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Jesús Alberto Guillen

Número de Cuenta:
Centro de Estudios:
UCENM Ocotepeque
Marjorie Linnette
Contreras Estrada
Fecha de Entrega:
Develop your cultural awareness

1) How do people greet each other when they meet for the first time?

R/= Usually peoples wave their hands in greeting, followed by a "hello" to start a

2) How do they greet each other when they already know each other?

R/= People when they already know each other can greet each other with a hug, a
kiss or another personal sign.

3) Are greeting customs different for me and women? How?

R/= Yes, because women have more confidence when greeting each other, they
can greet each other with a kiss or a hug, on the other hand, when greeting a man,
this usually does not happen.

4) When and how do you address people formally?

R/= Formally addressed me to people when he is not a trusted person, a person

who has just met or a person who requires it, using greetings for each moment of
the day, also using the correct words to address the person.

5) When and how do you address people informally?

R/= When she is a trusted person or a person I already know; I speak to her in
colloquial language.

6) What are some do’s and don’ts for table manners?

R/= Correctly

-Sit properly

-Answer "no, thank you" or "yes, please" when some food is offered.

-Check with your mouth closed.

-Don't talk with food in your mouth.

- Not scream

-Don't chew with your mouth open.

7) Are certain foods or beverages taboo?

R/= Yes, since there are foods or drinks that are considered unfit for consumption,
either for religious or cultural reasons, thus becoming food or taboo drinks for
certain people.

8) What are some taboo conversation topics?

R/= Religion, politics, Gender of a person, war, violence

9) What are the customs about punctuality?

R/= In order to be punctual, you also have to have customs to achieve it, such as
being, being organized, taking advantage of time, not getting distracted by
unnecessary things, etc.

10) What is a customary gift if you are visiting someone’s home?

R/= -meal, clothing, drinks.

11) Are there any gift taboos (kinds of flowers, etc.)?

R/= Yes, flowers, alcoholic beverages, animals

12) Are there places where certain clothes would be inappropriate?

R/= Yes, church, school, beach.

13) Is there an important aspect of your culture that’s not on this list?

R/= Yes, such as religion, traditions, typical food, history, etc.

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