INGLES 5 - U2 - A2.5 - TalkingAboutMemories - LópezCerón

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Foreign Languages Department


Business Management’s Engineering

Name of the class:

English 5 TC1


Activity 2.5:

Talking about memories

Professor name:

Angelica Guadalupe Morales Mena

20151408, López Cerón Lucero.

Date: Saturday, September 25th, 2021.


Listen to the conversation between Lauren and her friend and answer the
following questions. (The audio is in the RESOURCES SECTION “Talking
about memories”)

1. What made Lauren remember something from her childhood?

A= Lauren was reminded of her childhood by the smell of the ocean when she
was at the beach.

2. How old was Lauren when she went to visit her grandparents?

A= Lauren was 8 years old.

3. From where did she and her family drove to get to her grandparent´s

A= They had driven from Iowa.

4. Had Lauren and her brother been to the beach before that?

A= No, they had never tasted salt water or seen waves in their lives.

5. What did Lauren´s brother do that surprised him?

A= Lauren's brother was surprised because he accidentally swallowed water.

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