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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
Character: Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, Jung
Hoseok | J-Hope, Jeon Jungkook
Additional Tags: yoongi is kinda whipped, like this boi is a bit shook, and jimin is cute,
theres like a jin cameo, also yoongi doesnt know when to stop, but its
all good, Fluff, low key angst, like this is just because i had a whole
tub of ben and jerries and threw up, yoongi cant handle the lactose,
Min Yoongi | Suga Is Whipped, which is ironic since his body can't
tolerate cream, Park Jimin Is a Sweetheart
Series: Part 1 of 100%
Stats: Published: 2017-08-10 Words: 5437

100% Intolerant
by bramblejelli


A new ice cream parlour opens up and there's very cute boy at the counter. There's just
one problem. The shop has a 'no eat no seat' policy, and Yoongi is very lactose intolerant.


See the end of the work for notes

It started when Hoseok dragged Yoongi with him to check out the new ice cream parlour that’d
opened up just down the road.

The shop was giving out free tasters in celebration of their opening, and the small room was
packed. People spilling out onto the street and fanning themselves in the hot weather. Yoongi
wasn’t sure whether the shop was really, really small, or there were just lots of people. He craned
his neck to look, and indeed, the shop was tiny, about the size of his and Hoseok’s shared dorm

There was only one man behind the counter, and he was flashing a brilliant smile as he worked a
mile minute handing out free ice cream.

To cater to all of the other customers, there were two boys stood outside under a sunshade, leaning
against a table and handing people free samples. One was short with red hair, and the other taller,
with black hair. They were both dressed identically, and Yoongi guessed they probably worked
there. Or were going to work there rather, seeing as this was the grand opening.

It wasn’t really a surprise that there were so many people there. The shop was giving out free ice
cream, and it was only a five-minute walk from the nearby university’s dorms. No student would
pass up free food. Not even Yoongi, even though he knew he’d be sick if he did. Maybe he’d
regret his poor life choices later. Maybe.

“Hoseok slow down.”

Yoongi was being dragged forwards. He preferred to walk at a leisurely pace, especially in hot
temperatures like today. And especially since he was wearing all black and sweating to hell and
back in a hoodie. He couldn’t just take it off either, because he wasn’t wearing a top underneath.
It’d looked colder this morning.

“Ah stop complaining, I’m sure the ice cream will cool you down.”

“Hoseok I’m lactose intolerant.”

“Yeah but it’s free.”

“So because I get to pay nothing to be sick, I should be grateful?”


“Hey, I’m not saying no to free food.”

They’d made it to the line now, and the temperature still felt like it was rising. Yoongi had his
phone in his hand, fanning himself, whilst Hoseok couldn’t keep still. He jumped from foot to foot
in his t-shirt and shorts. Yoongi could feel the sweat on his back and regretted every life choice
he’d ever made that had led him to this moment.

Nearing the front of the queue, someone bustled past them and yelled a loud greeting to the boys
at the table. One of them said something back, and the boy nodded and began squeezing his way
into the shop, presumably to join the man at the counter. Just watching him run made Yoongi feel
ten times more exhausted.

The ice cream better be worth it for him to stand around suffering like this, only to retreat back to
his dorm to then suffer there too.

It was. He grudgingly had to admit to Hoseok, who was busy juggling as many samples as he
could get his hands on. It’d been a while since Yoongi had had ice cream, as it wasn’t anything
special, and it definitely wasn’t worth the time he’d inevitably spend curled up in discomfort on
his bed afterwards.

Not a lot of things were, he’d discovered. Though obviously he’d sacrifice himself for pizza. The
cheese would make his stomach flip and he might end up vomiting what he’d eaten earlier up, but
he’d stand by his decision to eat it, coincidentally defending his choice of pineapple on pizza.
Hoseok always joked that maybe he wasn’t lactose intolerant after all, and instead it was just the
cursed combination of pineapple on pizza that made him sick. It was not. Pineapple on pizza was
an acceptable topping.

Just as he’d predicted, he began to feel a bit ill about an hour later. Hoseok was sitting opposite
him on his own bed, legs crossed, still with a handful of samples left. That was when his stomach
dropped, and he had to rush to the toilet. Something he’d had practice with, since he ate a lot of
pizza and used to generally ignore his lactose intolerance until the day he’d thrown up so badly
after eating macaroni cheese he had decided to swear off dairy completely.

Apparently, it was harder than he’d thought it would be.

Hoseok had just grinned when he slunk back into the room to curl under his duvet. He still had ice
cream left, and Yoongi watched from his duvet burrito as he finished it off. He only had to rush
back to the bathroom twice more.

This was it. Pizza excluded, he was swearing off dairy completely. No more lactose for him, not
now, not ever.


“Oh urm, chocolate.”

He was sat beside Hoseok at the counter of the ice cream parlour. His friend had wanted to go
since he’d polished off his numerous free tasters, and was taking Yoongi with him.

“Hoseok you promised I wouldn’t have to eat any.” Hissed Yoongi, once the red haired boy at the
counter had taken their order and turned away.

Hoseok shrugged, “I didn’t know about their ‘no eat no seat’ policy.”

Because the shop was so small, they had the rule, that only customers who were currently eating
something could stay. There were six stools in total, at the counter. The rest of the space was for
standing whilst people waited for their orders. So Yoongi had been roped into eating more ice
cream, because Hoseok wanted to sit inside, and he didn’t want to sit inside alone.

Yoongi hadn’t looked at the menu, he’d just gone for a popular flavour, because he didn’t want to
find an obscure ice cream he liked and feel compelled to return.

The shop was busy, with many people lingering around, waiting for their orders. The two boys
who’d been under the sunshade handing out free samples on the opening day, were rushing back
and forth to serve everyone. The one with red hair hurried over and slid Yoongi and Hoseok their
ice cream with a smile.

Unsurprisingly, Hoseok was quick to devour his, and immediately ordered more. Yoongi dragged
out eating his as much as possible. Not because it would lessen the ice cream’s wrath on Yoongi’s
stomach, but because if he finished it, and Hoseok was still ordering, Yoongi would have to order
more ice cream himself.

So he ate his ice cream, and enjoyed it too, because if he was going to feel the effects of dairy in
his system later, then he was going to enjoy eating what he had now. And it didn’t not taste good.
It was reminding Yoongi of what other lactose based foods he missed out on, on a daily basis.

People had filtered out now, and the shop wasn’t as busy as it’d been before.

He checked his phone casually, slowly spooning the smallest spoonful of ice cream into his
mouth. It’d been thirty minutes. He looked over to Hoseok, hoping he’d decide enough was
enough. Yoongi had no such luck. Not only was his friend clearing out the small shop’s whole
stock of frozen desert, but he’d also struck up a conversation with their red-haired server.

“This is Yoongi” Hoseok patted his shoulder, and the boy behind the counter smiled. His cheeks
round, eyes forming crescents. His hair a colour only obtained from shop bought dye.
“I’m Jimin,” said the boy, pointing to his nametag.

Yoongi gave a pursed smile back in politeness. He’d been nearing the bottom of his ice cream for
the past ten minutes, and didn’t know how to prolong eating it any more than he had already done.
He hoped no one could see his panic.

“Yoongi looks grumpy, but he’s just shy.”

He glared at Hoseok. Why did he always have to expose him like this in front of new people.

“You could say, he’s a little, intolerant.”

Yoongi scowled then, his eyes daggers directed at his friend. Jimin just smiled his brilliant, happy
smile again though, and pointed to the other boy with black hair working behind the counter. He
was currently polishing glasses, like the one Yoongi had his rapidly depleting ice cream in right at
that moment.

“That’s Jungkook.”

Jungkook waved from where he stood before turning back to his task. He definitely looked
younger than Yoongi and he was most certainly taller. Yoongi pursed his lips. At least Jimin
looked shorter than him. He was tired of Hoseok’s occasional jabs at his height and hoped he’d
move onto teasing the easier target of Jimin.

“Do you guys live nearby then?” Jimin leaned on the counter. He’d picked up his own glass and
was busy cleaning it.

“Oh yah, we live in the dorms, just over…” Hoseok leaned back, gesturing vaguely in a direction
which Yoongi didn’t think was where their dorm was at all.

He zoned out as the pair began to talk about what classes they took, and where Jimin and
Jungkook lived. Yoongi toyed with his phone more and more, and considered texting Hoseok that
now would be a good time to politely leave and promise to return another day.

“Hey, you okay?”

Yoongi looked up, dropping his phone on the counter. Jimin was invasively close, leaning
opposite him against the counter. Yoongi just stared back. He fiddled with the rip in his jeans at
his knee. He’d learned his lesson from that hot, hot day, and was wearing a t-shirt.

“Um, yeah, I’m, I’m fine.” He looked around, “where’s, where’s Hoseok?”

“Oh, he just went to the toilet.” Jimin smiled at him warmly. If someone gave him a penny for
every time that boy had grinned since Yoongi had been sat in the ice cream parlour, he’d have
been able to afford another ice cream that he wouldn’t be able to eat without his stomach folding
in on itself.

Yoongi only smiled back. His ice cream was finished now, and a secretive side glance at
Hoseok’s glass told him that his friend’s was too. He hopped off the stall, instantly loosing half a
foot of height. At least he was still taller than Jimin, but only just.

“You leaving?”

“Yeah, um, I’ll just, just wait for Hoseok to come, to come back.” Yoongi’s hand closed tightly
around his phone. He was stumbling over his words, and he could feel the embarrassed heat in his
Luckily Hoseok appeared a moment later, and they left, promising to come back soon. Yoongi
secretly wished they wouldn’t, because his stomach had started doing all sorts of flips and vaults.
Whether that was due to the ice cream was up to interpretation, but Yoongi was only 80% sure it
was his shitty lactose intolerance.

Jimin waved as they left, and Yoongi felt that twist in his stomach again.


Hoseok and Yoongi had returned a couple of days later, earlier in the morning, which Yoongi had
almost killed him for. It wasn’t enough to make his lactose intolerant friend eat ice cream and tease
him in front of a cute boy, he also had go and drag him out of bed in the early hours of the
morning to do it.

“Don’t be so melodramatic Yoongi. Its only nine.”

“Yeah, nine hours before I wake up.”

“That’s a lie.”

“It’s more of a fantasy, but I guess you could see it as a lie.” He huffed.

Hoseok ignored him and just strode ahead. Yoongi crossed his arms, head sinking down onto his
shoulders as he struggled to keep pace with his friend.

The ice cream parlour hadn’t been very busy since everyone was either asleep, working, or in
class. That meant Jimin and Jungkook could talk to them. Yoongi felt his stomach flip again, but it
was probably the frozen lactose death trap he’d been eating.

He’d revised his hopes of Jimin being picked on by Hoseok. Jimin was too nice. Yoongi would
just have to pray he’d grow taller, though his chances of that happening were slimmer than his
chances of being unaffected by dairy.

It was a cool morning, but the clear sky meant the sun would soon appear to make Yoongi suffer.
He intended to be back in his bed before his skin melted off from the heat. At least he wasn’t
swaddled in a hoodie this time. He was still wearing all black, (he would suffer in the heat for his
aesthetic), but it was a thin flannel shirt. He’d reluctantly removed his beanie a few minutes

However, what he hadn’t intended, was to arrive back at the small ice cream shop a couple of
days later. This time, without Hoseok.

“Hey.” Called Jimin.

“Oh, um hi.” Yoongi sat at the counter, trying not to make it too obvious he had to hop up into the
stool. If he noticed, Jimin didn’t say anything.

It was early morning again, and Yoongi wasn’t sure what he was doing as he ordered his ice
cream. He was paying to lose his extra sleep and get ill. It sounded like an all round loss for him to
be honest.

“There ya go.” Jimin slid his glass across to him. “Where’s Hoseok?”

“Oh, um, in class.”

Would he ever stop mumbling? Would he ever be able to hold an actual conversation with anyone
without mangling his words? He really hoped so, because right now, he felt as uncomfortable as
his dairy rejecting body.

“So, what classes do you do?”

Jimin was leaning casually against the counter, elbows on the work surface, chin in his hands, a
small smile on his face. His red hair flopped lazily onto his forehead, parted at the side. He didn’t
look dissimilar to the strawberry ice cream on the sign behind his head.

“Music.” Yoongi swallowed.

Jimin tilted his head to the side, his hair fluffy and bouncing as he did.

“I mean, I do like production, production and stuff yeah. Like writing a little.” He gestured
nervously whilst he talked, one hand gripped around his glass, fingers going cold.

“Oooh, what kinda music?”


Jimin nodded, he smiled again, before, “my friend does production and stuff too. You know
Namjoon?” Jimin brushed his hair back out of his face. One arm on the counter, the other still
holding his face.

Yoongi did. He nodded.

Jimin laughed, “I dance.”


“There are two classes. Hoseok’s in the other one.”

They continued on in their awkward little conversation, until Yoongi’s ice cream ran out, and
Yoongi went back to his dorm, and his bed. As much as he cringed, replaying everything he’d
said to Jimin, he’d like talking to him.

Yoongi was only 75% sure the flip in his stomach was his body telling him he was a dumb fuck
for eating ice cream again.


Over the next month, it became normal for Yoongi to drop in at the ice cream shop and talk with

“You must like ice cream a lot huh?”

“Yes. I love ice cream.” Said Yoongi. Yoongi was only 50% a liar.

Jimin was always on the early morning shift, and embarrassingly Yoongi had set an alarm so he’d
get up in time. Though he’d never admit to this. Jimin never seemed tired, not like Yoongi.
However many times he yawned, Jimin would never follow. He never had dark eyes, or messy
hair like Yoongi. He always looked fresh faced, like he lived for early mornings.

Yoongi could hardly open his eyes. He supposed that was quite handy though, because every time
he looked at Jimin his stomach turned, and he was getting less and less certain that it was the ice
cream that caused it.
Spending his time forcing himself through mild discomfort had become his new hobby. Not even
Hoseok visited the ice cream shop as much as he did. But Hoseok didn’t know that. His friend
thought Yoongi only went if he dragged him there. He wasn’t quite ready to tell him that he woke
up early to go and talk to Jimin.

If Jungkook had noticed, he didn’t say anything. However, Taehyung did. Taehyung, Jungkook’s
boyfriend/best friend? Because Yoongi was never sure, either had no concept of personal space
and privacy, or he did, and just didn’t care about Yoongi’s discomfort.

It wasn’t that Taehyung got physically close to him, no. He liked to lounge around a stool or so
away from Yoongi, eating his own ice cream. What he did was stare. He stared at Yoongi smiling
at Jimin, and he stared at Jimin laughing with Yoongi.

Jungkook stared too. It must have been a them thing. What Jungkook didn’t do though, was smirk
at Yoongi when Jimin’s back was turned. Taehyung raised his eyebrows. Yoongi didn’t exactly
scowl, he preferred to think of his face as being unamused, as he wasn’t glowering at the other
boy. Taehyung just tapped his nose as he took a milkshake handed to him by Jungkook with the
other hand. He sipped it smugly, legs crossed.

Maybe they were fuckbuddies. Yoongi couldn’t tell.

Taehyung hung around as often as Yoongi did, so he’d grown used to this, but it didn’t mean that
it didn’t make him uncomfortable. He could hear Taehyung playing with his milkshake straw, but
he wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of looking at him.

Although Jungkook didn’t really seem to be the type to have a fuckbuddy. Well, they were close
friends at least.

In front of him, Jimin was talking to their manager, and owner of the shop, Seokjin. He wasn’t
much older than Yoongi, but he was much friendlier, which was probably why he was the one
running his own ice cream parlour, amongst other lactose related reasons.

It was easier to talk to Jimin now, and they got on well. Their conversations always started out a
little shaky, but after a few minutes, they became casual, relaxed, natural.

Yoongi didn’t want to think it, more hope it, but he could swear that Jimin’s smile widened ever
so slightly whenever he slipped into the shop in the mornings.

It’d been just over a month, and now Yoongi was only 50% sure that his unsteady stomach was
caused by the ice cream.


It had been a month and a half since the ice cream shop had opened, and for the first time, Yoongi
was willingly ordering a second ice cream. Well, he wasn’t sure if it counted as willingly if he was
only doing it to stay in that small warm shop for a little while longer.

Yes, he was making the decision to order and eat the ice cream, but it wasn’t because he actually
wanted to eat it. He and Jimin were in the middle of a conversation. He couldn’t just drop it and
leave because of Seokjin’s dumb ‘no eat no seat’ rule. That would’ve been rude, and he was
happy staying where he was.

Yoongi had told Jimin what he thought about the rule, though not very eloquently, because he
was sleep deprived from staying up late trying to write music.

Jimin laughed at what Yoongi had said as he passed him his new glass. Their fingers close, but
not quite touching. Suddenly Yoongi was glad of the snacks coldness and he hoped it would cool
his warming cheeks.

His stomach twisted and turned, and he was about 40% sure it was due to his double dose of ice


Hoseok was nosy.

“Hey where were you today?”

“What?” Yoongi was in the bathroom trying to feel less sick.

“Class got cancelled so I came back and you weren’t here.”


“It was nine thirty. You’re always here at nine thirty.”

“Not when you drag me to get ice cream I’m not.”

“Yoongi that was once.” There was a slight thud as his friend leaned against the bathroom door.


“Okay then, two times if you wanna be picky.”

Yoongi looked at himself in the mirror, he looked a little pale and sickly, and he felt a little pale,
and very sickly.

“I was getting mi- biscuits from the shop.” He’d almost said milk. Fuck, he’d seen too many
movies where people just casually bought milk because it didn’t attack them like it did him. He
prayed Hoseok wouldn’t pick up on that.

“Ahh yes, so where are these mi-biscuits?”

Yoongi scowled instinctively, and it was a good scowl, he could see himself how pissed he
looked, but it was wasted as Hoseok was on the other side of the bathroom door. Bothering him.

“I ate them?” He said, like it should have been obvious.

“So when you ate them, did you happen to do it at Jimin’s ice cream shop?”

“Its not his shop, and- what the fuck? How-“

“I saw you on my way to get milk from the shops.” His tone was casually satisfied.

If there’d been a better glowering face, Yoongi hadn’t seen it, he only wished Hoseok could see it
too. Instead, all his efforts came to nothing in the bathroom mirror. Since his friend was the only
person who knew he was lactose intolerant, it meant he also knew that Yoongi was deliberately
making himself sick just because he wanted to talk to Jimin.

“Also, I could hear you throwing up for a solid ten minutes.” Hoseok sniggered.

“I wasn’t throwing up, I was dry heaving. And that wasn’t because I ate ice cream. I haven’t
talked to Jimin since you last did. I was brushing my teeth, and I have a shitty gag reflex.”
On cue, a wave of sickness washed over him, and he turned to face the toilet. Recently he’d been
saying yes to second ice creams, which hadn’t been his best idea.


He didn’t purposefully keep his lactose intolerance a secret. Most of the time he’d tell people
within minutes of meeting them, especially if they went to grab food. For a while it’d been his
only conversation starter, which was probably why talking to Jimin at first had been so difficult.

It definitely wasn’t to do with the way his eyes closed when he smiled, or the curve his mouth
made, or his hair, soft looking, and fluffy.

He couldn’t exactly say, Hi I’m Yoongi and your ice cream makes me sick but that’s okay, I’ll eat
it anyway just so I get to talk to you. Well, theoretically nothing was stopping him. Bu was he
going to admit to that? Nope.

Now he supposed that that was his second conversation starter. Or maybe just a continuation of
the first. He could not only hit people with a conversation topic that could lead to many heated
discussions centred around veganism, but could also alert people to his own stupidity, and
willingness to suffer at the same time.

Yoongi had taken to visiting the shop three or four times a week now. He’d have no money left if
it wasn’t for Jimin giving him free refills. At least he was only paying for 50% of his sickness
inducing snacks. He was broke enough already, but still he bought his ice cream. Jimin had also
given him a regular’s discount, claiming that even if all of their customers stopped coming,
Yoongi could single-handedly keep them in business with the amount he spends on ice cream.

“So you really do love it then?” Jimin blew his hair out of his eyes and smiled.

Yoongi opened his mouth to speak, but closed it when he felt a little nauseous, and just nodded

Jimin was busy polishing a glass. “What else do you like? Apart from music of course.”

“Honestly? Sleeping.” He said whilst mixing his ice cream with his spoon.

“Yeah, me too, but I’m stuck on the morning shift. Got dance in the afternoon. Working here pays
all right though, and I have you and Jungkook to talk to.”

“You’re not so bad.”

Jimin laughed.

“If you love sleeping so much, then why are you here so early?”

“Got a busy schedule, music to make and all that.”

“Ah, if we weren’t so busy, maybe we could hang out some time.” Jimin smiled.

He was 30% sure it was the ice cream.


Everything culminated in a somewhat dramatic but predictable turn of events.

Yoongi was sat on his stool, (he stuck to the same one every time, and Jimin joked they should
just put his name on it), for the fifth day in a row. Call it excessive, Hoseok just thought Yoongi
was infatuated.

As a good friend, he hadn’t pestered him too much though, only the occasional teasing that
Yoongi’s ‘shitty gag reflex’, was what was truly keeping him and Jimin apart. Hoseok got away
with it too. He always tried his luck because he knew that Yoongi was all talk. The boy had been
making himself sick just so he could talk to his crush, he was definitely too soft to deck Hoseok
over a lewd comment.

Like most mornings, the shop was empty. Business always picked up in the afternoons. Taehyung
was nowhere to be found either, and as usual, Jungkook was quietly polishing glasses behind

Five days of two glasses of ice cream a day had taken their toll on Yoongi. Last night had been
the worst. After that he’d promised himself that today would be the last day, and he’d come back
in a week or so. He’d felt sick even before getting there that morning, when he was on his way to
the shop.

Maybe that was the ice cream, he was only 15% sure.

In the past week, Jimin had taken to sitting next to him on a stool and polishing glasses there.
Yoongi would eat painfully slowly, and Jimin would clean glasses repeatedly, even if he’d just
cleaned them. Yoongi would sit slightly turned towards Jimin, and Jimin would sit facing Yoongi,
knees touching Yoongi’s stool, whilst he twisted to polish.

Jungkook went about his job as normal.

“Dance got cancelled today,” Jimin started.

Yoongi watched him as he sucked on his spoon.

“So I was wondering if-“

Yoongi was halfway through his second ice cream, after an hour or so of talking to Jimin, when
he felt it. When his stomach dropped and he could feel that familiar rising feeling in his throat.

He was 100% sure that this was the ice cream.

He quickly pushed away from the counter, dropping off his stool, and rushing to the bathroom. He
only just made it before he wretched into the sink, not quite reaching the toilet. Well, it was better
than throwing up over the floor.

He looked grimly into the sink. It looked a bit like melted ice cream, and smelled a lot like not
melted ice cream. He gagged again, and closed his eyes, waiting for that sick feeling to pass. His
black hair stuck to his forehead.

This was so embarrassing. He’d have to tell Jimin he threw up in the sink, and then either Jimin or
Jungkook, probably Jimin, would have to clean the sink, even if Yoongi had washed it round

He wasn’t normally sick when he ate dairy. He’d normally just have to suffer on the toilet for a
while. Apparently, having two glasses of ice cream a day for five days in a row, wasn’t the
brightest idea, even if you were someone who’s body didn’t reject lactose.

Yoongi held onto the sink, leaning over it, as he felt his throat contact once more.
There was a careful knock on the door.


“I’m fine, I just-“ He retched again. He could feel saliva on his chin and he hoped Jimin would

Jimin opened the door, and his face crunched up. “Were you sick?”

Yoongi looked from the sink to Jimin. If it was Hoseok he would’ve hit him with a snarky reply,
but it was Jimin and Yoongi wasn’t an arsehole. Also, he didn’t think he was capable of talking
without throwing up.

Jimin closed the toilet lid and sat him down. He turned the taps on full blast and told Yoongi to sit
for a moment before leaving.

A minute later he retuned with nothing but bleach, which he poured all in the sink, until it was
completely blue. Jimin put the bleach under the sink, and helped Yoongi up.

“You didn’t have to come in if you were ill you know.”

Yoongi nodded. He felt a little better as Jimin guided him back to his stool. Jungkook handed him
a glass of water and slid a bucket across the counter before resuming his cleaning. Yoongi washed
his mouth out, grateful for how cold the water was, as Jimin dragged one of the stalls in front of
the toilet door.

He disappeared into the back of the shop, and returned with paper and a marker pen. Quickly
scribbling on it, he taped the sign to the door. Out of order.

“I’ll sort it later.”

Yoongi smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”

“No, it’s okay it wasn’t your fault.”

He choked on his water.

Jimin just looked concerned.

“It is kinda.”

“Yoongi, you didn’t just decide to get ill and throw up.” Jimin had pushed the glasses he was
cleaning aside and was leaning to comfort Yoongi, one hand gently rubbing his back. A sweet
smile on his face. Yoongi didn’t know how he did it, he knew he smelled of sick, and a little bit of
bleach, and yet Jimin was leaning close.

Putting his hand on Jimin’s other arm, Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut.

“Promise you won’t laugh at me if I tell you something.”

“What?” Jimin pulled back to take Yoongi’s hand. The one that was on Jimin’s arm. Yoongi’s
other hand was resting against the bucket between his knees. “I won’t laugh at you I promise. Are
you okay.”

Yoongi bit his lip, and stared at the bucket.

“I’m lactose intolerant.”


Meanwhile Jungkook had burst into laughter, listening to their exchange.

“I’m lactose intolerant, but I kept coming back and buying ice cream because I liked talking to

When Yoongi finally looked up at Jimin, he could see he was trying his best not to laugh, his face
creased into a smile.

“Fine, you can laugh at me.” Yoongi mumbled embarrassed.

Jimin did laugh. But began trying to speak. Every time he opened his mouth he just wheezed
instead. Yoongi had his head in one hand, face red. Smiling.

“Yoongi, oh my god,” he broke off, “there’s a… there’s a lactose intolerant… menu.”

Jungkook was bent over, and Jimin was almost crying.


Neither of the others said anything, they just laughed instead. Yoongi’s face had stilled.

“There’s a fucking lactose free menu, and I’ve been here, I’ve been here, buying these dairy

Jimin just nodded, hand held to his mouth as he leaned back to reach the menu stand at the end of
the counter, grabbing one of the menus and flipping it round to show him.

“Oh my-“

“I can’t believe you just-“ Jungkook tried before he started laughing again.

“Yoongi oh my god.”

Yoongi just scowled, the corners of his mouth upturned until he gave a small chuckle, and put his
forehead on Jimin’s shoulder, red-faced.

Jimin pulled away and put his hands on either side of Yoongi’s face and shook him gently.

“Why Yoongi? I cant believe-“

“I like um talking to you…” He said quietly, looking down.

Jimin leaned his forehead against Yoongi’s and grabbed the lactose free menu and the black
marker pen he’d used earlier. He quickly scrawled something down, and handed it to Yoongi.

Yoongi just sat, transfixed on Jimin’s face, and Jimin grinned at him before pressing his lips
carefully to Yoongi’s nose. He then hopped off his stool, and dragged a slightly dazed Yoongi to
the door. The bucket had fallen out of his hands, but he still clutched the menu Jimin had given
him tightly.

“See you soon Yoongi.” Jimin gently pushed Yoongi towards the door before waving. “Go get

“Yeah… bye.” He ducked his head.

He could still hear Jungkook’s laughter as he headed out, and he could still see Jimin’s face,
bright, and smiley, and happy.

He looked down at the menu as he walked. The lactose free menu. The menu for people like him,
who couldn’t eat regular people ice cream without suffering just a little. Jimin had written a
number, and underneath it, hurried words.

Maybe we can talk outside of ice cream:)


Now, Yoongi was 100% sure that the somersaults inside him weren’t because of the ice cream.

End Notes

Thank you everyone for reading!! This is the first thing I've kinda written so I may be a lil
all over the place, but I guess I can practice writing and get better :))

(I just made a twitter @bramblejelli

I'm not actually sure how it all works,,, but I'll get there ig,,, <3

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