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The Monk 
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ 
Level:  XP:  ❏ ❏ 
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ (​ Next level at _7_+current 

Name:​ _______________________________________    Look 

Human:​ Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name  Species:​ Human, Elf, Tiefling, or _​ ________________________ 
Elf:​ Tiondir, Ryfon, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name, Name  Eyes:​ Patient Kind eyes, Focused Eyes, a Third Eye, or __________________ 
Tiefling:​ Grokus, Ozux, Tundos, Ridnah Tuzu, Ursha,   Hair:​ Bald, Wild, Neat, Horns or ​____________ 
These names are just suggestions. Feel free to select a different species or name of your 
  Body:​ Latticework of Scars, Ritually Tattooed, Lean and Strong, 
or _​ __________________________ 

Alignment    Assign to your stats: 16 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 12 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1) 

STR​ ​⬤  INT ​⬤ 

❏ Good 
Endanger yourself to restore balance.    ​
❏ Evil    S
​ trength: Weak ​❏​ -1    I​ ntelligence: Stunned ❏
​ ​ -1 
Those who would oppose The Way and Vows of your order must be destroyed. 

❏ Neutral 
Defeat a worthy adversary 
  DEX ​ ​⬤  
WIS ​⬤ 
❏     D
​ exterity: Shaky ​❏​ -1    W
​ isdom: Confused ​❏​ -1 
_​ ___________________________________________________ 
____________________________________________________    CON ​⬤  CHA ​ ⬤   

​Starting Moves    C
​ onstitution: Sick ❏
​ ​ -1    C
​ harisma: Scarred ❏
​ ​ -1 

The Way 
You’ve trained in a spiritual place since a young age learning the ways of your 
  ​HP Max: HP: 
order. Give this place a name, place it on the map, describe it and choose your  Max HP = 8 + Constitution 
way as well as your vow.    
Choose and name your way and add the enhancement 
❏ The Way of ________________________ +1 armor 
❏ The Way of _______________________ +6 HP 
  Damage: D8  
​ Armor: 
❏ The Way of _______________________ Add the Stun Tag    
❏ The Way of _______________________ +2 piercing 
Choose your Vow. Anytime you fail to uphold your vow take -1 ongoing until 
you have made penance. The GM will tell you how.   ❏ Orphan 
❏ Poverty: You may only possess items found in the Gear section of your  You are, in a way of your choosing, an orphan taken in by a 
character sheet. Exceptions can be made for magical items that fit your  monastery at a young age. You could be any race, but you grew 
aesthetic.   up learning to imitate those around you. You may use the racial 
move of any PC you share a bond with. If you resolve that Bond 
❏Truth: Mistrust leads to lies, lies lead to hate, hate leads to war. You must  you may choose the racial move of another PC with whom you 
not tell a lie.   have a bond.  
❏ Peace: Violence is rarely the answer. It should only be used as a last resort     ❏ Prodigy 
❏ Nature: The only thing truly sacred is the natural world. When you see it 
You start with the master of combat move.  
being harmed or encroached on you must attempt to save it. 
❏ ______________________________________________________________________________  ❏ Outsider 
________________________________________________________________________________  You may be a human, elf, or dwarf but you are not from here. At 
________________________________________________________________________________  the beginning of a session the GM will ask you a question about 
  your true home. If you answer them take 1xp.  
Spirit Bridge 
When you make physical contact with someone and attune your spirit to theirs 
roll +WIS. On a 10+ you learn a useful secret of their. On a 7-9 the same but    Bonds ​Max Bonds: # 
they learn a useful secret of yours as well. If someone would resist your 
______________ has lost the way, but I will help them find their path.  
contact you may have to make a h ​ ack and slash​ roll first.  
______________ has achieved true balance and is a model for 
Body of Air  others. I will place myself in danger for them.  
When you are unarmed your attacks have the precise tag.   I have provided spiritual guidance for ______________, and yet still 
they fail to see the way. I can help them no longer. 
Body of Iron  The spirits have show me glimpses of ______________ ‘s future and 
You do not require a weapon like many who would call themselves warriors.   
You have made your body a weapon with hands and feet as hard as steel and  it will restore balance to the world. I must guide them.  
faster than lightning. When you are not wearing armor you have +1 armor.  __________________________________________________________ 
Your hands and feet are as fictionally effective as a standard melee weapon.  __________________________________________________________ 
Design by Jason Shea, (CC-BY) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 

Gear    Coin: ___ Load: ___ / ___ 
You start with:   (100 coin = 1 weight) (Your Load is 6+STR) 
Dungeon Rations (​ 5 uses, 1 weight), Uses left: ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ 
________________________________ ________________________________ 
Poultices and Herbs ​(3 uses, 1 weight), Uses left: ❏ ❏ ❏  
Adventuring Gear ​(5 uses, 1 weight), Uses left: ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏  ________________________________ ________________________________ 
20 Coins   ________________________________ ________________________________ 
Choose [two]:  ________________________________ ________________________________ 
❏ Pipe Leaf: (​ 6 uses, 0 weight) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ 
❏ Bag of Books ​(5 uses, 2 weight) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏   ________________________________ ________________________________ 
❏ Throwing Knives (​ 3 ammo, 1 weight), Ammo left: ❏ ❏ ❏  ________________________________ ________________________________ 
❏ Healing Potion (​ 1 uses, 0 weight),   ________________________________ ________________________________ 
❏ Poison (​3 uses, 0 weight, choose one poison from the thief playbooks, 
you are not immune). ❏ ❏ ❏  _______​:​ ​❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ​_ ​ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ 
​ ______​:​ ❏
❏ ❏ 

Advanced Moves (Level 2+) 

​ aster of Combat 
❏M ​ ixth Sense 
Choose an additional Way. You may choose from the original list or  As long as you are awake you are never surprised. If an enemy tries to 
either of the following   sneak up on you in order to attack choose one instead. 
❏ The Way of _______________________ +2 damage  - Alert the rest of your party to the attack. They take +1 forward 
- Take the D​ efend​ move as if you rolled a 10+ 
❏ The Way of _______________________ Add the Forceful tag  - Take +1 Ongoing this combat until you take damage 
​ pirit Shield 
❏S ​ link to the past 
When you would take damage you may instead channel your spirit  When you spend an hour in quiet meditation you may summon the spirit 
energy into a shield that takes the damage for you. Take -1 ongoing to  of an ancestor and roll + WIS. On a 10+ choose 2. On a 7-9 choose one.  
your WIS until you have an hour uninterrupted meditation. If your WIS is  - Your ancestor will reveal a secret to you 
already negative you may not take this move.   - Your ancestor will send you a guide tell it where you wish to go 
and it will stay with you until your journey ends or you fall asleep 
​ Leaf on the Wind 
❏A - Your ancestor will offer you advice. Take +1 forward when acting 
As you fall from a significant height you manage to contort your body in  on the advice. 
such a way to slow your fall. Take -1d10 damage 
​ ealing Spirit 
​ isty Step 
❏M When you take time to focus your spiritual energies roll +Wis. On a 10+ 
Focusing your immense spiritual energy allows you to temporarily  you may heal yourself of 1d8 damage. On a 7-9 you may heal yourself of 
transcend this mortal coil and teleport 30 feet to any visible location.   1d4 damage.  
❏ I​ nception  ​ ater Walker 
When you roll ​Spirit Bridge​ instead of learning a memory of theirs you  You are able to run up to 100 meters across water without sinking or 
may instead implant a false memory that they believe is true.   falling in.  
❏F ​ ists of Steel  ​ odge Missile 
Deal +1d6 damage.   When a projectile is fired at you Roll + DEX. On a 10+ you catch the 
projectile and immediately roll Volley with +1 forward to throw the 
missile back at your attacker.. On a 7-9 you manage to knock the missile 
down and avoid taking damage.  

Advanced Moves (Level 6+) 

​ ne with the Wind: ​Replaces a leaf on the wind 
❏O ​ age against the light 
You never take damage when falling from great heights.  When you roll ​Last Breath y​ our connection with the spirit world allows 
you to roll + WIS as your modifier.  
​ limpse the Future 
When you spend an hour or more in uninterrupted meditation you may  ​ ealing Soul 
choose to roll +WIS. Lose all previous hold. On a 10+ hold 3. On a 7-9  Replaces: Healing Spirit 
hold 1. You may spend 1 hold to reroll any single die that you have  When you take time to focus your spiritual energies roll +Wis. On a 10+ 
rolled. When you reroll explain what glimpse of the future you saw while  you may heal yourself of 1d12 damage. On a 7-9 you may heal yourself of 
you meditated that prepared you for this event.   1d8 damage.  
​ irvana 
❏N ​ isty Push 
You have reached complete harmony of mind, body, and spirit. You do 
Requires: Misty Step 
not age, maintaining your youth until your dying day. You cannot be 
When you focus your spiritual energy to teleport someone or thing other 
poisoned or take a debility other than those self inflicted.  
than yourself that is about your size up to 30 ft roll + WIS. On a 10+ the 
​ ransference 
❏T teleport is successful. On a 7-9 the teleport is successful only if the person 
being teleported allows it.  
When you roll ​Inception​ on a 10+ you may transfer your spirit into the 
other body taking control of it indefinitely. You have all of that bodies  ​ ody of Steel 
memories and total control over it. While controlling the other body, 
Take an additional +1 armor.  
your body remains in a meditative trance and cannot see or hear. You 
may leave the body at any time or automatically leave if you take  ​ trength of the Mountain 
damage. The body you control will remember what they did, but not  You can never be knocked off your feet unless you allow yourself to be.  
necessarily why.  

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