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Senior High School – Grade 12

Science (Specialized Subject)

1 Units of Measure

According to Pythagorean teachings, numbers

are the universal archetype, “the principle, source,
and root of all things”. Pythagorean philosophers
believed that numbers were the elements of all
beings and the universe as a whole is composed of
the qualities (polarity, harmony, and proportion) of
these numbers.
Numbers have the power to reflect the essential
nature of reality. Our physical world – the events that
occurs, the things that exist, can all be described
through numbers. By obtaining numerical
information about our environment, we were able to
understand and predict its future behavior.
The science of physics has developed out of the
efforts of men and women to explain our physical
environment. This encompasses the importance of
quantifying the properties of our physical world.
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Solve measurement problems involving conversion of units
2. Express measurements with correct significant figures and in scientific notation
3. State uncertainties in measurements of physical quantities
4. Estimate errors from multiple measurements of physical quantities

Lesson 1: Measurements
1. Units of Measurements
▪ Fundamental Quantities
▪ Systems of Measure
2. The Role of Units in Problem Solving
▪ Unit Conversions
▪ Dimensional Analysis
3. Significant Figures and Scientific Notations
▪ Scientific Notations
▪ Significant Figures
▪ Significant Figures in Calculations
4. Effects of Instruments in Measurement
▪ Accuracy vs. Precision
▪ Uncertainties in Measurements
▪ Errors in Measurements
Today’s animation relies on computers and mathematical concepts such as trigonometry and vectors. These mathematical
concepts are useful in dealing with the laws of Physics
Kang, Jason.(n.d.). Rock Lee vs. Gaara. In Print.
1.3 Scientific Notations and Significant Figures

When we measure the quantity of physical properties, we do it by counting or by the use of

measuring instruments. Then we got ourselves the value and record it to describe the property. But
what if we are to write the number of molecules in a glass of water? Or we are to count the number
of cells in our body? When recording a measurement, we need to consider the numbers that we
have. For example, if the measurement is composed of hundreds of digits or more, recording it
becomes tedious and inefficient. Thus, we need a system that abbreviates very large and very small
Scientific notation is a convenient and widely used method of expressing large and small
numbers. It facilitates comparisons and computations made during measurements.
Instead of writing a very long sequence of numbers, scientific notation makes use of a short
sequence of number multiplied to some power of 10 and is expressed as follows:

𝐍 𝐱 𝟏𝟎𝒏

Where N is any number greater than or equal to 1 but is less than 10, while n is the order of
magnitude or the degree of exponent.

𝟏𝟎 > 𝐍 ≥ 𝟏
For example:
Instead of writing in regular form, you may shorten and use scientific notation instead

Physical Quantity Regular form Scientific Notation

▪ Speed of Light 300 000 000 m/s 3 x 108 m/s
▪ Mass of a strand of hair 0.00000062 kg 6.2 x 10-7 kg

By writing numbers such as measurements in scientific notation comparing it with other

measurements becomes easier.
For example:
If you are to compare which of the following quantities is larger or smaller, it becomes difficult if
the quantity is composed of long sequence of digits. Therefore, we use

Regular Form Scientific Notations Comparison

▪ 192 000 000 000 000
000 000 00 000 000 000 1.92 x 1043 km Larger
000 000 000 000 km
▪ 192 000 000 000 000
000 000 000 000 000 1.92 x 1041 km Smaller
000 000 000 0 00 km
1.3 Scientific Notations and Significant Figures

Let us watch the video to learn how to change regular number into scientific notation and
back. As well as learn other scientific notation-related concepts.

Video 1. Math Antics - Scientific Notation


Write the following quantities in their scientific notation.

1. 158 000 km ________________
2. 0.000009782 L ________________
3. 837 100 000 cm3 ________________
4. 0.000 008 004 g/L ________________
5. 1 050 000 000 Hz ________________
1.3 Scientific Notations and Significant Figures

Since the proliferation of calculators in the 1970's, the concept of significant digits has been
largely ignored. As a result, many students and even practicing engineers today present answers to
five, six, or more digits, even when only two or three digits are significant. Many students, for
example, will write out every digit (perhaps eight or ten) that is displayed on their calculators, never
even thinking about how many of those digits are actually meaningful.
Measuring instruments always have a limit of precision and often times present statistical error,
that is why every measurement in physics has a limit on how many digits in the result are known with
certainty. The digits that are known with certainty are called significant figures. When working with
physics problems, you must use the correct number of significant digits to express the result of both
your measurements and calculations.
To determine which digits are significant, the following rules have been devised.

1. All nonzero digits are significant.

Measurement No. of Significant Digits
1.234 kg 4
4.36 m/s2 3

2. Zeroes between two nonzero digits are significant.

Measurement No. of Significant Digits
40 507 cm 5
5.003 mm 4

3. Zeroes to the left of the first nonzero digits are not significant.


Measurement No. of Significant Digits Reason

0.009 ms 1 In both examples, zeroes
0.00875 kg 3 were just use to locate the
decimal, therefore it is not
1.3 Scientific Notations and Significant Figures

4. If a number is greater than 1, all zeroes to the right of the decimal point are


Measurement No. of Significant Digits Reason

7.00 km 3 Zeroes placed after the decimal
4005.0 mm 5 following a number greater than
one are used to ascertain the

5. If a number is less than 1, only the zeroes at the end of the number and zeroes
between two nonzero digits are significant.


Measurement No. of Significant Digits Reason

0.000120 mg 3 In both examples, zeroes to the left
0.002010 g 4 of the first non-zeroes were just
use to locate the decimal,
therefore it is not significant. While
zeroes at the end are used to
ascertain the measure, therefore,

6. The zeroes immediately to the left of unexpressed decimal point are not


Measurement No. of Significant Digits Reason

4500 2 Decimals and bars are used to
4500. 4 ascertain the number of significant
4500 4
4500 3
1.3 Scientific Notations and Significant Figures

Determine the correct number of significant figures for the following values.

Measurements No. of Significant

1. 5 631.54
2. 101
3. 2 000 009
4. 0.5
5. 0.0001305
6. 500
7. 10 200
8. 500.0
9. 0.0310
10. 0.0103950030

A calculator gives answers having eight or more digits even though the input data has only two
or three significant figures. A few rules will let you know how to determine the number of significant
figures to keep in the results of your calculations.

1. Significant Digits in Addition and Subtraction

When adding or subtracting significant quantities, the precision of the answer can only be as
great as the least precise term. The precision is determined by the number of significant digits
found to the right of the decimal. Therefore, the quantity/term with the least significant digits after
the decimal will determine the number of significant figures of the sum or difference.
3.76 cm
46.855 cm The least precise quantity is 0.2, with only one
+ 0.2 cm significant digit after the decimal point. Therefore, our
50.815 cm final answer should only be to the nearest tenths place.

The correct answer is 50.8 cm

Take note also to round off numbers if needed. For example, in our answer it remains 50.8 since after 8 the
number to follow is less than 5
1.3 Scientific Notations and Significant Figures

2. Significant Digits in Multiplication and Division

When multiplying or dividing measured quantities, the number of significant digits in the result
can only be as great as the least umber of significant digits in any factor in the calculation.
(31.3 cm) (28 cm) (51.85 cm) = 45, 441. 34 cm3
But, the significant digits rule allows us to keep only two digits since the least number of
significant digits is two (based on 28 cm).
Therefore, the answer could be stated as:
45, 000 cm3 or 4.5x104 cm3

Remember that this rule also applies for dividing quantities. The number of significant figures
for the quotient follows the factor with least number of significant digits.

Activity No. 3 Scientific Notations and Significant Figures

Direction: Solve the following problems. Express your answer in scientific notation and with correct
number of significant figures
1. According to the Bible, Noah’s Ark is 300.0 cubits long, 50.0 cubits wide, and 30.0
cubits high. Assuming that the Ark is rectangular, find its volume.
2. The volume of a cylinder is given by the formula
𝑉 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ
Where r is the radius, and h is the height. Calculate the volume of the cylinder if it has
a radius 3.56 cm and height of 50 cm.
3. Asta went to the market to buy some kilos of rice. The vendor weighs 3.564 kg of rice
then added some 2.89 kg. Because Asta’s pocket money is not enough to buy it, he
then removed some 1.8 kg of rice. How much kilo of rice did Asta buy?
Cutnell, J. & Johnson, K. (2009). Physics, 8th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Silverio, A.A.(2007). Exploring Life through Science: Physics. Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
Pythagoreanism.(2021). Pythagoreanism: Number, Cosmos, and Harmony. Website.
ProEdify.(2016).Units of Measure: Scientific Measurements and SI System [video file]. YouTube.
Jennifer Cash. (2014, July 8). Dimensional Analysis-in Physics [video file].Youtube.
Michel van Biezen.(2015. Sptember 2). Physics CH 0: General Introduction (2 of 20) Dimensional Analysis
(Unit Analysis) [video file]. Youtube.
Professor Dave Esplains. (2015, June 23). Scientific Notation and Dimensional Analysis [video file]. YouTube.
Robin Reaction. (2016, July 14). Sig Fig Rules! (Significant Figures Rules and Examples) [video file]. YouTube.

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