TO Leadership: Pastor Craig Anderson Inc Infinity Church

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Pastor Craig Anderson 1 INC INFINITY CHURCH

Written by Pastor Craig Anderson
INC Infinity Church

Pastor Craig Anderson 2 INC INFINITY CHURCH

Introduction to Leadership February 2017

Course Name: Introduction to Leadership

Logistics: Fourteen sessions of one hour,

Two sessions per night,
One night per week for Seven weeks

Eligibility: Members who are invited to attend

because they have potential to become
a new leader, or may further develop
their leadership skills.

Course content:

Session 1 -- Leaders Have Heart

Session 2 -- Leaders Relate Up
Session 3 – Leaders Communicate
Session 4 – Leaders Take Action
Session 5 – Leaders Build Great Relationships
Session 6 – Leaders Manage time and Responsibility
Session 7 – Leaders are Empowered

Requirements: Attendance of minimum of 5 sessions

Homework each week requiring
approximately 30 mins. to one hour.

Training Session 1 Leaders have Heart

Pastor Craig Anderson 3 INC INFINITY CHURCH

Introduction to Leadership February 2017

Learning Outcome:
By the end of this training session the trainee will be able to examine their heart on key
issues and write a short statement about their readiness to lead.

 Commit to press into God
 Express knowledge of your call
 Examine the motives of your heart
 Express in your words the value of taking ownership
 Describe your willingness to work hard

1-1 Leaders Press into God

Why are we saved?
 To get to heaven?
 To serve God?

What is the purpose for which we live?

Did God save you with a purpose in mind?
John 15:16 – We didn’t choose Him but he chose us. What for?

You are a very precious person. Your value is what God was prepared to pay for you.
You were bought with a price.
I Cor 6: 20 For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your
spirit, which are God’s. 1
What is your life worth?

Listen to Paul in Philippians :

Philippians 3:7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ . 8Yea
doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ
Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but
dung, that I may win Christ,
And be found in him, not having my own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which
is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: 10That I may know
him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made
conformable unto his death; 11If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the
dead. 12Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after,
if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 13Brethren, I
count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things
which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14I press toward
the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 1

Paul sensed God’s purpose for which he was apprehended. It made him want to press into
God and know Him.

1The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.

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Introduction to Leadership February 2017

Groups of two:
Ask your partner: “Do you think you’re saved for more than just going to heaven?”
Ask your partner: “What do you think God’s purpose for your life is?”
Ask your partner: “To be successful in doing what God has for you to do, how much do
you need to press into Him?”

Write a letter to God stating your thoughts about His purpose for your life and how much
you need to press into Him for the ability to fulfill it.

1-2 Leaders Know they are Called

Moses was called. Exodus 3. Here’s some elements of the call.
1. Moses wanted justice, righteousness.
2. He experienced personal failure.
3. God showed up.
4. Moses pleaded personal inadequacy.
5. God persuades.
6. God empowers.

Leading is not just a good idea; it’s unavoidable if God calls you.

Saul’s call – a change in direction. Acts 9:1-20

How much was he persuaded that God had met him?

Groups of two

Ask your partner: “Do you think you could be just a pew warmer or spectator in your
Christianity?” Why?

Pastor Craig Anderson 5 INC INFINITY CHURCH

Introduction to Leadership February 2017

Ask your partner to share what was it that happened to them that made them believe that
God had met them and He wanted to use them.

Describe in 100 words your “call” In other words what happened and when, what was it
that made you realise that God wanted you to serve Him?

1-3 Leaders regularly examine their heart motives.

Leaders long to live authentic lives. They want to be real. They want to avoid putting on a
show for others; because they know ultimately people see through that, and you lose your
integrity. When we read God’s word, it works in us like leaven to examine the motives on
the inside.
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged
sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and
marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 2

Often King David asked God to try his heart.

Ps 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24And
see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. 2
At times, we make decisions that seem to be the right thing to do, but later, God convicts
us and asks us why did we do that? What was the reason behind our actions or words.
That is the motive.

Sometimes a right action can have a wrong motive. Like the Christian who wants to sing in
the choir: not to worship God, or to serve using their gift, but be to be seen up the front and
feel important.

Our hearts can be deceived sometimes. Obadiah 1:3 The pride of your heart has
deceived you,
We see through the glass of our lives darkly
(I Cor 13:12) For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in
part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.2

So we must guard our hearts by examining them in God’s presence daily for wrong
motives. Ps 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be
acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Because out of our hearts are the issues of Life. Prov 4:23 Keep thy heart with all
diligence; for out of it are the issues of life2

Pastor Craig Anderson 6 INC INFINITY CHURCH

Introduction to Leadership February 2017

Why do you do what you do?

Groups of two

Share with your partner. Can you remember a time when you felt God challenged you
about why you did something? What was it, can you share? Did you realise that the
reason or motive you did something was not pleasing to God? (Maybe even though what
you did seemed OK to others?)

Pray and ask the Lord to remind you about a time when He challenged you about your
motive on a particular issue. Briefly outline the issue in 100 words. How do you see it
differently now?

1- 4 Leaders take ownership.

Leaders are people who really care that what they are part of is flourishing.

Employees can be motivated to do all they can to assist their employer’s company to
prosper through personal gain such as wage rises, bonuses etc.

But a leader wants to see a better outcome because there is a cause. The motivation is
the value you see in the outcome. Considering what Jesus has done for you – you
want to serve Him and His church and His leaders.

Consider a business. The business has employees, and it has an owner and the
owner’s son. What attitude do the employees have to work? How does this compare to
the son’s attitude to the business?

Here’s some scenarios that illustrate the need for leaders to take ownership.
 The vision of the church is to see people saved. Who considers that it will only
happen if members of the church actually go out and share their faith with
 The effectiveness of the church is increased by people praying. Who will
acknowledge this truth and actively get involved in corporate and private prayer?
Further, who will see that prayer is so vital that they recruit others to pray also.

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 A member is missing from church for some weeks. Who notices? Who cares?
Who calls them up to see if they are OK? Whose job is it? Who will ask for a
number because they want to be proactive in this way?
 Upon arrival at church it is noticed that the front door has lots of finger marks on
it. Who notices? Who cares? Who thinks, “That’s so dirty, the cleaner is slack!”
Who complains to someone else who doesn’t care that the place, “looks a
mess”. Who acts to solve the problem?
 A new person comes in to church. Who sits next to them? Who talks to them
after the meeting? Who offers them a coffee? Who cares if they duck out right
on 11.30 and no one meets them?
 A person is serving in a ministry role. They are away for good reason. Who will
take over from them? Who will ensure that their role is not left undone?

A leader says, “It’s my job.” A follower says, “It’s the pastor’s job.”

Groups of two

Discuss the above scenarios and say what you would do in each case.


Write 100 words on what taking ownership means to you personally.

1- 5 Leaders are willing to work hard.

All great achievers love work. They are passionate about what they do and it shows!
They understand if you want to influence others, you need to demonstrate commitment.
Over work is a problem; but it is greatly outnumbered by laziness and inactivity.

The size of the cause or the need calls to us about our commitment to work hard.
Many leaders fail here because they expect too much or too quick results and when
they don’t see them they give up and say it’s not worth it. This is why the scriptures
teach so much about patience and longsuffering, don’t faint.
II Cor 4:16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the
inward man is renewed day by day
Prov 18:9 He also that is slack in his work is brother to him that is a destroyer. 2

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Coll 3:23 whatsoever you do, work heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men;
knowing that from the Lord you shall receive the recompense of the inheritance: ye
serve the Lord Christ.2

Groups of two

Ask your partner, “When you feel like sleeping in or slacking off, what would make you
get up and work hard?”
Ask your partner, “If Jesus were your boss, would it be easier to work hard?”


Pray and ask God to increase you capacity for work.

In 50 words describe your willingness to work hard.

Key Question – Session 1

What do you believe you are called to do for God right now?

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Training Session 2 Leaders Relate Up

Learning Outcome:
By the end of this training session the trainee will be able to explain their relationship with
their pastor and other leaders over them.

 Describe honour for leadership
 Explain what submission to a leader and their vision means
 Evaluate how teachable I am.
 Express a commitment to accountability

2-1 Leaders honour those over them

In our independent thinking nation of Australia, we find this one a little hard to swallow, but
it’s bible. Anyone who really wants to be a great leader understands in their heart that
those over them must be honoured and respected as God’s anointed.
I Chron 16:22 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. 2
The classic story of honour is what David had for Saul.
Even though Saul was rejected by God, had been seeing a witch, tried to kill David on
numerous occasions, David still said “I will not touch the Lord’s anointed”
I Sam 24:1-15. tells the story. Note how the heart of David smote him.

The issue is never the issue.

The issue is never the leader’s decisions.
The issue is, who is Lord?
Your Leader is your “king” and God can turn his heart.
Prov 21:1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turns it
which ever way he will. 2Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD
ponders the hearts.
If you go against your leader, you go against God.

2The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.

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Introduction to Leadership February 2017

Groups of two

Ask your partner: “Have you ever felt critical of a pastor or leader over you?” How could
you have handled it better in hindsight?
Ask your partner: “Do you think God allows you to find yourself in a situation where you
disagree with your leader just to see how you will handle it? Ask your partner, “If you reap
what you sow, how will your followers treat you?”

Describe how you would honour your leaders God has placed over you.

2-2 Leaders submit to those over them and to their vision.

It’s OK to have the boss tell you to do something, for the headmaster at school, for the
army sergeant to bark the order; but for some, it just shouldn’t happen that way in church.

What does the bible say? The church is likened to an army, I Tim 2:3 You therefore
endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
There is a good reason to submit to those who God has appointed over us.
Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch
for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with
grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

Kids always know best don’t they? Ask any parent who knows more - the kid or the
parent? It’s the same in church. It’s so easy to think we are right and do our own thing. But
if you really want to be blessed just listen to your leaders. It’s a principle. For a leader
telling someone the truth discharges your duty as a leader in watching over others –you
are not responsible to make them obey or believe it. Ezek 33:1-6

What about the vision? Can you take it as yours and do it? The verse here shows us that
there is an order in God’s mind, you follow someone else’s vision first, and then you can
have your own vision.

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Luke 16:12 And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give
you that which is your own?

Groups of two

Ask your partner: “Why is it hard for some to submit to leaders? Is personality a part of
Ask your partner to share how they feel about “watching over the souls” of others. Would it
be easier if those under you submitted?

Describe what you can do to assist the vision of your church to come to pass.

2-3 Leaders are teachable.

A disciple is a learner. Those hungry to learn and grow will move ahead but those who
believe they know all things are really just puffed up.(I Cor 8:1)
Prov 2:1-7 My son, if you will receive my words, and hide my commandments with you;
So that you incline your ear unto wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; 3Yea, if
you cry after knowledge, and lift up your voice for understanding; 4If thou seek her as
silver, and search for her as for hid treasures; 5Then shall you understand the fear of the
LORD, and find the knowledge of God. 6For the LORD gives wisdom: out of his mouth
comes knowledge and understanding. 7He lays up sound wisdom for the righteous

If you’re hungry enough, a new Christian can teach you something!

If you are hungry, you aren’t fussy . Prov27:7 The full soul loathes an honeycomb; but to
the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.

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Introduction to Leadership February 2017

Groups of two

Brainstorm with your partner to describe the ways a person can be a learner. What is the
attitude of a learner?


Being teachable means two things: having a great attitude when your leader shows you
something you need to pay attention to, and when you go and ask your leader for some
help with some issue. Describe any occasion when either of these has happened for you.
If not at all describe a possible situation that may occur in the future.

2- 4 Leaders love to be accountable.

For a person who desires to serve God and be greatly effective, they feel a need to be
accountable and see the value of it. What is “being accountable”? It is the process of
reporting to someone about your results or progress or achievement or character so that
you can:
 show what you have done
 satisfy your need for integrity (the honesty within that says I want my
Christlike nature to shine forth as a witness for Him)
 Make more progress.
 Receive appropriate input.
The bible speaks of accountability, Jesus saying,
Matt12: 36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give
account thereof in the day of judgment.
Matt 25 :14-30 The parable of the talents. The master came and reckoned with his
servants. (verse 19)
Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch
for your souls, as they that must give account.
The higher you go in leadership the more people you are accountable to.
Look at the difference between the worker on the factory floor and the chairman of the
board. The worker is accountable to one person, the foreman.
The Chairman of the board is accountable to the whole of the shareholders. Maybe tens of
thousands of people.

Pastor Craig Anderson 13 INC INFINITY

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At work, accountability is showing the work you’ve done, or handing in a report.

At school accountability is showing your homework, handing in that assignment.
For a doctor accountability is keeping accurate records of every patient.
For a dentist accountability is having dental records kept for years.
In the army accountability means they know exactly where you are at all times.
For a company director, accountability means providing shareholders with accurate
information about profits and the best practice of running the company.

What does accountability mean for a strong Christ-like leader?

Groups of two
Discuss the above question and say what accountability means to you.


Write a list of the major areas of your life in which you believe you should be accountable
and beside each one write the person you would be accountable to.

Key Question – Session 2

Who are you accountable to right now?

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Training Session 3 Leaders Communicate

Learning Outcome:
By the end of this training session the trainee will be able to describe effective
communication to others as a leader

 Explain the importance of communicating to others
 Evaluate open and honest communication
 Demonstrate positive and enthusiastic communication.
 Express a commitment to keeping your word.

3-1 Leaders communicate up, down and sideways.

Leadership is all about people. If you don’t like people, don’t be in leadership. Leadership
is about influencing people. It is about creating positive change in others and the
environment. How can we influence others without communication? We can’t!

This is why great leaders are people who have mastered the art of communication.
Exercise: Brainstorm all the different ways people communicate.
 Speak face to face phone Email SMS Facebook
 Letter Printed brochure Preach
 Lecture TV Video/DVD MP3

Exercise: Class discussion.

How did your Pastor communicate to the church about some events during the
announcements last Sunday?

What influence did your Pastor seek to have?

Is there other ways he/she could have communicated?
How could the communication been better?

This is an example of communicating down to people the pastor leads.

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Groups of two

How would you communicate to your team (say UC group or youth group or ministry group
etc) to influence them to part of the next outreach event you are organizing? What fears do
you have about communicating? (Example – Do you fear talking to people on the phone?
What about people you don’t know really well?)

Communicating up is really important also. When a leader is struggling personally or with

circumstances in their church role, they must feel confident to tell their leader (Pastor,
Ministry Team member) about it so that help can be given. If the leader is away for a time
when they are committed to fulfill their duties, it is a matter of integrity to let your leader
know about it. Similarly when you have good reports to give, then communicate up to your

Groups of two

Ask your partner, “Are there any fears exist in your life that makes you reluctant to
communicate to your leaders? (Either good news or problems) What will you do about

Communicating sideways is about letting other leaders know what you and your team are
doing. Does it clash with other events? Do you need a room, or other resources that
someone else is using? Are your team members key players in another team that’s going
to miss them?


Pastor Craig Anderson 16 INC INFINITY

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List some things that could go wrong when a leader fails to communicate effectively. What
will you do to avoid these things?

3-2 Leaders value open and honest communication.

Great leaders work at being real and authentic, no pretences. What that means for
communication is being open and honest. You can put on a show and tell people all kinds
of things but if it’s not real, or if you exaggerate, then people will lose respect for you and
you will lose influence.

Message bible - Ephesians 5:6 Don’t let yourselves get taken by religious smooth talk.
God gets furious with people who are full of religious sales talk but want nothing to do with
Him. Don’t even hang around people like that.

Sometimes people tell all sorts of stories about what they did or what God did, but it’s not
true or it’s exaggerated. Be honest with people, especially the ones you’re leading.
Be real, tell it like it is, not to be negative but to be honest.

As a leader could you be open and honest enough to tell your leader that you are
struggling? Not making it? Could you tell your followers that you made a mistake and you
need to change the decision you made?

Groups of two

Ask your partner: “What is it that stops people from being able to open up and be honest to
one another? What fears play a part? How can you overcome them?

On a scale 1 to 10 (10 being highest) how would you rate your ability to be open and
honest with your team members? What could you do to increase that level?

3-3 Leaders are positive and enthusiastic.

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Positive and enthusiastic communication is a must for any leader.

When someone rings you up on the phone and says, “how are you?” Do they hear, “ Oh
hello, (sigh) not bad, but I’m stressed out about so and so…” or do they hear, “ Hi great
thanks, it’s good to hear from you, how’s your day going so far?”

If we surveyed the people of this church and asked them to rate you as a positive person
on a scale of one to ten, what would your total score be?
A leader encourages others that life is not hard but something to enjoy. Everyone has
problems, but if you think yours are bigger than everyone else’s then you will come across
defeated and you won’t be able to be positive and uplifting.

John Maxwell says: Since an attitude is often expressed by our body language, and by the
looks on our faces, it can be contagious. Have you noticed what happens to a group of
people when one person by his expression, reveals a negative attitude? Or have you
noticed the lift you receive when a friend’s facial expression shows love and acceptance?
Sometimes the attitude can be masked outwardly and others who see us are fooled. But
usually the cover ups will not last long. There is that constant struggle as the attitude tries
to wiggle its way out.1

I Thes 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you
are doing. 2

Groups of two

Discuss with your partner how a leader can speak positively and be enthusiastic even
when things are not going well for him/her.

1 Maxwell 1993, The Winning Attitude.


Practice answering your phone in away that sounds enthusiastic this week. Note the
responses and share next week.

3- 4 Leaders keep their word.

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Introduction to Leadership February 2017

Leaders keep their word. It’s part of integrity. Your team members know they can rely on
you when they see you keep your word. If you say you’ll do something then you’ll do it.
Even when we fail to keep our word we keep it by being accountable and communicating
up, down or sideways, if necessary making restitution.

 I promised to bring that book I borrowed back to you this week and I can’t find it
anywhere so I went out and bought you a new one.
 I said to Peter I would be on door duty this Sunday and it turns out I had to work, so
I rang Tim to fill in for me and I told Peter about that.
 I told my team member, Ben I would be at the party for his birthday, and so I’m
going even though I feel tired.
 Tony overheard me saying to the pastor that I would lead his cell group next week,
so now that I have to do my exam that night, I need to ring Tony as well as the
pastor and let them know.
 Little Tylah was so upset that I forgot to ring for her birthday, as I promised, so I’m
going to buy her a special chocolate today.

Someone who often fails to keep their word will cause disappointment in their team. It will
breed an attitude of “it might happen… Don’t hold your breath…. I don’t have to try
because they don’t… etc.” Being a great leader means you need to build trust with people,
and to do this keeping your word is vital.

Groups of two
Without naming anyone can you recall someone letting you down because they didn’t
keep their word? How did it make you feel? How could they have done it better? What is
your commitment now to keeping your word?


The bible talks about keeping your vows. Write out these verses in full and comment about
what they mean. Numbers 30:1-2; Psalm 116:18; Ecclesiastes 5:4-5.

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Introduction to Leadership February 2017

Key Question – Session 3

Who is your apprentice?

Training Session 4 Leaders Take Action

Learning Outcome:
By the end of this training session the trainee will be able to demonstrate taking action.

 Demonstrate self motivation
 Evaluate walking by faith
 Demonstrate being part of the answer.
 Explain how to respond rather than react.

4-1 Demonstrate self-motivation.

All great leaders are self-motivated. They don’t need someone to get them going. They
have their eye on the goal and the dream. When the alarm goes off each morning they
know why they are getting up.

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Prov 6:6-11Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: 7Which having no
guide, overseer, or ruler, 8Provides her meat in the summer, and gathers her food in the
harvest. 9How long wilt you sleep, O sluggard? when will you arise out of your sleep? 10Yet
a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 11So shall your poverty
come as a robber or one who travels,[with slow but surely approaching steps] and your
want as an armed man. Amp. bible.

Every leader needs a “why” to motivate them. What’s your “Why”?

Self motivation goes beyond the task at hand, and includes motivation to learn, motivation
to improve yourself, motivation to lift up others.

When a leader needs to be constantly reminded to do the job, or get started with their
commitment, they are like a smoke to the eyes, irritating and limiting in the vision.
Prov 10:26 As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them
that send him.
What is a story that has lifted and inspired you and motivated you to live higher for God?

Groups of two
Ask your partner - What is your “why” that motivates you to keep on track? If you tend to
get behind in anything, what is it usually?
Do you need to reduce your commitments or get a little more motivation?

Write down a value statement that motivates you, share it with me and stick it up
somewhere at home.

4-2 Leaders walk by faith not feelings.

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Great leaders are less affected by circumstances, and more affected by dreams than other
people. If we wait for great circumstances before we get happy, or if we wait for favorable
conditions before we move ahead we won’t ever make any progress.

Eccles 11:4 He that observes the wind shall not sow; and he that regards the clouds shall
not reap.

The bible calls us to walk by faith and not by feelings.

II Cor 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight
This means that often we won’t feel like stepping out and doing what God has called us to
do. We can be intimidated by setbacks, negative circumstances, relationship problems,
lack of resources. Leaders press ahead and make things happen, they don’t take no for an
1. The leader has planned an event for the UC group, but only two people look like
making it. How can the leader take action?
2. Everyone in cell group wants a change, something new. How can the leader take
3. Everything seems to be going wrong this week. One problem after another. The
thought goes through your mind – maybe I’m not called to do this role. How can
you, the leader, take action?
4. The team planned to go on a retreat but the ten places you rang are all booked out.
How can the leader take action?
5. There’s tension between you and a couple of others in the team. It would be easy to
stay home. How can the leader take action?

Groups of two

Ask your partner: “What sort of things intimidate you into inaction?”
Are you a person of action?


Think about how circumstances may have made you want to give up in the past. How
could you use the scripture II Cor 5:7 to change your outlook on how you take action as a

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4-3 Leaders demonstrate being part of the answer.

It’s so easy to be critical of someone else or of what has been done. Being critical makes
you part of the problem.

If you want to be part of the answer; you are always thinking, “what’s the answer to this
problem” and present that instead of the criticism. A useful matrix for evaluating your input
is illustrated below.

Tries to get out of work Takes work off the

or only does the boss’s desk
Brings the problem to the boss LEVEL 4 LEVEL 2
and leaves it there
Brings the problem to the boss LEVEL 3 LEVEL 1
and suggests ways to solve it
Be a level 1 leader, or at least not a level 4 leader.

Groups of two

Ask your partner, “What level leader are you?

What can you do to change up if you’re 2-4 or if you’re a 1 how can you influence others to
be part of the answer?


Look at some area of the church that’s not working well at present and suggest ways to
improve it.

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4- 4 Leaders respond they don’t react.

If you want to grow and improve, you better be ready for some instruction. That means
being told how you can do it better. It could mean you need to be told, “You’re wrong”! This
happens sometimes. Don’t take it personally! It’s not a character assassination; it’s just
showing you a better way! If we have thin skins, we may react negatively to correction.
Oops, your rejection is showing. Having a healthy self image means we can see that we
need to change, and we feel privileged that someone has taken the time and can focus us
into change and make the difference.
Sometimes circumstances change, or someone let’s us down, or changes their mind and
we can choose to respond or react.
Responding is the thoughtful way of approaching the correction given to us to maximize its
affect. Reacting is what we tend to do WITHOUT thinking. Usually our emotions are
involved and we regret later what we said or did.

Groups of two
Is there a time when you reacted, and thought later, “I could have handled that a little
better”? Share it.


If we are likely to take change or correction personally, we may have some insecurity or
rejection in us. What could a person do to overcome that problem?

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Key Question – Session 4

In the church arena what are some action steps you would like to take in the next 6

Training Session 5 Leaders build great relationships

Learning Outcome:
By the end of this training session the trainee will be able to evaluate their relationship
building skills.

 Demonstrate love for others
 Evaluate the importance of relationships.
 Explain how to overcome offences
 Discuss seeing the good in others.
 Describe influencing others for their betterment.

5-1 Leaders Demonstrate love for others.

What a huge subject love is! A leader is secure in God’s love and practices loving others
unconditionally. What we know about love is limited by our experience of giving it away. If
you have been hurt and you decided to love, you know about love. If you have decided to
withhold love for any reason, you don’t know about God’s love yet.
John 4:8 AMP : He who does not love has not become acquainted with God – does not
and never did know Him; for God is love.

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BRAINSTORM: Class discussion – What does loving unconditionally look like?

Human love is one level, but our love for one another is at a higher level.
Matt 5 :46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you, do not even the
publicans the same? 47And if you salute your brethren only, what do you more than
others? do not even the publicans so? 48Be therefore perfect, even as your Father that is
in heaven is perfect. (Love your enemies and those who despitefully use you).

Groups of two
Ask your partner – Why is it so hard for some Christians to love others who have hurt
them? Can you share a time when you were hurt and you decided to love and forgive?

Explain how you would teat someone in your team who has hurt your feelings.

5-2 Leaders evaluate the importance of relationships.

How does the godhead work?

I and my father are one – John 10:30
He that honours the father honours the son – John 5:23
I honour my father – John 8:49
Speak against the Holy Spirit… not forgiven - Matt 12:32
Heaven is relationship based!
Ephes 3:14-15 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, 15Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.
It’s the same family! In heaven there is no conflict. The nature of God is harmony. Is His
nature in you?
Relationships form the whole basis for our significance in the Kingdom of God.
I Cor 12: about 24 Message bible: For no matter how significant you are, it is only
because of what you are part of.

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When relationships are broken, it’s very important to work at healing them.
It’s even a bigger priority than offering something to God!
Matt 5:23 Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your
brother has anything against you; 24Leave your gift before the altar, and go your way; first
be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.
When relationships are broken God says it’s sometimes hard work fixing them.
Prov 18:19 A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their
contentions are like the bars of a castle.

Groups of two
Ask your partner: “What do Godly relationships demonstrate to the world?” “How is your
relationship with God affected by your relationship with others?”


Write three lines about how your relationship with others helps you to be more effective for

5-3 Leaders overcome offences.

Jesus said offences will come -- Matt 18:7 ” Woe unto the world because of offences! for
it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence comes!
God allows such things because it allows us to practice God’s kind of love and so
demonstrate that we are of our Father that is in heaven. This is for two reasons-
1. So that we become more like Jesus I John 3:18-19; 4:7
2. So that the world will know that we are His disciples. John 13:35
Many want to become like Jesus – do you?
Do you then wish to be betrayed by those closest to you? (Judas and the rest of the
The higher you go in leadership the more likely you will be betrayed or misjudged, or
targeted by others who think they are moving in God to stand against you.
If it happened to Jesus, why would you be exempt?
Your response must be to love and forgive and never to TAKE OFFENCE.

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No one can give you offence – you must take it. It’s up to you.
Remember Jesus example at the cross “Forgive them Father for they know not what they
do.” - Luke 23:34
When you are persecuted, you are becoming like Jesus!
I Peter 2:20-21 For what credit is it, if, when you are beaten for your faults, you shall take it
patiently? but when you do good and suffer for it, if you take it patiently, this is
commendable before God. 21For to this you were called: because Christ also suffered for
us, leaving us an example, that you should follow his steps:

Groups of two

Ask your partner, “When you are offended it really hurts, what steps can you take to
overcome it?”
Are you ready to be betrayed, misjudged, and criticized?


Search your heart. Are you holding offence against anyone at all?
Write down the steps a person must take to work through the offence thereby overcoming

5- 4 Leaders see the good in others.

In each life there lies such great potential. Potential for good and for tragedy. By
discernment and also by grace a leader looks for the good in others. A leader sees what
many others miss. A leader focuses on the good and on the potential for success where
others see only the faults.
Ever noticed how two people so in love seem oblivious to faults in each other, while others
stand by saying, “How can she put up with his…?” or, “How can he not notice her…?”
What’s the difference? - LOVE. God so loves us that he can see the amazing
potential in our rescued lives.
Phill 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you
will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

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Groups of two
Discuss how we react to people when we see only their faults. Now discuss how we react
to people when we see their good points and potential to become great.


Imagine someone in your team is difficult to work with because they are selfish and
arrogant. Explain some basic steps of how you would think about this person from the
point of view of seeing the gold in them.

5-5 Leaders influence others for their betterment.

If you really want to build great relationships and form an invincible team, then be
interested in people. Seek to help them fulfill their dreams and they will be valued and
willing to give their best for you and the team.

Here’s some tips from John C. Maxwell 1 on enlarging people.

1. See their potential
2. Cast a vision for their future
3. Tap into their passion – find it and show interest
4. Address character flaws
5. Focus on their strengths
6. Enlarge them one step at a time
7. Put resources in their hands – books, audio messages, articles, your experience &
8. Expose them to enlarging experiences
9. Teach them to be self enlargers

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Groups of two
Discuss how mentoring can work to fulfill some of these nine objectives.


Do you feel you are being mentored by someone who believes in you?
If yes, who is it? If no, who would you consider the one most appropriate to do that for

1 Becoming a Person of Influence – John C. Maxwell, Nelson 1997

Key Question – Session 5

In the church arena what people are being influenced by you right now?

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Training Session 6 Leaders manage time and responsibility

Learning Outcome:
By the end of this training session the trainee will be able to evaluate their priorities and
use of time.

 Assess your use of time
 Practice setting goals
 Demonstrate the use of a diary.
 Illustrate the value of punctuality

6-1 Leaders use time wisely.

Time can sometimes be like an enemy for some people. It seems there is just never
enough time to do all that we believe we must do. The problem is never lack of time but
the wrong priorities. There are some truisms that we can’t change, like:
 There is only 24 hours in each day
 Great achievers have no extra time than anyone else.
 Great achievers just do different things compared with those who don’t achieve.
 Great achievers value time.

People with vision will always have more to achieve than what they have time for. Vision
generates creativity, ideas and goals. Strong vision can generate much more to do than
the individual will ever have time to do. So what’s the answer? There are two important
1. Set your priorities
2. Move from the urgent to the important

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This table below is referred to as the Johari window. When deciding what to do with your
time - ask the question for each one of your jobs (things on your “to do” list), is it important,
and is it urgent?



Groups of two
Ask your partner – Do you have time pressure stress? If yes, why?
What priorities can you let go of?

Write a list of the things you feel are important for you to do each week. Are you confident
of accomplishing them all? Are any of these ones you can let go of?

6.2 Leaders set goals to achieve.

Leaders are full of dreams and visions. They want to make something happen. They see
their lives as valuable and able to be significant by making a great contribution. That
passion for significance lies within all people. Leaders are the ones who overcome
obstacles and believe in themselves enough to create the preferred future that they want.

But what shall we do?

Your gifts and passions will open up to you the direction of your future. Now you must
dream and plan the preferred future you want to create. Here some tools to help you.
1. Imagine you are 80 years old and your looking back over your life and describe
all the achievements you would like to have made in your lifetime.

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2. Describe the kind of person you would like to become and what is necessary to
change in your life to become that person.
3. Write broad goals for each of the major areas in your life – Relationship with
God, marriage, education, career, ministry, health.
4. Now you’ve got a broad picture of your preferred future, what steps are
necessary over the next year to move towards that overall picture? This is a
good exercise to complete each year in January.
5. Now prioritize your goals and break them into monthly parts, or quarterly parts.

This is a huge task and may not be completed in this course but try to get some skeletal
thoughts about your life goals, and plan to complete the process some time in the next

Groups of two
Ask your partner: “What sort of things will stop you from reaching your life goals? Is
procrastination one of them?

Write some basic goals you would like to achieve over the next twelve months.

6-3 Leaders use a diary to make wise use of their time.

If you are serious about being a leader you will need to use a diary. It enables you to use
your time most effectively. Here is how to use a diary. (It may be a digital one)
1. Set a time to plan your month. What do you want to achieve over the next month?
Your goals for the future will give you the ideas of what must be done in the
immediate future of one month.
2. Looking over your goals write a “to do” list for the month. Use a spare sheet at the
front of that month in your diary. (Or use Microsoft Outlook TASK bar or similar)
3. Now prioritize your goals. Ask is it urgent, is it important? Use the Johari window to
write down when you will do it, plan it, delegate it.
4. Write some goals for each week of the month.
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5. Set a time each week when you can plan your week. (Sunday night? Monday
6. Go over last week and transfer your unfinished goals to the new week.
7. Write down new goals for this week as you think over what needs to happen this
8. Write in all your appointments.
9. Prioritize again and spread your goals onto specific days.
10. Pray and give your week to the Lord.

Groups of two
Ask your partner: “Do you plan your time? Do you use a diary now? Will you use a diary in
the future? Have you ever forgotten an appointment?”

Write down your “to do “ list for the next week and practice using the Johari window to
prioritize them.

6-4 Leaders value punctuality.

Punctuality is about integrity and respect for others.

If a person is always late, the attitude must be reviewed. That person is really saying that
“my priorities and lifestyle are more important than anyone else’s”. Such a selfish view of
life will not produce much respect from others. Team building becomes difficult because
people feel abused.
A person, who is occasionally late, needs only to plan more effectively. This is usually
about being more realistic about the time it takes to do things and travel to appointments.
When you arrive on time or just a little early, you are saying to the person you’re seeing,
“you are valuable to me, I am taking this meeting seriously, and I am a person who keeps
my word.” These values are not popular in today’s society, due to time pressures that
mount up, but your appointment may have time pressures too, so respect their time and be
gracious if they are late, just as you need them to be for you if, rarely, you are late, due to
unforeseen circumstances. Remember to allow for such things as much as possible. It will
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contribute to a stress less life when you arrive 10 minutes or so early, and you have that
time to relax, take a walk or smell the roses before your appointment.

Groups of two

Ask your partner, “How often are you late? What are the real reasons if you are late


Describe the problems which can arise out of regularly being late.

Key Question – Session 6

Do you use a diary night now??

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Training Session 7 Leaders are empowered

Learning Outcome:
By the end of this training session the trainee will be able to describe an empowered

 An empowered leader has a coach/mentor
 An empowered leader understands their gifting.
 An empowered leader has ownership of vision and goals
 An empowered leader shows initiative
 An empowered leader is a growing leader

The church that has leaders who are empowered, is one that will accomplish a lot
more for the Kingdom. For centuries the church was languishing under the limiting
paradigm of the Clergy doing the work of ministry and the laity being the recipients
of religious services. This is not the bible way.

The bible teaches very clearly that the saints (all God’s committed people) should
do the work of the ministry and the pastor’s role is to equip the saints for the task.

Eph 4:11 (AMP) And His gifts were [varied; He Himself appointed and gave men to us]
some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and
expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries),
some pastors (shepherds of His flock) and teachers.
Eph 4:12 His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His
consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up
Christ's body (the church),

Really, the pastor is the coach of the team and the church members are the players
in the task of winning the lost and building the church. One of the most important
tasks of the pastors of the church is to empower the leaders so that they become

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effective themselves in doing the work of the ministry and going further and
empowering new leaders under them. Here is the verse that describes that
important task.

2Ti 2:2 And the [instructions] which you have heard from me along with many witnesses,
transmit and entrust [as a deposit] to reliable and faithful men who will be competent
and qualified to teach others also.

Look at the order here…

Paul --- teaches --- Timothy --- teaches ---- reliable, faithful men who ---- teach --- others.

And in our church….

Pastor --- teaches ---- key leaders ---- who teach new leaders.
The pastor must work on himself to make sure he/she sticks to the task of equipping
others and not doing the work of the ministry exclusively. The leaders of the church
must work on themselves to focus on multiplying themselves as well as doing the work
of the ministry.

7-1 An empowered leader has a coach/mentor

The mandate given to us in the final teaching from Jesus before He ascended to heaven
was “Go then and make disciples of all the nations,” Matt 28:19. Making disciples is not
just converting people but helping them to learn to become a disciple of Jesus. The whole
emphasis of the Kingdom life is that we don’t do it alone. That makes it counter cultural to
the western mindset, where we all tend to think, “I’ll make my own way ahead.” The “self
made” disciple is a contradiction in terms!

Every successful disciple has a “discipler” who has had input into their life to help them
grow and overcome all kinds of obstacles. In this new Kingdom life there is an enemy and
if we gang up on him, we win much more effectively. Also the kingdom runs on the
principle of humility as a high value. This means we are open to instruction from others.

An empowered leader wants to equip others to serve Jesus. Also, they receive equipping
themselves from a coach or mentor who has more experience than they have in the
journey. It is so very important that each leader invests themselves into only a few trusted
potential leaders. Don’t spread yourself so thin that the quality relationships can’t take

In this discipling relationship the “discipler” can empower others by not avoiding conflict but
honestly and humbly addressing issues and problems. The discipler empowers others by
giving them an opportunity to help out in the task of growing the church. The pastor who
empowers others will feel at ease and relaxed in his church as lots of new leaders take on
the responsibilities of ministry. As leaders see their pastor relaxed and enjoying their role it
will empower them too.

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Groups of two: How relaxed and at ease does your pastor seem? Do you think he has
too much to do? Discuss.

Homework: How confident do you feel to select someone who you can disciple? Can you
be “empowered” enough to go ahead and find 2 –3 believers who you can invest yourself
into and help them grow in their walk with God? Who would you choose? Write and tell me
about it please.

7-2 An empowered leader understands their gifting.

An empowered leader is smart enough to understand that they can’t do everything.

Sometimes there is no one to do a particular job, and so a good leader steps up and takes
responsibility for that task, but eventually there are some more leaders who are rising up
and so different people are doing different tasks. Just like the picture of the human body,
the body of Christ is formed with each member doing their part. You can’t do everything
and your pastor can’t do everything.

What you are gifted for, will become evident as you experience more in the Kingdom. We
have behavioral questionnaires here also to help you assess what your spiritual gifts are.
If you do tasks you are not gifted for, then you may be robbing someone else of an
opportunity to serve God because that task is what he or she is gifted to do.

Sometimes leaders try to do everything themselves and don’t delegate, that’s not
empowering to others or to themselves. Pastors are not supposed to be good at
everything. They need a team around them that can carry the load in all sorts of areas
where they are not gifted. An empowered leader or pastor will seek out people who have
gifts complimentary to their own to come along beside them and help them in the work of
the kingdom.

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People feel empowered when we give them a go and help them find their gift and use it for
God. In this way a pastor and his team can feel “matched up” as each player has their own
special task and is fitting in with the rest of the team.

Groups of two: Discuss with your neighbour what you believe you are gifted to do in the
kingdom. If you haven’t completed a gift survey questionnaire when will you do it?


If you have completed a gift survey, try to find it and refresh yourself with what you need to
focus on as you serve God. If you haven’t completed a survey then obtain a copy from
your Pastor and complete it as soon as possible.

7-3 An empowered leader has ownership of vision and goals

An empowered leader is one who has found out what they want to do with their life, they’re
following some one they believe in and trust, and are passionate about the vision that the
team is working on. They don’t want to waste their time doing things that don’t matter.
They are comfortable that they are a vital cog in the machine that is producing something
worthwhile in the Kingdom.

Someone has to get the vision from God. In the local church, that’s the pastor. Then he or
she will form a team around themselves and share that vision and ask the team to help
them bring that vision to pass. The team members contribute to the task of deciding how
that vision will take shape. They plan and dream and strategize together to formulate the
plan and process, goals and key players positions to ensure the vision comes to pass.

A wise pastor will empower his leaders by asking them to be part of the decision making
process. Similarly each leader will ask their own team members to be part of that process
at their level, thus empowering their own team members.

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By knowing your gift you can figure out how you can play a part in bringing the vision to
pass. The empowered leader has real passion to see it happen, because they know it’s
from God, and it enables them to overcome obstacles like conflict to see the result that
everyone truly wants. Each leader sees the vision in his/her imagination and has faith for
it. The empowered leader takes courage from the enthusiasm of the leader above them
and again, being enthusiastic, empowers those in their own team likewise.

The four top qualities followers want from their leaders are honesty, vision, competence,
and inspiration. If a leader has too much on their plate, it’s disempowering to those under
them, more needs to be delegated.

An equally important phase of the teamwork is measuring progress. People become

disempowered if there is no evidence of results for all their hard work. Also there needs to
be reward or recognition for each one who has contributed. That’s empowering.

Groups of two: You are part of a local church. What is the vision that you are living for?
Discuss with your partner.

Homework: No doubt your church has a vision statement or a plan of what God wants
for its future. Write down what you can remember of it. Copy from any document you can
find about it or if you can’t find one try to write down from what you know what the vision is.
Paint a picture of the future that the team is working for. Say 150 words.

7-4 An empowered leader shows initiative

When a person has been empowered, they are not afraid to get involved, to roll up their
sleeves and get their hands dirty, and do something to make that vision come to pass.
They know everyone is working hard at it and with teamwork, and individually, each player
is passionate to see it all come to pass. By valuing a leader, that leader will feel
empowered to take initiative and try something new, not fearing that they may get a
reprimand from above because “We don’t do it like that around here.”

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Initiative works on two levels. The first is the steps the leader takes to bring the vision to
pass as an individual. No one who is empowered needs to ask permission to witness to
someone, bring them to church, disciple them and help them find their gift and start
serving. No one has to ask permission to create finance to give more to the Kingdom and
fund the vision. No one has to ask permission to pray and seek God for His power and
blessing on all that we are doing in His name. An empowered leader takes initiative at all
levels because they really want to see the vision come to pass.

Secondly, the empowered leader in a teamwork situation takes initiative to come up with
better ways to do things; new ideas that will take the vision forward; or refocus the team
into the central goal because they have strayed away a little. Taking initiative might look
like the time a leader goes back to pick up a lost team member who has fallen out of the
picture through discouragement. An empowered leader does need to be constantly told
what to do, neither are they afraid to take action, they are trusted by their pastor and are
confident to do what ever it takes to see the vision flourish.

Everyone makes mistakes. The empowered leader knows they will make some to, but
when they do they will be coached through to a learning experience and encouraged when
they are down and inspired to have another go.

Groups of two: Can you think of some things you are doing or have done that were your
own initiative that you did to help bring the vision to pass. Things you did as an individual
or as a team member.

Homework: Let’s take initiative. What needs doing that you can see?
What change in they way we do things in your team or in our church
would lead to more and better disciples? Write down one area where you
can take the initiative? Will you do it?

7-5 An empowered leader is a growing leader

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There are lots of ingredients in the mix of what makes a leader grow. But only the leader
themselves can take the action required to ensure that they are continuing to grow as a
Christian and as a leader. Some of the ingredients are:
1. Being in a coaching/mentoring relationship
2. Dedicating yourself to personal prayer and daily bible reading.
3. Resourcing yourself with reading books and listening to messages and videos of
inspiring ministry.
4. Developing healthy relationships with others
5. Setting personal goals for your life.

An empowered leader is wise enough to see that the stronger they are personally, the
more they can inspire others and be more effective. So they invest into their own growth
for kingdom outcome. It may mean going to an INC conference in your state or the Annual
General Conference in the Gold Coast to catch the big picture of the INC Movement’s
vision. It may mean finding key resources that are relevant to your gift and role in the
church so you can better equip yourself. Growing in your own life becomes a passion, so
that you are maximizing your own potential in order to be more and more effective for God
and for your team.

Groups of two: Do think you have been growing lately as a Christian and as a leader?
Discuss with your partner.

Homework: Write a simple growth plan. Looking at the list above of

some of the things that foster personal growth, write down which ones you
can do and when - to work on your own personal growth.

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Key Question – Session 7

Using the above five criteria rate your self on each out of 5; with 5 being the highest and
add up the total. How empowered are you? Out of 25 total.

Do you have a coach/mentor 1 2 3 4 5 ____

Do you understand your gifting 1 2 3 4 5 ____
Do you have ownership of the vision and goals of the church? 1 2 3 4 5 ____
How much do you show initiative individually and in the team? 1 2 3 4 5 ____
How much evidence is there in your life of growing leader? 1 2 3 4 5 ____
Assessment Record – Checklist

Name ___________________________ Team Member No_____________

Performance Criteria Checklist Yes No Sign

Session 1  Commit to press into God

By the end of this training  Express knowledge of your
session the trainee will be call
able to examine their heart  Examine the motives of your
on key issues and write a heart
short statement about their  Express in your words the
readiness to lead. value of taking ownership
 Describe your willingness to
work hard

 Describe honour for

Session 2 leadership
By the end of this training  Explain what submission to
session the trainee will be a leader and his vision
able to explain their means
relationship with their
 Evaluate how teachable I
pastor and other leaders
over them.
 Express a commitment to

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Session 3
By the end of this training  Explain the importance of
session the trainee will be communicating to others
able to describe effective  Evaluate open and honest
communication to others communication
as a leader  Demonstrate positive and
 Express a commitment to
keeping your word.

Session 4  Demonstrate self

By the end of this training motivation
session the trainee will be  Evaluate walking by
able to demonstrate taking faith
action.  Demonstrate being
part of the answer.
 Explain how to
respond rather than react.

Session 5
By the end of this training
session the trainee will be  Demonstrate love for others
able to evaluate their  Evaluate the importance of
relation building skills. relationships.
 Explain how to overcome
 Discuss seeing the good in
 Describe influencing others
for their betterment.
Session 6
By the end of this training
session the trainee will be  Assess your use of time
able to evaluate their  Practice setting goals
priorities and use of time.  Demonstrate the use of a
 Illustrate the value of

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Introduction to Leadership
Key Questions
Name ______________________________________________________

Session 1 - What do you believe you are called to do for God right now?

Session 2 - Who are you accountable to right now?

Session 3 - Who is your apprentice?

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Session 4 - In the church arena what are some action steps you would like to take in the
next 6 months?

Session 5 - In the church arena what people are being influenced by you right now?

Session 6 - Show how you use a diary.

Session 7 - How empowered am I as a score out of 25?

Pastor Craig Anderson 46 INC INFINITY


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