Ets Test 2 Vocabulary List: An Isle

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An isle = To grant Accorder

Proper approprié

Listening part Attire Tenue vestimentaire

A shipment Un envoi Ownership Propriété

To track A suivre

An invoice Une facture Part 6

The workload La charge de travail Popular ; Populaire

branch branche To host : Héberger

a rate un taux A fee : Un droit

a sample un échantillon A facility : Une installation

to sign up (for a newsletter) pour s'inscrire (à une Hands-on


a prescription une prescription

Part 7
to postpone à reporter
To run something : Pour exécuter quelque chose
a vendor un vendeur
A schedule Un programme
to rehearse de répéter
Avid : Avide
to launch pour lancer
To browse : Parcourir
to cater pour faire la cuisine
To rate : Évaluer
to pick up pour ramasser
A lease : Un bail

Fresh produce : Produits frais

Reading part
Wholesome : Sains et saufs pain complet
Part 5
A grant : Une subvention
To enroll (on a course) Pour s'inscrire (à un cours)
Quarterly : Trimestrielle
To register (a complaint, your membership) : Pour
To award : A attribuer
enregistrer (une plainte, votre adhésion)
To rush se précipter
The warehouse L'entrepôt

To ship Expédier To stuff à rembourrer

Fabric tissu

Get-up-and-go : energy/enthusiasm

Get a move on : to hurry up, to do something more quickly

Get a rise : to receive more money for doing your work

Get my meaning : to understand what someone is trying to say

Get down : to make someone feel unhappy

Get down to : start doing something seriously with effort

Get nowhere : to be unsuccessful

Get a nerve : to be over-confident or rude trop confidant ou grossier

Get away from it all : take holidays

Get-rich-quick : something that will make you a lot of money in a short space of time

Get your act together : to organize yourself

Get-up : clothes

Get going : to start doing something, to begin a journey

Get to grips : to be unable to do or use something

Get a life : to do something more interesting

Get a grip on yourself : to control your emotions and behavior

Get on like a house on fire : to be very friendly with each other

Get the sack : to be dismissed from a job

Get my own back : to take revenge on someone for something they have down

Get together : a party or social event with friends

Get lost : to go away to leave someone alone

Get on my nerves : to annoy someone

Get away with murder : to not punish someone for doing something wrong

Get out of bed on the wrong side : to start the dy badly , to be in a bad mood

Get down to brass tacks : to start discussing small but important details

Got me there : to be unable to answer

Keep on : continue

Count on : rely on

Carry out : obey

I will let you stay with me : I will put you up


Fill out : complete

Keeping up with : working at the same speed as

Pointed out : called out

Letting of : faire exploser

Dropped out : ralsed

Bring up : raise

Pull through : recover

Wear off : disappear

Fallen out : argued

Face up : accept and deal with

Called out : cancelled

Catch up : get to the same level

Died down : became less strong

Handing in : giving

Left out : forgotten to include

Broke down : falled

Wear out : put down

Showed up : came

Let down : don’t do as they promised

Carried out : continue

Held up : delayed

Carry out : do

End up : find myself

Bring up : to mention or introduce something into discussion

Face up : to confront with courage someone or something representing a threat

Call off : to decide that a planned event will not happen

Count on : to rely/depend on the other people

Catch up : to get to the same level

Die down :to become less strong é

Drop out : to leave a race, a competition, a course of study : early or before you have finished

Figure out : informal : to find it hard to understand

Fell out : to argue

Search out : to discover

Grow up : to change from being children to being adults

Catch up : to rise at the same level as something else

Leaves out : to not include

Pointed out : to show

Look into : to research

To Bring up : to raise

To fail : échouer

Fall behind : to fail to do something or pay something at the same time that you should

Cut down : to start doing less of something usually because it is bad for you

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