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Dr Aaron Jones

17 Evans Terrace
Norwood SA



Dear Dr Jones,

Mrs XXXXX is a mutual patient of ours who presented to me on the 27/08/2021 with acute
episodic moderate right hip and chronic episodic left groin and pubic symphysis pain.

During the history it was discovered the groin pain started roughly around the 2nd trimester
of pregnancy but patient assumed it was due to increase in weight. The pain in their right
hip, left groin and pubic symphysis has become more serious in the last 2 weeks describing
the pain as shooting and grinding however the pain eases quickly after resting. She notices
pain when turning in bed.

During active range of motion abduction and adduction of the right hip caused pain, left side
was only painful at end range for adduction. Pain recreated on lumbar extension radiating
to the right hip and buttock. Pain and tightness occurred when palpating lower lumbar
extensors. Mrs XXXXX experienced tenderness in hip flexors and adductors.
Painful public symphysis at end range of lumbar extension, hip adduction and abduction.
Palpation of the pubic symphysis recreates Mrs XXXXX’s groin pain.
Kemps orthopaedic test is positive for right low back and buttock pain. Cluster of Laslett
orthopaedics is positive on the right for hip and groin pain. Groin pain intensified with left
Ganslen’s and thigh thrust on the right.

Imaging which I have attached below suggests right femur is mildly higher, coccyx appears
to be curved slightly with apex towards the right and pubic symphysis appear to be higher
on the left. This however is based off the limited findings with only a A-P view of the
sacroiliac has been performed which makes diagnosis off the images provided impossible.
Further imaging needs to be conducted to view the lateral aspect as well.

Patient is not on any mediation as she is breast feeding.

I suspect pubic symphysis dysfunction and misalignment of the pelvis due to an increase
pelvic load during pregnancy.

I have provided chiropractic manual adjustments to the sacroiliac joint and suggested Mrs
XXXXX wear a lumbopelvic belt at all times over the past week which Mrs XXXXX has
tolerated well and she has reported slight improvement of symptoms especially with the
lumbopelvic belt. It is important to the patient to be pain free and able to walk further and
eventually play hockey again.
I am referring Mrs XXXXX to you for further evaluation and discussion.

Please feel free to contact me anytime should you require any further information.


Dr Brooke Humphrys
North Adelaide Wellness
21 O’Connell St North Adelaide 5085
Phone: 0434 176 011


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