Reflection Paper - 11 Stem

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Jade Ahron Geonzon 11-Stem A

Reflection Paper
Guided Question
1.What is the subject matter that Plato deals with the story?
2. How does Plato describe the life of prisoners?
3. What does the cave represent? What does the fire symbolize?
4. What is education for Plato?

What I can say about the Allegory of the cave by Plato is that the prisoner in the cave is like us
the people, where we all believe because that is what we know as the truth. If I would describe
the life of prisoner is that they are limited and blinded in what they see because we all say yes
that’s the truth or this is real and this is not that’s the life of the prisoner where they grow or
adapt in their minds and just accepting it is what it is, the cave represents for me as a box or mind
where it is so enclosed and afraid to see outside. and the fire is a glimpse of truth where we just
depend in the shadow of what is pertaining the truth of the world. I do learn a lot about this
where it made me think that if I am still in the cave locked and just seeing shadows of the truth
of the world or If I’m already outside well either of it I`m still love to learn and adapt what
shows to me. That’s my reflection to the Allegory of the cave by Plato

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