Food Chemistry 309 (2020) 125758

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Food Chemistry 309 (2020) 125758

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Interfacial and emulsification properties of sono-emulsified grape seed oil T

emulsions stabilized with milk proteins

Mayumi Silvaa, Bogdan Zisub, Jayani Chandrapalaa,
School of Science, RMIT University, Bundoora, VIC 3083, Australia
Spraying Systems, Fluid Air, Melbourne, Australia


Keywords: Emulsions were designed under low frequency ultrasound (20 kHz) at energy densities of 11.7–117.0 J/mL using
Sono-emulsion grape seed oil and milk protein solutions containing different casein to whey protein ratios of 80:20, 60:40,
Milk proteins 50:50 and 40:60. An increase in energy densities produced emulsions with a smaller droplet size and narrow size
Interfacial tension distribution at all milk protein ratios. However, the minimum sono-energy density required to produce stable
Emulsifying ability
emulsions varied depending on the ratio of caseins (CN) and whey proteins (WP) in the continuous phase. In
Grape seed oil
addition, the composition of the interfacial layer was dependent on the composition of the milk proteins in the
continuous phase. The interfacial layer was predominantly covered by the CN and CN-WP aggregates in the
presence of equal or greater amounts of caseins than whey proteins (80:20, 60:40 and 50:50), while WP ag-
gregates and CN-WP aggregates were the primary constituents of whey protein-rich emulsions (40:60).

1. Introduction crosslinking. Milk protein solutions consisting of mostly whey proteins

produced large amounts of disulphide linked aggregates while the
Caseins and whey proteins have excellent but different emulsifying casein-rich systems produced more hydrophobically mediated ag-
characteristics due to the differences in their molecular structures gregates. These composition-dependent structural changes in milk
(Parkinson & Dickinson, 2004). Ultrasound is used as an emulsification proteins may influence the emulsifying characteristics.
technique in order to improve the emulsifying properties of milk pro- Emulsifying properties of caseins and whey proteins have been
tein-based emulsions (O'Sullivan, Arellano, Pichot, & Norton, 2014; widely studied individually in terms of processing conditions and pro-
Shanmugam & Ashokkumar, 2014). However, low frequency ultra- cessing techniques (Dickinson & Golding, 1998; Pichot, 2012;
sound influences the physicochemical, thermal, and structural proper- Ranadheera, Liyanaarachchi, Chandrapala, Dissanayake, & Vasiljevic,
ties of milk protein solutions depending on the protein composition and 2016). A previous study showed that the emulsifying properties of
ultrasonic conditions in use (Silva, Zisu, & Chandrapala, 2018). Re- casein and whey protein mixtures strongly depended on the ratio of
search has been carried out to understand the effect of sonication on caseins and whey proteins present, initial protein concentration and
skim milk (Shanmugam, Chandrapala, & Ashokkumar, 2012), micellar temperature during emulsification by high pressure homogenization
caseins (Chandrapala, Martin, Kentish, & Ashokkumar, 2014; (Surel et al., 2014). Moreover, the composition of the interfacial layer
Chandrapala, Martin, Zisu, Kentish, & Ashokkumar, 2012), whey pro- and the adsorption behaviour of proteins at the oil-water interface are
teins (Chandrapala et al., 2012; Chandrapala, Zisu, Palmer, Kentish, & also influenced by the state of the proteins in the bulk solution
Ashokkumar, 2011) and mixtures of caseins and whey proteins (Silva (Dalgleish, 1995; Dickinson, 2001; Dickinson & McClements, 1995).
et al., 2018). A previous study conducted by Silva et al. (2018) showed However, almost no studies have been carried out to understand the
that the sonication-induced physicochemical and structural modifica- interfacial and emulsifying behaviour of milk systems with varying
tions of milk proteins highly depended on the ratio of caseins and whey casein to whey protein ratios during ultrasonication.
proteins present in the milk solutions. The application of high intensity Therefore, a fundamental understanding of sonication-induced in-
low frequency ultrasound induces the dissociation and denaturation of terfacial and emulsifying behaviour of milk protein systems containing
β-lactoglobulin while unfolding the dimeric form of β-lactoglobulin varying levels of caseins and whey proteins will be beneficial to im-
into random coils leading to aggregation via β-sheet intermolecular prove the physicochemical, functional and storage properties of the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Chandrapala).
Received 11 August 2019; Received in revised form 14 October 2019; Accepted 20 October 2019
Available online 25 October 2019
0308-8146/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Silva, et al. Food Chemistry 309 (2020) 125758

respective emulsions containing GSO. Apart from the emulsification 5 mL of GSO into 45 mL of milk protein solution. Then the two phases
technology and emulsifying agents, the oil phase plays an important were emulsified using a 20 kHz low frequency ultrasonic unit with a
role on the physicochemical, nutritional and structural aspects of the 500 W ultrasonic horn (Q Sonica, Bandelin electronic, Berlin, Germany)
food emulsions (McClements, 2015b). Grape seed oil (GSO) which is a at 60% amplitude for different time periods of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 min. The
by-product of wine manufacturing, contains high amount (85–90%) of ultrasonic horn tip was positioned approximately 5 mm from the sur-
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), mainly linoleic acid, tocopherols face of the sample near the oil and water interface. The temperature of
and tocotrienols which are isomers of vitamin E (Fernandes, Casal, the solutions was maintained at 20 ± 2 °C using an ice bath. The ap-
Cruz, Pereira, & Ramalhosa, 2013; Madawala, Kochhar, & Dutta, 2012). plied energy densities were 11.7 J/mL, 35.1 J/mL, 58.5 J/mL, 81.9 J/
The present study examined the effect of low-frequency ultrasound mL and 117.0 J/mL for time periods of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 respectively.
(20 kHz) on the interfacial and emulsifying properties of milk protein
(3.3% w/v) systems with varying casein to whey protein ratios of 80:20, 2.3.3. Determination of dynamic interfacial tension (DIFT)
60:40, 50:50, 40:60, pure milk protein isolate (MPI) and pure whey The effect of sonication on the DIFT at GSO-milk interface were
proteins isolate (WPI) during the processing of primary emulsions determined with a drop profile tensiometer (PAT-1TM, Sinterface
containing 10% (w/w) grape seed oil. Technologies, Germany) using the pendent drop method. In order to
obtain sonicated milk systems, 50 mL aliquots of milk protein solutions
2. Materials and methods were sonicated using a 20 kHz high frequency ultrasonic unit (Q Sonica,
Bandelin electronic, Berlin, Germany) at 60% amplitude for 1, 3, 5, 7
2.1. Materials and 10 min. The drop volume was kept constant at 20 µL and the
measurements were conducted for 200 s. The temperature of the mea-
Milk Protein Isolate (MPI) and Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) powders suring cell chamber was maintained at 25 °C using a water bath (Julabo,
were purchased from Tatura milk industries limited (Victoria, Germany). The calibration of the tensiometer was conducted with a
Australia). The MPI and WPI powders contained a total protein content sphere (1.5 mm of radius) at 25 °C. The density of the GSO and protein
of 85.5% (w/w) and 88.8% (w/w) respectively. Pure grape seed oil solutions were measured using a densitometer (METTLER TOLEDO,
(GSO) (Azalea Brand, NSW, Australia) was purchased from a local su- PortableLabTM) at 25 °C. According to our experimental results, the
permarket. All the chemicals and filters used were obtained from Sigma equilibrium interfacial tension at grape seed oil-water interface was
Aldrich Pty Ltd (Castle Hill, NSW, Australia) or Bio-Rad Laboratories 20.08 ± 0.75 mN/m at 25 °C.
Pty Ltd (Gladesville, NSW, Australia). Ultra-pure (MilliQ) water was
used in all experiments. 2.3.4. Determination of the percentage of adsorbed proteins, interfacial
protein concentration and surface protein composition
2.2. Charcoal treatment for GSO The adsorbed protein percentage (AP%) and interfacial protein
concentration (Г) were determined using a method described Ye
The interfacial tension of the emulsions depends on the oil prop- (2008). Emulsions were centrifuged (Beckman Coulter, United States)
erties such as the origin, purity, polarity of the major lipid molecules at 15,000g for 40 min at 20 °C. After centrifugation, the oil droplets and
(e.g., triglycerols or terpenes) and the presence of surface active com- adsorbed proteins were separated as a cream layer at the top of the
ponents like free fatty acids, monoacylglycerols, diacylglycerol or centrifuge tube and the aqueous phase was settled to the bottom. Then
phospholipids (McClements, 2015b). These surface active substances the aqueous layer was filtered through a 0.22 µm filter (Sigma Aldrich
may interfere with the adsorption behaviour and will result in obtaining Pty Ltd, NSW, Australia). The cream layer was dispersed in MilliQ water
inaccurate and inconsistent data (Dopierala et al., 2011). Thus, GSO and re-centrifuged at 15,000g for 40 min to obtain the washed cream.
was purified using an activated charcoal treatment to remove the sur- The protein contents in aqueous phases of both centrifuged emulsions
face active impurities. For that purpose, GSO was mixed with grounded and protein solutions were determined by Bradford assay. In brief, the
charcoal in 10:1 (w/w) ratio and stirred overnight using a magnetic aqueous phases were diluted 40 fold with MilliQ water and 20 µL of the
stirrer. Then the oil was centrifuged (Beckman Coulter, United States) diluted aqueous phase was mixed with 1 mL of Bradford reagent (Bio-
at 20 °C and the supernatant (oil portion) was filtered through a Rad Laboratories Pty Ltd, NSW, Australia). Then the mixture was in-
Whatman No.40 filter paper and a 0.45 µm PTFE syringe filter (Acro- cubated for 5 min at room temperature and the absorbance was de-
disc® syringe filters, Sigma Aldrich Pty Ltd, NSW, Australia). The termined at 595 nm using a UV–VIS Spectrophotometer (PerkinElmer,
treatment was carried out three times and ensured the absence of sur- Lambda 35, Australia). The standard curve (R2 = 0.9972) was devel-
face active materials using DIFT data. oped using Bovine serum albumin (BSA) in the concentration range of
250–1250 µgmL−1. The adsorbed protein content (AP%) and interfacial
2.3. Methods protein concentrations (Г, expressed in mg/m2) were determined using
following equations (Eqs. (1) and (2)):
2.3.1. Preparation of the aqueous phase
(Cs − Cf ) × 100
Milk protein solutions with different casein to whey protein (C:W) AP% =
C0 (1)
ratios of 80:20, 60:40, 50:50 and 40:60 were prepared by dissolving the
required amount of MPI and/or WPI powders in MilliQ water at 40 °C where, Cs is the protein concentration in the supernatant of initial milk
while keeping the total protein concentration at 3.3% (w/v). Pure MPI protein solution, Cf is the protein concentration in the filtrate of
and WPI solutions were used as controls. Initially the required amount emulsion, C0 is the initial protein concentration of the milk protein
of MPI was added to pre-heated (40 °C) MilliQ water and stirred for solution applied for the emulsion preparation (3.3 g/100 mL).
15 min. Then, the WPI powder was added and stirred for another
(Cs − Cf ) × D(3, 2)
45 min to ensure complete mixing. The solution was kept overnight at Γ=
6ϕ (2)
4 °C for further hydration. On the following day, the pH of the solutions
was adjusted to 6.7 using 1 M HCl and 1 M NaOH. where, D(3,2) is the surface-average diameter of the emulsion obtained
from the Mastersizer and ϕ is the oil volume fraction of the emulsion.
2.3.2. Preparation of emulsions The composition of the proteins at the adsorbed layer was de-
Oil-in-water primary emulsions were prepared with grape seed oil termined using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electro-
(GSO) and milk protein solutions with an oil volume fraction of 10% phoresis (SDS-PAGE) under reducing conditions as described by Ye and
(w/w). Fifty millilitre aliquots of samples were prepared by adding Singh (2000). Briefly, the cream was mixed with SDS sample buffer and

M. Silva, et al. Food Chemistry 309 (2020) 125758

β-Mercaptoethanol followed by heating at 95 °C for 5 min in a boiling

water bath. In order to remove the fat, heated samples were centrifuged
at 2500g for 30 min. Ten microliter aliquots of prepared samples were
injected to precast 4–20% mini-protean gels (Bio-Rad Laboratories Pty
Ltd, NSW, Australia) and the gels were run for 45 min at 200 V. Casein,
whey protein and molecular weight standards (10–250 kDa) were run
simultaneously. Gels were then rinsed with MilliQ water, stained with
Coomasie stain and destained using MilliQ water overnight as described
by Silva et al. (2018). Later, the gels were scanned and the intensities of
the protein bands were determined using ImageJ 1.52e software
(Wayne Rasband, USA). The percentage composition of whey proteins
and caseins were determined as a fraction of the sum total.

2.3.5. Emulsion activity and stability indexes

The emulsion activity index (EAI) and emulsion stability index (ESI)
of the emulsions were measured by a turbidimetric method as described
by Pearce and Kinsella (1978). Immediately after sonication, the
emulsions were diluted 100 folds with 0.1% (w/v) sodium dodecyl
sulphate (SDS) and vortexed for 10 s. The absorbance of the diluted
emulsion was measured using a UV–VIS Spectrophotometer at 500 nm
wavelength. The emulsion activity index (EAI, expressed in m2g−1) was
calculated using the following equation (Eq. (3)):
2 × 2.303 × A 0 × D
C × ϕ × L × 1000 (3)

where, A0 is the initial absorbance, D is the dilution factor (100), C is

the concentration of protein in the milk protein solutions (33 mgmL−1),
Φ is the oil volume fraction and L is the light path length (0.01 m).
The emulsions were stored at 4 °C and absorbance was re-measured
after 24 h following the same procedure. The emulsion stability index
(ESI, expressed in hours) was calculated using the following equation
(Eq. (4)):
A × Δt
ΔA (4)

where, A is the absorbance after 24 h, Δt is the time interval (24 h) and

ΔA is the change in absorbance during 24 h (A0 − A).

2.3.6. Size of emulsion

Size of the emulsion globules were determined by laser diffraction Fig. 1. Dynamic interfacial tension (DIFT) behaviour at oil/water interface
method using a Mastersizer 3000 attached to a hydroMV sample between purified grape seed oil and milk protein solutions (casein:whey −
handling unit (Malvern Instruments, Worcester, UK). Emulsions were 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, MPI and WPI) sonicated at different energy den-
directly added to the dispersion unit (containing water) until 15–20% sities (A-untreated, B-11.7 J/mL and C-117.0 J/mL).
obscuration level was reached and the measurements were taken at a
rotating speed of 1250 rpm at 25 °C. The refractive indexes of GSO and 3. Results
milk protein solutions used were 1.471 and 1.336 respectively. The D
(4,3), D(3,2), D10, D50 and D90 values were recorded as an average of 3.1. Dynamic interfacial tension (DIFT)
five measurements.
The ease of the interfacial layer formation between the oil phase and
2.3.7. Surface charge of emulsion the aqueous phase is denoted by the dynamic interfacial tension (DIFT)
Emulsions were diluted 200 times using MilliQ water and the zeta at oil–water interface (McClements, 2015a). As shown in Fig. 1, the
potential measurements were obtained using the Zetasizer (Nano series, DIFT between purified GSO and sonicated milk protein solutions pre-
Malvern Instruments, Worcester, UK) at 25 °C. The refractive indexes pared with different caseins to whey protein (C:W) ratios of 60:40,
for GSO and milk protein solutions were considered as 1.471 and 1.336 50:50 and 40:60 were independent from the applied energy density.
respectively. Three replicate measurements were made for each sample. However, DIFT at C:W ratio of 80:20 was slightly increased at 11.7 J/
mL energy density compared to the untreated solution followed by a
slight reduction on prolong sonication (117.0 J/mL) simultaneously
2.3.8. Statistical analysis
showing the highest DIFT among all ratios under all energy densities. In
All the experiments were at least duplicated and reported as the
addition, the decrease in DIFT was observed for sonicated MPI and WPI.
average with standard deviation. One-way ANOVA was used to de-
Interestingly, milk protein solutions stabilized with MPI and other ra-
termine the significant differences between and within the experiments
tios attained its equilibrium interfacial tension value immediately after
at 95% confident level. Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was calcu-
the oil drop formation (~20 s) in comparison to WPI which took a re-
lated to analyse the relationship between emulsifying and physico-
latively longer time (~180 s) for attaining the equilibration.
chemical properties. All the statistical analysis was performed with
SPSS version 25 software (SPSS, IBM).

M. Silva, et al. Food Chemistry 309 (2020) 125758

Table 1
The percentage of adsorbed protein, surface load, emulsion activity index and emulsion stability index of GSO-M emulsions prepared using different casein to whey
protein ratios of 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, MPI and WPI under different energy densities of 11.7 J/mL, 35.1 J/mL, 58.5 J/mL, 81.9 J/mL and 117.0 J/mL.
Energy density (J/mL) Adsorbed protein (%) Surface load (mg/m2)

80:20 60:40 50:50 40:60 MPI WPI 80:20 60:40 50:50 40:60 MPI WPI

11.7 2.48a 3.70a 8.62a 4.44a 2.42a 3.77a 0.32a 1.88a 0.80a 2.84a 0.43a 1.56a
35.1 5.49b 6.67b 10.17a 6.20b 5.72b 6.60b 1.55b 2.65b 4.25b 2.76a 1.66b 2.28b
58.5 6.63c 9.90c 14.55b 8.96c 8.48c 16.36c 2.31c 3.45c 5.04c 2.86a 2.46c 4.90c
81.9 8.05d 12.12d 20.81c 12.59d 9.56d 16.77c 2.67c 3.29c 6.41d 3.68b 2.76d 4.64c
117.0 13.64e 22.36e 26.06d 13.67e 14.13e 26.20d 2.70c 5.74d 7.68e 3.66b 2.88d 6.56d
EAI (m2/g) ESI (h)
11.7 15.85a 17.94a 1.17a 18.04a 12.54a 30.68a 88.16a 45.18a – 38.42a 26.57a 170.93a
35.1 20.48b 29.55b 9.10b 33.60b 26.72b 32.91b 103.44b 221.05b 128.49a 209.28b 73.63b 429.95b
58.5 34.85c 34.23c 29.56c 34.47b 33.80c 34.84c 754.29c 833.13c 171.98b 380.99c 727.55c 1609.96c
81.9 35.69d 34.08c 33.80d 34.89b 34.69d 34.25c 805.41d 1716.83e 843.34d 817.12d 948.52d 2104.77e
117.0 36.32e 35.20c 34.98e 34.00b 31.55d 34.59c 1295.32e 1211.27d 529.55c 1356.85e 729.56c 1760.40d

Values in the same column and row with different capital and simple superscripts respectively are significantly different (p < 0.05).

3.2. Percentage of adsorbed proteins, interfacial protein concentration and

surface protein composition

The adsorbed protein percentage (AP%) and the surface protein

concentration of emulsions were largely affected by the casein to whey
protein ratios and the applied sono-energy density (Table 1). The AP%
and surface load increased (p < 0.05) with increasing energy density
while the highest raise in AP% was observed at low energy densities
with the presence of whey proteins in the emulsions. For instance, the
highest raise in AP% was observed in WPI solutions under 58.5 J/mL
energy density while C:W ratios of 80:20 and 60:40 showed the highest
raise in AP% under 117. J/mL energy density. Moreover, emulsions
stabilized with C:W ratio of 50:50 exhibited the highest AP% under all
energy densities and the highest surface load was also observed in the
same system under all energy densities except 11.7 J/mL. However,
under the 117.0 J/mL energy density, ~57% caseins and 43% whey
proteins were presented in the interfacial layer of C:W ratio of 50:50
(Fig. 2A). Furthermore, the lowest AP% and surface load resulted in
emulsions prepared by C:W ratio of 80:20 under all sonication times
with the maximum adsorption of ~14% and 2.70 mg/m2 of surface load
(Table 1) under 117.0 J/mL energy density. Moreover, the interfacial
layer in the same system primarily consisted of casein proteins denoting
~62% fraction (Fig. 2A).

Fig. 2. A – Relative proportion of adsorbed caseins and whey proteins at the

3.3. Size of emulsions
droplet surface (cream phase) of GSO-M emulsions, B – photographs of emul-
sions; 80:20, 60:40, 50:50 (top – left to right), 40:60, MPI and WPI (bottom –
Upon sonication, the width of the bimodal particle size distribution left to right) at different applied energy densities; 11.7 J/mL (1), 35.1 J/mL (2),
decreased significantly, creating a unimodal distribution with smaller 58.5 J/mL (3), 81.9 J/mL (4), 117.0 J/mL (5) and protein solutions (P). Layer
emulsion droplets in all milk protein ratios depending on the compo- separation can be observed in following emulsions; 80:20 – (1), 60:40 – (1 & 2),
sition of milk proteins in the aqueous phase of emulsion (Fig. 3A). 50:50 - (1, 2 & 3), 40:60 – (1) and MPI – (1).
Emulsions having a higher whey protein fraction obtained unimodal
size distribution within shorter sonication times. For instance, emul- decrease in droplets size as the applied energy density increases re-
sions stabilized by WPI and C:W ratio of 40:60 attained unimodal dis- sulted in adsorption of more proteins at the oil-water interface
tribution below 58.5 J/mL energy density whereas 81.9 J/mL was re- (Fig. 3B).
quired for C:W ratio of 60:40 and 50:50. However, caseins-rich systems
(MPI and 80:20) attained unimodal distribution up on 117.0 J/mL en-
ergy density. 3.4. Emulsion activity and stability indexes
Droplet size decreased (p < 0.05) with increase in the applied
energy density from 11.7 J/mL to 117.0 J/mL regardless of the com- The ability of proteins to form an emulsion is described by the
position of the proteins in the system (Fig. 4A). Emulsions prepared emulsion activity index (EAI) (Pearce & Kinsella, 1978) and the stability
with C:W ratio of 40:60 showed the highest particle size (3.13 µm) of the emulsions over a defined time period is described by the emul-
whereas smallest particle size (1.58 µm) was observed in WPI emulsions sion stability index (ESI). The EAI and ESI depend on the milk protein
under 1 min sonication. However, all the emulsions acquired sig- ratio in the aqueous phase and applied energy density (Table 1).
nificantly similar droplet size (p > 0.05) at higher applied energy Emulsions stabilized with WPI showed the highest initial EAI of
density (117.0 J/mL). The highest percentage of reduction in particle ~30 m2/g while the lowest EAI (~1 m2/g) was observed in C:W ratio of
size was observed at 35.1 J/mL energy density followed by a gradual 50:50 at 11.7 J/mL energy density. However, all the emulsions ex-
decrease in size thereafter at higher sono-energy. Moreover, the hibited significantly higher EAI (> 30 m2/g) values at higher applied

M. Silva, et al. Food Chemistry 309 (2020) 125758

Fig. 3. A – Volume size distribution, B – relationship between particle size and percentage of adsorbed proteins in GSO-M emulsions prepared with varying casein to
whey ratios of 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60 and WPI and MPI at different energy densities of 11.7 J/mL, 35.1 J/mL, 58.5 J/mL, 81.9 J/mL and 117.0 J/mL. Capital and
simple superscripts denote the significant difference between sonication times and milk protein ratios respectively.

M. Silva, et al. Food Chemistry 309 (2020) 125758

Abismail, 2002). Laplace pressure (p) which denote the energy (in the
form of shear) required by the continuous phase to deform droplets of
the dispersed phase, depends on the radius of emulsion droplets (R) and
interfacial tension (IT). Laplace pressure can be calculated using p =
(IT/2R) equation and the emulsions can be formed when the applied
shear stress is greater than the particular Laplace pressure (Canselier
et al., 2002; Walstra, 1993). Therefore, interfacial tension and the
droplet size of the emulsion provide valuable information regarding the
feasibility of emulsion formation. Moreover, the composition and the
physico-chemical characteristics in the interfacial layer are also im-
portant in determining the emulsion stability. Furthermore, zeta po-
tential relationship between EAI and ESI are key indicators for short-
term stability of emulsions.

4.1. Milk systems with C:W ratio of 80:20 and MPI

Sono-emulsification of GSO and milk protein solutions with C:W

ratio of 80:20 and MPI produced stable emulsions at energy densities of
35.1 J/mL, 58.5 J/mL, 81.9 J/mL and 117.0 J/mL. The MPI solution
and C:W ratio of 80:20 showed the equilibrium interfacial tension value
around 14.5 mN/m before the application of ultrasound (Fig. 1). DIFT
of MPI decreased with increase in sono-energy while increased in DIFT
was observed in C:W ratio of 80:20 and this may be attributed to the
sonication-induced structural changes of milk proteins. As observed in
our previous work (Silva et al., 2018), milk solutions with C:W ratio of
Fig. 4. A – Volume mean diameter D(4,3), B – surface charge of GSO-M
80:20 produced more hydrophobically mediated aggregates during
emulsions prepared using different casein to whey protein ratios of 80:20,
60:40, 50:50, 40:60, MPI and WPI at different energy densities of 11.7 J/mL, sonication which hinders the adsorption of proteins at oil-water inter-
35.1 J/mL, 58.5 J/mL, 81.9 J/mL and 117.0 J/mL. Capital and simple super- face, resulting a higher DIFT. However, the application of ultrasound
scripts denote the significant difference between sonication times and milk reduce the particle size of MPI solution due to the disruption of hy-
protein ratios respectively. drophobic bonds exposing more hydrophobic sites to bind at the oil-
water interface and reducing the interfacial tension easily. Reduced
energy density (117.0 J/mL). Moreover, a C:W ratio of 40:60 obtained interfacial tension resulted in a higher rate of oil droplet breakup
their highest EAI at 35.1 J/mL while C:W ratio of 60:40 and WPI ob- during the emulsification leading to the formation of smaller droplets
tained highest EAI under 58.5 J/mL and remained constant (p > 0.05) (O'Sullivan et al., 2014). As a consequence, emulsions stabilized with
upon increasing energy density. However, continuous increase in EAI MPI produced smaller droplets compared to the C:W ratio of 80:20
was observed in C:W ratio of 80:20 with increasing sono-energy while (Fig. 4A). An increase in applied energy density further decreased the
EAI of MPI-emulsions increased up to 81.9 J/mL energy density fol- droplet size and create a unimodal size distribution (Fig. 3A). This may
lowed by a decrease at 117.0 J/mL. be attributed to the higher rate of collision provided by the physical
In terms of ESI, emulsions stabilized with WPI showed the highest effects generated in the liquid system such as acoustic cavitation,
ESI under all sonication times while lowest ESI observed in C:W ratio of acoustic streaming, mechanical vibrations, microsteaming, shear and
50:50. Interestingly, ESI of C:W ratio of 60:40, 50:50, prepared with turbulence at higher energy densities (Abbas, Hayat, Karangwa,
MPI and WPI increased gradually up to 81.9 J/mL followed by a re- Bashari, & Zhang, 2013; Ashokkumar et al., 2010).
duction at 117.0 J/mL energy density. Correspondingly, the percentage of adsorbed proteins and the sur-
face load increased as the sonication time increases resulting in more
stable emulsions at higher applied energy densities (Table 1). More-
3.5. Surface charge of emulsion over, the adsorbed protein layer of these two systems were primarily
consisted with the caseins indicating 69% and 62% for MPI and C:W
Fig. 4B shows the zeta potential values of GSO-M emulsions at dif- ratio of 80:20 respectively at 117.0 J/mL applied energy density
ferent processing times. Emulsions stabilized with WPI showed the (Fig. 2A). Generally, a monolayer surface coverage can be observed in
highest negative zeta potential at all energy densities (p < 0.05) and the interfacial layer of caseins stabilized emulsions and 1–2 mg/m2 of
the values were not affected with an increase in the applied energy. surface coverage of caseins is sufficient to produce fine stable emulsions
Similarly, the zeta potential of C:W ratio of 80:20 also remained un- (Singh, 2005). Moreover, the minimum casein surface coverage was
changed during sonication. In the system of C:W ratio of 40:60, in- found to be 1 mg/m2 with a 5 nm of interfacial layer thickness and the
creases in zeta potential were observed up to 35.1 J/mL energy density maximum coverage reported as 3 mg/m2 with 10 nm thickness (Fang &
followed by constant values at higher applied energy. Moreover, the Dalgleish, 1993). Higher surface load values (> 3 mg/m2) observed in
zeta potential of C:W ratio of 60:40, 50:50 and MPI increased up to the present study at higher energy densities may be attributed with the
35.1 J/mL then reduced at 117.0 J/mL applied energy. formation of the secondary protein layer around the emulsion droplet
(Hunt & Dalgleish, 1994) or the formation of casein aggregates
4. Discussion (Srinivasan, Singh, & Munro, 1996). The presence of 31% and 37%
whey proteins (Fig. 2A) at the adsorbed layer of MPI and 80:20 re-
Sono-emulsification comprises a two-step mechanism. The first step spectively at 117.0 J/mL energy density denotes the formation of ag-
involves the eruption of dispersed phase droplets into the continuous gregates with un-adsorbed whey protein rather than the formation of a
phase leading to smaller droplet formation which is driven by the secondary layer. The decrease in EAI and ESI values and increase in zeta
mechanical vibrations generated from turbulence. The second step in- potential values in MPI emulsions at 117.0 J/mL energy density may be
volves breaking of the droplets through the shear forces generated by attributed with the depletion flocculation phenomenon (Table 1). Un-
acoustic cavitation near the interface (Canselier, Delmas, Wilhelm, & folding and surface denaturation of β-Lactoglobulin may lead to the

M. Silva, et al. Food Chemistry 309 (2020) 125758

depletion flocculation of emulsion droplets (Dickinson, 2010) and it whey proteins in the adsorbed layer hinder the further adsorption of
was insensitive with particle size measurements as emulsion droplets proteins upon sonication due to the low availability of thio-disulphide
maintain their individual integrity during the depletion flocculation. interchanges or hydrophobic sites for further aggregation resulting
significantly smaller AP% at 117.0 J/mL energy density compared to
4.2. Milk systems with C:W ratio of 60:40 and 50:50 the other emulsions (Table 1). This behaviour was further justified by
the EAI and zeta potential values as they remained unchanged after the
Stable emulsions were produced using milk protein solutions with 35.1 J/mL applied energy density (Table 1 & Fig. 4B).
C:W ratio of 60:40 at 58.5 J/mL, 81.9 J/mL and 117.0 J/mL sono-en-
ergy density whereas a C:W ratio of 50:50 produced stable emulsions at 4.4. Milk systems with WPI
81.9 J/mL and 117.0 J/mL sono-energy density. However, there were
no differences of DIFT between untreated and sonicated (up to 117.0 J/ Emulsions prepared by WPI alone produced stable emulsions at very
mL) milk solutions with C:W ratio of 60:40 and 50:50 (Fig. 1). This low energy density (11.7 J/mL) showing higher emulsifying ability.
suggested that the rate of the protein adsorbed at the oil–water inter- Mechanical and shear properties generated through ultrasound and
face was approximately similar for the untreated and ultrasound treated reduction of interfacial tension upon sonication enhance the emulsi-
solutions (O'Sullivan et al., 2014). Upon increasing applied energy fying ability of WPI system. However, equilibration time was long for
density, an increase in the percentage of adsorbed proteins was ob- WPI compared to the other casein containing milk protein solutions
served although interfacial properties were not improved (Table 1). (Fig. 1). Globular proteins such as whey proteins take a long time to
Therefore, it can be suggested that besides the interfacial lowering ef- unfold and subsequently reduce the interfacial tension due to the nature
fect of milk proteins, mechanical and shear forces generated from so- of tertiary and secondary structures compared to the flexible random-
nication also greatly improve the emulsifying ability and emulsion coiled structures of the caseins (Wilde, 2000). Generally, two distinct
properties such as the formation of smaller droplets (Shanmugam & phases can be observed in the DIFT curves of globular proteins before
Ashokkumar, 2014) which thereby leads to the higher adsorption of reaching to the equilibrium; first phase – a sharp decrease of DIFT due
proteins at the interface. Nevertheless, the interfacial layer of these two to the diffusion and adsorption of proteins to the surface, second phase
systems primarily consisted of casein proteins (~60% at 117.0 J/mL – slow decrease in DIFT due to the conformational arrangement of
energy density – Fig. 2A) and a considerable fraction of whey proteins adsorbed protein at the interface. Flexible proteins such as caseins are
remained in the continuous phase. Presence of more un-adsorbed pro- more effective in reducing interfacial tension due to the presence of
teins in the aqueous phase during sono-emulsification induced the un- more non-polar groups than rigid proteins or proteins with fewer non-
folding and denaturation of whey proteins leading to the formation of polar groups (Nakai & Li-Chan, 1988). Application of ultrasound in-
aggregates via hydrophobic and thiol-disulphide interactions. More- duces the dissociation, denaturation and unfolding of β-Lactoglobulin,
over, denatured whey proteins show a higher affinity for κ-caseins than which thereby leads to aggregation themselves (Silva et al., 2018).
the whey proteins resulting in the formation of bonds between dena- Therefore, at the moment of emulsion formation, WPI solution con-
tured whey proteins and κ-caseins than between the whey proteins tained native, unfolded and aggregated whey proteins. As native whey
themselves (Donato, Guyomarc’h, Amiot, & Dalgleish, 2007). These proteins are better emulsifiers than the aggregated proteins (Surel et al.,
thiol-disulphide interchange reactions lead to strong crosslinking be- 2014), native whey proteins may preferentially adsorb to the interface
tween denatured globular proteins. Furthermore, there was a possibility as their dimer structures (Mackie, Mingins, & Dann, 1991). Therefore,
to form hydrophobic interactions between non-adsorbed globular pro- WPI emulsions showed lower AP% (3.8%) (Table 1) and the smallest
teins and interfacial proteins. As a result of these interactions, floccu- globule size at 11.7 J/mL energy density (Fig. 4A). Upon sonication
lates and/or aggregates were formed leading to the instability of the adsorbed proteins may also undergo confirmation reorganization al-
emulsion (Euston, Al-Bakkush, & Campbell, 2009; Euston, Finnigan, & lowing further exposure of hydrophobic sites (Zhai et al., 2010). At the
Hirst, 2000; Liang, Patel, Matia-Merino, Ye, & Golding, 2013; same time, prolong sonication may lead to the unfolding of unabsorbed
McSweeney, Mulvihill, & O'Callaghan, 2004). Therefore, emulsions whey proteins which thereby improves the surface activity of un-ad-
prepared by C:W ratio of 50:50 at shorter sonication times showed layer sorbed β-lactoglobulin (Das & Kinsella, 1990) leading to the formation
separation (Fig. 2B) and lowest EAI and ESI values (Table 1) although it of aggregation via thiol-disulphide exchanges between adsorbed and
had the highest AP% at 1 min sonication. Upon sonication, higher en- un-adsorbed whey proteins. Therefore, a higher percentage of whey
ergy densities helps in the mixing of oil and aqueous phases and to protein adsorption could be observed as the applied energy density
overcome the Laplace pressure to form stable emulsions (Shanmugam & increases resulting in 26.2% of AP% at 117.0 J/mL (Fig. 2A). Corre-
Ashokkumar, 2014) with the higher surface load. However, increasing spondingly, emulsions stabilized with WPI showed the highest negative
applied energy density may lead to the instability of emulsion due to zeta potential at all the sonication times and did not changed upon
the depletion flocculation as showed in reduced ESI (Table 1) and in- ultrasonic treatment (Fig. 4B). Higher magnitude in charged showed
creased zeta potential (Fig. 4B) at 117.0 J/mL applied energy density. the higher stability of an emulsion due to the enhanced electrostatic
repulsions between droplets (Guzey & McClements, 2007). Similarly,
4.3. Milk systems with C:W ratio of 40:60 highest EAI and ESI observed even at 11.7 J/mL energy density com-
pared to the other emulsions (Table 1).
Emulsions containing milk protein solution with C:W ratio of 40:60 Sono-emulsification properties of GSO primary emulsions were in-
formed stable emulsions at 35.1 J/mL–117.0 J/mL sono-energy density. fluenced by the composition of the milk protein present in the aqueous
The composition of interfacial layer (~59% whey proteins under phase and the applied energy density. As shown in Table 2, EAI was
117.0 J/mL energy density – Fig. 2A) suggests that prolong sonication negatively correlated with particle size and positively correlated with
induced the aggregation of whey proteins leading to the adsorption of the percentage of adsorbed proteins. Similar to the EAI, ESI values were
more whey protein aggregates at the interface. Lower amounts of also found to be negatively correlated with particle size and positively
caseins compared to the whey proteins in the continuous phase may correlated with the percentage of adsorbed proteins. Furthermore, there
form a thick and heterogeneous interface with more protruding fractal was a positive correlation between EAI and ESI values. For instance,
whey proteins due to the denaturation and aggregation of whey pro- increasing applied energy density during the production of WPI emul-
teins. It reduces the chance of aggregation between caseins and whey sions from 11.7 J/mL to 117.0 J/mL decreased the particle size from
proteins (Surel et al., 2014). Presence of more aggregated structures at 1.580 µm to 0.637 µm along with the increasing EAI values ranging
the droplet interface led to the highest particle size at 11.7 J/mL energy from 30.68 m2/g to 34.59 m2/g. Moreover, more than a threefold in-
density compared to the other ratios (Fig. 4A). Moreover, aggregated crease in ESI was observed at 81.9 J/mL sonication compared to the

M. Silva, et al. Food Chemistry 309 (2020) 125758

Table 2
Pearson correlation coefficients (r) for emulsifying properties of GSO-M emulsions (EAI: Emulsion activity index, ESI: Emulsion stability index, PS: particle size, AP%:
adsorbed protein %).
Correlation variables Casein:whey protein ratio

80:20 60:40 50:50 40:60 MPI WPI

EAI & PS −0.893* −0.969** −0.888* −0.978** −0.945* −0.964**

ESI & PS −0.801* −0.832* −0.784* −0.697* −0.741* −0.893*
EAI & AP 0.720* 0.726* 0.890* 0.690* 0.820* 0.839*
ESI & AP 0.917* 0.693* 0.742* 0.949* 0.822* 0.862*
EAI & ESI 0.918* 0.772* 0.686* 0.559* 0.846* 0.886*
PS & AP −0.720* −0.811* −0.753* −0.810* −0.907* −0.909*

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.

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