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Resistance Series Questionnaire

These questions are designed to help you identify and clear resistance around what you intend to

manifest. Take as much time as you need, and allow yourself to really dive in and explore these

questions. It is best if you journal these out and take your time with this process.

>> What core beliefs do you hold about this thing you intend to

manifest? (Do you believe it's big/small, hard/easy, etc.)

>> Do any of these beliefs make it hard for your desire to show up? Or

conflict with you having it?

>> List new thoughts that you can start to believe in order for you to

have what you want? (Say each one 3 times after you write it).

(Ultimately to form a new belief, you have to think a thought over and

over again until it becomes a core belief).

>> What beliefs did your parents/caretakers/friends/family have about

this when you were growing up?

>> How did their beliefs influence how you view this desire?

>> Observe people who have what you intend to manifest. What beliefs

do you think they hold about having this thing?

>> If you were to have this thing show up or happen right this second-

what are the first 5 feelings that pop up for you?
Resistance Series Questionnaire
These questions are designed to help you identify and clear resistance around what you intend to

manifest. Take as much time as you need, and allow yourself to really dive in and explore these

questions. It is best if you journal these out and take your time with this process.

>> Is there any part of you that feels like you can't have or don't deserve

this desire?

>> Is there any part of you that would be scared of any changes that this

desire would cause?

>> Is there any part of you that might not actually want this desire?

>> Is there any part of you that feels any guilt about having this desire?

>> Is there any part of you that doesn't think it's possible?

>> Is there any part of you that fears that you might have to lose

something or make any sacrifices to have this thing?

>> Do you believe that having this thing is easy or hard? And why?

>> What influenced the beliefs you hold about this thing?

>> If this thing or event were to happen right now, how would it impact

or change your life?
Resistance Series Questionnaire
These questions are designed to help you identify and clear resistance around what you intend to

manifest. Take as much time as you need, and allow yourself to really dive in and explore these

questions. It is best if you journal these out and take your time with this process.

>> What beliefs do you hold about your life in general?

>> What beliefs do you hold about who you are as a person?

>> What beliefs do you hold about how things get to be for you?

>> What beliefs and feelings would support you having what you want?

>> If you believed that anything and everything is possible, what would

that look like and feel like to you?

>> Do you find yourself overthinking and overcomplicating? How can

you make it more simple?

>> What are your standards around this thing you desire? (Can you not

imagine having more than or less than a certain thing?)

>> What influenced and formed these standards?

>> What new standards can you set for yourself around expecting the

thing you desire?

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