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Article Critique: Qualitative Study

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The qualitative study involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of non-

numerical data. Qualitative research applies a naturalistic, interpretive approach. The method

enables researchers to assess subjects in their instinctual setting and draw sense from the

phenomena. Article critique involves the interpretive evaluation of an article through intensive

analysis. Critique is used in analyzing the weaknesses and success of an article; hence the result

presents perceived success. External and internal validity are performed during critique to assess

the meaningfulness and trustworthiness of a study outcome. External validity focuses on the

applicability of the results, while internal validity checks how well the research was carried out.

article summary

The article "Construction waste management practices on-sites: A case study of Istanbul

city" presents a qualitative study of construction and demolition waste management. The study

was motivated by the high numbers of construction activities within Istanbul and Turkey in

general which generates a lot of wastes[ CITATION Aks20 \l 1033 ]. The researchers utilized site

visits and interviews in data collection. The activities of waste management reviewed were waste

recovery, generation, storage-disposal collection, and sorting. A sample population of 13

working experts gots interviewed. Researchers observed that cutting construction material,

project revisions, and storage challenges as the source of on-site wastes. Waste recovery

facilities were identified to focus on the monetary gain that results from recovered wastes. A

poor waste recovery network was discovered in the paper, plastic, and cardboard wastes on-site.

Hazardous waste treatment strategies were not present on sites.

article critique
the study on waste management in the construction industry is significant as the industry

generates many solid wastes. Some of the wastes are hazardous thus require proper handling and

disposal. The author of the article expounds deeply on the need for waste management. The

construction industry contributes around 36% of the entire waste generated in households and

economic activities within Europe. An estimate of 300 million tonnes of waste is prospected to

get generated by 2023.

The researchers make a clear definition of construction waste through the inclusion of all

materials rendered and useful during and after construction activities. They present background

information regarding waste management in the past. The discussed history of handling

construction wastes, including the criteria of classifying wastes and the approaches used to

manage them, are intensively outlined. The major approaches discovered from background

information suggest the reduction of disposable waste through reuse and recycling. The major

challenges to waste management discovered from past information are the cost of management,

interference with other site activities, and management effort was discovered to be a major

hindrance to effective waste management.

The researchers grow the topic from introductions, background information to the current

issues. A population sample is selected for the study. The selected sample is relatively small. The

researchers, however, consider the experience of the selected individuals. People with higher

experience tend to have broad and detailed information regarding the topic. The sample seems

biased as it consists only of construction industry experts, architects, civil engineers, and


Data was collected through site visits and unstructured interviews. Site visits are

necessary for observation from a practical point. Unstructured interviews are significant in an in-
depth discussion regarding the topic. The interviewer can also take and adapt changes to discover

more on the topic.

The experts selected had wide experience in small buildings and big construction sites.

The information given was enough for generalization as they deeply understand the construction

industry from a practical dimension. The number of sites selected for visits was enough to

generalize the outcome. The researchers also included most waste management aspects ranging

from factors that contribute to increased waste to disposal and management.

The research succeeded in the identification of on-site waste management. The identified

results match and build up the past result indicating the reliability and validity of the research.

The research has practical suggestions to assist individual construction experts and the

government in waste management. The researcher identifies that individual contractors have no

network with people dealing with waste management. The researcher identifies that sites lack

waste sorting strategies. The cases assessed had no illegal dumping. The construction industry

contributes to illegal dumping in turkey[ CITATION Ars12 \l 1033 ].

Aksel, H., & Çetiner, İ. (2020). Construction waste management practices on-sites: A case study

of Istanbul city. Environmental Research and Technology, 3(2), 50-63.

Arslan, H., Coşgun, N., & Salgin, B. (2012). Construction and demolition waste management in

Turkey. (Edited by Luis Fernando Marmolejo Rebellon, , Ed.) Waste Management-An

Integrated Vision, 313-332.

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