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hhipoxia crénica en este modelo experimental. Estu- dios futuros deberian estar enfocados a determinar ‘siexisten cambios de actividad de la enzima en fe- ‘tos de oveja de término crénicamente hipéxicos o fen recién nacidos. Notas y Agradecimientos ‘Se agradece el financiamiento de esta unidad de in- igacién a la Universidad de Chile, a través del de la Facultad de Medicina, Ademés, a los ‘0s Fondecyt 1010636, 1020599 y 1050479. se agradece especialmente a nuestros tu- ya todas las personas que trabajan en el ratario del Dr. Roberto Reyes en el Programa Fisiopatologia de la Sede Oriente de la Facultad Medicina. 1. Cons HE, Sacks EY, Heyaaxn MA, Rupovrit AM. CCardiownscular responses to hypoxemia and acidemia in fetal lambs. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1974; 120: 817-824. Assan SH, Srevens T, Perinatal pulmonary vax soregulation. Implications for the pathophysiolony find treatment of neonatal pulmonary hypertension, En Haddad GG and Lister G, ed, Tisste Oxygen Deprivation, From Molecular to Integrated. Function, New York: Marcel Dekker, Ine. pp 367-431, 1996, ApMAN SH. Abnormal vasoreactivity in the pathophy- ology of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the ‘newborn, Pediatr Rev 1009; 20: e103-<108. Guaxavent NS, Gonpox JB. Modulation of pulmo- ‘nary vasomotor tone in the fetus end noouate. Respir ‘Rees 2001; 2: 139-144, ApMAN SH, Cuatro BA, Hau SL, McMurry IF, Role of endothelium-derived relaxing factor during, ‘transition of pulmonary circulation at birth, Am J Physiol 1900; 259: H1921-111027. Moxcaps S, Hicos A. The L-Arginine-Nitrc Oxide Pathway. N Engl J Med 1908; 27: 2002-12. ‘Canin GO, Fucus LC, Wisecorr AP, Gruuuatan. WHITE RE. Nitrownsodilatos relax mesenteric is by ‘cGMP-induced stimulation of Ca- K channel. Am J Physiol 1997; 273: HTO-H84 Huaxo JM, Wein BK, Ancien SL. of the cGMP-dependent ‘protein Kinase es the stimulatory effect of nitric oxide and cGMP cclcium-gated potansium channels. Physiol Res “44 90-44 “Lincoun TM, Consweut, TL. Towards an understan- ding of the mechanism of action of cAMP and eGMP fn smooth muscle relaxation. Blood Vessels 1901; 28 29.181. 10. Ancien SL, Huaxc JMC, Hawet. V, Neison DP, SnuLt2 PJ,’ Wem EK. NO and cGMP cause vaso” au. 12, 13. 14 46. 16. 1 18. 19. 2. 23. 24, 2, Rev Chil Estud Med 2008; 5(1):13-18. Minawpa et al., El sistema eNOS en pulmén de fetos... w relaxation by activation of charybdotoxin-senstive K channel by CGMP-dependent protein kins. Proc Natl ‘Acad Sci USA 1994; 91: 7589-7587 Muzuxo S, Kapowakt M, Dewuna Y, Anssma 8, Muvawonr I, Isutzaxa T. P42/44 Mitogen-Activated protein kinase regulated by P53 and Nitrie Oxide in ‘human pulmonary arterial smooth muscle calls. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2004; 2: 184-02 Fixe CD, Ascuver JL, 2naxc Y, Karowire MR. Imparied no signaling in small pulmonary arteries of chronially hypansc newborn piglets. Am J Physio! 204; 286: LIZ4eL 1254. Kowus RG, MoxcaDA 8. Nitric Oxide synthases in mammals. Biochem J 1994; 298: 249-5. Casaneuio P, Somnevia L. Intrauterine growth retardation i associated with reduced activity and ‘expression ofthe eationie amino cid transport systems Ye/MCATA and y+/hCAT-2B and lower activity ‘of rniteie axide synthase in human umbilical vein ‘endothelial cell. Cir Hes 2002; 91: 127-134 (Cucom LG, Parverr ML, Youxc TE, Neu LD. Arginase Inhibition increases nitric oxide production in bovine pulmonary arterial endothelial calls, Am J Physiol Lang Cell Mol Physiol 2004; 287(1):.00-. Hatnower A, TUDER RM, FRaxkuin WA, Poutock 3S, FORSTERMANN U, ARMAN SH, Maturation-related ‘changes in endothelial NO. synthase immunolocaliza- tion in the developing ovine lung, Am J Physiol 1904; 267: L85-L591. Gowzhurz A, Mowresisos G. Hipertensién pulmonar En: Pedintria Menenghello. Pd. Médica Panamericana Buenos Aires, 1997; 1488-1402, aust? AG, Ropnicuez-Rorsmy R. Effect of Pulmo- rary hypertension on gas echange. Bur Respir J 1993; 6(0)a371-7. STOLL BJ, KLpoMAN RM. Bl feto y ol Reeién nacido. Bn: Nekon Tratado de Pediatr, Ed. Me Graw-Hill Tteramericana. Madrid, 2001; 5-542, ). Ware OR, HAo X, Pearce WJ. Madurational ferences jn soluble’ guanylate cyclase activity. in fine carotid and cerebral arteries. Pediatr Res 2000; 47(3):360-75, BraproRD MM. A rapid and sensitive method for ‘the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utllng the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal Biochem 1976; 72:248-54. Pein F, ARCHINARD P, MORADI-AMELL M, GopiNor C. Stoichiometry of the _oigomyein-censitvity- conferring protein (OSCP) in the mitochondrial FOFI-ATPaso determined by an immunoeloctro- ‘transfer blot technique. Biochim Biophys Acta ‘510(8):346-58. Zan JH, Multiple comparisons. In: Biostatistcal Analysis, nd Fal. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hal 1984; 185 - 205, Suepara SM, Suama HS, Moot WJ, TuspoeL D. Pulmonary Hypertension in human newborns with ‘congenital diaphragmatic hernia is associated with

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