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Exercises for Coordination, and Power

Wall Toss Test (Coordination)

What You Will Need:
● tennis ball, marking tape, a smooth, solid wall
What to do:
1. Stand about two meter away from the wall.
2. Throw the tennis ball into the wall using your right hand in an underarm action and then catch it using your left hand.
3. Throw the tennis ball, this time, using your left hand in an underarm action and then catch it with your right hand. Repeat these
movements for 30 seconds.

Your performance will be assessed based on the number of times you caught the ball. Refer to the table below.

Excellent > 35 10

Good 30 - 35 8

Average 20 - 29 6

Fair 15 - 19 5

Poor < 15 4

Alternate Hand Wall Toss Test: Tally your score for each attempt.


Standing Long Jump (Power)
What You Will Need:
● a flat, non-slip surface; tape measure

What To Do:
1. Warm up before the test.
2. Ask someone from your family to help you do the test. They will be the one doing the measurements while you do the test.
3. Set up the tape measure perpendicular to a marked line. Zero (0) is at the marked line.
4. Stand behind the marked line.
5. From a standing position, jump forward and land on two feet.
6. Someone measures the distance you cleared from 0 to the back of your heel (measured in centimeters).
7. You have three attempts/Jumps.
Note: Your final score will be based on 3 your attempts/Jumps; we will take the sum of your attempts/Jumps.


Excellent >250cm Excellent >200cm 10

Very good 241-250cm Very good 191-200cm 9

Above average 231-240cm Above average 181-190cm 8

Average 221-230cm Average 171-180cm 7

Below average 211-220cm Below average 161-170cm 6

Poor 191-210cm Poor 141-160cm 5

Very poor <191cm Very poor <141cm 1-4

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