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Music performance rubric

Poor Fair Good Excellent

1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts

Pitch Accuracy Poor Fair Good Excellent

Most pitches are performed incorrectly. Many of the pitches are performed incorrectly. Performed most of the Performed all
pitches correctly. pitches correctly.

Rhythmic Accuracy Poor Fair Good Excellent

Most of the rhythms are performed Some basic rhythms are performed correctly; Most of the rhythms Performs all
incorrectly. however, has challenges with some rhythms. are performed rhythms correctly.
correctly, with few

Musicianship Poor Fair Good Excellent

No dynamics. No use of articulation. Most Some dynamics are observed. Some articulation is Most of the dynamics Student performs
phrases are performed incorrectly. performed. Some phrases are complete and are followed, and most the piece with
musically accurate. of the articulation appropriate
signs are observed. dynamics,
Most phrases are phrasings, and
performed correctly. articulation.

Posture Poor Fair Good Excellent

Poor Posture Fair Posture Good Posture Excellent posture

Student does not stand with feet shoulder Student stands with feet shoulder width apart, Students stands with Student stands with
width apart, hands at sides in spite of hands at side 50% of time. Student needs several feet shoulder width feet shoulder width
frequent reminders from teacher. reminders from teacher and may have some apart, hands at side apart, hands at side
additional movement. 80% of the time. May 100% of the time--
need an occasional needs no
reminder from reminders from the
teacher. teacher.

Focus during performance Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student is distracted during the Student pay attention to the teacher 50% of the Student pay attention Student pay
performance. Eye contact with the audience time. During performance, student's eye contact to the teacher 80% of attention to the
is sporadic. with audience is not consistent. Student may seem the time. During teacher 100% of the
distracted performance, student time. During
maintains eye contact performance,
with audience 80% of student maintains
the time. Eye contact is eye contact with
resumed after a audience.

Rehearsal Effort and Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student is generally distracted and may be a Student is on task and giving effort 50% of the time. Student is on task and Student is on task
distraction to the entire rehearsal process. Teacher frequently reminds this student about giving effort 80% of the and giving effort
Teacher reminds student continually about what is expected during rehearsal. After the time. Teacher gives an 100% of the time.
what is expected during a rehearsal. reminder, the student regains focus. occasional reminder to Teacher does not
this student about need to remind this
what is expected student about what
during rehearsal. After is expected during
the reminder, the rehearsal.
student regains focus.

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