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PT. SYSCAL SYSCAL +s than, placa amsieréam Siok 0-12, Sent Cy - Bogor KAN Phone » 62-21-879-62824, Fax -62:21-879-60212 ree E-mail :cso@syscal.cod|jwebsite : ren SERTIFIKAT CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE Certificate No. : SC.06.2160360-001 IDENTITAS ALAT Instrument identification Nama : Digital Dew Point Indicator ‘Name Merek Pabrik + Chandler Engineering ‘Manufacture Tipe/Nomor Seri + 13-1210-C-S-2/20421 ‘Type/Serial Number IDENTITAS PEMILIK Owner identi Nama + PTINTERTEK UTAMA SERVICES Name Alamat + JL RAYA BOGOR KM 28 Adress JAKARTA TIMUR Halaman 1dari halaman Page 1 of pages Tanggal Terbit Bogor, 14 June 2021 Date of issue Disahkan Oleh : Signatory Approval Technical Manager Dilarang menyalin dan mempublikasikan sertifikat ini tanpa persetujuan tertulls dari PT. Syscal ‘Unauthorized partial quoting, copying, publish without the permission of PT. SysCal is prohibited. SYSCAL rermmaoc ota senuciy-soox WC ALIN Ji. Mh. Thamrin, Plaza Amsterdam | Ri - grees DARN ell eager iapeatins: bircbiermacal cost —— SERTIFIKAT KALIBRASI CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE Certificate No. : SC.06.2160360-001 Alot ts. Nama / instruments Digital Dew Point indicator Nama / Name Merek / Manufacture Chandler Engineering 1. PT100 Sensor With indicator Tipe / Type 13:1210-65-2 Nomar Seri / Seri Number 20421 Merk / Manufacture Rentang Ukur / Cal. Range -20~ 40°C 4. Omega (PT 100) ; Adte (Indicator) Resolus/ Resolution oare Kolibros on 2 Tipe / Type fi Tel Terima / Received date 10-Jun-2021 1. PR-11-3-100-1/4-18€ ( PT 100); ADT221A (Indicator ) Tel Kalibras/ Col. date a-Jun-2021 Tempat Kalibrasi/ Cal. Place Intabc No. Seri / Serial number ‘Kondisi Ruona (oom Condition ) 4. 12/02/15 (PT 100)) ; 316814030149 (indicator) ‘Suhu / Temperoture pe (258+1)%C F Kelembaban/ Humidity (612.4) sRH Ketertelusuran / Traceability 4. U&-1604DN, Cert. No. CE00081 HASIL KALIBRASI ( CALIBRATION RESULT ) 1. Suhu Standard Unit Under Test | Correction Uncertainty Coverage Factor (°C) (°C) (°C) +(°C) (k) 20,120 19,8 03 0,33 2 -10,010 99 01 0,33 2 0,010 00 00 0,33 2 9,990 10,0 0.0 0,33 2 20,020 200 0,0 0,33 2 30,000 30,1 01 0,33 2 35,020 35,2 01 0,33 2 40,070 40,2 01 0,33 z SYSCAL PT. SYSCAL sh aon ra ee O12, et yo ‘KAN eee eerie cian) ‘E-mail :cs0@syscal.co_idjwebsite : Http:/ id Tome aRREDTASH asin, SERTIFIKAT KALIB CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE Certificate No. : SC.06.2160360-001 SI 2. Tekanan Alat/ Instrument Koreksi / Correction Ketidakpastian / Uncertainty (Psi) (Psi) + (Psi) oO oO 2 300 28 2 400 26 2 500 18 12 800 23 R 1000 20 2 1500 5 2 3000 11 2 Keterangan / Remarks : 1. Metode kalibrasi/ Method of Calibration : MK-12.01, 2. Acuian metode kalibrasi mengacu ke / Reference of calibration method refer to JIS 28710-1993 : Temperature Measurement - General Requirement. 3. Perhitungan ketidakpastian mengacu ke / Calculation of uncertainty refer to Guide to The Expression of Uncertainity in Measurement, ISO/IEC GUIDE 98-3:2008 (E) 4. Ketidakpastian pengukuran di iestimasi pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% ‘Measurement uncertainty is estimated at 95% of confidence level Petugas Kalibrasi / Calibration officer : Ucok P. Iwan akhir sertfikat / end of certificat Halaman (Page) 3 dari (of) 3 Dilarang menyalin dan mempublikasikan sertifkat ini tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari PT. Syscal Unauthorized partial quoting, copying, publish without the permission of PT. SysCal Is prohibited.

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