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Overpunish or underpunish-fear of being cancelled-follow a trend

A modern internet phenomenon where a person is ejected from influence or fame by

questionable actions. It is caused by a critical mass of people who are quick to judge
and slow to question. It is commonly caused by an accusation, whether that accusation
has merit or not. It is a direct result of the ignorance of people caused communication
technologies outpacing the growth in available knowledge of a person.
In cases where the law fails cancel culture tries to rectify what is wrong
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Panel, according to the urban dictionary, cancel culture is a modern internet

phenomenon where a person is ejected from influence or fame by questionable actions.
It is caused by a critical mass of people who are quick to judge and slow to question. It

Government says that cancel culture attempts to deliver justice and right what is wrong.
However, i argue that It does not bring about a huge social change.

President Barack Obama, JD, stated, “Like, if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do
something right or used the wrong verb, then I can sit back and feel pretty good about
myself, cause, ‘Man, you see how woke I was, I called you out… That’s not activism.
That’s not bringing about change. If all you’re doing is casting stones, you’re probably
not going to get that far. “
And he’s right- activism isn’t going online and cussing people Activism is hard work
entailing meetings, strategy sessions, building a campaign, and getting petitions signed.

Cancel culture consists of a lot of online harassment, blaming, shaming, criticising,

doxing, exposing, and other negative actions. May argue that yes it is in favor of
bringing about a change or rectifying a wrong or forcing someone to acknowledge their
mistake and apologize for it, but how many influencers actually repent and mean their
apology? How many apologies are actually sincere? The truth is that they are forced to
apologize so as to satisfy the rage and vitriol from the internet. They feel like they are
being forced into a tight spot-and so they apologize-they don't actually mean it

E.g. james charles faced numerous allegations for inappropriate contact with minors

Despite being cancelled before, he still committed the same mistake and he’s still
prospering on social media. My point can be summarised by a tweet which was tweeted

by a user roughly 2 months ago: I can tell you cancel culture doesn't
exist Bc it’s not even the first time James Charles has been
caught sexting a minor and I can guarantee that he WILL
STILL have a thriving career two months from now. I will
revisit this tweet in two months. And evidently he is still
doing as well as ever, in fact in an article released 10 hours
ago-he was ranked no. 2 on Cosmetify’s list of Highest-Paid
Beauty Influencers
Cancel culture is also really petty-for example everyone on
twt seems to be dead set on ruining d.t’s lives as best they
can and completely dragging him in every single miniscule
thing that he does. Not long ago, ppl were petitioning for
donald trump to be removed from his cameo appearance in
‘home alone 2’ and online users even suggesting that he be
replaced with characters like darth vader, dolly parton, and
jabba the hutt. As a result, he was removed from the movie.

Tell me, how does this benefit anyone? Yes, Trump has
made a lot of mistakes and he is by no means a good
person, but it is incidents like this that really make us
question: honestly, how effective is cancel culture? It really

To rebut, Cancel culture doesn’t ‘strengthen social bonds’ it

allows a bunch of angry internet users to gang up on
someone who made a mistake at one point in their life and
totally ruin their lives. But i mean, if the government equates
‘building bonds’ as ‘seizing the opportunity to bully and
demolish someone’s life’, then I have nothing more to say.

● Use time before speech to plan your rebuttal not perfect your speech
Tell why being petty negatively bad e.g. suing someone can be considered petty, but is it necessary? -why
being petty is bad enough to be nullified e.g. it makes you look petty-if you do sound petty, ppl will not
take you seriously- Because of how desperate they are to cancel, ppl will take cancel culture less
Why is bringing someone’s career down a bad thing?
● Don’t bring down someone’s argument based on research try to make it practical-sounds
● Give examples e.g. ppl will never make that mistake again e.g. amber herd known for abusing
husband johnny depp

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