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Gliane, Ceej Von James Parcarey


Desire for the human soul

By: Rabindranath Tagore

All fruitless is the cry,

All vain this burning fire of desire.
The sun goes down to his rest.
There is gloom in the forest and glamour in the sky.
With downcast look and lingering steps
The evening star conies in the wake of departing day
And the breath of the twilight is deep with the fulness of a farewell feeling.
I clasp both thine hands in mine,
and keep thine eyes prisoner with my hungry eyes;
Seeing and crying. Where art thou,
Where, O, where!
Where is the immortal flame hidden in the depth of thee!
As in the solitary star of the dark evening sky
The light of heaven, with its immense mystery, is quivering,
In thine eyes, in the depth of their darkness
There shines a soul-beam tremulous with a wide mystery.
Speechless I gaze upon it.
And I plunge with all my heart
Into the deep of a fathomless longing:
I lose myself.
1. Highlighting/Underlining
“The sun goes down to his rest.
There is gloom in the forest and glamour in the sky”
-This means the after the day partaken its part it has to say it’s good bye, it’s like after the day
there would be dark time which happens every night like it was in the net line “there is a gloom
in the forest” wild creatures living the forest makes it more gloomy especially in nights maybe it
is like people other part in inside that we are all have gloom inside us, that there is a certain times
that it will comes out, moreover we also have precious part in ourselves like the glamour in the
sky, that makes us also different in some other ways.

“Into the deep of a fathomless longing:

I lose myself.”
- It is somewhat like when people looking for something very hard that he or she focuses only to
that thing they literally lose themselves why? Because they are open for lots of possibilities it
may be good or bad because of their dedication to achieve somethings they sometimes forget the

2. Paraphrasing/Summary of main ideas

The poem tries to convey the situation of a person who fell into their own desire, too
much desire of something would make the situation worst, it changes all around the person, even
the person itself. Too much is a poison that can kill a person. Wanting for something is not that
really bad but the effects of making you to long for something more is dangerous because when
a person wants to have something the possibility to do anything just for the sake of having it
would come in any form.

3. Descriptive Outline
The poem starts on pointing similarities, description of a person who longs for
something, it speaks metaphorically through giving such descriptions that shows what effects of
too much desire for a person. Wanting more is not healthy so that the readers would have the
conclusions that this what would really happen to people who desire to much for their own.

I would like to have a comment about the piece itself the construction and all as a whole,
at first it is really hard to understanding what it really says because of the choice of description
and words are very sophisticated and the like. It is like if you would not be able to understand the
piece in one reading only it has to come a lot of times before you would understand the meaning
behind those words used by the author.

By: Rabindranath Tagore

Art thou abroad on this stormy night

on thy journey of love, my friend?
The sky groans like one in despair.

I have no sleep tonight.
Ever and again I open my door and look out on
the darkness, my friend!

I can see nothing before me.

I wonder where lies thy path!

By what dim shore of the ink-black river,

by what far edge of the frowning forest,
through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading
thy course to come to me, my friend?

1. Highlighting/Underlining
“Art thou abroad on this stormy night
on thy journey of love, my friend?
The sky groans like one in despair”
- It is like the journey of his friends is not that smooth it seems like, there are lots of obstacles to
encounter with, it tough that if you are weak you cant make it, like you would end up in despair.

“By what dim shore of the ink-black river,

by what far edge of the frowning forest,
through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading
thy course to come to me, my friend?”
- It is like a friend asking to his or her friend to come back if he or she needs a hand, life is not
easy as how we see it, there are lot of challenges we may face along our journey but we must not
forget that we are not alone taking the way we have people who can help us in time of our

2. Paraphrasing/Summary of main idea & Descriptive Outline

The Author is with concern questioning his friend on why he's trying the stormy night to
return to envision him. The author then says as a result of his friend is out there Attempting to
return to envision him, he won't rest till he sees his friend come back. He cannot see something
outside because of the storm and consequently wonders wherever the friend is. He enunciates
regarding the shore of the black watercourse and therefore the displeased forest and therefore the
depth of gloom outside and speculative if the friend is shortening his course of life to return to
see him

3. Comments/Responses
- As a response we should always remember that along every journey we take we are not alone,
we must always remember that we have our friends to be with when we feel down, when we get
hurt from someone or something. We are not alone.

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