jacket off and water bottles out
● The will then do a shoe switch and put their school shoes on and their home
shoes under their hook
● The next thing they will do is take their backpacks and jackets and hang them up
on the hook
● They will them come back to their spot and they will get a book to read and join a
teacher who will read the stories to them
● After reading they will put their water bottles away and they will grab their water
bottles and find their owl and we will go into the class and put their owls in the
correct slot on the chart and go to the table time tables
Daily Physical Activity:
● During daily physical activity students will first go into the atrium and will first get
their jacket and put it on
● If it is muddy out the students will also change their shoes, but if not then they will
stay in their school shoes
● Then students will be going outside and will play on the playground
● Students will play on the playground until they hear the whistle which is three fast
whistle sounds and then they will come line up on the wall
● Once I have all the students and I have counted them to be sure, the leader
leads us in where they will sanitize their hands on the way in
● Once they are in the will walk through the classroom to the atrium and will sit
down and take off their jacket (and shoes if they switched) and then the teacher
will tell them to hang up their jacket and go in and wash their hands for snack -
boys at the kitchen sink and girls at the bathroom sink
Snack Time:
● The students will wash their hands (with soap and warm water for approximately
20 secs) when they come into the classroom and then they will grab their water
bottle and sit down at a spot with a snack at it
● Some students have food restrictions and so their spots will be labelled with a
sticky note
● Students will not touch their food until everyone is back and ready
● When everyone is back and ready, I will have the leader of the day come up and
they will tell the students what they brought for snack
● I will talk to the student about the snacks and what each is and the shape of
some of them
● I will then have all the students say thank you to the leader and the leader will
say your welcome after
● The students will then all sit down and face the snack song board and we will
sing the snack song Singa Songa
● Then the students will be able to eat their snack and the rule is that they must at
least try everything but if they do not want to eat it after that then they can just
throw it away
● After they are done, they will have to go wash their hands (with soap and warm
water for approximately 20 secs) and put their water bottles away and will sit
back down
● I will then dismiss them for their work and play
● Students will check their mailboxes and line up at the door and the leader will
lead them out, grabbing their water bottles on the way out, to the atrium where
they will sit on their spot
● Students will then take their shoes off and then go get their backpacks and
● They will put on their jackets and put any mail in the backpack along with their
water bottles
● They will then perform their shoe switch and then stand up and get ready to
● The leader for the day will lead the students outside with me and they will each
line up on the line and wait until one of the teachers dismisses them to a parent
and then they will be able to go to them

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