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TEACHING RATING SHEET Rev. Level 3 01/31/2019
Ref. No. TREV
Page No. Page 1

Course : TSET online Date: Sept. 2, 2021

ECDIS Type: TOKYO KEIKI EC-8000/8500, EC-8100/8600 Name of Instructor: Raul M. Caraos

1. This Teaching Rating Sheet is designed to help you generate information and feedback to improve our intructor's
2. Please use the scale below to rate the Instructor on the items specified by ticking "√" one of the boxes.

5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Fair Poor
Far Exceeds Exceeds Below Far Below
Meets Requirements
Requirements Requirements Requirements Requirements

3. Please write qualitative comments on the space provided.

A. Shows Mastery of the Subject Matter 1 2 3 4 5
1. Present accurate and updated information about the subject matter. x
2. Explains concepts or procedures correctly. x
3. Cites correct examples of concepts or procedures. x
4. Answers trainee's questions correctly. x

B. Instructional Skills 1 2 3 4 5
1. Formulates clear and specific learning objectives. x
2. Develops and organized session guide. x
3. Establishes rapport with the trainees. x
4. Presents subject matter in an orderly manner. x
5. Explains concepts using examples and common terms. x
6. Checks whether the trainee(s) can follow the discussion. x
7. Is able to adapt to trainee's situation. x
8. Uses appropriate strategies & techniques to achieve formulated learning objectives. x
9. Uses helpful instructional materials. x
10. Integrates concept taught. x
c. Communication Skills 1 2 3 4 5
1. Clear oral and written communication. x
2. Asks appropriate question(s). x
3. The contents of the practice / demonstration coincide with your job. x

D. Class Management 1 2 3 4 5
1. Motivates the class to participate in the lesson. x
2. Manages instructional time. x
3. Manages the trainees well. x

E. General Appearance/Grooming 1 2 3 4 5
1. General bearing/posture/poise x

F. Other Comments

Rater: Capt. NF Domingo

Position: TM
Date: Sept. 2, 2021

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