AD Utilities For Apps DBA

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AD Utilities for Apps DBA

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

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From now to next few sessions I will be discussuing very important product from DBA's prespective i.e.
AD also called as Application DBA ( ;-) I think its named AD after Application DBA )

AD_TOP is product in Aplication which is under directory APPL_TOP/ad/11.5.0 ( If you are not familiar
with TOP please read my previous post about TOP's )

This top containin Utilities & program code which is very frequently used by DBA's . So where are these
utilities or program in file system ? (I think you all know but for begineers its in AD_TOP/bin )

Lets see one line definition of each

AD Utility ?

AD Utilities are a group of tools designed to install, upgrade, maintain, and patch applications.


is a utility that is used to apply individual patches, mini-packs, or maintenance packs to an Oracle
Applications instance.


AD Administration (adadmin) is used performs maintenance/administration tasks on an Oracle Appls

Instance. Task associated with adadmin are divided into two broad categories database and file system


Utility to determine status of worker (started by adpatch , adadmin or other ad utility) and to control
( restart/drop/skip) workers.


Used to relink apps executables with product libraries , if some library defination is changed or
executable is corrupted.

To merge different patches & create single patch . This is helpful when you have too many patches , you
can merge them & apply in one shot.


Utility to clone Insatnce from Test to Prod , Vice Versa


To configure different components in Aplications like changing port number or domainname or incresing
number of JVM's


utility to find version of a file in oracle applications (Identification )

$ adident Header <file name>


To license a product in applications , you might have license to use only 10 products initially then later
decided to use 5 more so license them first by this utility


You add a product in application, by default you might have 90-105 ( may be more ) products like AP, GL,
AR and now oracle released one more product so add this product using this utility .

This is overview & usages of each application DBA Utility , now in next topic I will start with patching &
how these utilities are used & options available with them . If you are amazed/confused whats this
patching donot worry I will explain in deatil but if you are a DBA you might already be knowing patching
& might have applied coupel of database patches using opatch now lets use ADPATCH to apply
application or apps patches.

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