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THE KINGDOM ANIMAL Chapter # 10 > KINGDOM ANIMALIA 1. ATrue animal is: A) Unicellular, prokaryotic, autotrophic 8) ~—_-Unicellular, eukaryotic. autotrophic C) Multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic 0) Multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophic £} Multicellular, prokaryotic, saprotrophic 2. The Kingdom Animalia is divided into phylua: A) 22 8) 29 c) 33 D) 44 E} 55 3. Which is the correct sequence of mitotic division In the development of an animal: A} Gastrula > Cleavage — Morula Blastula B) Cleavage — Morula = Blastula > Gastrula C) Cleavage + Gastrula — Blastula + Morula’ D) Morula > Gastrula > Blastula > Cleavage £} Gastrula > Blastula > Cleavage > Morula, 4, Sub-Kingdom “Parazoa” includes phylum?) A) Porifera B) Cnidaria C) Platyhelminthes D) Nematoda £) Annelida 5. All phylua are included in Sub-Kingdom Eumeazoa except: A) Cnidaria B) Platyhelminthes C) Annelida D) Nematoda E} Porifera 6. Only two layersectoderm and endoderm develop in: A) Sponges B) Annelids C) Nematodes D) Cnidarians £) Platyhetminthes 7. All the organisms are Triptoblastic except: A) Cnidarians 8) Arthropods C) Nematodes D) Molluses £) Echinoderms Copyright @ 4meqs. blogspot com THE KINGDOM ANIMAL 8. Platyhelmenthes are included in group: A) Polycoelomata B) Coelomata C) Unicoelomata D) Acoelomata F} Pseudocoelomata 9. Nematodes are included in group: A) Polycoelomata B) Coelomata C) Unicoelomata D) Acoelomata E} Pseudocoelomata 10. Concerning Phylum Porifera, incurrent pores through which water enters are called: A) Porocyte B) Osculum C) Ostia D) Spongeocoel, £) Choanocytes 11. Sponges, excurrent pores through which water leaves the body are called: A) Porocyte B) Osttilum C) Ostia D),, “Spongoeoel C) Choanocyte 12, In sponges, contractile flattened cells forming the'epidermis are called: A) Choanocytes B), Spongocoel C) Pinacocytes D) *Porocyte £) None of the above 13. In sponges, flagellated cells lining the inner hollow cavity are: A) Pinacocyte B) Porocytes C) Spongocytes D) Choanocytes £) Ascocytes 14. Spongocoél divided intosecondary chambers is of: A) Ascon type, B) Sycon type C) «Leucon type D) Porous type E)) Sponge type 15. Spongocoel divided and redivided into secondary and tertiary chambers is of: A) ‘Sponge type B) Porous type C) Sycon type BD) Ascon type £) Leucon type 16. In sponges amoebacytes are gelatinous mesenchymal cells present between: A) Pinacocytes and Porocytes B) Pinacocytes and Choanocytes C) Porocyte and Choanocytes D) Porocyte and Osculum £) Pinacocyte and Osculurn Copyright @ megs. blogspot com 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. THE KINGDOM ANIMAL In sponges, the fertilized egg develops into free swimming larva called: A) Periblastula 8) Mesenbiastula C) Amphiblastula D) Epibtastuta F} Problastula Asexual reproduction takes place by: A) Gamma cup formation B) Amphiblastula fomiation C) Gemmule formation 0) Spicules formation E) Mesenchyme formatton Phylum porifera is cammonly called as: A) Annelids 8) Platyhelminthes C) Arthropods D) Sponges —) Cnidaria “Coelenterons” means: A) Hollow pleural cavity B) Hollow gut cavity C) Hollow pericardial cavity D). “Hollow thoracic cavity E) Hollow pelvic cavity Sycon and Euptectella are common examples of Phylum: A) Cnidaria B). Annelida C) Platyhelminthes D) “Porifera £) Mollusca Respiration in Cnidarians occurs by A) tentacles 8) Diffusion C) Active Transport D) Secretary Granules E) None of these All Cnidarians are: A) Autotrophs. 8B) Herbivores C) ,Omnivores D) Carnivores E)) None of the above In Cnidarians Cnidocytes are special cells used for: A) Respiration 8) Circulation C) Killing of prey 0) Excretion E} Absorption In between ectoderm and endoderm, cnidarians contain a non-cellular mass called: A) Mesoderm B) Mesoglea C) Mesogenii D) Mesenglea E) None of these Copyright @ 4meqs.blogspot com THE KINGDOM ANIMAL 26. Cnidarians have: A) No any opening of mouth and anus. B) Only one opening which serves both as mouth and anus. C}_ Two openings, one for mouth and other for anus. D) Coelenterons is a hollow cavity, the thoracic cavity. £) Three openings, one for mouth and two for anus. 27. Concerning Polyp form of Cnidarians, which statement is incorrect? A) Polyps are cylindrical animals. 8B) Mouth present, tentacles absent. C) Mouth and tentacles both present D) Adapted a sessile life style. £} Sea Anemone and Corals are polyps. 28. Concerning Medusa form of Cnidarians, which statermentis incorrect? A) They are umbrella shaped animals. 8) Mouth and tentaces are present at lower surface. C) Adapted to a free-living and motile Life style D) Jelly occurs only in medusa form. E) Mouth and tentacles are present at théupper end. 29. As a result of sexual reproduction, Cnidarians’ zygote transforms into: A) Hydatid larva 8) ” Rhabditiform larva C) Planula larva D) Amphiblastula larva £) Trochophore larva 30. Opening which develops in an embryo at the gastrula stage is called: A) Gastropore B) Blastopore C) Coeloopore D) Deutropore £) Protopore 31. The occurrence ofa species in two or more structurally and functionally different kind of knownjas: A))\Polymorphism 8) Pleomorphism C) Paramorphism D) Telomorphism £) Phylomorphism 32. Phylum evolved from Cnidarians: A) Platyhelminthes B) Annelida ) Mollusca D) Nematoda E) Allare incorrect Copyright @ 4meqs. 33. 34, 35. 3 a 37. 38. 39. THE KINGDOM ANIMAL Concerning Phylum Platyhelminthes, which statement is correct? A) No any opening for mouth and anus. B) Only one opening for mouth, no anal opening. C)_ Two openings, one for mouth & other for anus. OD) Three opening, two for mouth & one for anus. £) Only one opening for anus, no any opening for mouth. Phylum Platyhelminthes includes: A) Roundworm B) Hook worms C) Tape worms D) Earth worms £) Leech worms Flat worms are: A) Coelomate, radially symmetrical, diploblastic. B) Acoelomate, radially symmetrical, diploblastic. C) Acoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical, diploblastic. D) Acoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical, triplobasti¢) E) Coelomate, bilaterally symmetrical, triploblasticy . Phylum Plathyelminthes contains rudimeritary: A) Nervous System B) \ Cardiovascular System C)_ Respiratory System BD). Reproductive System £) Circulatory System Fasciola hepatica is: A) Round Worm 8) Hook Worm C) Tape Worm D) Earth Worm E) Liver Fluke Which system is very much developed in Platyhelminthes? A) Nervous System: B) Reproductive System C) Circulatorysystem D) Respiratory System E) Larva = Nymph 8) Larva = Nymph > Adult C) Larva — Pupa — Adult D) Nymph > Larva — Pupa E} Adult > Larva > Nymph 58. Farming of honey bee is called: A) Monoculture 8) Apiculture C) Holoculture D) Scriculture E) Sarcoculture 59. Scorpions are included in class: A) Crustacea 8) Myriapoda C) Insecta D) Arachnida £} Merostomata 60. Crustaceans possess: A) 2 pairs of antennae, a pair of mandibles & 2 paif3/of maxillae 8) A pair of antennae. 2 pairs of mandibles & 2 pairs, of maxillae C) 3 pairs of antennae. 3 pairs of mandibles & a pair of maxillae D) pair each of antennae, mandibles &maxillae £) 2 pairs each of antennae, mandibles & maxillae 61. Class Merostomata includes: A) Lobsters B) Spiders C) Scorpions D) King Crabs £) Prawns 62. Crustaceans usually have pairs of walking legs: A) Two 8) Three C) Four 0) Five E) Six 63. In Prawns Crabs, head and thorax become fused to form: A)» Thoraco Abdomen 8) Cephalothorax C) Abdominothorax D) Cephaloabdomen £) Thoréicolumbar 64. Centipede possess: A) One appendage per segment B) One pair of appendage per segment C) Two pairs of appendages per segment 0) Fie appendages per segment E) Allare incorrect Copyright @ 4meqs.blogspot com 65. Millipede possess: A) One appendage per segment C) Two pairs of appendages per segment £) Allare incorrect 66. Centipedes and Millipedes are included in class: A) Crustacea C) insect E} Merostomata 67. The largest number of species of arachnids are: A) Scorpions C) King Crabs E) Spiders 68. The largest class of Animal Kingdom is: A) Crustacea C) Insect —)} Merestomata 69. Studs of insects is called: A) Ethology C) Cytology £) Ichthyology 70. The group of insects with wing isicalled: A) Monogota C) Cytogota E) Pleogota 71. The grouplof insects without wing is called: A) Monogota, C) .Gytogota e) Pleogota 72. Mode of feeding is “Siphoning type in. A) Cockroach C) Mosquito E) Butterfly 73. Mode of feeding is “Sponging type’ A) Cockroach C) Housefly £) Butterfly 8) 0) 8) 0) 8) D) 8) 0) 8) 1) 8) 0) 8) 0) 8) 0) 8) 0) THE KINGDOM ANIMAL One pair of appendage per segment Five appendages per segment Myriapoda Arachnida Prawns Crabs Myriapoda Arachmida Ornithology Entomology Pterygota Aptergota Pterygota Apterygota Honey Bee housefly Honey Bee Mosquito Copyright @ 4meqs. blogspot com THE KINGDOM ANIMAL 74. Rat Fleas are involved in the transmission of a deadly human disease the, A) Rabies 8) Influenza C) Undulating fever D) Plague E} Chiken pox 75. Spiny Skin all over the body is characteristic of Phylum: A) Porifera B) Annelida C) Arthropoda D) Platyhelminthes E) Echinodermata 76. Locomotory organ present in Echinoderms are: A) Setae B) Cilia C) Tube-feets Dd) Gills E} Legs 77. Echinoderms develop indirectly by passing through a larval stage, larva is called: A) Tornana larva 8) Bipifnaria Larva C) Trochophore Larva 0), “Planula Larva €) Amphiblastula Larva 78. Hemichordata is a small group of animals,their larva is called: A) Bipinnaria Larva B), Trachophore Lara C) Planula Larva D)Tornaria Larva £) Amphiblastula Larva 79. Notochord, Nerve cord ahd Pharyngeal gill slits, are all fundamental characters of phylum: A) Porifera B) Annelida C) Chordata D) Arthropoda £) Platyhelminhes, 80. In Phylum Chordata, if notochord is present in tail only, the sub-phylum is: A) Agnatha B) Cephalochordata C) Gnathostomata D) Urochordata E), Allare incorrect 81. Amphioxus is a small marine animal included in Sub-phylum: A) “Agnatha 8) Cephalochordata C) Gnathostomata D) Urochordata £) Allare incorrect 82. .. Study of fishes is called: A) Intomology B) Entomology C) Ichthyology D) Immunology E) Etholopy Copyright @ 4meqs.blogspot com THE KINGDOM ANIMAL 83. Fishes having mouth but lack the jaw are included in Sub- phylum: A) Agnatha 8) Cephalochordata C) Gnathostomata BD) Urochordata E} Allare incorrect 84. Class Chondrichthyes includes: A) Bony Fishes 8) Scaly Fishes C) Spongy Fishes D) Cartilaginous Fishes E)Non-cartilaginous Fishes 85. Class Chondrichthyes includes: A) Hag Fish 8) Lamprey C) SeaHorse D) Globe Fish E} Dog Fish 86. Class Osteichthyes includes: A) Bony Fishes B) ScalyiFishes C) Spongy Fishes 0), “Cartilaginous'Fishes E) Allare incorrect 87. Which of the following Is not a Bony Fish: A) Sea Horse B), Shark C) Flying Fish D) Lung Fish E) Eel Fish 88. The only group of vertebrates which lacks any sort of exoskeleton is: A) Pisces 8) Amphibia C) Ayes D) Reptiles £) Mammals 89. In hot summers, the amphibians avoid extremes of temperature by a process called: A) Astavism B) Ecdysis C) ‘Hibernation D) Aestivation E)) Activation 90. In winter; amphibians burry themselves in the mud to avoid low temperature, the process is called: A) Astavism B) Moulting C) Hibernation D) Aestivation £) Activation Copyright @ 4meqs.blogspot com THE KINGDOM ANIMAL 91. “Anamniota" include vertebrates: A) Reptiles C) Mammals E) Fishes and Reptiles both 92. Limbless reptiles are. A) Turtles C) Lizarde E) Crocodiles 93. Study of Birds is: A) Entomology C) lehthyology E) Parasitology 94, Sab-class Ratitae includes: A) Flying Birds C) Birds having sternum with keel —) Peacock is good example 9 a . All are features of class Aves except: A) Feathers involved in Endathermy’ C). They are Poikilothermic £) Fertilization is internal a a B) They are poikilothermic . All are the features of Class Reptilia except: A) They are terrestrial with three pairs of limbs. 8) 0) 8) 0) 8) D) 8) 0) B) 1) Birds Fishes Tortoise Snakes Ornithology Ecology flightless Birds ‘Less weighted birds Feather involved in Flight Heart is Four chambered C) Large quantityiof yolk and albumen are present in their eggs D) Amnion,a protectiveimembrane in the egg is not present £) Fertilization is internal. 97. Sub-class of Mammals that considered to be a connecting link between reptiles and true mammals is: A) Eutheria C) Prototheria £) Allare incorrect 98. Sub-class metatheria Includes: A) Egg laying mammals C) Monotremes £) Oviparous mammals 8) 0) 8) 1) Monotheria Metatheria Placental mammals Pouched mammals Copyright @ 4meqs. blogspot com THE KINGDOM ANIMAL 99. Transverse partition that divides the body cavity of mammals into a thoracic and abdominal compartment is: A) Pleura C) Pericardium €) Ligaments 100. Batis: A) Abird Cc) Amammal £) A fish 101. Kangaroo is: A) Egg laying mammal C) Placental mammal E) Allare incorrect 102. Teeth in mammals are: A) Homodont C) Acrodent £) Allare incorrect 103, Sound producing organ in birds is: A) Syrinx ©) Larynx E) Trachea 104, Which one of these is a fish? A) Star Fish C) Sea Horse E) None ofthe above 105. Skin in amphibia is: A) ‘Naked CiisCovered by/hair £) Covered by chum 8) D) 8) 0) B) dD) 8) 0) 8) D) 8) 0) B) 0) Diaphragm Mesentry An insect A reptile Marsupial mammal Oviparous, Polyphydont Heterodont Tongue Pharynx Jelly Fish Cuttle Fish Covered by scales Calcareous plates For More Notes, Mcqs, Online Quizzes Copyright @ 4meqs.blogspot com

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