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Models of Cloud Computing Learning Outcomes After completing this chapter, students will be able to: * comprehend service models of cloud computing describe cloud services provided by SaaS, laaS, and aos. * describe cloud stack and cloud storage * differentiate various deployment models "list the benefits of service models 4.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, we first present a user’s picture of each of the models. Next, we consider the economics of the cloud computing model. The cloud computing system is composed of a set of layers upon which distributed applications are built. These layers include infrastructure, platform, and software. Based on these three layers, we can devise three cloud computing models are devised, 1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model provides infrastructure-related services and is responsible for handling hardware-related issues, power, and cool management in data centers, 2. Platform as a Service (PaaS) model takes the responsibilities of operating system, database ‘management, server, and programming language. Software as a Service (SaaS) model handles software-related issues and provi cloud users. 3, ‘des amenities to the In cach cloud model, the cloud service provider facilitates consumers of cloud services to actually focus ‘more on the business requirements; they need not to worry about the underlying technologies. Computer Tesources are provided on demand to the cloud users as per requirements, for example, the supply of water and electricity 4.2 CLOUD SERVICE MODELS 1m this section, the various services provided by cloud computing are discussed. The suppliers of cloud ‘computing offer services on the basis of laaS, PaaS, and SaaS models, As shown in Fig. 4.1, layer-I is the bottom layer, that is, IaaS; layer-2 is the middle layer, that is, PaaS: and layer-3 is the top layer, that is, SaaS. On the basis of allocation of resources, cloud computing offers their services. 1. Bottom layer (layer-1)—IaaS—accommodates memory, CPU, and additional hardware resources 2, Middle layer (layer-2)—PaaS—accommodates diverse settings for consumer-particular services 3. Top layer (layer-3)—SaaS—cloud service accessing occurs via web browsers and web services 4.2.4 Softwa Software asa: «vice provide: plication soft ne cloud users 3g. This reduce x, A cloud 2 iained by cop, 1 work is al joud users, cl Examples o $5, Photoshioy National In The cay infrast client As a service, s zes the prosp: licence for e ‘or using it ov Some of the a + Complai + Employe + Attendar + E-police + Municip + Water b + District + Service Models of Cloud Computing | 73 yer Eni, virtual desktop, games, ete oo Pass Database, web server, development tools, et Layer:2 TaaS Servers, storage, vitual machines, network, etc area Fig. 4.1 Services provided by cloud computing #24 Software as a Service Sra; 382 Service (SaaS) ia software distribation model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or See provider and made available to customers over the Internet. Cl Spestion software in the cloud, The software is accessed by cloud us = Sou users donot administer the cloud platform and infrastructure on which the application is operat- = sees the requirement to deploy and operate the aplication onthe personal computers of load on is different from additional applications because of its flexibility. This may be sc obving responsibilities on various virtual machines at operate-time to meet altering work new "ork is allocated by oad balancers over the aay of virtual machines. To regulate a huge number ot = ise, cloud applications may be multitenant, thats, one machine can serve many elovd users easily, F Publes of SaaS are Quickbooks Online, Google Apps, Netflix,, Microsoft Off,, Gmail,, Google Docs, and Intuit QuickBooks Online, “ational Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) defines cloud SaaS as follows: ‘The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider's applications running on a cloud infrastructire. The applications are accessible from various client devices through vther a din client interface, such as a web browser (e... web-based email), or a program interface. The serneier does not manage or contol the underlying cloud infrastructure including network accent operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, withthe posstblc exception of limited user-specific application configuration settings, “he Pe eae lets network-based access for commercial acessible software, SaaS symbol- the prospect of lesser price for businesses to utilize the software using it on need instead or petting nee for each computer. Despite getting many licences fora user, a company can acquire hese © sing it over a lifetime and can accumulate more capital by doing this. me of the applications of Saa$ are given here * Complaint resolution system * Employee management system * Attendance resolutions system + E-police, E-court + Municipal maintenance + Water board, billing, payment systems + District management solutions * Service desk 4 | Cloud Computing SaaS presents new opportunities for software vendors, which are: + Augmented operation speed + Improved adoption rate from user + Reduction of secondary requirements + Reduction of implementation and upgradation cost of software ‘The major obstacle in accessing the SaaS marketplace is experienced by conventional software firms, while permitting desktop applications to function as SaaS applications. This is one of the main reasons’ cloud movers take little interest in it ‘You may find many resemblances between cloud technology and the client-server technology. The client makes a request for a service to the server and the server in turn provides the service to the client as shown in Fig. 4.2. As in cloud technology, the cloud client makes a request to the cloud server and the cloud server provides the service requested by the client. This has been shown in Fig. 4.3. For businesses, this sort of computing technique succeeded effectively, as IT departments were able to renew the versions and it was done faultlessly on an iterative base. frame Fig. 4.2 Client-Server technology ‘The size of a SaaS infrastructure is large in contrast to that of a client-server technology and in the num: ber of customers to whom it should be capable of serving. Figure 4.3 shows the relationship of a client to the cloud in SaaS. The cloud consists of various diverse computer resources and tools to operate vari- ous software and applications needed by customers. Many clients can simultaneously operate servict provided by various cloud service providers, SaaS software is easily accessible by cloud users. Cloud users have to pay very low cost for these facilities. Figure 4.4 shows SaaS provided by cloud computing. The varieties of business models for Saa$ are very exciting, having different features as per user requirements. For instance, Intuit proposes QuickBooks Online as a SaaS with a monthly service rate pat =i (Grane Closed SaaS Fig. 4.3 Cloud technology Cloud provider (oS i ae a eae ee Fig. 4.4 Software as a Service However, if a program has been constructed for performing on Windows 7, it has to be compatible with Windows XP. Hence, we must be very alert about the functionalities and attributes that should be capa- ble of functioning on both editions. This sometimes disturbs the financial status of the company, when it comes to updating the platform as per the application requirement. In such a situation, the SaaS software is economical for corporations that reduce the charge of upgradation and execution. Importance of SaaS The advantage of the SaaS model is that the applications serve a wide range of users and these can be adapted to specific needs with little customization. SaaS is a one-to-many software delivery model, where an application is shared across multiple users. The following are some of the reasons SaaS ser. vices are required 1. Straightforward expenses are nil. You only need a web browser to access the application. It doesn’t require other hardware purchase or software installation It provides quick operation service. ‘SaaS is extremely scalable. Since the source code is the same for each customer, it is a multi-tenant design that makes it extremely proficient. SaaS can endure every demand, because of easy arrangement; this is usually not simple with conventional applications. . Any noble technical modernization is effortlessly incorporated by the supplier that is accessible to all subscribers because, usually, all the consumers use a similar code base, In the conventional model, the consumer has many concems. Some of these include the following: *+ Compatibility with hardware, additional software, and operating systems + Licensing and compliance issues 16 | Cloud Computing ‘As large companies have numerous alternatives, S2aS is an ideal solution for all companies, irespective of whether they are small or middle sized, similar to subscribing to a phone or for electricity and making .yments to the supplier on a monthly basis decided by usage. Uniqueness in SaaS Software as a Service model is unique because: 1. Its applications do not require complicated steering and are simple to use. Its applications are service-oriented and modular. The product sold to the customer is application access. SaaS applications have an integrated invoicing service. ‘The applications are centrally managed. lis applications ensure that the data of every consumer is saved and protected. Its applications requite offering complicated business procedure arrangements for consumers. Its applications are required to continually offer swift releases of noble potential and traits SaaS facilitates the company to subcontract application hosting to an independent software vendor (SV) or another software service supplier. The benefits of SaaS are software cost reduction, service: level improvement, subscription, pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pricing, and rapid implementation. This, at all times, lessens the licensing charge, administration hardware, and other resources needed by the inside host for the application. Isolated offices or end users may access the application more willingly via & browser. The hardware demands of the end users are negligible as well Various Providers of SaaS NetSuite Intuit Intacet Financial * Coupa Software + AT&T 4.2.2 Platform as a Service ‘As you are aware, a platform in computer software is nothing but the computing platform, which means a certain hardware architecture, an operating system (OS), and runtime Hibraries. Al together, it eam be said to be the stage on which computer programs can run. The Platform as a Service (PaaS) model ‘makes all of the facilities required to support the complete life cycle of building and delivering web ‘applications and services available from the Internet. Cloud computing has evolved to include platforms for building and running web-based applications, a concept known as PaaS. Cloud suppliers, in the PaaS model, carry a computing platform characteristically comprising a database, operating system, web server and programming language implementation, as shown in Fig. 4.5. Application designers may build and operate their software resolutions on a cloud platform devoid of the expense and complexity of purchasing and running the basic software and hardware layers. Examples of PaaS include Heroku, ‘Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure Mendix, and Engine Yard National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) defines cloud PaaS as follows: ‘The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure consumer- created or acquired applications created using programming languages, libraries, services, and tools supported by the provider. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud. infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly configuration setings for the application-hosting environment. Models of Cloud Computing | 77 ‘Web-application —> Database —+ | Fig. 4.5 Platform as a Service ® cloud proposes standard platforms for facilitating a variety of systems. A number of standard plat- Se they offer are as follows: Multiple operating system support © Platform for accessing database Act as middleware HS allows users to manage various resources of the cloud infrastructure. Developing a web application © st an easy task for the development team. Even in leading corporations, there is characteristically ‘> one network manager resource allotted to a number of development groups. The following has to © cecformed in the PaaS: * Attain and install the server * Organize the operating system, operate time settings, and source manage depository and other middleware to work efficiently. * Organize the operating system, operating time settings, warehouse, and supplementary middleware * Copy data for further reference. * The best way to comprehend PaaS is to split it separately into its major constituents—service and latform. “Seueness in PaaS Pesan asa Service has unique features which make it different from other services provided by the Pees providers, such as the following: Sppteation expansion structure A vital application expansion structure developed on technology is Sssively used. The cloud user can customize the application as per the requirement, Pericity of use PaaS uses a user-friendly approach. Devices which have drag-and-drop options to Sooo several average integrated development environments (IDEs) are available, It helps to quicken See=ation development. SSesiility An alternative platform is reachable and available anywhere, anytime. Seetility The platform is adequately elegant to control the flexible ability of a fundamental infra- [cer to manage application loads. See The platform deals with items such as SQL operation, cross-site drafting, traffic encryption, =vice rejection and formulates it into intrinsic application advancements. Besides, cloud provides en support for only log-on facilities, for you to be capable of incorporating it within the on-premise Seeaations or any other cloud applications. 78 | Cloud Computing Comprehensiveness ‘The platform offers the facility to comprise inser, and incorporate oles tions set up on similar platforms. Portability ‘The platforms are compatible with the fundamental infrastructure and permit co to shift the application from one IaaS to another. Porting devices Porting devices are used to assist in effortless and swift data migration from oa applications to other applications. Properly documented The platform has a properly-documented API to camry out assignments user verification, recovery, saving of fil jonally even making straightforward calls to pase, This will permit your company to have the flexibility of customizing and generating @ application to interface with the platform which meets the particular requirements of company PaaS is a platform that supports software construction and installation like services. Service SUB provided to the users as per requirement and some are dedicated to application designers, sofwWiss ng, etc, PaaS also supports services such as development setting and compilers; users can down services and easily use them as a tool for various purposes. Google Apps Engine (GAE) supports types of services through any browser. Your concentration should only be on developing the appl and the platform can be handled by cloud providers. Google App Engine Google App Engine allows users to build and run applications on Google's infrastructure. These a tions are very easy to create and maintain with the facility of sealing up and down. You need not worry 39 maintaining the complexity of servers; you only need to upload your application and move further. Gos “App Engine is a platform for providing users various built-in services and API. You can build 3008 & ‘veh applications and mobile tools. As per the traffic, it automatically handles applications and you ness pay ee for serves you have not used. Yon are free to upload your code; the rest is managed by Gots ther tools and built-in services are also available, such as load balancing and application logging for ss Gooale App Engine also automatically offers instant scaling feature to your application. Security Testa ae aso associated with your web application that is provided by Google App Engine free of cost. Python is the language support by Google App Engine. You can run Google App Engine sola) development Kit (SDk) on the Windows operating system to simulate the run time environment. * yon ‘Want to install Python, you can use the following link: http:/ Download Google App Engine is available at! Yen con use this address to download any package. Download the installer on any folder, fom example. a folder onthe desktop with the name myGAE, After double clicking, you can install Goosis Application Engine in the folder. Using GoogleApp (First Application) to Make Application ‘You can create a simple application using the +” option already provided. First of all you have to make a folder, for example, Myapp, and then make a subfolder within i By using text editor, you can make your fle and save it into the subfolder with a .yaml extension Make another file with a -py extension and save it in the same folder Move ahead by starting GoogleAppEngineLauncher given in application Go to ile and select AddExistingApplication and locate the folder and subfolder you have created: After selecting your application, click Run. Models of Cloud Computing | 79 The application will start soon and you get an icon to move ahead pressing Browse you get your application at http/Mocalhost Soa can edit and make changes in your application with the given tools = shuting down the server, select your application and click the stop button Pes Selected as per Requirement i Apps Engine (GAR) is more well-liked among individuals using Python, Java developers, ete & Windows Azure is aiming its enterprise class users group. ASP.Net (C#, VB.Net) developers Se Sscover that it is easy to accept it. Amazon has also stimulated a group to propose it's PaaS- Seek (an additional alternative for Java developers). Sexe of the Indian-based PaaS suppliers such as Wolf frameworks and OrangeScape are creating Soe sion for their 4G visual PaaS. OrangeScape apps may operate on all the main cloud platforms “= & Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine, Amazon EC2, and IBMSmartCloud, without redrafting ‘>> stions. Heroku and Engine Yard isthe foremost cloud PaaS provider. Heroku (attained by saleforce, [pe a desired PaaS for Facebook applications’ formation. DotCloud should be searched for a multi- application platform. loud telephony service, KooKooPaaS has been proposed by India-based OzonetelSystems. © = 46 shows Platform as a Service provided by cloud computing. Physical resources are made ble to cloud clients by using various virtualization tools. Virtual resource of PaaS provides ‘pment tools, ready platform for various applications, etc, to cloud users. Developement “oe a Ready platform for applications Sot Cloud provider (Cloud client Fig. 4.6 Platform as a Service provided by cloud computing S is analogous to SaaS, but the service is a complete application improvement environment, and not Sezely the utilization of an application. Services provided by PaaS are different from SaaS services in stich they offer a cloud-hosted virtual platform, available through a web browser. Both the computing platform and the solution Toads are delivered by PaaS suppliers. This speeds up Se installing process and development of software applications. Software designers may create web ations without having to worry about setting up software tools on their personal computer, and ‘conveniently install or assign their application to the cloud. PaaS summarizes a software layer and fr it asa service which could be used to construct sophisticated services. Features of PaaS for Application Developers The following are the important features of PaaS for application developers: 1. A virtual development environment Application principles generally based on the developers’ necessities An interface with tools ‘virtual development’ 4. A ready-to-use tool for public application developers 80 | Cloud Comping ‘The PaaS model offers a minimum charge to application developers by supporting the entire sa development life cycle (SDLC) of the web application, Various Service Providers of PaaS + ‘Terremark Engine Yard AT&T Atlassian PivotalLab * AppScale + Engine Yard + Flexiscale 4.2.3 Infrastructure as a Service Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the delivery of computer infrastructure as a service. In this fundamental cloud service model, cloud suppliers propose computers, as physical or more freques as virtual machines, and further resources. The virtual machines operate as visitors by a hypery such as KVM or Xen, Administration of groups of hypervisors by the cloud operational support sp directs to the facility to support a huge number of virtual machines. Additional resources in TaaS el comprise images in virtual machine image history, file-based and unprocessed (block) storage, sof collections, firewalls, IP addresses, load balancers, and virtual local area networks (VLANs). IaaS cla suppliers provide these resources on order from their big groups deployed in data centers, To install the applications, cloud users subsequently deploy operating system images on application software and the machines as well. In this situation, the cloud user is liable for susta and patching the application software and operating systems. Cloud suppliers characteristically inv IaaS services on the basis of utility computing, that is, pay only for the amount of resources allotted utilized, as shown in Fig. 4.7 in which cloud providers have various resources offered to the user and virtual instance of all resources is available. TaaS refers not only to a machine which performs the entire work, but also to an ability specif to companies which offers users the control of additional storage space in data centers and serves Examples of IaaS include Rackspace Cloud, RightScale, Amazon CloudFormation (fundames services like Amazon EC2), and Google Compute I (Server) aa resource Cloud provider Fig. 4.7 Infrastructure as a Service National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) defines cloud IaaS as follows: The capability provided to the consumer is to provision processing, storage, networks, and othe fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software ae. Models of Cloud Computing | 81 Mot can include operating systems and applications. The consumer does not manage or control citing cloud infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage, and deployed ovations; and possibly limited contol of select networking components (e.g. host firewalls) ses tools to access a fully virtualized infrastructure. The entire three layers of services can Tossed and used to fully utilize TT resources. Companies can fully avail the facilities provided et provider by paying a very little amount to cloud providers as companies never want fo seeplementary expenditure, © cedicated 10 the application developer, whereas SaaS is for the end user. TaaS offers Ses and middleware support to the application developer, Facets of laaS Sos can avail and enjoy the facilities provided by cloud providers. Instead of looking at the scaly a universal cloud, it is possibly more correct to look at it as a system of numerous Sees is scarcity of norms in cloud computing which clearly shows service norms and agrec- Moe the facilities taken by the cloud users. Possibly, someday, the Internet actually will be the Be ctoud where VMs might be transmitted smoothly to ‘the cloud’ without worrying about file Se unified groups of VMs might be run, The foremost significant aspect of IaaS is flexibility. F paysical servers to develop a virtual cloud is perception known as cloud clustering Virtualization is predicted that Google has more than 1 million x86 servers in 12-major datacenters and Smeal centers on distinct continents—a big cloud. Google is persistent about using inexpen- Hee murs in place of the much more costly enterprise server constituents discovered in numer. So rcial data centers. Second, idleness, failover, grouping, scrutinizing, and other infrastructure ton assignments are controlied by a virtualization system which performs under the operat- evel instead of using different hardware like load balancers to control these assignments ship between hypervisor, VMs, and computer has been shown in Fig. 48. Various viral supported by the hypervisor for providing services to many users. Fig, 48 Relationship among VMs, hypervisor, and computer o recognize IaS, sit is usually patform-fre.1t consists of an amalgamation of software and se sesourves. TaaS software is a low-stage code which runs independent of an operating system Sess hypervisor and is responsible for keeping record of hardware resources and distibuting Sesources on the basis of order. This process is termed as resource pooling 2 Cloud Computing A hypervisor, also known as virtual machine manager (VMM), is one among the several hardwate Virtualization practices which authorizes various operating systems, labelled guests, in order 10 WOH concurrently on the computer of a host. It is given such a name as it is conceptually a single eves superior to an administrative program. The hypervisor offers to the guest operating systems a virtias operating platform and controls the implementation of the guest operating systems. Multiple cases of 4 collection of operating systems might share the virtualized hardware resources. Hypervisors are Vem normally organized on server hardware, along with the purpose of managing guest operating systems ‘hich themselves perform as servers. With laaS, you have the ability to use networks, storage, and further computing resources, where ys may install and operate subjective software such as applications and operating systems. The majority uses instances for cloud computing to pursue a similar elementary layering arrangement you are already familiar with. A software load or platform is installed on a network infrastructure and applications are operated ahead of the platform. Various Service Providers of laaS ‘Amazon is the pioneer of TaaS. In India, laa$ providers include NetMagicSolutions and InstaCompute (from Tata Communications). The other leading providers are + Rackspace + Joyent + Rightscale + ‘Terremark + GoGrid + Elastic Hosts + Symetriq The range of IaaS dealers is incredibly vast, as several propose big complete data-center-style infrastructure imitation (e.g., Oracle, IBM, Sun, Joyent, Terremark), whereas others propose further end-user-centric services, like simple data storage (e-g., Dropbox Amazon Simple Storage Service $3). ‘Computing systems infrastructure has conventionally been an incredibly huge part of a company’s expenditure. Buying or taking rental software, hardware, etc. are the points that companies are always not sure about, hat is, what has to be done in favour of the company. IaaS clearly mentions the services, provided by the clond provider, and utilizes a better way to solve the problem of a company, up {0 & certain extent, Benefits of Service Models ‘The cloud computing service model offers a variety of advantages, which are listed here: 1. Global accessibility 2. Automated update and patch management services 3. Seamless integration 4. Seale easily 5. Maximize uptime 6. High availability 7. Cost saving 8. Flexibility 4,2.4 Cluster as a Service Cluster computing has gained popularity in industry and academia. For various distributed applications such as data analysis, simulation, web services, etc., commodity server clusters are being used. All di» tributed applications do not work on one framewor snajority already jons are Sompute wyle further always services uptoa cations, All dis- Models of Cloud Computing | 83 Cluster computing gains populasity in industry and academia. Commodity soe clusters are se for various distributed applications such as data analysis, simulation, web SSW etc. Not one particular framework can it every distributed application, not even th ‘Openstack cloud framework. For ramp, some researchers desie to install Hadoop clusters on bear mets! SSPE ‘To this problem, one aaatpinjs to assign a layer below the laaS/PaaS layer with the job of handing cluster deployment. This idea is known as the Cluster as a Service (CaaS) layer for allocating servers tsa nendemie institution, researches, for their individual research projets, ad been using their own computing resources twas fine tl power shortages became a problem. ‘The institution’s director asked a cir research group to create a research cloud where each researcher could move their computer clusters. HPC clusters are used by some esearch groups whereas Hadoop clusters by hers Only a few groups offer seep casices othe public. Each cluster usage pattem s different anda perneed of time Vary from each other. pecs in care of eriteal power consumption, the resource has tobe dynamically allocated to each cluster. Design Issue Needs Design requirements for CaaS are: «For every cluster, dynamic resource allocation is required «+ [tis important to secure isolation among clusters Sufficient capacity and performance for every cluster Design Description «+ Between laaS/PaaS layer and CaaS layer, there is a separation + Efficiently handling of CaaS layer machine images using containers + CaaS layer is a web service Isolation of Network through tagged VLAN + Automatic package installation 4.3 CLOUD COMPUTING SUB SERVICE MODELS par from the three main service models of cloud computing, the Zllowing ae SOS cof the sub-serviee models, which are also providing services to cloud users. 4.3.1 Everything as a Service Everything as a Service (SaaS) cloud computing provides various services 8-085 the basis of demand. Xaa8 in cloud computing is aterm that is used forthe ‘wide variety of services and applications emerging for users to access on demand over the Intemet Sas supports various services such as SaaS, laaS, desktop as 158ry nantating aa service, and many obers It provides facilities and flexbity 9 Use for customizing the omputing environments as per requirements. Apart from the necessary 70° rious other services Be ye onthe cloud environment soit i the essence of cloud computing a provides and setae serces to users, online, over the Itemet, ater than providing sevice on Se user jce, disaster recovery as a servict 4.3.2 Compliance as a Service Compliance as a Service offers compliance collection and facilitates ‘your cloud applications as per cor- porate policies of organization requirements. Issues of clovd ‘compliance occur when you make use of proud storage or any type of backup services. Customer dala is moving from intemal storage to the cloud Shvironnaent so its the vital responsibilty ofthe cloud provider to mainiait service-level agreement for compliance, Customers are always concemed about cloud security —what information should be put “a4 | cloud compe ‘on public cloud and what on a PHYA clova: Seeing of cloud and elond COREE actually the on. ponsiblity of bot the cloud vendor sai loud customers. Cerificates for Seounty ccompliances are provided by cloud vendors ©» 70S amazon, et@)- 4.3.3 Identity as a Service Tdanity asa Service (1d) refers den services by cloud service providers for DN ding on-site OF teste services to customers. Services Wy serie directory management, oF the OPS of a single Sign-on service (SSO). 16108 is wally an authentication snfrastructse ‘hat IdaaS refers to identity ces by cloud service provider fOr providing on-site or offsite SeviC™ ‘customers. Services may ser ade directory management oF the OPE T ie SSO. [daa is actually anauthentcs infrastructuse aris managed and hosted by a chird PAL "the cloud service provider hosts the ‘application and rentis collected on usage basis. Access [0 pectic applications i om a TOLEDO vagcess and whole virtualized cpatops ean also be accessed UIOUED # arr. poral, idaaS is a tremendously ‘wide term, ineloding se vare platform, ancinfrastsvctie S615 ae Pe pprvate and publicclouds. Enterprise guarantee sorresteney in avthentcation, author2$ =) rrminstasion, and ating: 1 daa development and Grmplementation, there are a MUMPSE of challenges. Security depends on the TYPE of identity Peyas_-Customers using 1daaS with SaaS get services on the basis oF PES ‘of user, such as internal ‘yoers, external users, OF ott « PaaS_Customers using Ida with aus handle issues regarding wed service + Paks Management of privileged access 1° "tual machines is handled in TdaaS swith Taas, 4.3.4 laa: DataBase as a Service (DBaaS) ‘Daas permis the access and utilization of 8 Gatabase administration system asa 82°65 4.3.5 Paas: Storage as a Service (staaS) vei accountable Jor the transfer of dat Ores 2 a service, comprising database services fen owed ‘on a utility computing base 4.2.6 SaaS: Communications a5 Service (CaaS) Ttoffers a business relations’ resotuiots wich ae video conferencing, instant MeSsABiNSs voice over Taternet protocol (VOIP), and many more 4.3.7 SaaS: Security a5 4 Service (SECaaS) offers the safety of corporation networks vd mabite network wa he Inset or HET dealings, Trabases, applications, events, ad S916 proceedings. 4.3.8 SaaS: Monitoring as @ service (MaaS) Thoffers services for the transfer of second-level infrastructure such a 38864 tracking, log management as a service, et 4.3.9 PaaS: Desktop a5 4 service (DTaaS) This a service or platform provided by she cloud provider by which back end of the virtual desktop {infrastructure is hosted. {4.3.10 laaS: Compute Capacity as service (CCaaS) CCaaS is the condition of “pnprocessed’ computing resources, characteristically ‘used in the implemen= Cant matnematically versale models fF tierra supercomputer resource oF 2 BTEaL number of tation fed computing resources anywhere at She asignment is carried out correct. 4.4. CLOUD DEPL asingle entity Salings, Models of Cloud Computing | 85 4.4 CLOUD DEPLOYMENT MODELS “The cloud model is invented with four deployment models—public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud. and community cloud. Deployment is, infact, an operational model. Different cloud deployment mod- els are shown in Fig. 49 eae a NL Pacctoud =), 5 ) ustty computing AL cnmivsind Hvbrid cloud ( ublic, private, or hybris ) C 1 bli sy ec ecm < clouds a es i rf Zo rte or comity) _/ clouds D: aif = 4 Private cloud aes Ss 5 domaine mate =< at estes Fig. 4.9 Various cloud deployment models A majority of the companies concentrate on controlling the cloud so as to reduce capital expenses and manage operating expenses. Models have been suggested by the National Institute of Standards and ‘Technology (NIST). As per NIST, the following are the deployment models: Private cloud Cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization compris- ing multiple consumers (¢., business units) It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organiza- tion, a third party, or a combination of them. It may exist on or off premises. Community cloud The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a specific community of consumers from organizations that have shared concerns (¢.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance considerations), Itmay be owned, managed, and operated by one or more of the organi- zations in the community, a third party, or a combination of them. It may exist on or off premises Public cloud ‘The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for open use by the general public. It may be ‘owned, managed, and operated by a business, academic, or government organization, or some combina- tion of them. It exists on the premises of the cloud provider, Hybrid cloud ‘The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public) that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or proprietary technologies that enable data and application portability (e-., cloud bursting for Toad bal- ancing between clouds), “Though the cloud may convey protection, security issues are still associated with the cloud. It is not easy for a company to enforce security parameters at various levels. Its also not cost effective for a ompany. Thus, itis vital for companies to recognize their needs before selecting different installment models accessible on the cloud. ‘The diverse infrastructure deployment models are distinctive by their design, the position of the data center, and the needs of the consumers from the cloud supplier. Clouds could also be categorized on the 86 | Cloud Computing basis of the fundamental infrastructure installment model as private, public, and hybrid or community clouds. 4.4.4 Public Clouds ‘The public cloud is the first deployment model (Fig. 4.10). In this model, users have many options to opt for and decide on any service provider as per requirement, ‘Public’ does not constantly indicate that itis free; it may cost a smaller amount or satisfactorily be used at a lesser rate. This does not mean that the private information and data of the cloud users is uncovered to the public. This model offers a flexible, cost effective way to establish cloud services. The physical infrastructure of the public cloud is possessed by a cloud service supplier. This cloud operates applications from distinct consumers who share this infrastructure and pay for their resource consumption on a utility computing base, foe — (comtpmiicn ) (cnc) coin Gre ( { \ os BI ) SEIS, Ze \ { cawapviere ) mi s) / Bs oe os Da ae i = ze: —e ve Fig. 4.10 Public cloud computing Ina public cloud, computing resources are available forall. No initial investment is required for avail- ing any services from the cloud. Examples of public cloud vendors include Google, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Windows Azure Services Platform, Microsoft, etc. The cloud infrastructure is made accessible to the common community or a big business pool. Various infrastructure as well as services are offered to users who request for the services of cloud computing. Google is an example of public cloud services offered to the users. Users avail various services offered by the cloud provider on a pay- per-user basis. This model is best matched for company necessities in which it is needed to administer load run AmHOIGH HON GAS agplieations, consume provisional infrastructure for rising and. experimenting applications, and administer applications which are utilized by various users that would need high investment in infrastructure from companies. This model assists in the reduction of capital expenses and removes equipped IT expenses. Figure 4.11 shows the working of cloud providers. Different clients can easily access collection of services provided by cloud providers. Models of Cloud Computing | 87 aoe piece see )& e ee Fig. 4.14 Working of cloud providers \ Public Cloud—Azure Azure has a wide range of operating systems, various programming languages, frameworks, tools, data- es, etc. It supports to build apps with JavaScript, Python, .NET, Java, ete. It also provides support to sake back-ends for Android. Azure has an efficient IT environment with the largest network of secure private network, databases, storage with various security features. Azure supports flexibility of user demands by providing a scale up or down feature and accordingly pay-as-you-go service is supported. Billing is done on a per- sainute basis and provides users with infrastructure services such as compute, storage, and bandwidth with very good performance. Azure has a lange network at the data center across several countries. To the common community, public cloud storage, applications, and additional resources are made accessible by a service supplier. These services are free or proposed on a pay-per-use model. Usually, public cloud service suppliers such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon AWS take possession of and run the infrastructure, and propose access via the Intemet (direct connectivity is not proposed). The common community is classified under personal companies or users. The public cloud afrastructure used is in the possession of a cloud services dealer association. Characteristically, the loud is functioned and handled at a data center possessed by a service dealer who hosts numerous customers and uses the exciting provisioning, Execution of scalable services platform and pay-as-you-go licensing is also a striking constituent of public cloud computing. Such are the benefits of shared hardware infrastructure, software infrastructure preservation, advances, modernization, and improvement. Reasonably, using a public cloud could offer proximately instant price savings to a corporation. Isolated hosting, shared infrastructure, and vibrant covisioning and licensing are robust attractions for a corporation. Depending on particular requirement of a corporation, like customized arrangement necessities and service-level agreements (SLAs) concerning up-time necessities, a corporation should cautiously think of transferring vital applications to a public cloud dealer. Safety is the most significant of these necessities to be taken care of. Besides every day operational assignments, this third-party administration comprises safety responsibilities like scrutinizing, execution, and sorting of controls. This usually reduces the control on data by company or cloud users as the entire data is kept on a cloud environment. Users should be careful about data that requires continuous scrutiny. Examples of public cloud vendors are Google, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Windows Azure Services Platform, Microsoft, ete 4.4.2 Private Clouds The private cloud is the second deployment model. The private cloud offers several advantages of ‘an open cloud computing setting that comprises its service support and flexibility. The difference 88 | Cloud Computing 1 >, Diterent J Resources available wa Remote client A Fig. 4.12 Private cloud comprising a private cloud and a public cloud is perceived in several services or applications proposes: by a private cloud service. The growth and information are managed inside the cluster without t= restrictions of the system bandwidth, authorized requirements, and security procedures disclosure Private cloud is displayed in Fig. 4.12. Furthermore, private cloud services offer the user control ove cloud infrastructure. Private clouds allow infrastructure to be accessed only by the members of the organization and grantes by third parties. Private cloud is hosted in the data center of the company and offers services only t=: users within the company. The major drawback with a private cloud is higher cost as compared {0 & ‘public cloud, Examples of private cloud include Eucalyptus cloud computing infrastructure with Ubunis Server, Elastra private-cloud, Vmware, Microsoft, etc Private cloud is cloud infrastructure controlled exclusively for a solo corporation, whether controlles within or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally. Commencing a private cloud plan needs a big stage and amount to virtualize the company setting. It will need the corporation to re-examine judgments regarding accessible resources. Private cloud is more sensitive about security as various sensible and private matters are kept on the cloud by cloud users, so safety plans are discussed in deta while moving towards a private clond “The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprisiag ‘multiple consumers (e.g., business units). It may be owned, managed, and operated by #e organization, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises "(3 ‘A pure private cloud is constructed for the best use of a single customer, who possesses and complet=t manages this cloud. Furthermore, there are deviations of this in expressions of function, possession, © ‘The truth that the cloud is used by a particular consumer is the unique feature of every private clos A private cloud could be possessed by the consumer, but constructed, deployed, and directed by a this party instead of the consumer. The physical servers could or could not be positioned at the location the consumer. A ‘virtual private cloud’ is a freshly launched option to a private cloud. In virtual private cloud, a consumer is allotted a private cloud inside the public cloud’s physical infrastructure, Bec of the allotment of particular resources inside the cloud, the consumer may be guaranteed that their dase is saved and privilege is completed on devoted servers. By means of virtualization, several corporations are setting up private cloud computing situations intended to be simply used by their staff or selects private clouds are owned by bigger corporations and governmental organizations, insteat of end users or small corporations. The difference introduced in expenses is a chief cause for thie ‘A private cloud needs an infrastructure expense as in IT infrastructure, as an organization has to Be Models of Cloud Computing | 89 moderately big to obtain advantages from the private cloud model. A bigger corporation generally demands complete control and access to the in-house firewalls and virtualized situation needed to set up the private cloud. However, several smaller corporations have the want for such power, and they might subscribe to a private cloud dealer. In a private cloud installment, safety is stricter than on a public cloud. A business which has safety concems might desire to use the power a private cloud can provide as the business possesses the nfrastructure and has control over how applications are installed on it. Safety worries are handled by she firewall system of a consumer. Inaddition to safety causes, this model is accepted by corporations in circumstances when applications or data are needed to agree with various rigid paradigms that might need data in order to administer for secrecy and reviews which manage the company. Some Saa$ applications, like SugarCRM, offer alternatives to their customers to maintain their data sith security on the private cloud environment. Amazon also supports services of the virtual private wud. Examples of private cloud include Eucalyptus cloud computing infrastructure with Ubuntu Server, Elastra private-cloud, Vmware, Microsoft, etc 4.4.3 Community Clouds Community cloud is the third model. The community cloud is limited and consumed by means of a Sup or cluster which includes universal significances and reason, such as a general task, The associ- ties of the society assign contact to the application and information on the cloud. This variety will pos- Sbly provide a better power of protection and segregation A community cloud falls between public and private clouds category. The drawback related to a community cloud is that of having costs higher than a public cloud. Examples of community cloud Sclude Google’s ‘Gov Cloud’, NASA Nebula cloud, etc. ‘Community Cloud—OpenNebula OpenNebula is a cloud computing tool for running various distributed data center infrastructures. The SpenNebula tool controls a virtual infrastructure of the data center to construct hybrid, public, and erivate executions of infrastructure as a service. OpenNebula is free and open-source software, put ough the necessities of the Apache Licence edition 2. It coordinates network, storage, virtualization, security, and scrutinizing technologies to install multi-layer services as virtual machines on.distrib- sed infrastructures, merging both isolated resources and data center cloud resources, as per allotment srategies. The tool includes characteristics for administration, amalgamation, scalability, accounting, and safety. It also declares consistency, portability, and interoperability, offering managers and cloud users th a number of cloud interfaces (e.g., vCloud, OGF Open Cloud Computing Interface, Amazon s€2 Query) and hypervisors (e.g., VMware, KVM, and Xen) and may put up manifold software and Serdware amalgamations in a data center. ‘OpenNebula was a guiding corporation in Google Summer of Code 2010. It is subsidized by C12G. SpenNebula is utilized by telecom operators, hosting suppliers, IT services suppliers, supercomputing caters, international research plans, and research labs. A number of other cloud resolutions employ OpenNebula as the kernel service or cloud engine. Infrastructure has been shared by community cloud among some associations from a particular society sith familiar fear (i.e., acquiescence, safety, influence, and many more), whether controlled inside or fy a third party and hosted inside or outwardly. Community cloud is sometimes more expensive when smpared to private cloud. 90 | Cloud Computing ‘When numerous consumershave similar requirements and necessities, they may share an infrastructure and could share the administration and arrangement ofthe cloud. This administration could be made by. third parties or by themselves. ‘A cloud deployment model, which is being swiftly executed, is known as a community cloud, Conceptually, from anywhere among a public cloud and a private cloud, community cloud represents § shared infrastructure which is occupied and supported by numerous corporations. This shared cloud esource can be consumed by groups which have interconnected aim, like combined acceptance TRevessities, non-competitive company objectives, or group safety resources. Though the physical vvaintenange ofthe shared cloud might existon any location or may on a third-party location, running the community cloud might turn out tobe dificult, because of the changing or undefined responsibilty and contro, creating it fairly technically demanding to handle resource secrecy, administration, flexibility safety, and latency necessities. Community cloud is displayed in Fig. 4.13 Corporations that share the cloud infrastructure support a particular community which has shared apprehensions (e.., safety necessities, assignment, and acquiescence and strategy consideration). It can be controlled by the corporations or a third party and might exist off- premise or on-premise. Inthe community deployment model, numerous corporations share the cloud infrastructure with similar strategy and agreement consideration, This assists in the reduction of expenses (in contrast to a private loud), since it is shared by a bigger group or cluster. ‘Many state-level government sectors that require access to data concerning the regional population or information associated to infrastructure such as roads, hospitals, electrical stations, and more, may employ a community clovd torun data and applications. Examples of community cloud include Google's NASA Nebula cloud, etc ‘Community cloud network Community members Fig. 4.43 Community cloud 4.4.4 Hybrid Clouds TThe last mode! is the hybrid cloud. The hybrid cloud is a combination of a private and public cloud: which is mutually dependent on one another. In this model, cloud users are supplied with information sructure made by y cloud presents ed cloud ceptance physical aning the lity and exibility, hich has strategy xist off- h similar a private opulation jore, may Google’s plic cloud formation Models of Cloud Computing | 91 ca the publi cloud, in spite ofthe reality thatthe cloud supplier has to maintain the company-signtican services and information in a few instructions. Hybrid cloud is a constitution of two or more clouds (i., community public, or private) which semain exceptional units but are bound mutually, providing the advantages of various deployrnent Sodels. By means of employing ‘hybrid cloud’ design, individuals and corporations are capable of sepuiing levels of errr tolerance combined with regionally instant usability. Hybrid cloud design nescs seth on-premise resources and off-place Gsolated) server-based cloud infrastructure, Hybrid cloud is Resources available ‘on cloud network Public cloud Resources A, >> wailble ZBF™ on clout J network hhybrid cloud network (Both private and public cloud) Fig. 4.44 Hybrid cloud Hybrid clouds do not have the confidence, safety, and flexibility of intemal applications Hybrid cloud. ers the lenibilty of intemal applications along with the scalability and error tolerance of cloud-based services. A hybrid cloud is a combination ofthe public, private, and community cloud. Its defined by NIST = follows: "The cloud infrastructure isa composition oftwo or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private community, or public) that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized oF proprietary technology that enables data and application portability (e.g. cloud bursting for oad balancing between clouds)”[9] sn illustration of hybrid cloud deployment might consist of a corporation installing non-critical soft sare applications within the public cloud, whereas holding perceptive or significant applications in 0 erivate cloud, on the location. ere Chanacteristie of hybrid clouds which makes them distinguishable from the other kinds of cloud Seployment is ‘cloudburst’. Most general hybrid clouds are an amalgamation of both public ‘and private Goud computing settings that are installed, employed, and perform constantly. Independent software vendors (ISVs) propose virtual applications which may offer & ‘cloudburst’ ctcemice means, A fine source to explore numerous virtual applications is VMware's Virtual Appliance. "Fue deployment model assists companies to seize the benefit of protected applications and dala esting on a private cloud, and benefits from expenditure profits by maintaining shared applications Site on the public cloud, This model is also well used for managing the cloud. which is meant for sectmnstanves where the prevailing private cloud infrastructure is enabled to deal with the load and sects an emergency choice for supporting the load. Therefore, the cloud handles workloads among, seivate and public hosting without any trouble to the users. “92 | cloud Compuing Moreover, any constitution of clouds, whether they are public or private, might form a hybrid) and be administered as the only unit, provided there is a sufficiently standard structure used by component clouds. “ 4.5 ALTERNATIVE DEPLOYMENT MODELS ‘A completely dissimilar outlook of the cloud computing design is within the Jericho cloud cube m and the Linthicum model 4.5.1 Linthicum Model There are 10 main classes or designs on the basis of the model: Storage as a Service The capability to influence storage which physically exists at a different locate but is logically a local storage resource to every application which needs storage. Database as a Service The capability to influence a distantly hosted database service, sharing it Wily other users, and keeping it local to act as if the database were local. Information as a Service The capability o utilize any kind of information, distantly hosted, via a def nite interface like an API Process asa Service An isolated resource which is capable of connecting various resources collectively either hosted inside the similar cloud computing resource or isolated, to generate business procedures Application as a Service Any application conveyed over the web platform to an end user, charact cally controlling the application via a browser. Platform as a Service An absolute platform, comprising interface improvement, application expansion, investigation, database expansion, and storage, conveyed via a distantly hosted platform to subscribers Integration asa Service ‘The capability to transport a whole amalgamation load from the cloud, together with interfacing with applications, flow control, semantic negotiation, and amalgamation intend. Security as a Service The capability to carry principal safety services distantly over the Internet. ‘Managementas a Service Auy vivouuand service which offers the capability to control one or more Cloud services, characteristically uncomplicated things such as topology, resource consumption, virti= alization, and uptime administration, Testing as a Service The capability to analyse regional or cloud-carried systems by using testing ser- vices and software which are distantly hosted. 4.5.2 Jericho Cloud Cube Model Tn January 2004, the IT safety association of corporations, government clusters, and dealers, intellectu- als “dedicated to advancing secure business in a global open-network environment’ created the Jericho Forum under the sponsorship of the Open Group. Initially generating to tackle network issues, the ‘medium has dealt with the trouble of protecting corporation deals via the Internet. In February 2009, they carried a realistic structure towards generating the true partnership-oriented design. Subsequently, the ‘medium published the Jericho Cloud Cube Model version!.0 in April 2009, ‘The objective of the Cloud Cube Model is to: 1, Indicate that not all that is executed in the clouds is good; it might be best to run some corporation sacks by Wg, a counentional gon-cloud aE. Models of loud Conpuing | 98 Describe the diverse cloud configurations which have been identified by the Jericho Forum. Explain chief aspects, threats, and advantages of every cloud configuration. + Offer a structure for discovering in further detail the character of various cloud configurations and the matters which require building them securely and to protect the areas to work in. Hee model for cloud computing is explained by the Jericho Cloud Cube Model as encompassing four mensions Seemal or external This describes the physical position of the data. If itis inside your individual phys- = periphery, in-house, or exterior, which means itis not inside your individual physical periphery’ Peerictary or open Proprietary denotes that the corporation offering the service is holding the resources © adition under their possession. Open clouds are using technology which is not proprietary. Pe eeeterizedorde-perimeterized architectures Withinyourconventional IT perimeter, de-perimeterization S> Srever been associated with the fixed removal, breakdown, or decrease of the conventional IT perimeter. Peearced or insourced Outsourced means the service is offered by a third party, whereas insourced © ® service offered by personal employees under your power 5 CLOUDSTACK PP Seeck is cloud software which assists users to alter the cloud according to their requirements. It © = open-source platform for developing hybrid, public, and private infrastructure as service clouds. } Serels and supports the network, storage, and compute joints in a cloud infrastructure. It is used to ==, control, and systematize situations in cloud computing. SteudStack is used to generate flexible cloud services. It is, in fact, an Infrastructure as a Service SPS caries some infrastructure or associated technique for service hosting for the developer. This | Seilically why cloud stack is known as ‘do it yourself”. It supports various hypervisors along PS Senifold hardware into an only virtual access. It has a clear interface which assists by displaying ems Firs, cloud stack was possessed by which was a freeware. It was later followed by HP Software Foundation. With CloudStack, you are capable of the following Establishing an on-command, flexible cloud computing service. Service suppliers may offer self- service virtual machines, networking arrangements, and storage sizes over the Internet. foudStack may be used to construct an on-command cloud computing service along with bility. Service supplier provides storage and virtual machines, and much more on the Internet. As organization or worker could establish an on-premise private cloud along with CloudStack. 7 CLOUD STORAGE PS soraze is a service model wherein data is maintained, controlled, and backed up distantly and J xcessible to users over a network (characteristically the Internet). Figure 4.15 explains the remote = Provided to the cloud consumer. > = three major cloud storage models which are as follows: Peblic cloud storage services, like Amazon's Simple Storage Service (83), offers a multi-occupant Sorage appropriate for data. Payate cloud storage services offer a dedicated storage restricted behind the firewall of a poration. Private clouds are suitable for users who require customization and more power on ar data, 94 | Cloud Computing +, Hybrid cloud storage is an amalgamation of the other two models, which comprise no ess Hi ‘single public cloud and a single private cloud infrastructure. A corporation could, Fr insane 2 ret forcefully used and prepared data on private cloud and sharable data on a public cloud os (ee sh, =] > resources ee J available fz , NEE = _~7 Goud provider » o = = Remote client A Remote client B Fig, 4.15 Remote services provided to cloud consumer Cloud storage is a module of networked online storage in which data is saved in virtualized groups of storage that are normally hosted by third partes. Hosting corporations control big data centers and com= thon people who need their data to be hosted generally take storage space on a rental basis from thet Inthe background, the data center workers virtualize resources as per the necessities of the consis ie interprets them as storage groups tha the consumers can themselves use to save data objects or Hes ‘Actually, the resource can link diagonally with numerous servers Cloud storage services can be accessed via a web service application programming interface (APD ot via a web-based user interface. eo Points to Remember e 1. ‘SaaS’ is used for both ‘Security as a Service’ as well as the more common ‘Software as a Service 5 PaaS is a-common platform that supports software development, testing, and organization. The whole oftware life cyele can be controlled on a PanS. More than one user can work simultaneously cm the Same platform or software very easily. 3, ‘Amazon EC2 isa well-known example of laaS. Google App engine is an example of PaaS and Salesfores ‘com is an example of SaaS. 4, The layer below the TaaS/PaaS layer that performs the job of handling cluster deployment is called Cluster as a Service (CaaS ‘A hybrid cloud isa mixture ofa public and private cloud that are interdependent on each other ‘A typeof cloud which is accessed and utilized by a limited group of people having a common missiga or interest is known as community cloud. ‘Amazon is the pioneer of IanS. ‘The virtual machines are run as guests by a hypervisor, such as Xen or KVM, {A public cod isa cloud computing deployment scheme that is generally open for use by the general public. 10, ‘Alternative deployment models include Linthicum model and Jericho Cloud Cube model. 11, CloudStack is an open-souree platform to build public, private, and hybrid infrastructure as serviog clouds. 10, Cloud Storage isa service model wherein data is maintained, conolled, and backed up distantly and made accessible to users over a network © no less thai i for instance public cloud. zed groups 0! sets and com is from them the consume: jects or fil werface (API), 2 Service’ on. The whole ly on the same ind Salesforce ment is called other. mon mission by the general » distantly and Models of Cloud Computing | 98 a Key Terms e CaaS Communications as a Service delivers a Session Initiated Protocol (SIP)-based audio collaboration sad on-net web conferencing over a virtual private network (VPN) using a hosted model. Cean$ Compute Capacity as a Service means that the resource runs applications with the assistance of basic computing components. Compute basically consists of physical and logical components. By physical components, we mean hardware devices, whereas logical refers to software and protocols used, Cloud Compliance as a Service This offers compliance collection and facilitates your cloud applications as per corporate policies or organization requirements. DhaaS Database as a Service provides the following services to users: combine and shared platform for accessing databases, flexibility to access database resources according to the user need, charges on the basis database usage. DiaaS Desktop as a Service is an efficient desktop infrastructure provided by the service provider to seduce the complexity and cost of your desktop infrastructure. Services can be availed by taking an Internet connection on a rental basis, Hybrid cloud The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures frrivate, community, or public) that remain unique entities, but are bound together by standardized or sroprietary technology that enables data and application portability (e.., cloud bursting for load balancing between clouds). Private cloud ‘The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization comprising, scultiple consumers (e-g., business units). It may be owned, managed, and operated by the organization, a ‘Sind party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises. SaaS The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider's applications running on a cloud sfastracture. The applications are accessible from various client devices through a thin client interface sach as a web browser (e.g., web-based e-mail), The consumer does not manage or control the underlying oud infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible exception of limited user-specific application configuration settings, SECaaS Security as a Service is a platform in which the service provider amalgamates the security services into a business infrastructure. Services are cost efficient as compared to the services provided by the sedividual organization. StaaS Storage as a Service is a platform provided by the cloud provider for data storage for cloud users. @ Multiple-choice Questions e 1. Which property of a private cloud be 2. Which cloud deployment model does an considered for the delivery model of highly enterprise retain to complete control over the regulated workloads? onsiriction and delivery fal cloud services? (a) System development te (a) Hybrid cloud (b) Awareness of data location (b) Private cloud (©) Throughput of batch processing (©) Community cloud (@) System monitoring (production) (@) Public cloud 96 | Clout Computing 3 A cloud environment in which multiple users share and access cloud services, while infrastructure resides off premise is a (@) Hybrid cloud (b) Private cloud (©) Community cloud (@ Public cloud Which characteristics of cloud computing may probibit a company from utilizing 2 public cloud offering? (a) Metering (b) Flexibi (6) Self se (@ Resource pooling ‘What are the two important characteristics of a cloud delivery model? (a) Service based (b) Share to all (©) Both (a) and (b) @ Security Among the given atributes, which isincorporated 4, in public cloud computing? (a) Metering () Scalability (©) Malti-tenaney (@ Rapid provisioning ‘What is the function of hypervisor in a cloud solution? (a) Itimitates a system call (b) It provides virtualization. (©) Itoptimizes VO performance. (@ Itshares one CPU with multiple operating systems. ae ivfare cloud PaaS providers. (@ Engine yard (b) Heroku’ (©) Terremark (@) All the above is the delivery of an enterprise Communications solution, such as voice over IP, instant messaging, and video conferencing applications as a service. (a) CaaS (b) PaaS (©) laaS (@) SaaS ‘Who is/are the leading IaaS providers? (a) Rackspace (b) Joyent (©) Rightscale (@) All the above e Roviow Questions e What are the various types of cloud service models? ‘What are the various advantages of PaaS over SaaS? Explain the characteristics of Saas. What are the various points to be considered when a client opts for SaaS? Explain the services provided to an application developer by cloud providers. ‘What are the different types of deployment models? How is the community model different from a hybrid model? Explain in detail about the Jericho cloud cube model. Explain the various services offered by IsaS. Explain Linthicum Model in detail. Why is CloudStack called ‘do it yourself”? ‘What is the requirement of compliance as a service in cloud computing? How is identity as a service handled in SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS? Cloud Secur Dean Vines. I Cloud Comps ISBN-10: 04 Cloud Comp 9781439806) Cloud Cor ISBN-10: 06 Grid and C 10: 36420 Ai Market-orien Utilities. In HPCC’OS, Cloud Servi National Ins nistpubs/80¢ Mastering C MeGraw Hi Infrastrus Cloud Com Cloud Com Ricardo Put Software as Models of Cloud Computing | 97 3 References so Cloud Security A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Competnts Ronald L. Krutz and Russell Coa roc ISBN; 978-0-470-58987-8, Wiley Publication, 20° = Claud Computing for Dummies, Judith Hurwitz, Robin Hoes ‘Marcia Kaufman, and Dr. Fern Halper, Cr us70485705, Wiley Publication, Ist edion, Novembes 1% 2009 Soaan Computing Technologies and Strategies, Brian 1S. Chee ‘and Curtis Franklin, Ir, ISBN 9781439806128, CRC Press, April 7, 2010 Sears empuing: A Practical Approach, Anthony T: Yele, TOO) ‘Yelte, Ph.D., Robert Elsenpeter SBN. 10, 0071626948, McGraw-Hill, Ist edition, Novem 1, 2009 Boat and Cloud Computing, Katrina StanocyskaS bere, Thoms ‘Wozniak, and Santi Ristol, ISBN- wo 3612051928, Springer; 2010 edition se renenting and Developing Cloud Applications, David EY Sarniy ISBN-10: 1439830827, eehach Publications, November 26, 2010 asteroriented cloud computing: Vision, Hype, and Reali or Delivering IT services as Computing Maer righ Performance Computing and Communications, R. 53¥% ‘CS. Yeo, and S. Venugopal. Sec o8 10" IEEE Intemational Conference on pp. 413 FF) 1008 Ghoud Service Models, hitp/ctoud.ebre-com/Clout service-models, last accessed in January 2015 Ga et attue of Standards and Technologies (NIST) bipifestest _govipublications Stpubs/800-145/, January 2015 Srarering Cloud Computing, Rajkumar Buyye, Christian ‘Veechhiola, $. Thamarai Selvi, Tata SieGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2008 se Amazon EC: hips:faws.amuzon.comy, as seceNed February 2015 Fear Computing and Virualization,V. Rajeswara Rao, ¥ ‘ShubbaRamaiah, BS Publication, ISBN- He Caets045, BS Publications / BSP Books, 2014 Platfonn asa S25 GoosleAppEngine ssrps/ Groat Computing Concepts, Technology and Architecture Wy “Thomas Er, ZaighamMahmood, Seg Pun, ISBN-10: 0133387526, Pearson publication's edition 10, May 2013 se oa a Service, SalesForce com:https/cloud zooBle om/appengine/February 2015 Answers to Multiple-choice Questions 32 @) 5. © 1@ 9. (@) 4 @ 6 @) 3 @ 10. @

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