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Group Assignment 2

Implement Change

A new CRM (customer relationship management) system was developed by the It department
of a medium sized business with about 2,500 employees. This system was a significant change for this
business as it would enforce a much more structured ways of managing customers that had previously
been done. The system was fully developed and having successfully completed technical testing the It
department felt it was ready for implementation.

The decision to implement lay at IT department. The new system was implemented over the
week end. When staff returned to work on Monday, there was chaos. Parts of the system did not work
fully. Departments claimed they were not ready for it and did not know how to use it. Some team had
other changes being implemented on the same day and could not cope with so many changes at one

The IT director was phoned by the COO and asked: how the decision to implement been
taken and who was involved in that decision? The COO made it very clear that she considered the
project a failure.


1. Apa yang menjadi akar permasalahan sehingga proyek tersebut dianggap gagal oleh Chief
Operating Officer (COO)?
2. Salah satu hal penting pada proyek dengan perubahan adalah proses yang transparan untuk
menyetujui oleh para anggota organisasi yang paling terkait, saat perubahan telah siap untuk
di implementasikan. Untuk mengambil keputusan ini, maka perlu didefinisikan dan disetujui
dari awal akan ‘acceptance criteria’.
3. Bagaimana usulan solusi terbaik menurut Anda?
4. Bagaimana mengantisipasi proyek tersebut?

Berikan contoh yang sesuai untuk acceptance criteria pada kasus diatas tersebut

MGMT8046 – Project and Change Management

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