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Sophie 建议:除了 topic 分年龄段来,然后我们有一个 free talk 的论题,就是大

家可以报名选择则自己喜欢的辩题 作为最佳辩手的 topic 来说有些辩题可能会

感兴趣的人比较多 竞争就激烈 也有可能只选一个人的 那也有逻辑啊表述啊
感染力等的评分标准 不影响最佳辩手的屏蔽


1. Should parents be allowed to choose their baby's gender?

2. Are video games too violent for children?
3. Should teachers not be allowed to contact students through social media?
4. Does modern social media make people less socially active?
5. Gay couples are adopting children: pros and cons.
6. Does technology intensify human communication?
7. Is leisure time essential for workplace effectiveness?
8. Should teenagers get after-school jobs?

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