Activity 1 Alphabet Scavenger Hunt

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Talia Cantaffa

Activity; Alphabet scavenger hunt


16 zoom games for kids + other online options. Two Scots Abroad. Retrieved September
27, 2021, (Gemma Gemma, 2021) from

González‐Agüero A., Vicente‐Rodríguez G., Moreno L. A., Guerra‐Balic M., Ara I. &
Casajús J. A. ( 2010 ) Health‐related physical fitness in children and adolescents with
Down syndrome and response to training. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science
in Sports 20, 716 – 724. https://web-b-ebscohost-

Folstein, M. F., Folstein, S. E., & McHugh, P. R. (1975). “Mini-mental state”, a practical
method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal of Psychiatric
Research, 12(3), 189–198. https://www-sciencedirect-

Equipment necessary; computer, nearby common objects in house or setting at


★ Participants are presented with a different alphabetical letter each slide

★ They will be opted to either find an object that corresponds to the the given letter

★ Or to find the color of an object that corresponds to the color that the letter is filled in


★ For example; When the letter is black, you will find an object that starts with the letter

presented but if the letter is colored in, you will find an object that corresponds to

whatever color the letter is filled in by

Talia Cantaffa

★ Participants will have 20 seconds to search for the object in whatever setting they

currently are at

★ If not back in time with the correct object when the 20 sec runs out they do not receive a

point, if they are with the correct item, they get 1 point


- This activity would be done within a group of people but the activity itself is done

independently. Because of this, it is an extraindividual activity where there is no need for

contact with another person and the action is directed towards the individual finding and

grabbing an object on their own. This allows for the participant to have to use their own

thoughts and ideas to allow them to think of an object that may be close by. This activity

allows for movement and gets participants out of their seats while in an online setting in

the comfort of their homes still.


- For an individual who is 45 years old with Down Syndrome– Moderate cognitive

impairment, heart defect, and obesity, this may hold him back from having enough time

to move around efficiently without tiring out to find the object before the 20 second is

over. Since studies have shown the decrease in physical activity for individuals with DS

which can lead to other health problems like dementia or what this individual currently

has, the movement this game allows will give him some physical activity while engaging

in a mind game to increase his cognitive strength while overall having a fun time too. To

modify this for him, more time can be given to him. Also, an interactive way to add in a

break could be by after every other letter presented, he is allowed to think of one on his

own but find a photo on the internet, allowing him to relax and be prepared to get up and
Talia Cantaffa

search for the next letter presented. To also make this activity a bit easier to understand

and take part in, changing the rules to play off the participant only having to find the

object that corresponds to the given letter, not whatever color the letter is filled in with as

well. Also, to have a voice recording repeating out loud the letter as it is presented to the

individual to make it easier for them to begin to think of things to find nearby that

correspond to the letter.

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