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DEL VALLE Julie Lucille

8:00 AM

[OVERVIEW: This is the first of the three posts today. Thus, expect my next post in 30 minutes.]

Good day class, I’m posting this announcement to assist and guide you as you complete your final
requirement in this course. This is why today I shall orient you on how to create your Literacy Curriculum
Module, also known as, Reading Booklet, which is your Final (20%) exam equivalent.


Given that this Reading Booklet comprises a total of 20% of your final numerical grade in this course, it is
then critically important that your Reading Booklet is created based on high-quality standards. Thus, it is
vital for you to take note that a demerit system of grading shall be followed in grading your Reading
Booklet. This means that your Reading Booklet will start with a maximum allowable score of 100 points but
will get merits (additional points) and demerits (deductions) based on the quality of your work.


The following quality standards would warrant merits from a minimum of 2 to 10 maximum points for each
of the following criteria:
- Excellently-chosen story of very interesting plot and story line
- Carefully-chosen story that reflects Bicolano culture and values
- Thoughtful drafting of comprehension questions which are stated clearly and simply but invites students
to think and learn more about the story
- Comprehension questions perfectly match the Levels/Taxonomy of Reading Comprehension (Literal,
Inferential, Critical, Valuing, and Creative)
- Beautifully- and elegantly-created ORIGINAL illustration which is related and connected to the general
theme of the story
- Elegant and minimalist overall layout design of the Reading Booklet
- Impressive and carefully thought of ‘Hands-On Activity’ which is not only connected to the main theme of
the story but is also learner-centered as it invites the students to create an output, share experiences,
reflect on life values, critical judge our current living conditions (socio-political, economic, or environmental
issues), and suggest concrete ways on how to improve our way of life
- The minimum number of pages is 8 and the maximum is 20.


- One grammatical error in any part of the Reading Booklet is one (1) point demerit
- Three combined errors in any of punctuation and spacing rules comprises one (1) point demerit
- One ambiguous and superfluous (unclear and high-falutin that doesn’t make sense to the point that it
reads funny or confusing) comprehension question is equivalent to a three (3)-point deduction
- One question in which there are no acceptable answer in any of multiple-choice comprehension question
is a three (3)-point deduction
- Sloppy layout design per page would suggest one (1) point deduction
- Use of distracting, unnecessary, and space-consuming pixelated graphics (emojis, GIFs, cartoons, word
art, etc) per page is one (1) point deduction
- Complete disregard of the suggested layout as per provided prototype template of a Reading Booklet
suggest a five (5)-point deduction
- One-point deduction if the TOTAL number of pages of the Booklet (including the illustrated cover and
back cover) is an ODD number (eg 3, 5, 7, 9, 11; as your Reading Booklet will be printed in magazine-size
spreadsheets via AMS Press or GoldPrint
- Two (2)-point deduction if the Reading Booklet exceeds a total of 20 pages (including the illustrated
cover and back cover)
- Any component lacking of the Reading Booklet deserves a 10-point deduction for each missing
component. The complete components of the Reading Booklets are:
1. Illustration for the Cover Page;
2. Dedication Page;
3. One-page letter for the recipient Bicolano rural public school pupil;
4. The Actual Story observing the word limit of 500-600 words ONLY;
5. Vocabulary Exercise of 5 items ONLY;
6. Comprehension Questions of 10 items ONLY;
7. Word Play of 10 items ONLY;
8. Creative Integration Activity;
9. One-page Answer Sheet with elegant layout.


There should be a total of 10 Comprehension Questions—no more, no less; otherwise demerits apply.

‼️IMPORTANT: NOTE that there should be FOUR OPTIONS under each comprehension question item
labeled as options A, B, C, (as the regular options) while option D should be “All of the above”

Strictly follow the instructions below to come up with a good set of compression questions which are
consistent with the Taxonomy of Reading Comprehension:


The first two comprehension questions (items 11-12) should be under the LITERAL COMPREHENSION.
Thus the following items should ONLY be ONE of the questions below, depending on the language
(GRADUATE SCHOOL CURR DEVT STUDENTS will use ENGLISH) I assigned to your class:

Item # 11 (Just copy and paste one question from below)

11. Who is the main character of the story? (English)
11. Sino ang pangunahing tauhan sa kuwento? (Tagalog)
11. Siisay an bida sa nabasa mong istorya? (Bikol)

Item # 12 should ask about the PLACE of the story, so your question in item #12 should start with the
question WHERE.
12. Where did _________ as stated in the story?
12. Saan _________ ayon sa kuwento? (Tagalog)
12. Sain ____________ sabi sa istorya? (Bikol)
Ideal question:
Where did Jesse find his other pair of slippers?


The next two comprehension questions (items 13-14) should be under the INFERENTIAL
COMPREHENSION. Let’s use the cause and effect relationship in items 13 and 14. Thus, the following
items should ONLY be ONE of the questions below, depending on the language I assigned to your class:

Item # 13
13. What is the main cause of _______ in the story? (English)
13. Ano ang pangunahing rason kung bakit _________ sa kuwento? (Tagalog)
13. Ano an ultimong rason kun tano _________ sa istorya? (Bikol)
Ideal question: What is the main cause of Jesse’s starting an adventure outside his house?

Item # 14
14. What happened when __________ in the story?
14. Anong nangyari nang ___________ sa kwento? (Tagalog)
14. Ano an nangyari kan _________ sa istorya? (Bikol)
Ideal question: What happened when Jesse saw the old man on the street?


The next two comprehension questions (items 15-16) should be under the CRITICAL COMPREHENSION.
Let’s use the compare and contrast in item 15 and then logical reasoning in item 16. Thus, the following
items should ONLY be ONE of the questions below, depending on the language I assigned to your class:
Item # 15
15. How is __________ different from __________? (English)
15. Paano naiiba ang/si__________ sa/kay__________? (Tagalog)
15. Paano naiiba an/si__________ sa/kay__________? (Bikol)
Ideal question: How is Jesse different from the kids who were playing in the street?

Item # 16
16. Why do you think it is important for __________________in the story?
16. Sa tingin mo, bakit mahalaga ang__________________ ayon sa kuwento? (Tagalog)
16. Sa hiling mo, tano importante an __________________ sabi sa istorya? (Bikol)
Ideal question: Why do you think it is important for Jesse to help other people as shown in the story?


The second to the last two comprehension questions (items 17-18) should be under the VALUING
COMPREHENSION. Let’s use the Judging reasoning in item 17 (with options starting with “Yes,
because .... or No, because or Im not sure because...” then moral valuing ‘or lesson’ in item 18. Thus, the
following items should ONLY be ONE of the questions below, depending on the language I assigned to
your class:

Item # 17
17. Do you agree with ________ as shown in the story? (English)
17. Sumangayon ka ba na ____________ tulad ng naipakita sa kuwento? (Tagalog)
17. Minauyon ka na ____________ siring sa istorya? (Bikol)
Ideal question: Do you agree with Jesse when he believes in helping all people no matter what as shown
in the story?

Item # 18 (Just copy and paste one question from below)

18. What important moral value or lesson in life that we can learn from the story?
18. Sa tingin mo, bakit mahalaga ang__________________ ayon sa kuwento? (Tagalog)
18. Sa hiling mo, tano importante an __________________ sabi sa istorya? (Bikol)
Ideal question: Why do you think it is important for Jesse to help other people as shown in the story?


The last two comprehension questions (items 19-20) should be under the CREATIVE COMPREHENSION.
Let’s use the alternate title in item 19 then alternate ending in item 20. Thus, the following items should
ONLY be ONE of the questions below, depending on the language I assigned to your class:

Item # 19 (Just copy and paste one question from below)

19. What could be another title for the story? (English)
19. Ano pa kaya ang isang magandang pamagat sa kuwentong iyong nabasa? (Tagalog)
19. Ano pa daw an saro pang maray na titulo sa istoryang tigbasa mo? (Bikol)

Item # 20 (Just copy and paste one question from below)

20 What could be an alternate ending for the story?
20. Ano kaya ang isa pang magandang kahihinatnan ng kuwento? (Tagalog)
20. Ano pa daw an maray na katapusan kan istorya? (Bikol)

For a more concrete and clear template of how your Reading Booklet should look like, STUDY
CAREFULLY the attached template/prototype of a Reading Booklet to which layout and general look you
should follow strictly. This is how your Reading Booklet should look like and the one expected from you in
terms of layout, format, and general content.

Your one Reading Booklet is due on 8 MAY 2021 MONDAY at 11:59PM ONLY.



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