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Level of Satisfaction in Online Learning Experienced by Civil

Engineering Students of Father Saturnino Urios University, A.Y.


A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of
Engineering and Technology Program
Father Saturnino Urios University
Butuan City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
IC-RES 130-Elements of Research


Order of Names (family name, First Name M.)based on the person

who has big contribution to the least one.

March, 2020
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

For more than a century, face to face (F2F) class is the

well-known and widely used mode of learning. Meanwhile, with the
current threat brought by COVID-19, F2F classes were strictly
prohibited especially in the Philippines. With that being said,
schools both in public and private under the advisory of DepEd
and CHED initiated a new mode of learning -- the online class. By
which, students can still learn and avail quality education at
the comfort of their home.

However, Helms, J.L (2014) stated that online students had

significantly lower grade point averages missed significantly
more likely to fail the course of F2F class. These and other
results are discussed through which to view student performance
in online courses. Another study has shown that there were
students who got positive outcomes during online class and some
others experienced the other way. It has something to do on the
online learning attitude and readiness of the students.
Obviously, online classes caused diverse impacts to students --
let it be positive or negative.

Relatively, less research has been done directly in finding

the level of satisfaction that focuses on Civil Engineering (CE)
student’s experienced during online class.  Paez & Rubio (2020),
stated that the field of engineering is a practical profession.
This means that most of the CE students are prone to field
laboratories such as surveying, site visiting etc.
According to the Top Hat survey (2020), students still
overwhelmingly say that they prefer in-person to online learning.
With 68 percent believing they are not learning as effectively as
they would have had they been in person and roughly three-
quarters of respondents say their online courses lack an engaging
experience during class sessions and direct interaction with
peers and professors.

Students were also more likely to disagree than to agree

that the online learning experience was engaging in the classroom
and (particularly) outside it, and slightly more likely to
disagree (53 percent) than agree (46 percent) that they were
"able to stay motivated and engaged with my education and
coursework outside of class time." 

Furthermore, little research has looked at the relationship

between the profile of the respondents and their level of
satisfaction in online learning. This gap in particular provided
the motivation for the researchers to find how civil engineering
students in FSUU were satisfied with this new mode of learning.

More so, this thesis reports the findings of a thorough

study to determine the level of satisfaction encountered by Civil
Engineering students particularly in FSUU, Butuan. And
fortunately, out of the results of the study, recommend some
constructive ideas and suggestions for better learning in the
context of online class. Additionally, this study aims to help
both of the instructors and the CE students in the FSUU academe
in the objective of attaining quality education through online
learning. This study will also be a tool for future researchers.
Review of Related Literature

(Review of literature and studies, arrange according to the

variables, and explanation how the specific study will inform, is

similar or related to your own study.

Online learning is education that takes place over the

internet. It is one of the types of distance learning that
enables knowledge to be passed through even without the
conventional classroom. Online education is tied to a lot of
historical breakthroughs. If we trace its origin, it's going to
take us back to the dawn of the internet, but online learning is
not just about internet technology.

In 1858, the University of London became the first

university in the world to offer full degrees through their
"External Programme". Some students also choose online learning
because of personal issues such as illness, availability of the
course in the country, and more. In an unprecedented turn of
events, Covid-19 has changed the way students are educated around
the globe within a short period.

In the present, to respond to the needs of learners in the

Philippines due to the surge of Covid-19 cases, especially of the
3.5 million tertiary-level students enrolled in approximately
2,400 Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs), certain
HEIs in the country have implemented proactive policies for the
continuance of education despite the closure. These policies
include modified forms of online learning that aim to facilitate
student learning activities. Online learning might be in terms of
synchronous, real-time lectures and time-based outcomes
assessments, or asynchronous, delayed-time activities, like pre-
recorded video lectures and time-independent assessments (Oztok
et al., 2013). One semester has passed and up until now, the
education system is still adjusting to cater to the needs of the

However, students have varying feedbacks toward online

learning. Some have a positive view of the matter while some do
not. According to J.L. Helms, Online students performed “modestly
better on average” compared to their traditional, face-to-face
(F2F) counterparts. While Alex Azike Nwankwo stated that there
are things to consider when determining the success of online
education which are the instruction material, interaction with
the instructor, character of the learner, and student-student

Theoretical Framework

(State the theory or theories used in your study, the

proponents, discussion of the theory and how it is applicable in

your study)

Conceptual Framework

Explain the research paradigm, the flow of the research and

the relationship of the variables.

The present study will aim to find out the level of

satisfaction in online learning experienced by Civil engineering
students of Father Saturnino Urios University. In line with this,
the participants’ profile in terms of year level, socio-economic
status, workspace, and geographical location will be determined
in the study since all these may be factors affecting their level
of satisfaction in online learning. Additionally, the study
endeavors to discover the significant relationship between the
profile of the participants and the level of satisfaction in
online learning. More so, the level of satisfaction of the
participants in terms of grades, teacher-student relationship,
access to Neo Learning Management System, and school activities
involvement will also be identified in the study. 


Participants’ Profile Level of Satisfaction

of the participants
 Year level
 Socio-economic  Grades
status  Teacher-
 Workspace relationship
 Geographical  Access to Neo
location Learning
 School activities


Figure 1 Research Paradigm

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the level of satisfaction
encountered by civil engineering students. Specifically, it
sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 year level;
1.2 age;
1.3 sex;
1.4 socio-economic status;
1.5 workspace; and
1.6 geographical location?

2. What is the level of satisfaction in online learning

experienced by Civil Engineering students in terms of:
2.1 grades;
2.2 teacher-student relationship;
2.3 accessibility to Neo Learning Management System;
2.4 school activities involvement?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile

of the respondent and the level of satisfaction in online

Significance of the study

The study zeroed in on determining the level of satisfaction
encountered by civil engineering students. Moreover, the results
of the study will be beneficial to the following:

Civil Engineering Students. This study will allow them to

understand the pros and cons of online learning, how it differs
from F2F classes, and help assess their level of satisfaction on
how well they perform in online learning/classes.
Instructors. The results will allow them to have the time to
re-adjust to the new mode of teaching and learning. Generate
various methods for online classes to be as equally effective as
that of F2F class.
School. The school will be encouraged to develop plans for
online learning for the faculties and other sectors to enhance
the teaching competence online.
Stakeholders. They will be guided to support the school in
initiating its plan for the betterment of the entire academy.
Future Researchers. With the help of the results and data

gathered in this study, future researchers conducting the same

research can use this as a reference and source.

Scope and Delimitation

(State the scope and delimitation)

Definition of Terms

(Introductory paragraph)

Term. This is …

Another Term. This refers to…


(Arrange in alphabetical order following the APA format)


(if any)


(newspapers, magazines and other similar sources)

Online References

(internet sources, do not just copy the URL but include the name

of author/s, date, title of article, journal name, then URL; if

any of the details are not available, see the APA handbook on the

correct format)

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