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Learning Evidence Sentences ab%CWoWi84 a2hICQdRæÆs

A Look at the list and circle the things you are worried about, Then
compare the things you are
worried about with aclassmate.
schoolwork family bullying bodyi g

B Read the text in the science book. Then tell a classmate

ifyou agree with the information.

C Write sentences about the things you are

worried about. Then, share your concerns in small

lea cnt
Teenage Problems: Facts and Statistics
The Australian National Survey of young about social and political assyei%lnaddition,
people discovered the following facts: technology and social media are becoming
• Many boys and girls are worried about bigger teenage issues. The fast speed at
alcohol and other drug use, which technology changes affects teenagers'
Girls are more worried about body image sense of self-control.Parents are extremely
and stress than boys, worried about their teenage kids. Here are
Children aged 11-14years are worried some of their concerns:
about bullying,
Teenagers aged 15-19 are more worried "Myson should not havefollowed hisfriends'
about depression. drinking habits. I should have kept a close eye
Theseare some of the statements made by on my son, " said Mr. Smith.
the teenagers that participated in the survey: "Weshould have devoted more time to our
son, and we should have listened to his
"Ishould not have drunk so much at parties.
problems, " Mr. and Mrs. O'Connell told us.
I crashed myfather's car, and now I am
roy@eclfor the rest of the year, " said Mateo. "I should have spent more time with my
daughter. Now she is attending therapy, "
"Ishould have listened to the nutritionist. I am commented Mrs. Knight.
overweight now, " Kathy told us.
If you are a teenager and feel anxious or
"Iguess I should have lookedfor my parents'
worried, look for support from your teachers,
and teachers' support, then, "
friends, and family.
"Ifyou are being bullied, you should askfor
"Myparents should have noticed I was not
having a good time, " Sue commented.
Asteenagers grow up, they think more

LO: Identify and use language to exp

-Ro (reo Dac

Reading A Multiple-Choice est

A Discuss the questions.

1. Do you have a driver's license? 1b/ have

2. If you have a driver's license, did you take a written test?
What was the minimum passing score on the written test?lKD 01

Multiple-Choice Questions
When you take a multiple-choice test, read each choice carefully.
Then, try to eliminate the choices you know are incorrect.

B Read the sample driving test questions on the next page. Fill in the circle next to the correct answer.

Yes No No No

C Check your answers below.

VOL D •6 e •8 e U

8 or more correct Congratulations! You pass. Get your learner's permit.

Fewer than 8 Sorry.You need more practice.Study the correct answers.Then, retake the test.

A school crossing guard

helps students cross a
snowy street in Ontario,

18 Reading
Zcplem@r 27 fh,2021
The Written Driving Test
1. A driver approaching a flashing red traffic signal must. .
O a. drive carefüllywithout stopping. O c. stop and get out of the car.
O b. stop and then pass through. slow down at the intersection.
2. You must stop your vehicle...
O a. at an intersectionwith a stop sign. O c. when a trafficofficer orders you to stop.
O b. where there is a red light. All of the above.
3. You must turn on your headlights. .
O a. when you turn on your wipers. O c. one half hour before sunset.
O b. in the evening. All of the above.
. If you are driv• behin school bus and it shows a flashing red light, you must...
O a. slow down. O c. stop at least 25 feet away.
O b. slow down and pass on the left. O d. All of the above.
5. You are driving on a highway with a 65 mph speed limit. You may legally drive. . .
O a. 70 mph or faster. O c. between 65 and 70.
O b. no faster than 65 mph. O d. as fast as you'd like.
6. You havéa green light, but the traffic is blockidg the intersection. You must. . .
O a. pass the traffic on the left. O c. wait until the traffic clears. Then, go.
O b. honk your horn. O d. pass the traffic on the right.
7. You must obey the instructions of school crossing guards. .
O a. at all times. O c. in the morning.
O b. when school is closed. O d. when it is raining.
8. If you pass your exit on a highway, you should. .
Q a. go to the next exit. O c. make a U-turn.
O b. stop immediately. O d. back up slowlyto the exit that you want.
9. What does this sign mean?
O a. Three-way intersection O c. Railroad crossing ahead
O b. Stop O d. No turns
10. What does this sign mean?
O a. One-way street ahead O c. Left turn only
O b. Pass other cars on the right. O d. The road ahead is curvy.

Block I 19
An Opinion

A Read.

November 12

Safe Driving Near Elementary Schools

I think driversshould be more careful near elementary schools.
One reason is that there is a lot of traffic near elementarv schools,
especiallyearly in the morning and after school. At my son's •hool,
it's very busy in the morning. Many parents their children
at school, and school buses come and go. In the afternoon. ifs just
as busy because the buses and the parents to PICk up the
children, so there is a lot of traffic.
Another reason _thatdrivers be careful is that it's sometimes
difficult to see small childrennear parents ivalk with
their children to school, but other children can bv themselves.
A lot of drivers have large cars, and they can-t see the children, Some
children cross between the cars and behind the buses. so drivers
go slowly near schools. Sometimes,a child runs into the street
without looking both ways.
The final reason is that some drivers don't pay attention-orthey
are distractedby their cellphÄCTh@1faZl better put down their
cellphones and pay c oser attenuon to all the activity.In conclusion,
drivers must be very careful when they drive near elementary schools.

In most states, the speed

limit in school zones is
between 15 and 25 mph.

20 Writing
Tarnarcz Diaz Manuel
Answer the questions about the text on the previous page. n / zotl
1. The writer thinks that drivers should drive carefully near elementary schools. Underline
the reasons.
2. Chyou agree or disagree with the writer? Explain. Clg W\
3. Did he writer use any modals (must,can, cou%, shoufd) in this text? Find a sentence that uses
modals and share it with the class.
Writing Your Opinion
When you give your opinion, it is important to give your reasons.One way to introduce your
reasons is to use the following expressions:
One reason is. .. Another reason is... The final reason is...
To end your writing, use one of the following expressions:
In conclusion, In sum, To sum up,

Choose one of your opinions from Exercise B.Write three reasons for your opinion here.

2. Ber

D Write a paragraph about your opinion. Use your reasons from Exercise C and the
expressions from the Writing Note.

E Work with a partner. Read your partner's paragraph and number their
reasons for their opinion.
How many reasons does your partner give?

F Find and correct the mistakes.

1. She must pug money in the parking meter.
2. Can you driving a stick shift?
3. Drivers has to follow the traffic rules.
4. I should have 'took the test in English.
5. He better not take another day off, or he'll lose his job.
6. We should buying a new car.

Block 1 21

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