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Name: Janica Mae M.

Piamonte Date: 09/25/21

Grade and Section: 12 H2-SOCRATES


Q1-Module 1: Introduction to Media and Information Literacy

What I Know
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. C
What’s in?
1. What is common among these pictures?
- They are having a conversation or interacting in various ways, according to a common act or
facts from these data.
2. What do you think is the meaning of communication?
- In my own words, communication refers to the method of sharing information, thoughts, and
feelings with oneself or with others.
3. What is the difference of communication before and now?
- The difference between now and then is that they would communicate through letters that they
would need to mail to post offices, and that they could also communicate face to face. When it
comes to long-distance communication in today's society, you have the choice of using social
media platforms.
What’s more?
I. Instructions: Watch the YouTube video “What is Media Anyway” by clicking the link:

1. What is Media?
- According to the video, media refers to a variety of channels through which a person or persons
can communicate with their target audience.
2. Imagine a typical day in your life and identify all the different kinds of media that are present.
- I check my phone first thing in the morning to check for messages, crucial announcements,
and other material provided by the media. When I get out of my bedroom and go about my daily
life, I can hear loudspeakers from my next-door neighbor’s broadcasting live updates. Printed
media, televisions, movies, video games, music, cell phones, and the internet are all range of
different sorts of media.
II. Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. How would you be informed of anything?

- My relatives and other folks would inform me through conversation.
2. What ways would you have to communicate with one another?
- I would communicate with them by addressing to them vocally in the same language which we
both use to ensure good communication.
3. How would you share information and communicate news and events?
- I'd share information in a formal way so that I might appear trustworthy based on news and
event information. It would be much more difficult to transmit these messages without the
media, but I prefer verbal communication.
4. How would it affect the way you live?
- Living without superior media possibilities may be more difficult; the most difficult part would
be adjusting at first, since I may have become accustomed to using advanced media.
5. What would you personally miss most in such a situation?
- If the media disappears, I will lose my technique of communicating with my friends and
especially I loved to listen to music when I am depressed because I feel a lot gloomy nowadays. I
don’t feel anything and maybe don’t have the motivation to understand anything.
What I Have Learned
1. How did Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) affect or change the way we communicate with
other people?
- These social media platforms have altered the way people communicate; there are now
advantages and disadvantages to using these communication platforms. These disadvantages
could also be a communication obstacle.
2. How do you use Social Media as a tool or medium for communication?
- I can utilize social media to further my knowledge and communicate with my family, friends,
and peers.
3. How did Social Media affect the quantity and quality of information available to people? Is it a
good thing or bad thing?
- The quantity and quality of information available to people may be influenced by social media
in a variety of ways. Especially when people have the flexibility to post whatever they want,
which may attract the attention of others who are unaware that it is fake news. Though there is a
tool in social media that assists in detecting which accounts post material that meets the
quantity and quality requirements for the majority of the standards. I believe that is natural; it
may be good because of the benefits of utilizing social media, but it may also be negative because
of the risks of fake news and other scams.
What I Can Do
1. It demonstrates the benefit of social media in that the child will not have to explain about their
school in their own words because they may have the choice of lying rather than reading a blog
post from their possible instructor that provides a thorough explanation about their school.
2. The image demonstrates that advanced or well-developed media, such as those that show text
and pictures for medicines, are far more efficient than older media that merely shows text for
3. This picture demonstrates that, in most circumstances, any type of media, whether traditional
or modern, is still important in acquiring information. Though, in the end, the advantages and
disadvantages of the various media used remain apply.
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A
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