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1997, eco 1510 DOCUMENTS SEVENTH PLENUM of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Indonesia Jacarta, November 19-21, 1958 Sapplementery Issue 10 REVIEW of INDONESIA No. 12, 1958 Political “Report: wii UNITE FORWARD ALONG THE PATH OF GUIDED DEMOCRACY FOR THE 100% IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRESIDENT SUKARNO CONCEPT by: IN, Ala General Secretary of the Central Commitee of the GPL. conrad suenth and by further inensiying the dictator Ships which they aeady operate both inthe om cle ME bing he Such Plena of he al Committe, expanded to include the Se craaria of the Majer Disriet’Commitees who fie ace menbers of the Cental Comte, to ‘ses and approve mate which wil besa. imitted to the Sith, Nevonal Congres ot the LGPL o be beld vin the mide a nex yea. ‘This mate has bom repared for our deur Son by the Poltcay Butes and const of the "Draft Thess om the General Report of the CC, of the CP. to be rosie ta the Sith Notional dong ike CI three Reon of he CPE Programme", al the "Draft Recto of He CPL. Contain Ts pret CE. Pe {the mes important pole! preparton for our Sith Naonal’ Congres. Although dasion ofthese dcurents wil atk of ih ene nd hu te Boia! Buea Stl deems ie necemary to present ts for your di Clon and for you to determine an aide t- ‘wards murer of iporant ferign snd dome TE potieal questions which we are Taing a the preent time: Comrades 1 he Sih Pom fhe de the cnet sion thatthe deve Inthe international ‘ation reveled a growing "conaliation of the Sociale amp, a seating of the movernent for independence. and pace, and on the ober band, the ieresng diemegraion and weakening {tthe eanp of mperlam, colonia and wat ‘Worl etente that have ale place since the Sth Plenam of the CG. was held continue to best sve eco ofthe ove Condos ae ‘ational ees Show ur Gat the spemopsly cape fie‘ oer the Erg of Iimpeilsn by" mean of pursing spi) of 2 feuties andi the entities under their donne ‘The acts of med intervention tht the pe Halt’ counties have cared ont in the Male EE in id te fe wr 4g well asthe coup eats and tempted Ea in tants Aan “Tring the Fecent evo ely wo the nreang agresnes of the Tore policy of the inperta countey fad in the lint pce, the USA, based ax tht Patio the feo of reg ate call rar. his aggresive imperialist policy as, or the (he hand brought the word to Se Bink of vrld wa, when the ether hand i has arose ver tharpening caf bern the people a The owcrnment ofthe US. ful, Between the USA Sn iow ends within the mitary alliances “and especialy with Bran and France ‘beeen the imperial countries andthe colonial couse nd with the neu counties that have not cert ny “hoe Yes, indeed 2 wide, deep gall tande betvcen the ieee and. “hopes of We vast major a Imankind. and the "schemes of 2 anal claw ot ‘monopolist and ther accomplices "The people of the world want to ae the end of coloiatsm, “he end of jmemationa tension {ey want the preservation of wed peace. In on Teery wich these yearnings of mankind the uh tes of the camp Of Soca, ed by the Soviet ‘Union are pursuing wit fll tative a play of pencefl co-einenc, Tn addin to thats she Cun {es ofthe eamp of Social are not experiencing {ny dntepratons onthe contrary, the amity ant tinanimity betwen them i prowing atonge? and Ermer Ih the recent period, the ene worl! Bae ‘bean astonished by the developmen of the great leap forward ing taken by People's China inthe Apes of indus, agrcuure, ealure and de. Hfnce"And even tore than thats the world hat ‘an aston by the targets fied by the Come nit Panty of the Soviet Union concerning the ‘Sevelpment of the peoples economy” which Fanlee tht within a pttod of 13 Jeary the Soviet ion wil” have strpased the USAW inal ‘phe The ny of the Sol connie [etait interaticnllam, The two important mes Inge held between these counties i Moscow fn My tne er (1988) are prea yet sain of “The ist of these mettings was hd fom May 20th 3rd, the meting between repreittves of the Communist’ Parse and Workers Pats of ‘counties that are members ofthe Economie Mur iia Avian’ Cnc whieh ew ad at led prope and mesures concerning mote ad: ‘nell nd improved reonome cooperation, be: tween the count af dhe eam of Soca. TRS Imesting farther devoted spec tention to the (quatian of developing the sources of ta sat als and power, an ao tothe quedion of making the fet reuse et aft in he fit of tecnology “Special tention was Paid tothe “need for eretercoeedination St Speciation in ensicering whic wil ake Posie to undertake mass production ona eal Feel antmast.medem scaly and. which feat reduce the ors of proieton “The ather mecting was the meting of the Pol: eal Conte Commer ofthe Warner Tress Feld om May 2h a which the Soret Union and the other counties of the Socal camp decided to veduce the arength of thet arned forces by 119,000 men. The Soviet coop that ate in Ht far on the base of the Warave Treaty wil be finer reduced by one dvison during Ms yar 2 the Soviet troops in Romania wil an be wih Siam rg here othe yar rice een ‘ot this meting wae that psa for nonaggreton pact be made to NATO, TS cr that these dec aen by the Warsi ‘Testy ae in harmony with the exence of tht lance, namely tha tis Treat not 8 rally fllunce! based” on aggresive tees auch at NATO. the Baghdad Pac, SEATO and ath Inner itary alfanes, but that i Is am Hance between penceloving courses thers of frhich re pulydefendve, and simed ton at Aasing joint stage to prexrve world peer hd iternttiona security. "These meetings in Moscow are of extreme impotin"Miaee dione rue dens tt further cotlsate the unity’ of the counties of the Socinit camp which are staunely pursing the Lenin pay of preserving worl peace and cell co-etinence between, cours of ileret Bale and socal gtems "Tho meting shoe Jet again that Socio i the soll sytem that he teat capable af acing ap the champion in tiience of the Condamentalieress of lions ‘people and that sable co valve the peng problems concerning the future of mankiad. ‘As has bern explaned above, the proces of the sharpening of the colts between the inperiaiss sree conus wh eat inne she sharp sontadiions that have aren {iswesn Ameen nd Brain on the ne hand and Fiance and Went Gemany on the ce, the tater counesgththy ra dra Seu of he poston of Kader el UiS"ted Grea Brin in NATO. De Gaulle een trent tothe extent of weit am ope Teter dee ‘Banding the creation of a “slumiate™ in the [NATO leadership, «suggeton which both. Ame: Fenn int wel ter NATO coats ‘prose, including West German and abo Tay. ‘Mfae eon all thi, toe NATO sallance has been DDLUY halen by the fonfamental conratic that hive developed between Briain and Teeland fd between Britain and Gres. Ths shows lear i thatthe uny of NOTA which he imperasts Meth fend of procaiming about, isa discordant {iy and fll ef cnradeions. In the counties of Latin America, the ant-US spi i becoming eer more widespread ase ‘ol the ipenala paley beng pursued by the US. fn thew founes Thee "alae diplomacy”, the ‘ence of wich is (seize and explo to the mae sri the comm sgt of Ares ten icghbors, her glen re to a biter sug for Telomere: Thy vey eben the Argentine, Brash, Cie, Mevico and ther ‘hunt The foes show that ths sale fot Scone indepen clay nk op wih thei a fe the nero of he Alona opines ‘of generals representing the ie tere of the feudal cempradores and the US. ‘monopait. "The imperistits slo mutaned a heavy Blow with arbre of revlon in Taq on July Tit, this year a revoutn which hat roaght torah cd dn ge cf. dariness ard oppresion ant ‘rhc ‘ay opened ip. a new lle forthe people Tifa, Tht courageous revolution hat depeved ‘he aghdad Pret of 1 Baghdad. 1 represents a thew upoving ia the national revlalans of the Es. "Tessie at the ‘arther awakening of the Arab peoples of the Mile Eas, Tearing’ that the ol Entree wil be digupted, had determined to pre serve clonal and guarante the Male East Vier forest fe the launching’ of aggresive Sucks agen the Soviet Union and the oer unten of the Sodalit amp, the American and SEH pert by ng west lue Dreexts lunch cre, ity aggreion agin {e'Lehnon and Jor imeditly fle the people of Tag had scceted in overthrowing, the Fonarchy af King Fea and ex-Prime Miniter Nar Eesaid. he mot recent developments infin that hve talen place sce the Traq Revolution, name 2 3 fh praimatin of he een of a Pre visonal Goverment” of the Repubic of Algeria In Now Atte and ofthe Rope of Guerin rot Aca Sth thon Tome Pech ee Festnon of the pees of Africa te sage {0 desry colonia an forthe complete rb Metal of the api andthe ection a Mh Bindang Conierenee ‘There i no fore eo eth whch can ndemmine the fesuton "The staunch unahalble determination of the Soviet Union, the Peope's Repub of China and A he eis of eS cap ot Aggreon and razrve word peace ly mean cl iting trong warnigs and by ing ther mee firey we athe sae nl peo mind in Codemnaton of inpesiitapgesion "have Al Undermined the seheres of che imperialist (o pang te Mile a ro Bia and as fred them temporary to abandon the aggresive Plans in the Mile Eaty pam he ipleneaion fie wou eae’ oes ‘This 2 major vir forthe pee force "The Reushtho-Mag Thetung Joint Communk qué fue om Augie, 1556, to only Peon Stated tha the Soviet Union 3 one wh China fn question of intervention and aggreson agus ‘he aunties of Asa and’ Aca: ore than (het {Semone thatthe entre cmp of Soci 8 my "uno at ey ale ome hat he ‘word dey faces 2 new anger of war at's {sult of imperial ate of agpsion and nt ‘enti, The Krsheto: Mao feetung Joint Com ‘muni made the people ofthe word more pre Daed'and’ vigil, tnd together wth thy was 2 {trong warning slrened thee In powes ite We crs ie USA Ga ened feng the united camp of Sila poses Inga does unlimited material and Montane sources wth the mos advanced ‘nd wih fneattemey advanced sence and techno. “The American imperlise have ted to divert the atenton of the world fem the implements fon ofthe reation ‘adopted a the Spel Sex. Son of the “UN. General Asenbhy "that US teoope b espeey withdrawn fom the ‘chanon. By feats oftheir adventure around the quetion ofthe Taiwan Stats the USA. has again made {he Wor tation in the entern Spal ota feos. By mane of rendering" anidee to the Giang Ksisbeh chque whch ‘tryin to hold back the wheels of stor sae to. Prevent he Fightcos Iiberaton hy: Peles Chita a. the ‘Minds of Quemoy, Mats, Pengha and the other ‘dandy the Talvan Sri incing Tata the U.S inperaie are crying eat Speen grins Peoples China, But never before ve the UES rperlis boon in such an Belted poston BAS Ae ets usin he Taian tale Tht dichard atte to ignore the Tele ‘of People's China as aig power, heat wes 4 sec poe aac ese ae vay ‘houla? ther relat raga” the fal hat ips Gh Eve ats San eng nected eyelets Seca tec lat SEA SF Sere ges = “De aig leet as, the cmd nate a ay aa te, feelin al he Sea ae 2 ar eee ie et a US, te Statens we ace, ae Seats ah tae Use te Soa At ts Cate ae Ins dang a’ hh et sal he sll Se pap Se See a ate tee hte Ee react ethene ge Pa ee Er now oo kage pers the ten oa ‘el SE eo a Sharad an ae ee BS semi Ae US meal betas Uta Sule SS sna eniaheraar es ed Ac and i peraen thefaeton of me tne ra te ee Se Se oat Remap ae eed a Poe pa ore a Raheny trea tule @ me tas ce SOS Sy te rege Be ela fatten Bs ens eae i ase le at che iat re Ware Sh He in ik als Pages Cane Te ie ne Rem as hr Baa Se Ae peek Seay Tha eee SUSY SPS eae i 1 Sn!” Nets tn i em ie uaa a SPT to create wo Indonesal Proveatons which esta oe rat a ied Syne nea eng See Ne ot nw war ‘he impans would nt be imperial ‘hey id nov ty by al foul means pombe to ick the people In purtoatice of their paey of hesiity towards the camp of Seca, tir pole oi Sinko te pat rn of As ‘sch as Indonesia, he US. inpestins have gine 2 loyal trend inthe peron of the Japanese Prine Miniter, Kishi Amerie’ neon Yoshida. In com plete diceard for the interes of the Japa Deopl, betraying the Bandung decstons Rid ‘hamelesy prepared to alow fil o be used by the U.S! to Ted the way inthe creation of a ew milwy pact the NEATO (Nesth Eat Ada ‘Treaty Orguniation), a malar allance of the -Atnerean ‘pera poppet sats, South Kore, Japan and Taian Side bye wt NEATO at» eas oft lng back he aspirations for national independence san world peace ofthe peoples af Norh Hast Ai the iperists have abo erened what they ca he Pith Fee, inthe Indin Oceam eet though the entire worl fale conscious ofthe exes committed by the U.S. Snth and, Seventh Fes, tins ar woe than he commited ya he Dates threughout the eoure of tory role ito fe. This Fleet, whieh hase base thousand of Iles from the” U.S.A, is clealy not aimed Sctendine US, terstoral borders ‘The rel a ‘of ths Fly Fleet becomes dearer fe we iin ‘laon wih SEATO sad NEATO; that i fr tse asa weans of presure and intervention, pee ay towards thdanesia and Burma rth rare of he a of i ing Japan, Rei te now tying fo ale the Japan peice Bai nw ss tbe Seo sparc he Soren ard the dentate nena i Tapa, {O deprive the Japanese people f their baie hte Snd to conver Japan into'a pie wate The Anger af the ow of mii and plies! Dresute on the Japansse "people pata more End more serious becaue ts poy & being’ pu de hat the Sexy tine ‘when he USA andl on the abe Tac, he tonsan pope fully supper the call made bythe Communit Ray of pan te alltel Comat a Worken' Frcs to suppor the srg ofthe Japanese feople to delet the Kishi Governments {hemes wlizh conatate a threat to peace in A And the weld, which crete bart to he eae bshen of es of endship between Japan at is neighouring counts including eve tm coun tay and whieh wl drag Jepan inte 2 csia] fdicsture’ To have lived once under the hes of ‘France rataram i quite enough forthe Indo idan pele and the ‘her peoples of Asa, ‘On the other hand, Peoples China r under- taking sus activity co sel Intemational te ons ‘The i proved by the withdrawal of the Chinese Vtugeers Army tom the ene tetany ‘ofthe People’s Democrate Republic of Kore even thease tym Asa il threstned by pe "allt acter suc av have been mendonel abowe "Te war policy which finde te realaton fn the saciviie of NATO, SEATO, NEATO, and ther falter altace, the patay ‘chat Dull als the ‘eink pty, as bee coded by th mera Deope as I proven by the rests ofthe er ions fr he Svan the Hote sprentatves in which Dalle pary the Reps ‘ia Party suffered a serous defeat ven hog there ise hope that by. giving thet yotes to the Democratic Pary their Bring conditions wil be any better than what fey ate now, the Amevicn ete, ts dele he he oot he he Sewer Daler paley which fe aroue the ‘Seep hated of the Peoples of the whole work "The quesion of univer oppage of cleat weapon tets isan Inve which i engogng the Serious ateton of th ene world. The Soviet Unto’ ‘untatera cestn of clear te joyllly and wih great stsacion aed reve wel fled by the people of the worl. The people in AIT the cotinents opel and” urged that thet fer tome states, the USA. and Gret Bria. oUt Fo he’ enol ren, By the Sev inion. But this hope athe peole of the hole world war diappomte! by the U.S, and Bran Dieearding the demands mankind that the a mosphere should not be plated by rado-ntve hy they peste: wih Get nuclear teste 1 a semana nd ata the Sot Ini, afer having sopped ts mclear tes for Sx'imtabl, te have been compel to rue {hese et agai, prety inorder to fore the Iimperiaist countries ntl to undertakes ttl Soppage nf ucla teas The cation of clear {ets not only fa he interests of Sails camp ‘but ie an in the increas f the small cote hd. ‘other non-atomic countries “The above brief utine shows clearly that were 4 not for the fact at the Soviet Un cay Compete with the sonic stats of the USA. and ‘Gren Briain, then the imperial countries would ‘ye fee fo do just as fey like with the Asian and ‘Asean counties which” are siugling for inde Penna op eign ed wth her ounties hat ave’ wesker than they ae. I fe red ta tana othe hae it Union trong tat it has been pele to Trt the argent acs and schemes of he Imperiale to hold tac oe abst the Impl: Imentaon of these pla, ch ap for example the 4138 ofagaresion agaist Beype, the Lebaron, Jor ‘ban andthe plan‘ seesion spain Syria nd Snes "The tenure len bythe Sol Union ‘avour scuity,peser and the ves of mankind throughout the world. This is fact weather We Tike the Soviet Union or not One dows nt have to he's Communi toe this t only necety {be honest and eourageaus enough to recognise the truth “The Soviet Union is constantly siving reel tay fo pret the USA." Beal fling. their mater tet, not jst for one year o for any gene period of tine but forever, The Sole nin earnennsn and” honesty ve thi Se became sery dear inthe meetings of the Fast (Paltz) Commiuee of te UN: General AS Senbly, held. during wecent weeks at which he ‘quecion of diemamen, inluding the inmeiate {Ind uncondsional cesaian of mea tomy was chat In front o teat majority of manna the USA" and Great Btn have been exponed 5 samen of ae and a ate who dite isarmament. Fray, so a teat of the presure txened by the “USA. on the delegations from ‘counties dependent upon her, chang U.S. al that are members of the agtrenive mitary pact 2 count Lan Aer "The Sen ‘al Asembly adapted rslaton by #9 vote gaint 9 with 23 abstentions confining itll to the siggeton Wat nclear tee be tor the drain of the Geneva. Conese which Stare on October 3s. “The above facts make it lear thatthe dange: of rallaton ie petng siete because of the illngnes of the atom sate the US. and Gres Brain hat nun ss thercloreape Date for the entze Indonetsn people wget With the peaceloving, prgresioving sel Ue loving peoples of ote’ cunt to furter inter sly the movement for world pence the movement in oppenton o ucla tas The scesesscieved the reeny held "Peace Month, the purse y ‘ich ast populares the deions f the Stoctoln Gonferace ind the Fourth Ant-A, and HE Bomb Ward Conference he in akyoy io Goveraent of Indonesia during the course of tht Peace Mon demonstrates the nied wil of the people and Government of Indonesia or the pre {ervation of peace and. rexitance timp Such activin must be more frequen ahd exer sively ‘arid out in our county "The exe. feace must become the cause of fur entre people the peace movement mast grow into vey bread ‘mast tovernent. By strengthening the peace move ment Wwe tal be strengthening sar nasonal inde. Foci. Indra Commins tad fn the vanguard ofthe peace movement becaise th ‘meant spearheading the stugee for humanity and for the independents of ou fatetand Otter trata ees have eg ‘yen he wold ae cong Ser of de Gnas ary ctatrtip a Bae rd he Samerllagry lary up Bae Pi ad Thlnd Th France, de Guile acid in coming rower rt the war cou el ‘Riera wie ha Ser plane bythe ma exe’ ary eon o he Pench beget te ti ini Commer Ths Wa See eh Seno te weakne oe finch breite They ave Lan orc Mop ecaornay an bivry mot ep oie . 1 coeuenc oftheewe more aid oth ca Mh of pace sa era he Inpaas 6 se tying to "strengthen their shaky. postion by ‘ranging democratic erties, by fanning’ the Ares of chain an by aeeeating the pre pss or ae war Bee of te rs being faced by the bougeese, they ae no longer ‘able to remain in power by. democsae eso ie Ua he Sen thr power and interes ae testened the Bourges acs weh Tc de ule in ance in power "The French bourgesble has reves tina to overcome the cia they are facing including, Among others, the Algeria war which hae been Foe ise Novara and which ance has ben quite unable to achleve vicar he’ renh fel thes ‘are nia strengthening thee oppetion aguas the French Clonal war in Alger ‘With the: porpre of provening the etblsh- ment of peate fe Algesa by eatin, ahd fn ford to conti with this ealonal war, the cx remit enone tometer wih fait rebel gene fa members of the mealed Publ Secury oye” cared oat 3 miltary coup in Alge fia They then forced ache” ditatorip 0 France to suppres the people In eer to-do this {hey fored the euablshment of & de Gaile Re "The de Gaulle Government which has come into wer by svongarn measure through ‘nti. onan ter em of pal inv ane Usning whoa the operon of Pramient. The {Gontaton hasbeen replaced by anew one wich Ie the most reaconary Corton in the history ofthe French Republi, a Contin which aber fn the character of a monarchy. By this meats, {he reactonares are cut to muprem democratic eri i a spe of ew be tle to prevent the French penple from meting ‘he flores inthe stropie fo, achieve ther ono ‘ti and poll demade and to pat a sop tothe var in Aer. "The de ‘Gaile gore as sendy ave to put democracy in ance into eld storage and {8 Bpen up the way to facia, to ope monopoly Soil dtatohip and tern 'As isthe cave in ther counties, 10 in France, (ae tak Othe righiewing soca to grea harp bay. Wee ke nce fgain of the role a8 traitors to. demecrs DY the French rghtaving acl nthe proces: of fringe Gale the St a rr The Genera Secretary of the Fren Sear, Gay Mole evade th = ‘minteral appointment the de Gaulle ‘ment for hi servic to the monopay. capa “he bermal of th Fen wig ocak ‘mens and fllowers of te French Sociale Par- {yt the faenes of the Teaders, and as reg Inne ther es th the Communes and with therenize propreive Toes Sn the arog aguas ae Gale, mn Burma, eo, wesc how ver reactionary and druptive the role of the tglewing soc thereunder ie U5 Se {Eis they ae uring to prevent domestic develop Imenis fom pesceding’"owards the achievement ‘ot national peace between all democrat and re oluionary ferees a the foremost conltion fr ‘arena to undertake canoe eonsmytion. Sich developments would deprive them of the chance to mate the greatest posible gains for themselves 1 was for th reason that hey allempted to cary ful a coup det on September 23rd Is bt were {oiled oy the vigilance tthe people and the Ba ‘ese Goverment under the leadership af Prime Miniser 0 Nr In Pakitan and Thailand ilary soup ate have tken place, one afer anther. The aim of these coup Jats in'no way t put an end to the intemal confsion and diorer wich reed from the bankrupt economic polices of thew in Dower before the cou dats took pice Ayub Khan, who sqicez alandor Ele,‘ and 0 too Sart ‘Thanarat, each ufilsed fou” methods 19 team upon "the few Gementary rights ill Tet to the people of Pakisan and Thalland and to ru tes the patie moverent ofthe people who are yearning for bertes and prosper {The polieal statements they have made show ‘hae by means of ditatorp, they sim ne gears lecng the coined preservation of the economic tnd tiltary interes of the imperial the one finiedexiece of the mltary pacts which are fore and more meting withthe Festance ofthe rend maser ofthe people nthe two coutes "he crepes d miley dcx we rimed cine suet oh ee ee Soe rear fo os se tat aera er eg oo Fete retain bce Sergei ag Soe ere erate cern ene ee a ee ae ier However power these dictatorships may be sow, the intrtional statin at the preset ine Pia theme art war Before the war atthe time that Her and. Mlowoln dicatonhip came to power in Germany sed aly. The world bs lange of foros today tr favourable to democracy spd wnfavourable to the raconares and cis ‘That b why, even at this moment, we can freee (hat democracy wl surely wi in Frane, in Pat Mian In Thailand and everywhere ee ‘The Indonesian people know nothing of the raion of aco Sedan, bak they have lperinced the cracls of Japancw mir de {onhip. and iB quite it of the, question, for them tye heir support to such dictators. The ‘kepe Cings of epotly and solar of the trotng class 'and the eae democratic people of Tadonea go cut to the Freeh working clay the ESE Re Bes Gomme nd te ‘tire French people isp of ge frocrcy, Independence, equity and fates ‘The dept spats and salary ofthe Indo resnn people go out tothe people of Paistan ard ‘Fhaid ho! are now fad al manner of ul feting and sciice adh wil define sc feelin overhang thew mitary dicatorchipe {i toyour of independence, democracy and pete. ‘Tae Tag Revelation feos excelent example for All peopts ing undereteme rescuonary and iaten boureas eicatonpe ‘This in bre the interetonal station atthe Une. The task of te Party in face of such Er'Rtomatonal sung to cub cen ore Intensive co-peration between all patie fore fas to pus the government int farther sere ‘Bening che anccslonial sod antevar Internatio fal frst, What we want and are srugging for ‘atthe Indonetan Government shoul contin Senn to tegen sages of the’ peopl fo ake eps within and outset Whats ations for the adevenent of an iter rational Gest Briain ‘inconional and ‘weapon tots The Endanesan Government shoul {Toppos llatofforegn oterventon ae sub eviny hl pone he combing ant ‘Spunon of aggremie mitary pacts at should Ferry dean hc an Alls the alse eaving demoracy and independence Invour Republic, the came’ of curity tn Aa inthe caus of frendshiptetween the peop and ot word peace. Comrades! ompatiton with the station at the ime we held the Sith Plenum ofthe CC. Mars {he yer andthe stuston atthe ime we eld the ‘Think National” Party Ganerence in June the ‘ear, the domestic stuaton has gradually Improved. 7 et no stn nd ne ES ch an es Bicbeei ates Lea Shor Rape e Sc AEG ay Ns ReSraa at e ngttle Sa arrestee Seo Geert eet Ei eS eee ope tl et ance See mpl det se St ee A ay oe sipped ora RLS iene natn eos SUA trnimas Score Sees, ee See Geeta” sen fe hee SSS ar stare ESS ie pitone noe ree Be den a the oe accent i Mee Soriianaee ore esas umn al Got tt Site a ee Sie” A Sea eae Seed ie Nase Sere bas sh ama Sah ant Reed BAER ogee tec Be nla ook Gee inde eet SA ioc he Rel ere oe ns iia ntac ae Sh ems Sega es ee te ee shovel tree tee Sacer merge Fee Pisce ly ey eo ict Peta ele ee is Siatriee Si iat ace see ie soc oo see tara tate ee selbst i a ieee Rist ie prifnancs pint tora ae pa a mee St "elt ee te aed le ig en tl as Bs Es ira cae Bre hula vera SSCs Ren at Si Beacon? Stich tile Te ably tag Bache meray ete Grae ictenegi, Renney tw sth ORE et te Seatac So ce a ee ctr pane a Se ae Geetha ie ‘ston and taking thei enlrprans ote a el ad ag irate irae beige st magenta aes ESA pets cee nar eyes ae ath ee ote age ea bree ran nr es sears eam rate sae Eealaera cece Sacer meatal os trean bringing abou the downto the parte See tw aan we cree es ots mip tat yaaa Seceade wehonr cto ere seninhs pact ihe tad See Ra negating the many scien made by the Are gece tare ares {ins from the’ present confcts In Thdons We Eo ers ae a Cece re Ne mae eer nm nn ae ictins may Be beth the open cota: aor ee vas ies fe cea at Seance la he met tae ccm of te Taran feo emer ECE hee See eerie Sak Shes ornrneore fe imee erm Ness secs hee a ens of the people, not contaesons between eee a Tet Chin te pp a Sentara Erg sa ses ee anys ie ae aa {he'Daculdan( 1. 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