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Mendelian Genetics Worksheet (27 points)

Complete the following worksheet to get a firm grasp on Mendelian genetics. The first part of this
worksheet was adapted from C. Kohl, WUHS. I wrote the second part to help you apply the concepts of
Mendelian inheritance and probability.



Gray because the female is white and dominant.

Female:gray. Male: black

b b
B Bb Bb
b bb bb

2 gray and 2 black

No, it is possible that they will adhere but a Punnett Square is only a
2 fins

1 fin



In the other squares it is not possible to produce a 1 fin offspring.

Mendelian Genetics Practice Problems: please show your work and circle your answers. All of the traits
below express complete dominance, they are also monogenic (only one gene controls the phenotype),
and there are only two alleles at each locus (a dominant and a recessive allele).

1. You are breeding pea plants for different heights. You cross a true breeding tall pant with a true
breeding short plant. The F1 generation are all tall plants. Draw out the genotypes for the two parents
and their offspring. What allele is dominant?

2. You are breeding pea plants for seed shape. Round (R) is dominant over wrinkled (r). You cross two
heterozygotes for seed shape. Use this information to answer the following questions:

A. Draw out the Punnett square for this cross:

B. What proportion of the offspring will be homozygous dominant?

C. Of the 365 offspring produced by this cross, how many will be heterozygous?

D. Of the 365 offspring produced, how many will have round seeds?
3. In peas, tall stem length is dominate (T) over dwarf (t) and axial flower position (A) is dominate over
terminal (a). You cross two pea plants; both are heterozygous for both traits. How many of the resulting
256 offspring will be tall with terminal flowers? Hint: use the shortcut that I described in lecture; you do
not need to draw out a Punnett square.

4. You cross a purple flowered round seeded pea plant (PpRr) with a homozygous recessive plant (white
flowered with wrinkled seeds). Draw out a Punnett square. What are the possible phenotypes of
offspring for this cross? What proportion of offspring do you expect will have each phenotype?

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