The Academic Influence of Gadgets in Learning Among High School Students

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Silliman University

Senior High School

Dumaguete City

June - October 2019


The researchers would like to give their special thanks to the people who cooperated and helped

make this research a reality.

To their teacher, Prof. Jennifer Solitana, for the honest critique and opinions towards the

researcher’s work to mold the researchers into better researchers and for her guidance as the

researchers progress in this research.

To the students who were cooperative in the researcher's survey and interviews and providing the

researchers with the data to work with.

To the researcher's friends and family who kept on inspiring the researchers to never give in to

the pressure and keep a positive train of thought.

To the researcher’s fellow classmates who helped us through providing us insight as to how they

conducted their own research.

To God who is always there to guide the researchers, to keep the researchers safe through the

entire process, and to give the strength He’s bestowed upon the researchers to push onward.

A sincere thank you from the researchers to all of them.



Agir, Vinson Eric Arnaiz, Jemuel

Amorganda, Vasili Flores, Mac Philip

Antonio, Teodoro Mira, Lance Nico







The main goal of this study is to determine if gadgets have a more positive academic

influence on high school students enrolled in Silliman University in the school year 2019-2020.

It glazed into the regularity use of gadgets, namely, phones, iPads, tablets, laptops and computers

in the academic spectrum and the positive academic influence it brings into the students. The

study made use of a questionnaire and an interview survey to acquire both quantitative and

qualitative data for the purpose of the research

Chapter I



The rise of technology has influenced education a lot. Technology is widely catching up

in teaching methodologies across the education space and teachers are bringing the vital

elements of experience, discovery, excitement, engagement, fun, and interaction to the classroom

by using various technological tools (Sharma, 2017). Phones, iPads, tablets, laptops and

computers are now a necessity for learning as a student. Compared to the past, the technological

advancements has given the people the long end of the stick. In the educational sphere, students

could just download books in their gadgets instead of carrying heavy weight on their shoulders.

Thanks to the camera, students could now 100% listen to class instead of having to take down

notes and listen at the same time. There are much more positive changes but schools are not in

favor of students using gadgets because of the mere fact that they can easily switch from one

application to another, they can get distracted easily. In this research the researchers will find out

if gadgets have a positive academic influence on high school students.

Background of the Study

Students can use the gadgets to their full potential in the academic field but there are

always exceptions. As researchers our goal is to find out if gadgets are more effective than books

in the academic scenery. The researchers aim to help the students in making school work easier.

The researchers chose this topic because the topic is relatable and relevant to the researchers

because they are students themselves.

In today's time, gadgets, phones, iPads, tablets, laptops and computers can be found

everywhere. Technology has made transportation less hassle, communication just at the palm of

our hands, engineering and architecture is now easier and education is now just a click away.

Majority of people are experiencing less stress thanks to the technological advancements

specifically the creation of cellular phones, computers and the internet. Compared to the era

where technology is not prominent their lives were much harder. Technology has come a very

long way and has been helping people's lives easier.

As bright as it seems, technology also has a downside to it. Technology can affect the

person's health, mental health, social life and academic performance. The enslavement of

technology, namely gadgets is one of the main causes of these negative effects. The person tends

to forget their duties and responsibilities once they get hooked to the gadgets.

The prominence of technology for education has opened great paths for students to partake.

Technology plays a big role in molding these students into what they want to be in the future.

Technology is doing a vital job in the world today.

The researchers chose this topic because the topic is relatable and relevant to the researchers

because they are students themselves.

The researchers want to know if gadgets have a more positive impact on high school students. It

is along this rationale that this study will be conducted.

Statement of the Problem

The researchers have conducted this survey to ascertain the effect of gadgets in the education of

high school students in Silliman.

Consequently, our study aims to achieve the following:

1. Determine what aspects in student's life which gadgets can affect

a. Student’s grades

b. Student’s attention in class

c. Student’s awareness of surroundings

d. Student’s cooperation with others

e. Student’s health

2. Find out if gadgets plays a positive or negative role in the academics of the student

a. Distraction

b. Temptation

c. Makes for a convenient tool for projects

d. Contributes to productivity in school

e. Doesn’t have any major effect or influence

The researchers have done so by interviewing students and collecting data with the goal

to find out whether or not gadgets help high school students in their studies and schoolwork.

Gadgets will bring a positive impact in the academic learning of students or it will either bring a

negative impact in their academic learning. It is depending on students whether it gives them the
advantage of using gadgets in classes or it gives huge disadvantages in regards to the academic

scenery. This study is conducted to assess the hypothesis that students will either acquire great

amount of positive outcomes regarding their academic performance when they use gadgets in

different context of school work or achieving vice versa of the aforementioned.


Gadgets will bring a positive impact in the academic learning of students or it will either

bring a negative impact in their academic learning. It is depending on students whether it gives

them the advantage of using gadgets in classes or it gives huge disadvantages in regards to the

academic scenery. This study is conducted to assess the hypothesis that students will either

acquire great amount of positive outcomes regarding their academic performance when they use

gadgets in different context of school work or achieving vice versa of the aforementioned.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the academic impact of gadgets in the school life among the high

school students of Silliman University in S.Y. 2019-2020. The respondents were chosen

randomly with the possible grade levels of our respondents ranging from Junior High School

(grade 7-10) to Senior High School (grade 11-12). This range was chosen with the thought in

mind that commonly high school students are the ones who use gadgets for school purposes

more regularly compared to students in the elementary and preschool level.

Significance of the Study

In the 21st century humanity has made a huge leap when it comes to the advancements in

technology. With such, students, teachers, school staff and others are heading towards the

advancements technology brings. Without such technology doing school tasks, assignments,

conversations and projects wouldn’t be as easy but because of such it has both helped students

and teachers to effectively use their gadgets and to effectively save time. These were significant

to the following:

Students - They will know the benefits of using gadgets in learning. With such technology

students could use their gadgets to easily share information, communicate and to take down

notes through their gadget, which could save time and resources and could make some tasks


Teachers - With the students having gadgets to use for educational purposes, teachers are given

awareness to allow the use of gadgets and also to guide them in using it effectively. Teachers

could also share important information, additional notes and to communicate.

School staff - With the student’s gadgets, they are responsible in regulating rules. These rules are

to regulate the students inside the classroom for effective and proper gadget use.

This study may help future researchers in doing their research. They may make improvements to

widen the scope of the topic and to improve the research study.
Definition of Terms

To make the study more comprehensible, the following terms have been defined for the

convenience of the readers:

Gadget - This refers to an often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but

often thought of as a novelty. In this study, gadgets refer to cell phones, tablets and laptops which

are used by the respondents in learning.

Influence - This refers to the effect of gadgets on the respondents in their learning. This refers to

the student’s grades, product output, and their general performance in school

Positive Influence - In this study, it refers to any effect that gadgets have on the students which

improve their academic performance. A “negative influence” would be the complete opposite of


High School Students - Students that are enrolled in the range of grade levels of 7-12.

GADGET: Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from

INFLUENCE: Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved from

What is a technological advancement in the SR&ED program? (2014, April 14).

Retrieved from

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