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A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in MTB-MLE 1

I.ObjectiveTo be able to give the name and sound of letter /Ss/

CODE: MT1PWR-Ib-i-1-1

II. Subject Matter
Topic: Recognizing the name and sound of /Ss/B.
Reference: Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Grade 1 TG:Waray (Unit 1-Week
5) First Edition, 2013; Mother Tongue-Based MultilingualEducation.
 Unang Baitang Kagamitan ng Mag-aaral sa Waray, Unang Edisyon, 2014(p. 28-29)C.
Materials: picture of things, place, food , and person that starts with letter /Ss/D. 
Key Behavioral Integration: Self-RelianceIII. 
A. Review Good Morning, class! How are you today? Have you eaten your breakfast?
Okay that’s good.
 Now, who can share to the class what we talked about yesterday? Anyone? Very good,
Michael. Yesterday, we talked about letters /Nn/ and /Gg/.Who can give me example of words that start
with letter /Nn/?Very good. How about letter /Gg/?B.
Are you ready for our new lesson for today?
Before that, there’s only 3 things that I want you to do. LISTEN, FOLLOW, and LEARN&ENJOY. Listen to
the teacher when talking, follow directions and participate in our activities and last but not
the least, learn and enjoy as we go along on our topic. Now, are you ready to listen?
C. Presentation I have here five pictures on my hand. You have to identify what is it in the
picture. Are you ready?(The teacher will show pictures.)(The teacher will discuss each picture.)

sapatos (shoes)
“Who among
you here wear shoes?” Shoes are
used to protect our feet.

simbahan (church)- We usually to go church every Sunday toattend mass and to receive the word of God.

sundalo (soldier)
“Who already saw a soldier?” All of us have
seen a soldier. What does soldier do? They protect our countryfrom bad people. Not only that, they also
help people duringcalamities.

sudlay (comb)-
“What’s the use of comb?” A comb is used to
style our hair and to make us look pretty and presentable bycombing our hair.

saging (banana)
 –“Who among here have banana trees athome?” It’s a kind of fr 
uit that we usually eat at home and itgive nutrients to our bodies.D.
Discussion Now, I have here strips of paper and you have to put this one on theright picture.
( Referring to the picture he/she showed to the class.)Very good.
Let’s read the word
s.As you observe, all the words starts with letter /Ss/. What the soundof /Ss/?
Very good. Let’s read the word again and sound out its initial sound.
(Children will read each word and they will sound out its initialsound.)Good job. The sound of
is like the sound of snake. What’s the
sound of snake? Now, how do you write big and small letter /Ss/?(The teacher will show how
to write letter /S/ in the air first, with her
 back facing them while saying “Watch
my finger as I write letter/Ss/.)(Now, facing the pupils, she will let them write /S/ in the air,
twotimes)Fantastic! Now, I will write letter /Ss/ on the board. Follow my handas I write.(The teacher will
write capital and small letter /S/ on the boardslowly and will write it on a large size so everyone can see it.)
(Finally, the teacher will ask pupils to volunteer how to write letter/S/ on the board.)E.
Comparison and AbstractionThe teacher will post words on the board. The pupils will identifywhether the
words starts with /S/ by putting a check m
ark (∕) and (x) if it
does not.F.
GeneralizationThe teacher will ask the pupils the sound of /Ss/ and will ask themexample of words that
starts with /S/.G.
ApplicationCall pupils to use the following words into a sentence.1.
Read the story below. Put a check mark (/) on the picture thatanswers to the given question
Sakay Na
“Sakay na! Sakay na!” guliat ni Santo.
 Hi Santo may sakayan ha sapa.
“Sakay na! Sakay na!” agda ni
 Santo.Pagdakop kita hin isda.1.
Hain ha mga ine an sakayan ni Santo?2.
Hain ha mga ini an nagsusumat kun ano an bubuhaton ni Santo?B.
Complete the word to match the picture.1.
 ___ ___ nd ___2.
 ___ ____ ___ ak3.
 ___ ___ rud
 ___ ___ menter___ ___5.
 ___ anto ___V.
AssignmentDraw two things that starts with letter /S/. Put it on a short bond paper.

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