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Mathema cs – EDEXCEL – OLEVEL Trial Exam

1. A total of 66630 people watched a football match between united and city, the ra o of
united to city fans was 17: 1. Work out the number of united fans who watched the match.
[ 3 marks ]

2. A distance measured between two buildings on a map of 1: 4500 scale was 10.3cm.
Workout in meters the real distance between the two buildings.
[ 2 marks ]

3. The number of candidates who took math’s IGCSE was 33% greater in May 2007 than the
number of candidates who took it in May 2006. If in May 2007 candidates who took the
math’s IGGCE test were 19800. Calculate the number of candidates who took it in May 2006.
[ 3 marks ]


Mathema cs – EDEXCEL – OLEVEL Trial Exam

4. In a department store sale, normal prices were reduced by 25%. The price of a dress was
reduced by £42. Calculate the original price of the dress.
[ 3Marks ]

5. Paulo’s weekly pay was increased from £350 to £805

a. Work out the percentage increase in his weekly pay [ 2 Marks ]

b. If he invested an en re year of worth savings of £25640 at 8% annually interest rate. Work

out the total amount of his investment a er 3 years [3
Marks ]

6. Ella invested $700 for 3 years at 5% per annum compound interest

Calculate the value of her investment at the end of 3 years [ 3 Marks ]


Mathema cs – EDEXCEL – OLEVEL Trial Exam


7. a(a+3)

8. (x+1)(x+2)

10. (x+5)(x+1)(x+2)


Mathema cs – EDEXCEL – OLEVEL Trial Exam


1euro = 0.96pounds
1 pound = 225 rupees

Convert 50 euros to rupees


Mathema cs – EDEXCEL – OLEVEL Trial Exam

The scale of a map is 1 : 4200
On the map, the distance between two schools is 15.6cm. Work out real
distancebetween two schools. Give your answers in Kilometers.

Bronze is made from copper and n. The ra o of weight of copper to the ra o of n is3:5.
Work out the weight of copper in 390 grams of bronze




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