Department of Education: Learner'S Activity Sheet For Quarter 2, Week - 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Office of the Schools Division Superintendent


SCHOOL: TEACHER: ___________________________________

 Explain why the cell is considered the basic structural and
functional unit of all organisms (S7LT-IIe-5)
General Reminders: Use this activity sheet with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any
part of the activity sheet. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises. Read the
directions carefully before doing each task. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator
once you are through with it.

Explore (Review and Motivation)

In your previous module, you have learned that cells are the smallest level of
biological organization, and that they are present both in plants and animals. Cells
make up the smallest level of a living organism such as yourself and other living
As small as cells are, they are made of even smaller parts, each doing a
different job. A cell can be compared to a city during calamities. Electricity is used
to provide power to light the houses, stores, and different buildings. The city
requires food, such as rice, fish and other products, that must be stored and
assembled. These products are packaged and distributed to the people at different
locations. The mayor is in charge of the entire operation. The mayor plans for the
sake of the entire residents of the city and plan for every step of helping the people.

Learn (What is it/Discussion of the Topic)

A cell is the smallest unit of life in all living things. They are organized
structures that help living things carry on the activities of life, such as breakdown
of food, movement, growth, and reproduction. Different cells have different jobs in
living things. Some plant cells help move water and other substances throughout
the plant. White blood cells, found in humans and many other animals, help fight
diseases. Plant cells, white blood cells, and all other cells are alike in many ways.

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One has to choose the correct tool to be able to do a certain job. The best
tool to use for a job is one that is designed for that job. You cannot use a pencil to
cut your paper, and neither can you write on your paper with the use of scissors.
Cells that make up multicellular organisms, like you, are specialized.
Different kinds of specialized cells work together as a team to perform the life
activities of these organisms.


Your body is made up of many types of specialized cells. The same is true for
other animals. The figure 1 below shows some type of human cells. Take note of
the different sizes and shapes. A cell’s size can also be related to its function.

Figure 1. Human cells come in different shapes and sizes.

Fat cells can store so much fat that the Skin cells are mostly flat and close
nucleus gets pushed against the cell together. They form a protective layer
membrane. for your body.


Stored fat
Bone cell
Hardened bone


White blood cell, a cellular Bone cells are surrounded by a hard

component of blood that defends the substance made of calcium and
body against infection and diseases. phosphorous.

Cell branches


Red blood cells are flexible and Muscle cells are usually long
assume a bell shape as it passes Nerve cells are long and have many
and have many fibers that can
through extremely small blood branches. This allows them to receive
vessels. They carry oxygen from our
contract and relax. and deliver messages quickly.
lungs to the rest of our bodies.


Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Catbalogan City, Samar

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Like animals, plants are also made of several different types of cells. Plants
have different types of cells in their leaves, roots, and stems. Each type of cell has a
specific job. Some cells in plant stems are long and tube-like. Together, they form a
system through which water, food, and other materials move in the plant. Other
cells, like those that cover the outside of the stem, are smaller or thicker. They
provide strength to the stem.

Figure 2. Plants, like animals, have specialized cells.

Some leaf cells are brick-

shaped and contain many

Many of the cells in stems are

long and tube-shaped. They
move water and other materials
through the plant.

Most root cells are block-

shaped and do not contain

How well do you think your body would work if all the different cell types were just
mixed together in no particular pattern? Could you walk if your leg muscles were
scattered here and there, each doing its own thing, instead of being grouped together in
your legs? How could you think if your brain cells weren’t close enough together to
communicate with each other? Multicellular organisms are not just mixed-up collections
of different types of cells. Cells are organized into systems that, together, perform
functions that keep the organism healthy and alive.

Practice Exercises/Activity

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Catbalogan City, Samar

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Instruction: Complete the table below whether you have to provide the cell type, its
structure, or function.


1. Skin cells They form a protective layer for
your body.
2. Muscle cells Long and have many
3. Bone cells Surrounded by hard
substance made of
calcium and phosphorous
4. Fat cells Stores fat
5. Long and have many Receive and deliver messages to
branches the brain
6. White blood Defends the body against
cells infection and diseases
7. Red blood cells Carries oxygen from the lungs
to all parts of the body
8. Brick-shaped Contain many chloroplasts
9. Block-shaped Does not contain chloroplast
10. Tube-shaped Move water and other materials
through the plants

Engage (What I Learned/Generalizations)

The cell is considered the basic structural and functional unit of an
organism because they are the smallest unit of living things that is capable of
functioning independently, varying from shapes and sizes relative to their jobs –
hence, why they are referred to as specialized cells. These groups of specialized
cells are organized into tissues and organs that help carry out life activities.

Apply (What I Can Do)

1. Think of a broom. What if it only has one stick? Can one single stick sweep off
dust efficiently? Why or why not?
2. Why must specialized cells work together as a team?

Post Test

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Catbalogan City, Samar

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answer on the space provided before each number.

_______ 1. All of the following are functions of cells, except:

a. growth
b. reproduction
c. talk to each other
d. breakdown of food

_______ 2. Which of the following best explains why cell is the basic structural and
functional unit of life?
a. because groups of specialized cells function as a team to support life activities
b. because the cell gives instruction to the organism on what to do
c. because we cannot live without the cell
d. all of the above

_______ 3. How does the structure of a nerve cell help its function?
a. It helps the cells to communicate better
b. It makes receiving and delivering messages quick
c. It helps the telepathic ability of a person work better
d. None of the above

_______ 4. Which one of the pictures below represents a human nerve cell?

a. c.

b. d.
_______ 5. Why do cells outside the stem have to be smaller and thicker?
a. To provide strength to the plant
b. To make the plant flexible
c. To make the stem relax and contract
d. To make the plant waterproof

_______ 6. Which of the following is the structure and function of red blood cells?
a. Block-shaped to provide rigidity to the cells

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Catbalogan City, Samar

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b. Circular and it fights against infection and diseases
c. Round and it stores fat
d. Bell-shaped and it carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body

_______ 7. Why do red blood cells have to be flexible?

a. To make it easier for them to pass through extremely small blood vessels
b. To make it less hassle for them to travel
c. To allow other substances to hop on them
d. All of the above

_______ 8. Which of the following is the structure of skin cells?

a. Round-shaped
b. Tube-shaped
c. Brick-shaped
d. None of the above

_______ 9. What are the hard substances that surround the bone cell?
a. Calcium and Potassium
b. Phosphorous and Potassium
c. Zinc and Potassium
d. Calcium and Phosphorous

_______ 10. ________ are usually long and have many fibers that can contract and relax.
a. Muscle cells
b. Nerve cells
c. Skin cells
d. Bone cells

_______ 11. Which of the following types of cell contains many chloroplasts?
a. Root cells
b. Cells in stem
c. Petal cells
d. Leaf cells

_______ 12. Which of the following structure of cells would most likely help water move
through the plant with ease?
a. Brick-shaped
b. Long and fibrous
c. Flat
d. Tube-shaped

_______ 13. Cells of the _____ create a protective layer for the body.
a. Muscle c. Fat
b. Bone d. Skin
_______ 14. Fat cells store so much fat that the ________ gets pushed against the cell
a. Cytoplasm

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Catbalogan City, Samar

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b. Nucleolus
c. Nucleus
d. Ribosome

_______ 15. Which letter on the illustration below represents the nucleus of a muscle



Answers Key

Address: Purok 4, Barangay Payao, Catbalogan City, Samar

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1. Mostly flat and close together 1. C

2. Contract and relax 2. A
3. Maintain balance 3. B
4. Round-shaped 4. B
5. Nerve cell 5. A
6. Round-shaped 6. D
7. Flexible and assumes a bell- 7. A
shape 8. D
8. Leaf cells 9. D
9. Root cells 10. A
10. Cells in stem 11. D
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. B

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