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Chapter 28.

Gauss’s Law
The nearly spherical shape Chapter 28. Gauss’s Law
of the girl’s head determines
the electric field that causes
her hair to stream outward. • Symmetry
Using Guass’s law, we can • The Concept of Flux
deduce electric fields, • Calculating Electric Flux
particularly those with a • Gauss’s Law
high degree of symmetry,
• Using Gauss’s Law
simply from the shape of the
charge distribution. • Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium
Chapter Goal: To
understand and apply
Gauss’s law. 1 2
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley. Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.

The amount of electric field

passing through a surface is
Chapter 28. Reading Quizzes
A. Electric flux.
B. Gauss’s Law.
C. Electricity.
D. Charge surface density.
E. None of the above.

3 4
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The amount of electric field Gauss’s law is useful for calculating
passing through a surface is electric fields that are
A. symmetric.
A. Electric flux. B. uniform.
B. Gauss’s Law. C. due to point charges.
C. Electricity. D. due to continuous charges.
D. Charge surface density.
E. None of the above.

5 6
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Gauss’s law is useful for calculating

Gauss’s law applies to
electric fields that are

A. lines.
A. symmetric. B. flat surfaces.
B. uniform. C. spheres only.
C. due to point charges. D. closed surfaces.
D. due to continuous charges.

7 8
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The electric field inside a
Gauss’s law applies to conductor in electrostatic
equilibrium is
A. lines.
B. flat surfaces.
C. spheres only.
D. closed surfaces. A. uniform.
B. zero.
C. radial.
D. symmetric.

9 10
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The electric field inside a

conductor in electrostatic
equilibrium is

Chapter 28. Basic Content and Examples

A. uniform.
B. zero.
C. radial.
D. symmetric.

11 12
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Symmetry and Electric Field The Concept of Flux
We say that a charge distribution
is symmetric if there are a group
of geometric transformations that
do not cause any physical

13 14
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An electric field passing through a

The Concept of Flux

15 16
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The electric Flux of a constant electric
The electric Flux of a Nonuniform
Electric Field
r r
Φ e = ∑ δ Φ i = ∑ Ei ⋅ (δ A)i
i i

r r
Φe = ∫ ⋅ dA

17 18
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Electric Flux
The Flux Through a Curved Surface
• Electric flux is the product of the
magnitude of the electric field and the
surface area, A, perpendicular to the field
• ΦE = EA
• The field lines may make some angle θ
with the perpendicular to the surface
• Then ΦE = EA cos θ E


r Φ E = EA
θ E

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19 Φ = EA cos θ
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Electric Flux Electric Flux

Definition: • In the more general case, look at a

• Electric flux is the scalar product
r of electric small flat area element
field and the vector A r r r
rr r ∆Φ E = Ei ∆Ai cos θi = Ei ⋅ ∆Ai
• Φ = EA θ

• In general, this becomes
r r r r
Φ E = lim
∆Ai →0
∑E i ⋅ ∆Ai = ∫ E ⋅ dA
Φ E = EA = EA cos θ > 0 surface

or r
E • The surface integral means the
r θ
A integral must be evaluated over the
θ surface in question
• The units of electric flux will be
rr N.m2/C
Φ E = EA = − EA cos θ < 0 21 22
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Electric Flux: Closed Surface Electric Flux: Closed Surface

r r
• A positive point charge, q, is E has the same direction as A at every point.
located at the center of a sphere of q
E = ke
radius r r2
• The magnitude of the electric field Spherical Then Spherical
surface r r surface
everywhere on the surface of the Φ = ∑ Ei dAi =E ∑ dAi =
sphere is i i

E = keq / r2 q
= EA0 = E 4π r 2 = 4π r 2 ke =
• Electric field is perpendicular to the r2
surface at every point, so q Gauss’s Law
r r = 4π ke q =
A ε0
E has the same direction as
at every point. BECAUSE 1
Φ does not depend on r E∝ 2
23 24 r
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Electric Flux: Closed Surface
r EXAMPLE 28.1 The electric flux inside a
E and A have opposite directions at every point. parallel-plate capacitor
E = ke
Then surface
r r
Φ = ∑ Ei dAi = − E ∑ dAi =
i i

|q| −
= − EA0 = − E 4π r 2 = −4π r 2 ke =
q Gauss’s Law
= −4π ke | q |=
Φ does not depend on r ONLY BECAUSE 1
E ∝25 26
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EXAMPLE 28.1 The electric flux inside a EXAMPLE 28.1 The electric flux inside a
parallel-plate capacitor parallel-plate capacitor

27 28
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Gauss’s Law
EXAMPLE 28.1 The electric flux inside a
parallel-plate capacitor  Gauss’s law states
r r q
ΦE = ∫ ⋅ dA = εino
 qin is the net charge inside the surface

 E is the total electric field and may have contributions

from charges both inside and outside of the surface
q E q
E r
Ai q q
Φ= Φ=
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley. ε 0 30

What is the electric flux here? Gauss’s Law:

 Gauss’s law states r r q r r qin
ΦE = ∫ ⋅ dA = εino
 Gauss’s law states ΦE = ∫ E ⋅ dA = ε o
 qin is the net charge inside the surface

 qin is the net charge inside the surface

 E is the total electric field and may have contributions
from charges both inside and outside of the surface
 E is the total electric field and may have contributions
q5 from charges both inside and outside of the surface
q1 q5
q2 q2
Φ=0 q
q3 −q
q4 q4

q6 q7 q6 q7
31 32
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Gauss’s Law: Applications
Chapter 28
 Although Gauss’s law can, in theory, be solved to find
E for any charge configuration, in practice it is limited to
symmetric situations
 To use Gauss’s law, you want to choose a Gaussian
r r qin
surface over which the surface integral can be simplified
Φ= ∫ E ⋅ dA = ε o
and the electric field determined
Gauss’s Law: Applications  Take advantage of symmetry
 Remember, the gaussian surface is a surface you
choose, it does not have to coincide with a real surface

q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 q6 q2
Φ= q1
33 34
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r r qin
Gauss’s Law: Point Charge Gauss’s Law: Applications Φ= ∫ E ⋅ dA = ε o
• Try to choose a surface that satisfies one or more of these conditions:
+ – The value of the electric field can be argued from symmetry to be
q constant over the surface
SYMMETRY: – The dot product of E.dA can be expressed as a simple algebraic product
r Gaussian Surface – Sphere EdA because E and dA are parallel
E - direction - along the radius
Only in this case the magnitude of – The dot product is 0 because E and dA are perpendicular
E - depends only on radius, r electric field is constant on the – The field can be argued to be zero over the surface
Gaussian surface and the flux can be
easily evaluated
q correct Gaussian surface wrong Gaussian surface
Φ= - Gauss’s Law
r r
Φ = ∑ Ei dAi =E ∑ dAi =EA0 = E 4π r 2 - definition of the Flux +

i i

q q
Then = 4π r 2 E E = ke
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2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Gauss’s Law: Applications Gauss’s Law: Applications
Spherically Symmetric Charge Distribution Spherically Symmetric Charge Distribution
The total charge is Q r
r E= = ke 2 The electric field is the same as
r ∆A 4πεo r 2
E - direction - along the radius for the point charge Q !!!!!
E - depends only on radius, r Q
For r > a
a Q
• Select a sphere as the gaussian ≡
• For r >a
r r qin Q
∫ ⋅ dA = ∫ EdA = 4πr
ΦE = E E= =
εo ε o
For r > a
4πεo r 2
= ke 2
The electric field is the same as
for the point charge Q

37 38
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Gauss’s Law: Applications Gauss’s Law: Applications

Spherically Symmetric Charge Distribution Spherically Symmetric Charge Distribution
E - direction - along the radius • Inside the sphere, E varies
r linearly with r
E - depends only on radius, r
E → 0 as r → 0
• Select a sphere as the gaussian • The field outside the sphere is
surface, r < a
equivalent to that of a point
Q 4 3 r3
qin = πr = Q 3 < Q charge located at the center of
4 3 3 a
πa the sphere
3 r r qin
∫ ⋅ dA = ∫ EdA = 4πr
ΦE = E E=
qin Qr 3 1 Q
E= 2
= k e 3 2
= ke 3 r
4πεo r a r a 39 40
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Gauss’s Law: Applications Gauss’s Law: Applications
Field due to a thin spherical shell Field due to a thin spherical shell
• Use spheres as the gaussian surfaces • When r < a, the charge inside the surface is 0 and E = 0
• When r > a, the charge inside the surface is Q and
E = keQ / r2 ∆A1 ∆q1 = σ∆A1 ∆q2 = σ∆A2
• When r < a, the charge inside the surface is 0 and E = 0 r1 ∆A1 = r12 ∆Ω ∆A2 = r22 ∆Ω
∆E 2 ∆q1 σ∆ A σ r 2 ∆Ω
∆E1 = ke 2
= ke 2 1 = ke 1 2 = keσ∆Ω
the same r1 r1 r1
solid angle r
∆q2 σ∆ A σ r 2 ∆Ω
∆E 2 = k e 2
= ke 2 2 = ke 2 2 = keσ∆Ω
r2 r2 r2
∆E1 = ∆E2
r r
∆E1 + ∆E2 = 0

41 ∆A Only because in Coulomb law E∝ 42
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Gauss’s Law: Applications Gauss’s Law: Applications

Field from a line of charge Field from a line of charge

• Select a cylindrical Gaussian surface r The flux through this surface is 0

– The cylinder has a radius of r and a
length of ℓ
• Symmetry: The flux through this surface:

E is constant in magnitude (depends only r r qin

on radius r) and perpendicular to the ΦE = ∫ ⋅ dA =
E ∫ EdA = E ( 2πr l ) = ε o
surface at every point on the curved part
qin = λl
of the surface
E ( 2πr l ) =
λ λ
E= = 2ke
2πεo r r 44
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Gauss’s Law: Applications Gauss’s Law: Applications
Field due to a plane of charge r Field due to a plane of charge
• Symmetry: A2
r r
E must be perpendicular to the plane and A4 A5
h r
must have the same magnitude at all r
points equidistant from the plane r r
h A6
• Choose a small cylinder whose axis is
perpendicular to the plane for the A1
gaussian surface E1
E1 = E2 = E A1 = A2 = A
r r r r The flux through this surface is 0
Φ = E1 A1 + E2 A2 = EA + EA = 2 EA
The flux through this surface is 0
qin σA σA σ
Φ= = 2 EA = E= does not depend on h
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45 ε ε
Copyright0© 2008 Pearson
0 ε 2 ε0
0 as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
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Gauss’s Law: Applications

Chapter 28

Conductors in Electric Field

2ε 0

E = 2ke
r 47 48
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Electric Charges: Conductors and Isolators Electrostatic Equilibrium

 Electrical conductors are materials in which Definition:

some of the electrons are free electrons when there is no net motion of charge
 These electrons can move relatively freely
within a conductor, the conductor is said to
through the material
 Examples of good conductors include copper, be in electrostatic equilibrium
aluminum and silver
Because the electrons can move freely through the
 Electrical insulators are materials in which all material r r
F = qE
of the electrons are bound to atoms  no motion means that there are no electric forces
 These electrons can not move relatively freely  no electric forces means that the electric field
through the material inside the conductor is 0
 Examples of good insulators include glass, rubber
and wood r
If electric field inside the conductor is not 0, E ≠ 0 then
r r
 Semiconductors are somewhere between there is an electric force F = qE and, from the second
49 50
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as Pearson electrons.

Conductor in Electrostatic Equilibrium Conductor in Electrostatic Equilibrium

• The electric field is zero everywhere inside the • If an isolated conductor carries a charge, the charge resides
conductor on its surface

• Before the external field is applied, free Electric filed is 0,

electrons are distributed throughout the so the net flux through
conductor Gaussian surface is 0

• When the external field is applied, the

r r q
electrons redistribute until the magnitude
of the internal field equals the magnitude
Φ= ∫ ⋅ dA = εino

of the external field

Then qin = 0
• There is a net field of zero inside the

51 52
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Conductor in Electrostatic Equilibrium Conductor in Electrostatic Equilibrium

• The electric field just outside a charged conductor is σ σ >0

perpendicular to the surface and has a magnitude of σ/εo E=

• Choose a cylinder as the gaussian surface σ <0

• The field must be perpendicular to the surface E =0
– If there were a parallel component to E,
charges would experience a force and
accelerate along the surface and it would not be σ >0 σ <0
in equilibrium
σ <0
• The net flux through the gaussian surface is
through only the flat face outside the conductor
– The field here is perpendicular to the surface
• Gauss’s law:
σA σ
Φ E = EA = and E =
ε εo
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General Principles

Chapter 28. Summary Slides

55 56
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General Principles Important Concepts

57 58
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Important Concepts Important Concepts

59 60
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Chapter 28. Questions

61 62
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This box contains This box contains

A. a net positive charge. A. a net positive charge.

B. a net negative charge. B. a net negative charge.
C. a negative charge. C. a negative charge.
D. a positive charge. D. a positive charge.
E. no net charge. E. no net charge.
63 64
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The total electric flux through this box is The total electric flux through this box is
A. 6 Nm2/C. A. 6 Nm2/C.
B. 4 Nm2/C. B. 4 Nm2/C.
C. 2 Nm2/C. C. 2 Nm2/C.
D. 1 Nm2/C. D. 1 Nm2/C.
E. 0 Nm2/C. E. 0 Nm2/C.
65 66
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