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Doubt Clearing Session eta se Neel ea) tial Reet ee eee e-Pramaan is a uniform standard based national e- Authentication framework to authenticate users of| various government services in a safe and secure manner for accessing services through desktop as well as mobile. be Eee PRAGATI is an ICT platform existing in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) that reviews and monitors various governmental, It was launched in 2015. The platform was designed by the PMO in coordination with the National informatics centre. The platform GOI and State's Chief Secretaries, along with the Prime Minister. Vidwan is an e-learning portal specifically designed for the research students, experts, educational institutions, policy makers. The portal carries useful database that will be helpful for providing information from experts to peers, prospective collaborators, eed Talk to a Teacher developed by IIT Bombay, is an initiative of the National Mission on Education through ICT, funded by MHRD to provide free access to a few selected graduate and postgraduate courses, taught| at IIT Bombay by distinguished faculty members and scholars at large. It uses A-View collaboration tool developed by Amrita University for providing virtual classrooms to the faculty across the country. @viowan ee Establishment of 1 GBPS Connectivity to universities and 20 512 Kbps broadband connectivity to colleges has been provisioned under NMEICT. A total of 600 Universities have been connected through 1 Gbps Optical Fibre; 22026 Colleges have so far been connected with 10 Mbps bandwidth. The process of laying the optical fibre and provision of the WiFi in Central Universities is currently underway. er is the official] repository of NMEICT e-content and all content produced under NMEICT is being, put at this Repository platform at INFILIBNET Centre Gandhinagar, so to apply basic tenets of preservation for digital content, implement standard Metadata schema of! different types for the digital content and ensure their long-term availability. ive under NMEICT Programme, named “e-Yantra’ implemented to incorporate Robotics into engineering education with the objective of The Spoken Tutorial project is funded by the NMEICT, launched by the| Ministry of Human Resource and Development, GOI. Spoken Tutorial is a multi-award-winning educational content portal. RY Tai (ig Here one can learn various free and open-source software all by oneself. Our self-) paced. Multi-lingual courses ensures that anybody with a computer and a desire| for learning ICT AND GOVERNANCE e-Governance is understood as the use of ICT at all the level of the Government in| order to provide services to the citizens, interaction with business enterprises and communication and exchange of information between different agencies of the | E-governance is beyond the scope of e-government. While e-government is defined as' | a mere delivery of government services and information to the public using electronic | means, e-governance allows direct participation of constituents in government! | activities. © To support and simplify governance for government, esa citizens and business. © To make government administration more transparent and accountable. © To reduce corruption in the government. To ensure Da accented The vision for e-Government expressed by the Department of Public Service and Administration recommended that an e-Government ‘* E-government: The application of IT intra-governmental operations} * E-service: The application of IT to transform the delivery of public services * E-business: The application of IT to operations performed by the government in the manner of G2B transactions The vision for achieving e-Government in India is to render services around life episodes of the citizens that follow a series of events, from cradle to grave. Such services must be accessible to all citizens anytime, anywhere and through different! access devices and media | Zipping” one or more files creates a compressed archive that takes PALa ZIT | 1 less disk space than the uncompressed version. It is useful for’ | backing up files and reducing the size of data transferred over the Internet. An archive compressed with standard Zip! compression has a ZIP file extension — for example, Archive. RIPPING | After ripping the audio, you can then convert the files to the more compressed MP3 format if you want. | "Burning" refers to the process of writing data onto a CD. You can Ea burn both audio and data CDs, as well as DVDs, provided your computer has a CD/DVD burner. refers to a system for representing] the colors to be used on a computer display. Red, green, and blue’ can be combined in various proportions to obtain any color in the visible spectrum. Levels of R, G, and B can each range from 0 to 100 percent of full intensity. Domain Name The domain name consists of two parts. In our example, “” is the domain name where “Unacademy” is the host and “com” is the top-level domain. This suffix indicates the type of organization to which the host belongs ‘As you can probably guess, “.com” indicates that the host, “Unacademy,” is an educational institution. Common Top-Level Domains [com Commercial or business websites, however anyone may use this now. -gov Government websites .mil Military websites .org Organizational websites (often non-profit organizations) .edu - educational institutions .net - network organizations Country Domain «in (India) .us (United State) -uk (United Kingdom) Ques. ALU stands for (NTA UGC-NET Dec. 2012) (A) American Logic Unit (B) Alternate Local Unit (C) Alternating Logic Unit (D) Arithmetic Logic Unit Ques. A Personal Computer uses a number of chips mounted on a circuit board called (NTA UGC-NET Dec. 2012) (A) Microprocessor (B) System Board (C) Daughter Board (D) Mother Board Ques. A Compiler is a software which converts (NTA UGC-NET June 2013) (A) characters to bits (B) high level language to machine language (C) machine language to high level language (D) words to bits Ques. The post-industrial society is designated as (NTA UGC-NET Dec. 2013) (A) Information society (B) Technology society (C) Mediated society (D) Non-agricultural society Ques. Which of the following is an open source software ? (NTA UGC-NET June 2015) (1) MS Word (2) Windows (3) Mozilla Firefox (4) Acrobat Reader Ques. NMEICT stands for: (NTA UGC-NET Dec. 2015) (1) National Mission on Education through ICT (2) National Mission on E-governance through ICT (3) National Mission on E-commerce through ICT (4) National Mission on E-learning through ICT Ans. (1) National Mission on Education through ICT Ques. Which of the following statements regarding the features of Information and communication Technology (ICT) is/are true ? (NTA UGC- NET Aug. 2016) |. ICT are the main instruments for the creation of computer networks and the applications based on them. Codes: Il. ICT support the spread of information and knowledge, separating the content from the (A) land Il only place where it belongs physically. Ill The digital and virtual nature of most of ICT | (B) | and Ill only products allow the expenditure for them to be maximized. (C) Il and Ill only (D)|, and Ill Ans. (A) | and Il only Ques. The statement the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer Hardware refers to (NTA UGC-NET July 2016) (1) Information Technology (IT) (2) Information and Collaborative Technology (ICT) (3) Information and Data Technology (IDT) (4) Artificial Intelligence (Al) Ques. Virtual memory is (NTA UGC-NET June 2013) (A) an extremely large main memory (B) an extremely large secondary memory (C) an illusion of extremely large main memory (0) a type of memory used in super computers Ques. A Gigabyte is equal to (NTA UGC-NET June 2013) (A) 1024 Megabytes (B) 1024 Kilobytes (C) 1024 Terabytes (D) 1024 Bytes Ques. A hard disk is divided into tracks which is further subdivided into (NTA UGC-NET June 2013) (A) Clusters (B) Sectors (C) Vectors (D) Heads Ques. Virtual reality provides (NTA UGC-NET Dec. 2013) (A) Sharp pictures (B) Individual audio (C) Participatory experience (D) Preview of new films Ques. The first virtual university of India came up in (NTA UGC-NET Dec. 2013) (A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Maharashtra (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Tamil Nadu Ques. Which one of the following is not alan image/graphic file format ? (NTA UGC-NET June 2014) (A) PNG (8) GIF (Cc) BMP (0) Gui Ques. When a computer is booting, BIOS is loaded to the memory by (NTA UGC-NET June 2014) (A) RAM (8) ROM (C) CD-ROM (0) TcP Ques. gif, jpg, bmp, png are used as extensions for files which store (NTA UGC-NET Dee. 2014) (A) audio data (B) image data (C) video data (D) text data Ques. Which of the following is not an input device ? (NTA UGC-NET June 2015) (1) Microphone (2) Keyboard (3) Joystick (4) Monitor Ques. Which of the following represents one billion characters ? (NTA UGC- NET June 2015) (A) Kilobyte (B) Megabyte (C) Gigabyte (D) Terabyte Ques. Which of the following is not an output device ? (NTA UGC-NET June 2015) (A) Printer (8) Speaker (C) Monitor (D) Keyboard Ques. In a Computer a byte generally consists of : (NTA UGC-NET Dec. 2015) (1) 4 bits (2) 8 bits (3) 16 bits (4) 10 bits Ques. is a type of memory circuitry that holds the computeris start-up routine. (NTA UGC-NET July 2016) (1) RIM (Read Initial Memory) (2) RAM (Random Access Memory) (3) ROM (Read Only Memory) (4) Cache Memory Ques. The process of copying files to a CD-ROM is known as (NTA UGC- NET Aug. 2046) (1) Burning (2) Zipping (3) Digitizing (4) Ripping Ques. Random Access Memory (RAM), a form of computer storage, is a ___ memory. (NTA UGC-NET July 2016) (1) Non-Volatile (2) Volatile (3) Permanent (4) Secondary Ques. If one Giga Byte is equal to 230 Bytes of data storage, then 1024 Tera Bytes is equal to___bits of data storage. (NTA UGC-NET Aug. 2016) (1) 25 (2) 253 (3) 24° (a) 256

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