People Management

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An explanation of how organizational structure impacts on people in organization............................3
An analysis of how organizational culture impacts on people in organization...................................4
An explanation on how personal differences impact on individuals’ behaviors’ at work.......................4
An analysis of the management styles needed to deal with differences in behaviors...........................5
An analysis of the effect of leadership styles on individuals and teams...........................................6
An explanation of the benefits of flexible working practices to individuals and organizations...............7
Working environment impact on people performance, Motivational Theories References....................8
How an organizations’ ethical practices impact on motivational levels............................................9
How organization use their corporate social responsibilities agenda to motivate employees...............10
How motivational theories can be applied to developing people in organization..............................11
Different uses of coaching and mentoring in organizations........................................................11
Benefits of training and development to individuals and organizations.........................................12
People management strategies used in organization.................................................................14
Impact of people management strategies on organization..........................................................14
Recommendations for strategies to promote high level of performance.........................................15
References................................................................................................................... 17

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Activity 1

An explanation of how organizational structure impacts on people in organization

The people working for the organization are greatly affected by the organizational structure.
Each and every thing is important about the organizational structure and people management.
Each employee of the organization has been influenced by the way the organization has
organized and dealt with them. Strong leadership of the organization provide better and healthy
environment for the employees which results in high motivation for the employees and hence the
output of the organization due to employees boost up with high speed. The employees of such
organization not only work for the betterment of the organization but also promote other people
to work for the organization. Similarly leadership style lead the organization in the best suited
direction. Many research and surveys have been conducted in order to prove that there is positive
relationship between the attitude of an employees and the structure of the organization. The most
suited the organization structure is, the more will be the attitude of the employees towards the
organization. If the employees of the organization are satisfied and happy with their jobs, they
will show positive attitude towards the job and the organization will get benefits from this. On
the other hand when employees are not happy with the organization structure they will not be
committed towards the organization and hence the organization will get suffer. (Cither, 2005)

Organization is consist of different people with different nature and attitude. Each person is
different from the other and has its own skill and knowledge hence each and every person is
capable of doing tasks according to his own way. The organization policies and requirements
structure the employees’ skills and abilities that suit the organizational requirements. There are
several factors which directly affect the ability of the employees working in the organization. For
example adaptability, which shows how much an employees will get adapted to the required
working environment and facilities. Another factor like social values which is the employee to
employee and employee to employer relation. The more social a person is the higher will be the
output of the employees and the better will be the result of the organization. (Saching, 2009).

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An analysis of how organizational culture impacts on people in organization

Efficiency and effectiveness of the employees is greatly influenced by the organization.

Particularly the culture of the organization help in making an efficient employees but on the
other hand it also harm the efficiency of an employees. Thus we can say that culture has a great
influence. Those organizations which don’t keep only plan structures but also stable culture are
found more toward the positive change in the employees as compare to those which don’t take
care of the culture. Those organizations which carry on their process through proper channel like
providing trainings to their employees when needed and involve not only their managers but also
their employees in decision making process bring out efficient workers. For instance, a company
having Entrepreneur resource planning (ERP) system installed this will help their employees a
lot because this system will keep them in touch easily and will save time for efficient work.

In order to achieve organizational targets and goals effective planning of actions must be
performed by the organization. Individual’s performance review over a specific period of time
will improve the effectiveness of the employees. This task will find out employees strengths and
weakness of the employees and its monitoring which will be helpful for the organization while
proceeding towards the goal and objectives of the organization. Organizing different skills test
and as well tasks for employees will result in high level of effectiveness for the organization. The
organization will come to know about different skills of the employees and will change these
skills with the requirement of the employees. If the organization possess such factors then the
organizational culture will not only improve employees’ skills but organization will also have
high output.

An explanation on how personal differences impact on individuals’ behaviors’ at work

Changes in organizations are due to the groups and these groups are formed by the employees of
the organization. Each and every employee of the organization has different and unique
characters and as well as behavior. Some employees are specialized in one skill while the other
are in another skill. Hence these employees make up a good team while showing different
characters and skills for the achievement of different tasks. These differences in skills help each
other employees in motivation in the work field. Sometime these difference have negative

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influence and rivalry emerges among the employees due which the output of the organization is

Different people from different sectors of the world combine in the organization for a specific
objectives. These people show different life style and as well different working styles. To handle
this differences each and every person work in such a manner that is manageable. Those
employees which are not able to manage these situation start irritated and hatred environment is
created. But before happening this, organizations trained their employees so that the employees
with the fewer abilities and skills follow the one with high abilities and skills. That’s why the
organization always try to follow growing structure rather than destructive approach.

Employee’s ethical background also matter a lot in the working environment because there are
several activities which are ethical in some employees’ tradition and customs but is not ethical in
other for other employees. This bring personal rivalry in the organization. Similarly sometime
the senior member of the organization prefer some employees and listen from them about the rest
of the employees which create a hurdle for the organization because of inequality. Thus this
differences can influence the employees’ behaviors. Some employees have the quality of
adaptability to the change while some of them don’t have this quality. If the organizaiton bring
up some changes in the working environment this will decrease the ability of the employees.

An analysis of the management styles needed to deal with differences in behaviors

There are several methods which can be used to tackle the personal behaviors of the employees.
Some of these methods are following.

 There should be audits and equality test. The results should be judged through the surveys
and from the response of the employees about the questions asked.
 Provide flexible hours for work and relaxation so that the employees don’t get bore while
 Organization must have design strategies which restrict employees to the professional
criticism not personal because personal criticism results in rivalry.
 There should be social gathering so that the employees get familiarize with each other in
better way and know their personal differences in better way.

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These methods bring the employees together and help them to realize how important is working
as a team with full respect and enthusiasm. Respecting each other is another factor which must
exist among employees because it shows them the value of the position one have within

Different companies like McDonald and HSBC bank have their own terms and condition for
behaving within organization. Employees applying for these companies are asked to sign a paper
to follow these terms and conditions before joining the organization. These organizations also
train their managers to tackle situation which results in rivalry among employees to block
creating more stress on other employees. It’s the nature of the human for making mistake and
these organization pay their managers for tackling these mistakes to avoid any hurdle.

An analysis of the effect of leadership styles on individuals and teams

Leadership is the management of people to accomplish a particular objective. Each and every
project need a leadership either that project is of school science project or that of government big
project. Thus we can say that each task require proper leadership. Studies shows that different
leadership style having different traits which include use of power to obtain the desirable
objectives. Leaders can be autocratic, bureaucratic and charismatic (Ala, 2010). Following is the
definition along with its effect on individual and groups.


One man taking decision for the whole group and the rest follow the leader. The authority is only
with the leader of the group to take decisions and order his team member to follow the
instruction and to what are required. The decision is centralized and only the leader has the right
to do the things as he wants. This is style of leadership is considered as one of the important
leadership style because only the leader has the authority to make decision. This style is efficient
and emerge motivation.

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It is same as the autocratic but the difference is, this type of leaders follow the policy of the
organization and take out the goals and objectives which is given in the policy of the
organization. All points mentioned in the policy is well dictated by the leaders which is the direct
message to the followers to follow the rules and regulations without making any changes to it.
This type of leadership style usually demotivate group members by following points which
contradicts to the nature of the employees.


When the all the members of the groups has a chance to come with their own suggestions, we
call it democratic type of leadership. This type of leadership style always come up with different
ideas and select the best one among them. This is known as shared leadership style because of
distributed decision power rather than centralized to only one person. It also motivates team
worker because most of the time the company follow that employee suggestion.


One of the best and most well-known leadership style. This type of leadership style allow
followers to bring unique and innovative ideas. These leaders have long term objective and
govern their followers with enthusiasm and motivation. The members of the group get influenced
and has positive impact on the organization and its objective.

An explanation of the benefits of flexible working practices to individuals and organizations

It is beneficial for both individuals and organizations to provide flexible working practices within
organization. The individual will have the benefit in the form of convenience, as they will be
able to work at any time which is suitable for them. This flexibility not only allow the individuals
to work in different places and organization but will also let people to get involve in social events
and activities. On the other hand organizations also get benefits from this flexible working
practices. The organization will ask the employees to work for them in the most rush hours when
the organization needs the most work. This will also help the organization to reduce the cost
because the organization will pay less wages as compare to full time workers. This individual

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will not sat idle and will not waste their time when the organization have not work to do. Most of
the organization provide only part time jobs because they want to have fresh faces and fresh
minds after few hours so that they can achieve their goals and objective with ease. They also
wants to provide more employment with the help of this flexible working environment.

Flexible working practices are in convenience for individuals because they can also get job and
participate in day to day activities while setting at home. Most of the universities promote their
organizations from different online representatives while working from different countries.
Certain terms are considered as parts of flexible working like career breaks, job sharing etc.
While using flexible working practices the individual fix their working hours and the
organization reduce their spending budget. Hence we can say that both are in benefits. In most
countries, 9 AM to 5 PM is considered as flexible working hours. In these hours people usually
work and the rest of the time the people utilize with family or doing some part time job to
increase their earning.

Working environment impact on people performance, Motivational Theories References

Many motivational theories assess the working environment on people performance. Following
are few motivational theories

 Instinct Theory of Motivation

Instinct theory of motivation suggests that requirement of the organization is full filled by certain
behavior which the people in the organization conduct. According to this theory “people already
possess some qualities which are evolutionary and those are needed to be polished and changed
in a way to suit one's own requirements.”

 Incentive Theory of Motivation

This theory tell that people in the organization are motivated by informing them about the reward
they will have if the perform certain task or achieve objective. People will try to achieve this
reward and will try to work hard hence the organization will get best output of their employees.

 Drive Theory of Motivation

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According to Drive theory of Motivation “motivation of people in a way that people are
motivated to do some particular actions which helps reducing tensions that are the reason of
some unfulfilled needs. This theory is basically relying on biological component, like hunger and
thirst. So this motivation is all about peoples psychological needs.”

 Arousal Theory of Motivation

There are certain actions which motivates the people of the organization and this motivation
bring certain level of arousal. The organization can take advantage of this arousal and can
motivate their employees to compel them to work hard.

 Humanistic Theory of Motivation

According to this theory people of the organization have abilities to do different actions. These
motivate the people to do different actions to fulfil the basic need first and them other important
needs. Hunger, thrust etc. are basic needs which motivate the people to do the best and the
organization can take advantages of these and can take best output from their employees.

How an organizations’ ethical practices impact on motivational levels

Employee’s motivational level is highly influenced by the organizational ethical practices. Let’s
take an example of McDonald. They have setup some code of conducts which needs to be
followed by each and every member of the organization. These setup code of conducts help
organization to maintain healthy environment in the organization. Like each and every
employee’s should treat other employees equally at work place. Managers and supervisors have
their own responsibilities which involve helping employees and provide them better environment
in workplace. Due to such ethical practice respects exist among employees and produce efficient
results. Harassment in the work place is strictly prohibited by the McDonald and they make sure
that environment remain calm and friendly. Comment on one another appearance and abuse in
the environment is banned.

The people in the organization are not only considered as the employees but also the
ambassadors. A motivated and friendly environment is created due to these practices and
responsibilities and that’s why no one feel degraded and offensive from each other. Each and
every person is at the same level and position and have equal importance. Organizations conduct

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different trainings and session to inform the employees about the company rules and regulations.
They are also told not to use company assets for personal use. Like the use of computer and
printers should not be used for personal reasons. The organization must be considered as its own
and shouldn’t harm the company reputation in any case. The ethics of the McDonald’s improve
the sales by improving the performance of the employees.

Activity 3

How organization use their corporate social responsibilities agenda to motivate employees

Corporate social responsibility policy of the organization tell the organization to take care of
several stakeholders which directly or indirectly affect the business. It bring positive changes in
the company with the help of corporate social responsibility practices and hence the basic of the
company has been define. This motivate the employees of the organization and bring positive
changes in the organization. CSR helps the organization do define their not only the objective of
the organization but also the mission to the employees and as well provide best experience to the
customers. In order to bring out the best results, a well-structured and feasible points are
included in the policy.

This policy shows the importance of the company links with employees, consumers and other
stakeholders and the way with which the company links with these stakeholders. It has several
benefits and are considered impressive. It attract the employees and motivate them to work hard
so that the objective of the organization is achieved. CSR has different approaches and each
approach has importance to provide good services like incorporating CSR directly in the
business strategy helps the organization to grow, to improve fair trading and give and edge in the

Other approach like bringing CSV, which means creating shared value. This model explain
relation between the corporate wellbeing and social welfare. Companies must make sure that the
policy include points which motivate employees and improve the business structure. This helps
them working on the defined pattern. Employees’ motivation is much important because it is the
only way to improve profitability.

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How motivational theories can be applied to developing people in organization

Maslow’s theory of motivation tells that people get motivation according to their needs. He
constructed pyramidal structure which include different types of needs starting from the basic
needs. According to Maslow “basic need of a person such as food, water, sleep, and homeostasis
are the ones which should be satisfied to make him motivate to work for his satisfaction and so
on to fulfil other needs.”

HSBC bank motivate its employees with rewards. HSBC bank provide best salaries so that the
employees’ basic needs are fulfilled. With the help of this salary they will be able to live, eat,
sleep well. When the basic needs are fulfilled then employees will be motivated. They will show
interests in the day to day activates of the organization and they will work hard considering
company as their own. They will not only work hard but will also promote the company’s
products to other and will drag most of the talented personnel to the organization as well. The
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs consist of the following five components. Physiological, safety,
love/belongings, Esteem and self-actualization. Employees get motivated with completing each
stage. Hence the organization must study each and every employees about the required needs.

Companies must take care of the human resources. HSBC Bank not only give importance to the
employees but also to the clients. The satisfaction of the employees results in the satisfaction of
the clients which will results in the high sales performance. By giving people their basic needs,
safety and other needs will results in motivated work force. If these needs are not satisfied the
employees will not take interest in the day to day activities of the organization and as a results
the organization will face many problems like high turnover rate, less sales, less customer
satisfaction etc. Thus we can say that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is best suitable for the
performance of organization and for the motivation of the employees.

Different uses of coaching and mentoring in organizations

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With the help of coaching and mentoring, organization involve both clients and people to take
full advantage of it. Organization trains their employees to take full advantage of their skills.
Coaching is a technique with the help of which the company bring out the hidden abilities of the
employees. Similarly mentoring is the guiding a junior to work on the set of the senior or on the
position of the senior to carry on the work.

Several techniques and procedures are used to for the coaching. One way is to involve the
required employees and ask them about the desired structure of the products and its solution.
Employees’ involvement is one of the best way to enhance the productivity of the employees
through proper coaching and mentoring. One to one training is another technique that the
organization uses to improve the employees skills and abilities. This will also beneficial for both
the organization and as well the employees because they will have face to face communication
and will understand each other well. Those area in which people feel reluctant can be overcome
and will show better performance with the help of coaching and mentoring. This is only possible
if the company practice these.

Coaching and mentoring enhance employees’ skills where they have lack and change their
weaknesses into strengths. There are certain minor mistakes which keep away the employees
from achieving the goals. These minor mistakes can be removed with the help of coaching and
mentoring. With the help of coaching and mentoring the companies can train their employees in
such a way that they will easily achieve the purpose. The employees must not be depending on
the coach and mentor rather they should learn by themselves. If this happened the individual
won’t learn anything and the coaching and mentoring will be useless.

Benefits of training and development to individuals and organizations

These training and development projects are particularly imperative to the association
advancement and achievement. The association needs to spend cash in these projects so as to
accomplish corporative advantages. The result without a doubt will be more prominent than the
spending. As though they will spend on training staff the trained staff will yield out better
execution which is the essential prerequisite of the association. In the event that an association
does not spend on the training and development of the organization they unquestionably can't
gain ground and this will prevent them from going ahead in the competitive world.

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The large organizations, for example, banks have their staffed trained on normal premise so that
to maintain a strategic distance from any of the lacking which the workers may have. Along
these lines spending reserves on training can make them get high advantages over the end, which
can be unmistakably noticeable in the income that creates. The advantages which the
organizations gets are in a wide range of structures. These can be either as great customer to
representative relationship which helps urging more customers to get required in the
administration that are offered by the organization. Additionally they can get profits by alternate
rivals in having prepared staff which knows everything and is breakthrough with the most recent
advancement and innovation.

The T&D program makes the premise of the organization development. Financing this is the real
spending of numerous organizations. As to pick up something you have to spend something and
this is from where they can pick up a definitive superior. Without preparing the association can't
settle on better choices. The advantages likewise incorporates progressed utilized of ERP
systems, prepared faculty to work it, high profitability, time can be spared as results and
methodology will be more effective. Propelled devices can be utilized as opposed to old
customary ways. For instance in banks as opposed to lining up and sit tight for your turn you can
go and store sum specifically in the compensation in machine, which spares time.

The worker gets certainty through these training and feels more certainty when they converse
with the clients and the other kindred individuals from the association. Individuals may take it as
a troublesome undertaking and an obligation other than their business to get this training and
delays to go to and get the preparation, however they can be made hesitant by offering additional
impetuses so they can come and get the preparation with no hesitance and reluctance. Managers
ought to get the extraordinary preparing which is unique in relation to of alternate workers. All
staff individuals should be prepared at particular levels and after that they ought to be given an
errand to see whether they can satisfy it.

These advantages are for quite some time termed advantages as the organization not just makes
benefit at the front up close and personal correspondence however the innovation they are
learning can convey them such a great amount to know for the future use also. Organizations can
upgrade and grow their organizations out of the nations and can duplicate with the progressed

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and created system they need to take after. These are the advantages which they can profit from
T&D, so it regards spend on such process.

People management strategies used in organization

The strategy which includes management of individuals in an association is known as people

management strategy. This methodology empowers an association to work for better results by
overseeing people as indicated by their aptitudes and prerequisites. The organization needs to
look to this that the person which is decided for work is best reasonable for that spot if not he
ought to be given different obligations or responsibilities. Along these lines the organization
permits to get the space for gaining ground. These strategies should be in set as to keep away
from any circumstances of situation which will emerge because of bungle of individuals or HR.
So people management strategy must be set up inside developed associations and organizations.

Impact of people management strategies on organization

The people do take sway from these procedures. These effects can be recognized, for example, if
the individual is put in the position which is most appropriate for him he certainly would work
best to his fitness as that position is most appropriate for him. His abilities will renew more in
that spot and he will in the end get the best result for the association, which toward the end going
to make benefit out of it. Likewise management strategies individuals stay under impact of an
initiative as the worker realizes that he needs to take after these particular methodology which is
characterized by the higher administration so every one of the focuses and obligations are
clarified to the representatives. Along these lines all the work gets took care of consummately
with no hap dangers.

In some cases individuals get a negative effect too and believe that they have the capability of
working in a higher spot and they have been given a wrong position to work at in such a
circumstance they get demotivated towards their work and at some point can deliver misfortunes
to the associations also. In these sorts of situations administration needs to handle them with the

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tests on the premise where everybody is given equivalent rights and whoever succeeds will get
the position and will have the capacity to work at it.

Through these strategies people feels a sense of obligations on their shoulders and they consider
themselves the partners and work like as they are working for themselves and are making benefit
for their own great not for the organization. This reasoning ought to be in the worker mind so
that the potential they have can bring out and the associations can make it work in the most ideal
way. These can be the effects which individuals for the most part pick up from the administration
procedures when it gets executed on them.

Recommendations for strategies to promote high level of performance

Implementation of right strategy helps organization to take out the organization from various
types of crises like financial related crises or any sort of crises they are confronting. The systems
which bolster elite incorporates two way interchanges, this is the correspondence between the
employees and the managers or the CEO. On the off chance that the correspondence crevice will
be low and the gatherings or addresses will be done on consistent premise this will help the
worker become acquainted with the methodology of the organization's partners and through this
they can give their potential something to do better.

The other system could reinforce utilizes engagement to work; this can be accomplished by
giving preparing in a field where he needs and by additionally making him comprehend the
circumstance through which the organization is going keeping in mind the end goal to make him
work in like manner to accomplish the focused on results. The worker can be propelled and
connected with more towards work on the off chance that he will get motivating forces and
remunerates for doing the occupation he is in charge of. In such circumstances the organization's
sets up a system of receiving this tremendously focused on customers consequently the
representative get reward for doing his occupation well.

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The strategy which is most vital is that the directors and pioneers ought to have the right stuff
and learning of dragging the circumstances out of the vulnerability. This is essential, for instance
if an association is getting towards the edge of obliteration the supervisor ought to have abilities
so to evade the misfortune and can have the capacity to figure out how to the stretch out where
the organization needs to confront the base misfortune. This methodology can empower the
execution level which can regardless spare the association from having a defeat. Every one of the
obligations at long last go to the shoulders of the chief so this is the position which ought to be
offered to the exceedingly able person who has the strength to face all even and chances. These
are the systems which can realize abnormal state of execution from people and from the
administration too.

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