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Parasapas, National, High School

Parasapas, Rosario, La Union

Learning Style Questionnaire

Directions: Please provide answer comprehensively to the following questions.

Name (Optional)________________________________ Date: _______

I. Profile of the Respondents

A. Sports at School

Volleyball:_____ Sepak Takraw:_____ Badminton:____

Basketball:_____ Athletics:______ Table Tennis:_____


B. Reading materials available

Modules:_____ Dictionary:_____ Books:_____

C. No. of hours exposed to Social media site

1 hour:_____ 2 hours:_____ 3 hours:_____

4 hours:____
Direction: The purpose of the following item is to find out about your opinion toward using
learning style. For the (5) Strong Disagree (4) Disagree (3) Undecided (2) Agree
(1) Strongly Agree.

5 4 3 2 1
Strongly agree Neutra Disagree Strongly
Agree l Disagree
1. I learn better by reading what the
teacher writes on the chalkboard.
2. When I read instructions, I
remember them better.
3. I understand better, when I read
4. When learning a new skill, I will
rather than watch someone
demonstrate the skill than listens.
5. It helps me to look at the person
while listening; it keeps me
6. Using flashcards helps me to
retain material for tests.
7. It helps to use my finger as a
pointer when reading to keep my
8. I appreciate all things visual-
painting, photography, and

5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. 1. I find it useful to read out loud when
reading the textbook.
2. 2. I learn more by reading textbook than
by listening to someone.
3. 3. I remember things I have heard in the
class better than the things I have read.
4. 4. I learn better in class when I listen to
5. 5. I would rather listen to lecture than
read the textbook.
6. 6. I learn better in the class when teachers
gives a lecture.
7. 7. I remember things that I hear, rather
than things that I see or read.
8. 8. I understand how to do something if
someone tells me, rather than things that
I see or read.
9. 9. I always listen to music or radio.

10. If I had the choice to learn new

information through a lecture or
textbook, I would choose to hear it
rather than read it.


5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagre Strongly
Agree e Disagree
1. I learn best in class when I can
participate in related activities.
2. I understand better things in class
when I participate in role
3. I prefer to learn by doing
exercise and drills in the class.
4. I am an active person and enjoy
physical activities.
5. I benefit more from computer
laboratory classes than lecture
6. When I do things in class, I learn
7. I remember something better if I
write it down.
8. I don’t like to read directions; I’d
rather just start doing.

5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. I always say please and thank you
when I ask someone for
2. The clothes I wear would never
offend another person.
3. If something bad happens to
someone I don’t like, I tell my
friends and laugh about it when
that person is not around.
4. I never curse or use offensive
language in public places
5. My hair is clean and well
6. People who know me would
describe me as cheerful and
7. I always have good posture.
8. When I talk with someone, I look
them in the eyes.
9. I keep my fingernails clean and
nicely trimmed.
10. I usually become angry and lose
my temper when things don’t go
the way I want them to.

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