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Name: Monica Shane V.

Andayog Date: October 1, 2021 Section: BSN-1G


1. Share your concrete experience of helping a poor or needy person. What happened?
What did you feel after helping?

This experience happened last April 2020, where the pandemic was fresh and had
just started to begun. Our barangay was under ECQ (Enhanced Community Quarantine)
and my family and I decided to give a grocery pack to each household of our barangay.
Since the budget was not enough to supply the entire household in our barangay, we
have just chosen the family who needs it. The reasons why we have decided to give
something to the people in our barangay because we were worried that they would
starve during quarantine, since most of the household in our barangay were indigent
people. After we have finished packing the goods, we have immediately distributed the
grocery pack to the chosen household in our barangay. As we were giving it to them, I
can see the gladness in their faces which makes me overwhelmed with joy. There were
several realizations that have circulated on my mind. One thing is always be grateful and
thankful to all of the things that you have in life—either big or small. It was a very
fulfilling experience and I am just also happy back then that I have helped others.

  2. In this time of Pandemic, where many people are suffering especially the poor. How
can I concretely help the poor in my own creative way?

I think I would help the poor in my own creative way by raising funds and accepting
commission through social media. Since I have the skills in art, I think it will be a big
advantage for me to use to help the poor. All the money that I will receive will directly
go to the needy people.

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