Explicación Gramatical - La Posmodificación Del Sustantivo

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Lengua Extranjera I (Inglés)/ Idioma Moderno I (Inglés).

Departamento de Idiomas
Modernos. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. U.N.T. 2020

Explicación gramatical: La posmodificación del sustantivo

Los términos (Key Terms) que presentamos a continuación fueron extraídas del
libro Psychology of Gender (p. 26, 27). Usted encontrará en
https://sangu.ge/images/Psychology1.pdf estos textos y material para otras
lecturas similares (por ejemplo, en la p. 39). El sustantivo núcleo de una frase
nominal puede aparecer, como ya dijimos en clases anteriores, posmodificado de
diferentes modos, por ejemplo:

A) Sustantivo núcleo seguido de preposición: of / in/ with / between / for

Feminine—Description of trait, behavior, or interest assigned to the female gender role.

Masculine—Description of a trait, behavior, or interest assigned to the male gender


Interrole conflict—Experience of conflict between expectations of two or more roles

that are assumed simultaneously.

Intrarole conflict—Experience of conflict between expectations within a given role.

Sex typing—Acquisition of sex-appropriate preferences, behaviors, skills, and


Cross-sex-typed—Condition of possessing the biological traits of one sex but

exhibiting the psychological traits that correspond with the other sex.

Sex-typed—Condition of possessing the biological traits of one sex and

exhibiting the psychological traits that correspond with that sex

Correlational study: Study in which one observes the relation between two
variables, often at a single point in time.

Cross-sectional study: Study in which the data are collected at one point in time,
usually from a cross section of different age groups.

Sex discrimination—Behavioral component of one’s attitude toward men and

women that involves differential treatment of people based on their biological sex.

B) Sustantivo seguido por participio (-ed)

Gender—Term used to refer to the social categories of male and female.

Sex—Term used to refer to the biological categories of male and female.

Data: Information (e.g., thoughts, feelings, behaviors) collected for the purpose of
scientific examination.

C) Sustantivo seguido de palabra terminada en sufijo -ing

Androgynous—Term describing one who incorporates both masculine and

feminine qualities.

Transgender—Descriptive term referring to an individual whose psychological

sex is not congruent with biological sex.

D) Sustantivo seguido por pronombres: who (quien) that (que/ quien), which (que/
el cual, la cual, cuales), whose (de quien, cuyo) - generalmente introducen una
cláusula subordinada-

Homosexuals—Individuals who prefer same-sex sexual partners.

Intersex—A person who is born with ambiguous genitalia.

Maximalists—Persons who maintain there are important differences between the

two sexes.

Minimalists—Persons who maintain the two sexes are fundamentally the same.

Bisexuals—Individuals who accept other sex and same-sex individuals as sexual


Gender role—Expectations that go along with being male or female.

Sex-related behavior—Behavior that corresponds to sex but is not necessarily

caused by sex.

Feminism—Belief that men and women should be treated equally

Hypothesis: Prediction that a certain outcome will occur under a specific set of

Theory: Abstract generalization that provides an explanation for a set of facts.

Transsexuals—Persons whose biological sex have been changed surgically to reflect

their psychological sex.

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