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Read the question carefully and answer all the questions with correct answer.

Part I: General Knowledge.

Who created the Constitution of Malaya?

a. Lord Reid
b. Tunku Abdul Rahman
c. Tunku Jaafar
d. Raja Abdullah

Who was Tuanku Abdul Rahman?

a. The first Prime Minister of Malaya
b. The first Secretary of Defence of Malaysia
c. The first Yang Di-Pertuan Agong of Malaya
d. Member of Reid Commission

When does the Hari Pahlawan is celebrated?

a. 31st of August
b. 31st of July
c. 31st of May
d. 30th of June

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Part II: Ethnic Relations

What is acculturation?
a. The adoption of the behaviour patterns of the surrounding culture.
b. The social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another.
c. The tastes in art and manners that are favoured by a social group.
d. The knowledge and values shared by a society.

Which of the following DOES NOT meet the demands of unity among various ethnic groups in
a. Acceptance between ethnic groups.
b. The spirit of mutual assistance among ethnic groups.
c. The spirit of patriotism.
d. Assabiah.

These are NOT the main goal of Rukun Negara, EXCEPT:

a. Build the greater nation in science and technology aspects.
b. Preserve the ethnic groups.
c. Build the unity between Malaysia and other countries.
d. Achieving unity among ethnic groups in Malaysia.

Which of the following policy is NOT related to the rights and privileges of Bumiputera?
a. Malaysia Incorporated Policy.
b. National Language Policy.
c. National Education Policy.
d. New Economic Policy.

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How the government handle the ethnic unity based on economic aspect after the 1969 riot?
a. Support the economic activity by races.
b. Establish the New Economic Policy.
c. Endorse stricter rules and laws.
d. Follow the Indonesian Pancasila philosophy.

Part III: Malaysia and Ethnics.

Gawai Dayak is a harvesting festival which is celebrated by Dayak ethnics in Sarawak. What is
the name of the same festival celebrated by Kadazan-Dusun ethnic group in Sabah?
a. Tadau Kaamatan
b. Kadayawan
c. Pahiyas
d. Maras Taun

These are the three biggest races in Malaysia, EXCEPT:

a. Indian
b. Malay
c. Caucasian
d. Chinese

Malaysians are known to have variety of events among the ethnics. The following list is the
events which are involving all ethnics in an event EXCEPT:
a. Open house and kenduri
b. Sport events
c. Merdeka Day
d. Periodical praying events

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The following words in the list are the spoken words which are usually used by Malaysian and
give a same meaning. The only one word which is DO NOT give same meaning as the others is:
a. Ayoyo!
b. No!
c. Haiya!
d. Alamak!

Which is from the following list is the best way to bring a positive value from different races,
religion and people?
a. Acceptance – To accept others to live with us.
b. Adoption – Ask others to adopt our customs.
c. Rejection – Reject differences between people.
d. There are no the best way.

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