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Senator Renato Companero Cayetano

Memorial Science and Technology

High School
31 Cor. 51 Sts., PDS, BCDA, Ususan, Taguig City
st st


Bioconversing Metallic Minerals from

Eichhornia Crassipes (Water Hyacinth) to
Produce Implantable Devices

George Lean C. Tizon

Elaine Florence Raza

Neiandro Ziv Dela Cruz

Rhovher Nathelie Beige Olegario

Banico Chelsea Ellize V

Luke Joaquin Caoagas

Bradlee de la Torre


Water hyacinths tend to be very invasive species which carry with them
many negative traits. On the other hand, they also absorb many minerals
from water bodies that they live in that also clean it, this led the researchers
to think about extracting these minerals from water hyacinths to find
specific kinds of minerals to help with the hypothesis. With the correct
methods, approaches and minds that are involved in the making of this
study, it would be possible to answer many questions that may underly in
this study. Other related research papers would focus on what may be
possible to make with water hyacinths or using water hyacinths for sewer-
related projects. This research paper focusses on the idea of extracting
metallic minerals from water hyacinths in the hopes of finding the
appropriate kind and amount of minerals needed with the process and
method of bioconversion in order to produce even just small implantable
devices. In this study, the researchers would use bioconversion as the
method to use for extracting metallic minerals from water hyacinths and
aim to produce implantable devices. This project also contains major
findings such as actually being able to use bioconversion in order to be able
to extract the appropriate metallic minerals. To be able to prove the
hypothesis the researchers in this study work on, would mean that not only
would water hyacinths be more helpful, negative characteristics of water
hyacinths would also be removed and many people including high-
powered ones would be encouraged to use water hyacinths since it would
be proven that it is possible to make small implantable devices from water
hyacinths by extracting metallic minerals with the method of bioconversion.
This would mean that water hyacinths would be a rich source for metallic
minerals, and it would also help our ecosystem in terms of the cleanliness of
the bodies of water these water hyacinths are placed in and last but not

least, water hyacinths may also be able to produce small implantable
devices. In summary, this research paper would possibly attract business
people relating to finding metallic minerals, environmentalists, medical
professionals and also people in general interested in this particular topic.


The completion of this research paper could not have been possible without
the participation and assistance of so many people. Their contributions are
sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. The researchers would
like to express their deep appreciation and gratitude particularly to the

The researchers would like to extend their sincere gratitude for the
assistance of their adviser, Ma’am Leriza Calibara.

The researchers would also like to express their sincere thanks to their
friends and family that have supported them throughout the process of
making this research paper.

Above all, to the Great Almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom, for
his everlasting love.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1


Statement of the problem…………………………………………………….….6

Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………6


Significance of the study………………………………………………………...8

Null Hypothesis………………………………………………………………….8

Definition of terms……………………………………………………………….9

Scope and Delimitation of the study…………………………………………..10

Chapter 2

Table of Contents………………………………………………………………12


Related literature topics

A. Water Hyacinth……………………………………………………………...13

B. Bioconversion………………………………………………………………..15

C. Implantable Devices………………………………………………………...17

Local Literature…………………………………………………………………21

Chapter 3


Research Design………………………………………………………………...24

Respondents of the study……………………………………………………....24


Statistical treatment of data…………………………………………………….26



Chapter 1


Water Hyacinth’s purpose is to control and conserve environmental

conditions. It can absorb metals like copper from industrial sewage and
living place sewage. This means that water hyacinths may be able to be
another source for metallic minerals then when extracted, may be used to
produce small implantable devices.

Bioconversion is the conversion of organic matter, such as plant waste, into

a source of energy through the action of microorganisms. Since water
hyacinths absorb many metallic minerals from the bodies of water they live
in, they may be bio conversed into producing metals that can be used for
implantable devices.

Water hyacinths are typically known as pests to bodies of water since they
multiply vigorously and may fully cover the surface of water with thick
layers. Due to decline of oxygen in the said water, many fishes are unable to
survive. This is a big problem for fishermen and also to our economy. Water
hyacinths still have advantages though as they absorb inorganic minerals
from bodies of water so the water becomes more cleaner for fishes, the only
problem is that water hyacinths are invasive species.

From the minerals absorbed by the water hyacinths, we can find metallic
minerals in it too. If these minerals are to be extracted, we might be able to
enough to produce small implantable devices. Water hyacinths will then
might be able to be another source for making just small implantable
devices that may save lives and if we use these water hyacinths, we can also
take care of the problem of they’re rapid increases in population.

The purpose of this study is to lessen the water hyacinth in bodies of water.
Water hyacinth can be found on rivers, ponds, lakes, and canals that's why

we need to lessen the water hyacinth, because this plant causes obstruction
of waterways. It is also a problem to those who clean the rivers and other
bodies of water with water hyacinth.

This study also proves that every problem can turn into a solution into one
another problem. In some ways, we see water hyacinth as a big problem
especially in some waterways, by collecting this plant that may root in the
rivers, lakes, pond, and other surfaces it can be a good solution into another
problem. After collecting it, using bioconversion the iron minerals will get
extracted from the water hyacinth, so that we can produce some small
implantable devices.

This study can bring many benefits to our ecosystem, to fishermen, for
medical purposes and more. If we use water hyacinths this way, we can
decrease the population of water hyacinths a little such that bodies of water
may live on to be much healthier and fuller of healthy sea creatures because
there would be an appropriate amount of water hyacinths than can absorb
inorganic minerals from the water.

With the metallic minerals that might be acquired, there might be

enough for water hyacinths to be produce small implantable devices that
can be used for medical purposes. If the right metals were to be acquired
from water hyacinths to produce implantable device, then implantable
devices might also even decrease in price.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to see if whether or not we can actually Bio Converse
metallic minerals from the minerals absorbed by water hyacinths to
produce implantable devices.

This study aims to target these specific purposes:

1. Can we use bioconversion to extract metallic minerals from water


2. Would there be enough metallic minerals to produce implantable devices

that may be used for medical purposes?

3. Would there be enough metallic minerals to be extracted from water

hyacinths for it to be an alternative to get metals?

4. Is it even possible to use Bioconversion on water hyacinths to extract

metallic minerals?

5. Are the metallic minerals to be bio conversed from water hyacinths

enough for implantable devices?

Conceptual Framework

In the modern era, a lot of health conditions are constantly growing and it
needs a cure. One possible antidote are implantable devices. Implantable
devices are medical devices that either support, enhance or even replace a
fraction or whole biological structures. They offer additional advantages
including the ability to selectively activate grouping of fibers within the
nerve and theoretically provide more selective control and balance of motor
response. With Bio Conversion, we might then be able to extract enough
metallic materials from water hyacinths to produce these important
implantable devices. This research is about Water Hyacinths being capable
of making metals after they have been bioconversed, this could then be an
alternative way to produce implantable devices.

Step 1
Step 2
Water Hyacinth
Step 3
Absorbs Metals Like
Copper From Implantable Devices
Industrial Sewage
And Living Place
Sewage Then Gets
Extracted Using


Water Hyacinths are very helpful and at the same time beneficial to water
environments. If we use them in a right way such as the way we use it in
this study, it can remove all the negative effects its gives and keeps its
benefits for water bodies. With bioconversion, we may then be able to
produce small implantable devices to make some people’s lives better or it
might even save them. This will also affect students and future researchers
with their studies as it fills the gap in science related to it and opens up
further possible researches.

Significance of the study

 Creatures in Bodies of Water. Properly disposing of water hyacinths
may provide better and cleaner water bodies for sea creature to live
on which benefits not only these creatures but also us.
 Medics. If we implantable devices can be provided from water
hyacinths, then it could be possible for medics to use implantable
devices to make lives better and possible save them.
 Energy. Since we would be using bioconversion for this study, this
would mean that we would use less energy in order to process the
minerals we could possibly get from water hyacinths other than
other methods which use more energy. Using bioconversion, we
would also be using less waste water generation than other possible
 Students. This study will help students to have a detailed analysis on
this particular topic. When you have a proper in-depth analysis of
any topic, the result comes out to be fruitful and also the knowledge
is enhanced.
 Future Researchers. Research improves services and treatments not
just for you but also for future generations. This research can find
answers to things that are unknown and fill gaps in knowledge.

Null Hypothesis

Water hyacinths will not be able to produce enough metallic minerals for
implantable devices.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined for the readers to fully understand

 Water Hyacinth: An aquatic plant that exhibits prolific growth on the

surface of water bodies. It reproduces quickly and often clogs slow-
flowing streams. It is used as an ornament in outdoor pools and
aquariums. It is also said to be used in making briquettes of cooking
fuel or as a substitute for wood in the making of high-quality paper.
Water hyacinth is also well-documented as a good accumulator of
metal ions and is widely used in plant-based wastewater treatment
 Metallic Minerals: The minerals that contain one or more metals.
They are malleable and ductile in nature so they can be easily
pounded into thin sheets or stretched into wires to make new
products. It must be broken apart and chemically processed to
extract the useful metals.
 Implantable Devices: The one that is placed inside the body during a
medical procedure, such as surgery, and is intended to stay there
after the procedure. Some implantable devices are made from skin,
bone or other body tissues. Others are made from metal, plastic,
ceramic or other materials.
 Bioconversion: It refers to the use of living organisms, often
microorganisms, to carry out a chemical reaction that is more costly
or not feasible non biologically. These organisms convert a substance
to a chemically modified form, such as the conversion of waste into
methane by fermentation.
 Industrial waste: The waste produced by industrial activity includes
any material that is rendered useless during a manufacturing process
such as that of factories, mills, and mining operations. Types of
industrial waste include dirt and gravel, masonry and concrete, scrap

metal, oil, solvents, chemicals, scrap lumber, even vegetable matter
from restaurants.
 Biomass: An organic material that emanates from plants and animals.
The sun's energy is contained as a chemical in biomass.
Photosynthesis is utilized by plants to engender biomass. Biomass is
burned for heat or converted into gas and fluid renewable fuels
through a variety of processes.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main thrust of this study is to determine whether or not we can bio
converse metallic minerals from Water Hyacinths enough to produce small
implantable devices. By doing such, it may then be possible for water
hyacinths to be an alternative for finding metallic minerals to produce such
implantable devices.

In the study, the process of Bioconversion will be used in which

microorganisms or enzymes and etc. will be used to break down biomass
through the process of composting. The Bioconversion process would
generally take place in bioreactors. The process to use in this study,
Bioconversion, is environmentally friendly along with the other methods it
brings along with it, like the bioreactor.

The Biomass will then be exerted to get the needed minerals and then it will
be identified to know which are the needed minerals which are the metallic
minerals. It will then be measured to measure at least 5 grams since the
smallest implantable devices measure around this weight. If more are
found, a bit bigger implantable device might then be possible to produce.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Studies and Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies which the
researcher deemed relevant to the study.

Table of Contents

1. Intro – this will give a general outlook on what is to be discussed on

the following sections and will tell what will or will not be discussed

2. Foreign Related Literature Topics

a) Water Hyacinths – this section will discuss literatures relating to

water hyacinths in order to give readers more information about

b) Bioconversion – this section will discuss literatures about

bioconversion in order for readers to understand the concept
better and also give more information

c) Implantable Devices – this section will discuss literatures relating

to implantable devices and the relationship between this paper
and other research papers about implantable devices.

3. Local Literature- this section will discuss about the related literatures
from the Philippines.


Water hyacinths, used properly, can have a tremendous impact on our

society. With bioconversion, we may extract the minerals that water
hyacinths have cleaned up from water environments and produce small
products from these extracted minerals.

There is a wide variety as to how it may be possible to do this like what type
of water hyacinths are to be tested and the ways as to how bioconversion
may be used and also what kind of implantable devices are, we aiming to
produce. Once these topics are classified and identified in the correct
manner, our hypothesis may then have an answer.

In this research, we would use specific and also general terms that are
relevant to our topic. Extensive scientific research will be classified in a
chronological order in which only relevant topics are identified and
essential points will be summarized.

Foreign Related Literature Topics

A. Water Hyacinths

According to this paper, with the title The Resource Utilization of Water
Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms) and Its Challenges, (2018),
water hyacinths are “sexually propagated through seeds, which can survive
in water for six years making water hyacinth difficult to control”. They
further emphasize on this topic by saying that water hyacinths actually
produce about 140 million ramets within one year weighing about 28,000
tons. The over population of water hyacinths are obviously not good so

further testing on how to benefit from water hyacinths are requested to
keep water bodies healthy and contain actually alive sea creatures. This
related paper also state that “The water hyacinth has a well-developed root
system and can absorb nutrients in the growing environment. Therefore, its
material composition is closely related to the growth environment”. This
now explains why water hyacinths reproduce exaggeratedly. This also
explains why they may collect many minerals with their roots and if they
manage to absorb the minerals we want to have for this research, and if they
are placed in a location where they can achieve this goal, then this research
paper would be successful.

According to the paper Perspectives of phytoremediation using water

hyacinth for removal of heavy metals, organic and inorganic pollutants in
wastewater, written by Shahabaldin Rezania (2015), Centre for
Environmental Sustainability and Water Security, Research Institute for
Sustainable Environment & Department of Environmental Engineering, the
development of eco-friendly and efficient technologies for treating
wastewater is one of the attractive research areas. Phytoremediation is
considered to be a possible method for the removal of pollutants present in
wastewater and recognized as a better green remediation technology.
Nowadays the focus is to look for a sustainable approach in developing
wastewater treatment capability. Water hyacinth is one of the ancient
technologies that has been still used in the modern era. Although, many
papers in relation to wastewater treatment using water hyacinth have been
published, recently removal of organic, inorganic and heavy metal have not
been reviewed extensively. This helps the researchers for them to know
about the possibility of using water hyacinth for the removal of pollutants
present like heavy metals that are used for medicinal implantable devices.

According to Water Hyacinth - The Green Potential by Ratchanon
Keawmanee (2015), that water hyacinth is known for its elastic yet tough
property which could be turned into green fibers for handicrafts and
artifacts, either by the water hyacinth itself or the combination with other
materials. Not only that, it can also produce metallic minerals. These
metallic minerals can be made as an implantable device which is very
important for medical services and other medical purposes. Because of
water hyacinths, we can make a lot of helpful devices or crafts. Water
hyacinths were also a problem in many places, and as stated in the same
research paper that the ever-growing amount of water hyacinth has
polluted and blocked the flow of water in many rivers, so this is why it’s
necessary to know this kind of situation.

B. Bioconversion

Same as the research paper of Farah Monorawa Jahangiri (2019),

Department of Soil and Water and Environment, defined water hyacinth
(Eichhornia crassipes) as a naturally abundant plant having substantial
heavy metal adsorptive capacity. She said that several studies have shown
Eichhornia crassipesas a candidate for the treatment of wastewater
contaminated with heavy metals. She also said, Eichhornia crassipes has a
great potential to be an effective bio sorbent phytotechnology for the
amelioration of contaminated wastewaters with heavy metals. This related
literature helps the researchers to have knowledge about the relation of
heavy metals and water hyacinth. Metals are commonly used in making
implantable devices.

Bioprocesses are a viable and environmentally acceptable alternative to the
well-established chemical processes that are now utilized to manufacture
platform chemicals, fuels, and other commercial items. Bioconversion is
now undergoing extensive research processes and biorefineries, which
currently coexist with traditional refineries to some extent. A variety of
choices and technologies are being researched and are currently offered to
the public. Bioprocesses can be used to produce a variety of valuable end
products. Many of these procedures are based on renewable resources.
Primary feedstocks include resources, biomass, and pollution. The latter
avoids the rivalry between food and fuel. Bioprocesses are a practical and
environmentally friendly alternative to the well-established chemical
processes that are now used to produce platform chemicals, fuels, and other
industrial goods. Bioconversion is currently the subject of substantial
investigation methods and biorefineries, which today coexist to some extent
alongside regular refineries. A wide range of options and technologies are
being investigated and are now available to the general public. Bioprocesses
can be utilized to make a wide range of useful end products. Many of these
methods rely on renewable resources. Resources, biomass, and pollution are
all primary feedstocks. The latter sidesteps the food-fuel competition.
(Christian Kennes, 2018)

Bioconversion, also known as biotransformation, is the conversion of

organic materials, such as plant or animal waste, into usable products or
energy sources by biological processes or agents, such as certain
microorganisms. An example of bioconversion is the conversion of organic
materials, such as plant or animal waste, into usable products or energy
sources by biological processes or agents, such as certain microorganisms,
some detritivores or enzymes. One example of bioconversion is a of
lignocellulose by microbial fermentation is typically preceded by an acidic

thermochemical pretreatment step designed to facilitate enzymatic
hydrolysis of cellulose. Substances formed during the pretreatment of the
lignocellulosic feedstock inhibit enzymatic hydrolysis as well as microbial
fermentation steps. There are different ways of bioconversion. The
bioconversion of water hyacinth is hemicellulose acid hydrolysate has been
utilized as a substrate for ethanol production using Pichia stipitis NRRL Y-
7124. Hydrolysate fermentability was considerable improved by boiling,
and overliming up to pH 10.0 with solid Ca(OH)(2) in combination with
sodium sulfite. (Jönsson, L.J., Alriksson, B. & Nilvebrant, 2013)

Bioconversion and biotransformation are other approaches for the

production of flavor and fragrance compounds described as the use of
microbial cells or enzymes to perform specific modifications or
interconversions of precursor substances to a structurally similar flavor
compound. Several precursors, which are inexpensive and easily available,
can be converted to more valuable flavor compounds in these reactions (Fig.
2.5). Compared to de novo synthesis, bioconversion and biotransformation
yield a higher level of desired flavor compounds than de novo synthesis.
Therefore these approaches for production of flavor compounds offer a
more attractive industrial process from an economic viewpoint (Amaral et
al., 2010; Welsh et al., 1989).

C. Implantable Devices

It is stated by Balamurugan Panneerselvam (2021), the Department of Civil
Engineering, that the presence of toxic heavy metals such as chromium
causes environmental effects and leads to health issues. He said that various

modern equipment and natural methods are available to remove the heavy
metals in polluted water. Some of these are chemical precipitation, ion
exchange, reverse osmosis, membrane filtration, bio absorption, and
phytoremediation. He also said that this study will evaluate the capability
of phytoremediation of water hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes). This related
literature is beneficial for the researchers to know more about the potential
of water hyacinth in removing metals. As everyone knows, heavy metals
are used in making implantable devices.

Senescent population and a multitude of neurological and cardiovascular

illnesses that cannot be mitigated by medication alone have resulted in a
paramount magnification in the number of patients that require implantable
electronic contrivances. These range from sensors, gastric and cardiac
pacemakers, cardioverter defibrillators, to deep encephalon, nerve, and
bone stimulators. Long-term implants present categorical engineering
challenges, including low energy consumption and stable performance.
Resorbable electronics may offer excellent short-term performance without
the desideratum for surgical abstraction. However, most electronic
materials have poor bio- and cytocompatibility, resulting in immune
reactions and infections. This paper reviews the current situation and
highlights challenges for future advancements. Eichornia crassipes
engender materials for implantable contrivances when they bioconverse.
The implantable medical contrivance is a critical component. Many people
suffer from ocular perception, aurally perceiving, astringent pain, or heart
quandaries as a result of not having such contrivances. So, since eichornia

crassipes engender materials for implantable contrivances, they can
authentically avail people. (Kateryna Bazaka, 2012)

In a literature about implantable devices, namely “Development of

Implantable Medical Devices: From an Engineering Perspective (Sep. 2013),
they venture how implantable devices are made, how they work and other
aspects involving the topic. In this paper, it is said that it is crucial for
implantable devices to have excel in their biocompatibility. Biocompatibility
is the term describing the property of materials being compatible with
living tissues. This literature further states that “the treatment of the
microorganisms of the surface of the materials are also important.” And
“Actively operated implantable medical devices such as the pacemaker, are
perfectly sealed by biocompatible materials. To date, effective
biocompatible materials can be reported as follows: titanium and its alloys,
noble metals and their alloys, biograde stainless steels, some cobalt-based
alloys, tantalum, niobium, titanium-niobium alloys, Nitinol, MP35N (a
nickel-cobalt-molybdenum alloy), alumina, zirconia, quartz, fused silica,
biograde glass, silicon, and some biocompatible polymers” Most of these
said following are also possible metallic minerals that may be found
extracted from water hyacinths with bioconversion. Meaning, this literature
helps more in proving the hypothesis in this research paper.

Implantable device is a device being implant to the body. It is manufactured

to replace a missing biological structure, support a damaged biological
structure or enhance an existing biological structure. These are man-made
devices. It can be made up of a biomedical material such as titanium,
silicone, or apatite depending on what is the most functional. Our study
about the water hyacinth is about our environment by eliminating them in
our bodies of water. Because it usually clogs the water ways. By taking

them out, we are cleaning our waterways. We studied about the other
benefits of water

hyacinth. For some people it is just a waste that we need to eliminate. But
there are also good benefits of water hyacinth. It can be a good source of
metallic minerals that when extracted can produce small implantable
device. They have the advantage to absorb many metallic minerals from the
bodies of water where they live in. They may be bio conversed into
producing metals that can be used for implantable device. From a pests to
some people but can be a good source of implantable device. Simply for
being useless to a useful thing. - Innovative Technology Development
Program funded by the Small and Medium Business Administration of
Korea [cited 2013 Jun 15]

Local Literature

The DOST stated in their literature "DOST LAUNCHES SOLUTION TO

THE WATER HYACINTH PROBLEM" that they've invented a machine that
scoops up the plants (water hyacinths). The harvester mechanically removes
water hyacinths using a specially-developed conveyor system.
“Mechanically removing the plant is the better alternative because chemical
methods are hazardous to plants and animals,” according to the research
team. They also stated in this literature of theirs that the plants are put to
good use and then they later state that some may also distribute them in a
dumping site or an assisting barge. Distributing water hyacinths to
dumping sites is obviously a bad idea especially in the perspective of this
paper since water hyacinths do offer beneficial characteristics. This related
literature is a significant example as to why this research paper matters

since it would be an alternative way of disposing of water hyacinths. Not
only would this paper be using water hyacinths in a different way such that
they would be more used and not wasted given the benefits it actually holds
despite it being an invasive species, it would also expand the people
knowledge on science.

Chapter 3


Water hyacinth is a free-floating perennial aquatic plant (or hydrophyte)
native to tropical and sub-tropical South America. With broad, thick, glossy,
ovate leaves, water hyacinth may rise above the surface of the waterIn their
native range, these flowers are pollinated by long-tongued bees and they
can reproduce both sexually and clonally. The invasiveness of the hyacinth
is related to its ability to clone itself and large patches are likely to all be
part of the same genetic form.Water hyacinth has three flower morphs and
is termed "tristylous". The flower morphs are named for the length of their
pistil: long, medium and short. Tristylous populations are however limited
to the native lowland South America range of water hyacinth

An implant on the other hand, is a medical device manufactured to replace

a missing biological structure, support a damaged biological structure, or
enhance an existing biological structure. Medical implants are man-made
devices, in contrast to a transplant, which is a transplanted biomedical
tissue. The surface of implants that contact the body might be made of a
biomedical material such as titanium, silicone, or apatite depending on
what is the most functional. The conversion of organic materials, such as
plant or animal waste, into usable products or energy sources by biological
processes or agents, such as certain microorganisms. One example is the
industrial production of cortisone, which one step is the bioconversion of
progesterone. This chapter we will be only classifying and summarizing the
relevant topics.

Research Design

Respondents of the study

The respondents of this study are 8 students whom have created this
research paper from the school Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano
Memorial Science and Technology High School (SRCCMSTHS) in group 1
of the research subject of Grade 7 Lily (S.Y. 2020-2021), to study the
observations to occur in the experiments. Preferably, three professionals in
bioconversion would also be respondents of this study, in order for one to
supervise the experiment and two to use Physical Pre-treatment chemicals
and enzymes needed to complete the method of bioconversion. We can also
include our adviser to observe and supervise. This is to ensure the safety
and effectiveness of our research work. We will also record the step by step
procedure for the documentation that is needed for the research. In order to
have the balance of the qualitative and quantitative measurements. We will
take the responses as part of our research study. In this way, we can
complete all the details that we need.


Bio ethanol- the principle fuel used as a petrol substitute for road transport
vehicles is bioethanol. Bioethanol fuel is mainly produced by the sugar
fermentation process, although it can also be manufactured by the chemical
process of reacting ethylene with steam.

The main sources of sugar required to produce ethanol come from fuel or
energy crops. These crops are grown specifically for energy use and include
corn, maize and wheat crops, waste straw, willow and popular trees,
sawdust, reed canary grass, cord grasses, Jerusalem artichoke, miscanthus
and sorghum plants. There is also ongoing research and development into
the use of municipal solid wastes to produce ethanol fuel.

Ethanol or ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH)- it is a clear colorless liquid, it is

biodegradable, low in toxicity and causes little environmental pollution if
spilt. Ethanol burns to produce carbon dioxide and water. Ethanol is a high-
octane fuel and has replaced lead as an octane enhancer in petrol. By
blending ethanol with gasoline, we can also oxygenate the fuel mixture so it
burns more completely and reduces polluting emissions. Ethanol fuel
blends are widely sold in the United States. The most common blend is 10%
ethanol and 90% petrol (E10). Vehicle engines require no modifications to
run on E10 and vehicle warranties are unaffected also. Only flexible fuel
vehicles can run on up to 85% ethanol and 15% petrol blends (E85).

Subcritical Water- it is a liquid water under pressure at temperatures above

usual boiling point, 100 °C (212 °F). It is also known as "subcritical water" or
"pressurized hot water." At subcritical state, water is maintained in liquid
form by apply pressure. Therefore, the liquid water is in equilibrium with
vapor at the saturated vapor pressure. Some properties

changes take place:  ⇗ Solvating power,  ⇘ Viscosity and surface tension,
 ⇗ diffusivity,  ⇘ Polarity,  ⇗ Self-ionization of water  Light
acidification (acid hydrolysis).  The duration of extraction is reduced and
the solvent volume too  the extract is more concentrated. Several words
are related to subcritical water: superheated water, pressurized water, etc.

Chemical methods- include chemical precipitation, chemical oxidation or

reduction, formation of an insoluble gas followed by tripping, and other
chemical reactions that involve exchanging or sharing electrons among

Water hyacinth- it is a free-floating perennial aquatic plant (or hydrophyte)

native to tropical and sub-tropical South America. With broad, thick, glossy,
ovate leaves, water hyacinth may rise above the surface of the water as
much as 1 meter (3 feet) in height. The leaves are 10–20 cm (4–8 inches)
across on a stem which is floating by means of buoyant bulb-like nodules at
its base above the water surface. They have long, spongy and bulbous
stalks. The feathery, freely hanging roots are purple-black. An erect stalk
supports a single spike of 8–15 conspicuously attractive flowers, mostly
lavender to pink in color with six petals. When not in bloom, water hyacinth
may be mistaken for frog's-bit (Limnobium spongia [3]) or Amazon frog bit.

Statistical treatment of data

For the statistical treatment of data, the water hyacinth will be the input and
then through the use of bioconversion, in which we first process the input
(water hyacinth) through mechanical dehydration. Metals that are Metals
that contain elements present in the body are considered biocompatible and
therefore suitable materials for constructing bioabsorbable stents.

Bioabsorbable stents is the most probable implantable device to output
through this process. Statistics shows that Bioabsorbable stents are also one
of the leading implantable devices that have grown in market size this
decade which is one of the reasons it’s one of the implantable devices the
researchers aim to produce.



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Ology. One of the plants that

Could be used for solid fuel
ology. One of the plants that
Could be used for solid fuel


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