Factors Influencing The Behavioral Intention

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Kyung Hee Cyber University
Kyung Hee University
Far East University

We examined the relationships between the determinants that affect customers’ use
of food delivery apps. Using an extended technology acceptance model, we explored
consumers’ experiences in purchasing delivery food through mobile apps. We distributed a
self-administered questionnaire online and used structural equation modeling to test the
hypotheses. We found that user-generated information, firm-generated information, and
system quality had a significant effect on perceived usefulness. In addition, system quality
and design quality strongly influenced the perceived ease of use, which improved perceived
usefulness, and in turn, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use affected attitude toward
the use of mobile apps. Practical implications for the food service industry are discussed.

Keywords: technology acceptance, app use, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use,
system quality, design quality, user-generated information, firm-generated information.

As food service industry customers are notoriously fickle, the industry has
to keep up with changes in taste, fashion, and ease of access. Technology
assists in this process, and with the dramatic growth of wireless communication
technology and the high penetration rate of the Internet, food service businesses
now rely on technology as a major information resource and marketing tool

Eun-Yong Lee, Department of Hotel Management, Kyung Hee Cyber University; Soo-Bum
Lee, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Kyung Hee University; Yu Jung Jennifer Jeon,
Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, Far East University.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Yu Jung Jennifer Jeon, Department
of Hotel and Tourism Management, Far East University, 76-32 Daehak-gil, Gamgok-myeon,
Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do 27601, Republic of Korea. Email: jeonyj@kdu.ac.kr


(Bickerton, 2015). The proliferation of smartphones has exacerbated this trend,

as they provide for the real-time connectivity of mobile apps, making food
delivery apps popular with busy diners in pursuit of speed and convenience. As
food delivery apps have increased in popularity, the competitive dynamics of the
food delivery market have increased (S.-W. Jeong, 2016), particularly in Korea,
because delivery service is deeply embedded in Korean society (S.-W. Jeong,
2016). Demand for this service exploded from the 1990s onwards, resulting in
the market reaching 12 trillion won (US$10.3 billion; Bae, 2015). When food
delivery apps appeared in early 2010, their market size was estimated to be 1.7
trillion won (US$1.4 billion), in 2015 and this extended to an estimated 2 trillion
won (US$1.7 billion) in 2015 (Bae, 2015).
With accelerated competition in the food service industry and the popularity
of food delivery apps, it is useful to have an understanding of the factors that
entice consumers to use these apps. Therefore, we used the extended technology
acceptance model (TAM) to investigate the determinants that either drive or
impede user intention to use food delivery apps. It is indicated in this model that
system use will be based on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness.

Literature Review and Development of Hypotheses

In an environment dominated by the Internet, customers’ purchasing decisions
may be determined by the perceived quality of information (M. Jeong & Lambert,
2001). Ahn, Ryu, and Han (2004) stated that information quality, system quality,
and service quality are variables that directly affect the perceived ease of use and
perceived usefulness of a technology. Rese, Schreiber, and Baier (2014) found
that, of these, information quality is the primary concern for online customers.
They surveyed IKEA’s mobile app users and showed that when participants were
provided with an augmented reality app, the perceived informative nature of the
app influenced its perceived usefulness.
Previous researchers have categorized information that influences consumers
into user-generated (Pavlou & Dimoka, 2006) and firm-generated (Cheung,
Lee, & Rabjohn, 2008; Dellarocas, Zhang, & Awad, 2007; Z. Liu & Park, 2015)
types. When a product is purchased online, asymmetric information possessed
by the buyer and seller will eventually lead to the exposure of additional risk to
the customer (Pavlou & Dimoka, 2006). This happens when the buyer cannot
physically check the product and must, thus, rely on possibly inaccurate or
insufficient information provided by the seller (H. G. Lee, 1998). Because of
the uncertainty of the quality of a product in an online environment, consumers
obtain trust and credibility from consumer reviews (Z. Liu & Park, 2015). This
reduces the asymmetry of the information (Cheung et al., 2008). Higher ratings
and more reviews of products lead to more sales and encourage the buyer’s
decision (Dellarocas, Zhang, & Awad, 2007). However, regardless of whether the
reviews are positive or negative, consumers perceive them as providing useful
information (Purnawirawan, De Pelsmacker, & Dens, 2012). Buyers’ negative
information is read more carefully than positive information and buyers perceive
these posts to be more useful (Ito, Larsen, Smith, & Cacioppo, 1998). Therefore,
we proposed the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1: User-generated information will have a positive effect on the
perceived usefulness of a food delivery app.
Hypothesis 2: Firm-generated information will have a positive effect on the
perceived usefulness of a food delivery app.

System Quality
Several researchers have noted that system quality is an external variable in
the TAM. Ahn et al. (2004) showed that the system quality provided by online
stores strongly influenced customers’ perceived usefulness and perceived ease of
use. Çelik and Yilmaz (2011) used the TAM to analyze the e-commerce of online
stores in Turkey and found that of five external variables (information quality,
service quality, system quality, trust, and enjoyment), system quality affected
both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Using the TAM, Sternad
and Bobek (2013) carried out an analysis of a company’s enterprise resource
planning (ERP) system. They concluded that system quality and its technological
characteristics improved the perceived ease of use, which had a further positive
effect on the attitude toward the ERP system and its perceived usefulness. This
demonstrates that system quality is an important external variable in the TAM.
Thus, we proposed the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 3a: System quality will have a positive effect on the perceived
usefulness of a food delivery app.
Hypothesis 3b: System quality will have a positive effect on the perceived ease
of use of a food delivery app.

Design Quality
Design quality is another exogenous variable that has a strong effect in the
application of the TAM. Pei, Zhenxiang, and Chunping (2007), when targeting
Chinese business-to-consumer websites, extended the TAM to measure website
design effectiveness. They showed that design quality had a positive effect
on both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. In their study on
e-shopping purchase and intention, Ha and Stoel (2009) integrated e-shopping
quality (website design, customer service, privacy/security, and atmospheric/
experiential), enjoyment, and trust into the TAM to examine consumer acceptance
of e-shopping. They showed that e-shopping quality, particularly website design,

had a direct effect on perceived ease of use. This indicates that design quality
plays a prominent role as an antecedent of perceived ease of use.
I.-F. Liu, Chen, Sun, Wible, and Kuo (2010) emphasized the importance of
design when they extended the TAM to explore the factors that affect intention
to use an online learning community. Because online education is web-based, the
design of the course has a significant effect on students’ success or failure. I.-F.
Liu et al. categorized design into online course and user interface design, and
found that both categories directly influenced perceived ease of use. Therefore,
we proposed the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 4: Design quality will have a positive effect on the perceived ease of
use of a food delivery app.

Technology Acceptance Model

Davis (1986) developed the TAM, which is the most widely applied model
of consumer acceptance and use of information technology (Venkatesh, 2000).
It is posited in the TAM that behavioral intention determines actual system use,
which is then influenced by the user’s attitude toward using the system. Users’
beliefs about the system affect their attitude, such as its perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of use.
Several researchers have extended the applicability of the TAM by adding
external variables, so as to influence the external features of users’ attitude,
behavioral intention, and actual use of technology (Gefen & Straub, 2000;
Pikkarainen, Pikkarainen, Karjaluoto, & Pahnila, 2004). Using Master of
Business Administration students at a U.S. university as their participants, Gefen
and Straub (2000) explored the effect of perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness on e-commerce adoption. They found that perceived usefulness
affected intended use when a website was used for a purchasing task, yet
perceived ease of use had only an indirect effect on online shopping behavior by
directly influencing perceived usefulness. Pikkarainen et al. (2004) found that
perceived usefulness and information on online banking on a banking website
were the key features influencing online banking acceptance.
Because e-commerce has been expanded to mobile devices, the TAM has been
adapted for this new category of mobile commerce. For example, López-Nicolás,
Molina-Castillo, and Bouwman (2008) used the extended TAM and 3G mobile
technology to examine the demand for mobile services. They found that
attitude toward mobile innovation and its perceived flexibility benefits directly
influenced perceived usefulness, and social influence factors directly influenced
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Jayasingh and Eze (2010)
likewise presented a theoretical extension of the extended TAM to explore
consumer adoption of mobile coupons and found that perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of use influenced attitude, which in turn influenced intention to
use mobile coupons.
In their study of American college students, Yang and Zhou (2011) applied the
theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the TAM to examine mobile viral marketing
attitude, intention, and behavior. They suggested that subjective norm, behavioral
control, and perceived cost for the young American consumers strongly influenced
their attitude toward viral marketing. Likewise, Abadi, Ranjbarian, and Zade
(2012) combined the TPB and TAM in their mobile banking study. They showed
that perceived risk excluded behavioral intention, thus leading to a meaningful
result concerning the extension of the TAM to a mobile. Choi and Totten
(2012) examined the effect of cultural variance in mobile television acceptance,
by adding factors to the TAM, such as individual-level cultural orientation,
interdependence, and independence. Choi and Totten concluded that adding
external variables to the TAM could create a more practical model of mobile
television technology. Therefore, we proposed the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 5a: Perceived ease of use will have a positive effect on the perceived
usefulness of mobile delivery apps.
Hypothesis 5b: Perceived ease of use will have a positive effect on attitude
toward the use of mobile delivery apps.
Hypothesis 6: Perceived usefulness will have a positive effect on attitude toward
the use of mobile delivery apps.
Hypothesis 7: Attitude toward the use of mobile delivery apps will have a
positive effect on intention to use mobile delivery apps.


Participants and Procedure

As Internet-based surveys provide benefits such as access to a specific
population (Wright, 2005), we used a qualified online research firm in Korea
to conduct an online survey to collect data. With the help of this firm, we
distributed an electronic self-report questionnaire from March 3–28, 2015 to 395
individuals who had purchased food through food delivery apps. After we had
eliminated those that showed unusual patterns in the reply (such as repeating the
same numbers throughout the questionnaire), 350 valid questionnaires (88.6%)
Of the participants, 54.3% (n = 190) were men and 45.7% were women
(n = 160), and they ranged in age from 20 to 59 years. In Korea, as few teens have
sufficient economic status to use food delivery apps and few aged over 60 years
choose to use them, we excluded these groups. In terms of app use per month to
order food, 47.8% (n = 167) used them 1–2 times, 25.1% (n = 88) used them 3–4
times, and 27.1% (n = 95) used them 5 or more times.

Valid and reliable measurement variables were adapted from prior studies, with
modifications made to fit the context of our conceptual model. All measurement
items were rated on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to
5 = strongly agree. We developed the questionnaire in English, and translated it
into Korean. To verify the accuracy of the translation, we asked native Koreans
who were fluent in English to back-translate the Korean questionnaire into
English. We then compared the two versions of the original questionnaire and
verified the absence of errors.
User-generated information. User-generated information refers to review
information uploaded by delivery app users after using the service. We measured
this information with a scale developed by D. H. Park, Lee, and Han (2007) that
consisted of five items to assess usefulness, sufficiency, understandability, and
reliability of information. Cronbach’s  coefficient was .81 in this study.
Firm-generated information. We assessed firm-generated information through
restaurant and menu information provided by the delivery app. We measured
this information using a scale adapted from Al-Qeisi, Dennis, Alamanos,
and Jayawardhena (2014) and Mohammadi (2015) that consisted of five
items: usefulness, accuracy, latest menu, understandability of information, and
information on the desired menu. Cronbach’s  coefficient was .83 in this study.
System quality. We measured the quality of the application system using
four items from Al-Qeisi et al. (2014), Hsu, Chang, and Chen (2012), and
Mohammadi (2015): prompt response, easy access, prompt page change, and
stable drive. Cronbach’s  coefficient was .80 in this study.
Design quality. We measured the quality of the application design using
five items from Al-hawari and Mouakket (2010) and Al-Qeisi et al. (2014):
organization, clear design, user friendliness, appropriate colors, and attractiveness.
Cronbach’s  coefficient was .85 in this study.
Technology Acceptance Model. We used the four items of perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, and intention to use, in the extended
(a) Perceived usefulness: We adapted five items from López-Nicolás et al.
(2008), Choi and Totten (2012), and Yilmaz (2014). A sample item is “The food
delivery app is worth using.” Cronbach’s  coefficient was .86 in this study.
(b) Perceived ease of use: We used four items generated from López-Nicolás
et al. (2008), Al-hawari and Mouakket (2010), and Choi and Totten (2012). A
sample item is “The food delivery app is easy to use.” Cronbach’s  coefficient
was .81 in this study.
(c) Attitude: We used five items adapted from Yu, Ha, Choi, and Rho (2005)
and Choi and Totten (2012). A sample item is “The food delivery app brings
profit for me.” Cronbach’s  coefficient was .87 in this study.
(d) Intention to use: We adapted five items from Yu et al. (2005), López-Nicolás
et al. (2008), and Choi and Totten (2012). A sample item is “I am willing to
purchase food through the food delivery app.” Cronbach’s  coefficient was .90
in this study.

Data Analysis
Prior to conducting structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses, we
used AMOS 18.0 to conduct a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to evaluate
the unidimensionality of the measures. To examine the relationships among the
variables, we conducted a correlation analysis with SPSS 18.0.


Identification of Underlying Characteristics

The CFA results showed that all the estimated loadings exceeded .80 and
each indicator t value exceeded 9.38 (p < .05). The chi-square (2) value
was 503.52 with the value of Q at 1.60 (2/df). The goodness-of-fit index
(GFI) was .906, the normed fit index (NFI) was .910, the comparative fit index
(CFI) was .964, the root mean square residual (RMR) was .023, and the root
mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) was .041, indicating acceptable
model fit.
The average variance extracted (AVE) exceeding the cut-off threshold level
of .50 for constructs (Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson, & Tatham, 2006) indicates
sufficient convergent validity, and the composite reliability (CR) exceeding
the threshold of .70 indicates sufficient internal consistency and reliability of
constructs (Hair et al., 2006). In this study, the AVE of each construct was
larger than .50, and the CR value ranged from .81 to .90, indicating sufficient
convergent validity.
AVE is the common test of discriminant validity. Hatcher (1994) suggested
that the square root of AVE should be greater than the shared variance between
the latent constructs. In this study, the square root of AVE of construct pairs
exceeded the correlation between the two constructs, demonstrating acceptable
discriminant validity (see Table 1).

Hypothesis Testing
We examined the interrelationship between the constructs using a structural
model with a covariance matrix. According to the goodness-of-fit indices,
the result for the overall fit indices indicated that the proposed structural
model provided an acceptable fit to the data, 2 = 94.496, df = 8, p < .01,
RMSEA = .172, GFI = .938, CFI = .956, IFI = .953, NFI = .949, and RMR = .019.
A summary of the hypothesis testing results is shown in Table 2. The
relationships between both user-generated information and perceived ease of use

Table 1. Discriminant Validity, Correlation Coefficient Matrix, and Square Roots of Average Variance Extracted

M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. User-generated information 3.42 0.65 1 .704* .549* .573* .598* .456* .546* .547*
2. Firm-generated information 3.59 0.61 .496 1 .666* .704* .681* .612* .615* .599*
3. System quality 3.68 0.56 .301 .443 1 .652* .710* .721* .590* .592*
4. Design quality 3.61 0.55 .328 .496 .474 1 .621* .691* .580* .541*
5. Perceived usefulness 3.66 0.66 .358 .464 .504 .386 1 .704* .715* .719*
6. Perceived ease of use 3.80 0.60 .208 .375 .519 .477 .495 1 .580* .543*
7. Attitude 3.54 0.70 .298 .378 .348 .336 .511 .336 1 .717*
8. Intention to use 3.57 0.74 .299 .359 .350 .293 .516 .294 .514 1
Note. Numbers under the diagonal represent the squared correlation coefficient. p < .05.

Table 2. Estimation and Testing of Hypotheses

Hypotheses Paths Standardized estimate t Result

1 User-generated information → Perceived usefulness .179 3.92 Supported

2 Firm-generated information → Perceived usefulness .188 3.65 Supported
3a System quality → Perceived usefulness .254 4.82 Supported
3b System quality → Perceived ease of use .463 8.70 Supported
4 Design quality → Perceived ease of use .344 6.46 Supported
5a Perceived ease of use → Perceived usefulness .327 6.99 Supported

5b Perceived usefulness → Attitude .105 2.15 Supported

6 Perceived ease of use → Attitude .674 13.71 Supported
( = .190, t = 4.08) and firm-generated information and perceived ease of use (
= .204, t = 3.65) were significantly positive. Therefore, Hypotheses 1 and 2 were
supported. These results indicate that not only the information the firm provided,
but also user-provided information (such as reviews of a product) increased the
perceived ease of use of an app.
The result for the link between system quality and perceived usefulness indicates
that the system quality of the app was a significantly positive antecedent of
perceived usefulness ( = .297, t = 4.82), thus supporting Hypothesis 3a. Further,
the relationship between system quality and perceived ease of use ( = .498,
t = 8.70) was strongly associated with perceived usefulness, supporting
Hypothesis 3b.
The effect of design quality on perceived ease of use was significantly positive
( = .378, t = 6.46), indicating that an increase in design quality may increase
perceived ease of use. Hypothesis 4 was, thus, supported.
In regard to the configuration variable of the TAM model, perceived ease
of use had a positive effect on both perceived usefulness ( = .355, t = 6.99)
and attitude ( = .121, t = 2.15). Hypotheses 5a and 5b were, thus, supported.
Perceived usefulness had a positive effect on attitude ( = .712, t = 13.71) and
attitude was a strong predictor of intention to use ( = .869, t = 26.82). Therefore,
Hypotheses 6 and 7 were supported.


Our results have enhanced understanding of the relational factors that either
drive or impede user intention to use food delivery apps, and provide insight
for food service industry management to develop strategies for their businesses
to remain competitive. First, user-generated information increased perceived
usefulness. This result extends the literature on perceived informativeness and
perceived usefulness of mobile apps (Rese, Schreiber, & Baier, 2014). When
shopping online, consumers have perceived risk concerns about the attributes,
exchanges/refunds, and delivery of a product. Consumers, therefore, search for
a variety of information to reduce risk, and, thus, consumers’ reviews can be a
strong indicator of perception of level of risk (H. Lee & Choi, 2003). S. Park
and Nicolau (2015) found that consumers judged extreme Further, when the
ratings were negative, consumers perceived the information to be more useful.
Therefore, administrators of food delivery apps should be aware that negative
reviews mean that consumers perceive the apps as more useful, and that, counter-
intuitively, negative reviews should not be removed. Further, when the identity of
the reviewer is revealed, it strongly influences the usefulness of online reviews
(Z. Liu & Park, 2015). This suggests the reviewer’s real name, rather than a
registered form of identification, such as a username, should be used in online

Second, information provided by restaurants had a positive effect on an app’s

perceived usefulness, making it imperative for food delivery apps to have a
framework providing precise information to consumers. As food that can be
ordered through the app were viewed is mostly popular food consumed daily
by Koreans, detailed descriptions of the food are often absent. When selecting
apps, however, consumers consider accuracy of information and the number
of registered restaurants (S.-K. Park, 2014). The restaurant generally provides
information on current delivery apps. Registered restaurant numbers of the three
most used mobile delivery apps in Korea are 200,000 (Baedaltong), 40,000
(Yogiyo), and 13,000–14,000 (Baedal Ui Minjok). It may, thus, be challenging
to differentiate between information given by each restaurant. However, because
our results show that information provided by the app has a direct effect on its
perceived usefulness, administrators of delivery apps should make multipronged
efforts to deliver accurate information.
Third, system quality also influenced perceived usefulness. Stability of
the program is vital because users make their payments online and are more
attentive to risk. As consumers must provide personal information there is a risk
of transactions being incomplete or inaccurate, which influences their purchase
decision (Kim, Ferrin, & Rao, 2008). Therefore, it is important that the app is
stable so that the consumer can make a safe payment. The factors that we used
to measure system quality contributed to the ease with which the consumer can
use the app. Our results show that system quality has a direct effect on perceived
ease of use. When a system can be used easily and without concern, consumers
perceive the app to be easier to use (Çelik & Yilmaz, 2011).
Fourth, design quality had a positive effect on perceived ease of use. Unlike
websites, mobile apps are accessed on a small screen, so there needs to be
minimal data in the server and data communication process. Factors such as
easily perceived font, composition, and color are required. When the app is
designed to be user friendly, users find it easier and more comfortable to use
(I.-F, Liu et al., 2010).
Finally, perceived ease of use, which was affected by these exogenous variables,
had a positive effect on perceived usefulness and attitude toward the use of
mobile apps. Perceived usefulness also had a positive effect on attitude toward
the use of mobile apps, and its influence was greater than that of perceived ease
of use. These results are comparable to previous findings (Ahn et al., 2004; Ha &
Stoel, 2009; Rese et al., 2014). When consumers use online shopping malls, their
main interest is usefulness (Ahn et al., 2004). These exogenous variables had a
similar effect as previously observed on configuration variables of the TAM. This
shows that our finding, which is focused on Korea’s food delivery apps, can be
applied to the TAM in other contexts.
Although our findings have important theoretical and practical implications,
there are several limitations to the study. First, although other factors may
influence use of the food delivery app, we used four determinants only. Given
that apps used in the food delivery market in Korea are getting larger, future
researchers need to consider other variables that may affect the key components
of the TAM. Second, we examined system quality in regard to how well the
app runs on mobile devices. As credit card companies once leaked personal
information of 75% of the economically active population in Korea (The
Kyunghyang Shinmun, 2014), personal information security is an important
issue. Therefore, future researchers of the importance of system quality need to
include personal information security. Finally, as the sample was limited to food
delivery app users in Korea, the results may not apply to international markets.
Future researchers are advised to examine different settings further afield to make
a useful contribution to the food service industry literature.


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