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Revised Zoning Ordinance

of the City of Valenzuela


ARTICLE I. TITLE OF THE ORDINANCE ................................................................. 1

Section 1. Title of the Ordinance: ......................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE II. AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE ............................................................... 1
Section 2. Authority: ............................................................................................................. 1
Section 3. Purposes: .............................................................................................................. 1
Section 4. General Principles: ............................................................................................... 2
ARTICLE III. DEFINITION OF TERMS ..................................................................... 2
ARTICLE IV. ZONE CLASSIFICATIONS ................................................................... 7
Section 5. Division into Zones: ............................................................................................. 7
Section 6. Exclusive and Mixed-Use Zoning: ....................................................................... 7
Section 7. Description of Zones: ........................................................................................... 7
Section 8. Zoning Map: ......................................................................................................... 9
Section 9. Zone Boundaries: ............................................................................................... 15
Section 10. Interpretation of the Zone Boundary: ................................................................. 15
ARTICLE V. GENERAL REGULATIONS ................................................................. 15
Section 11. Classification of Uses: ........................................................................................ 15
Section 12. Height Regulations: ............................................................................................ 16
Section 13. Area Regulations: ............................................................................................... 16
Section 14. Specific Provisions in the National Building Code: ........................................... 16
Section 15. Abutments: ......................................................................................................... 16
Section 16. Parking Layouts: ................................................................................................ 16
Section 17. Projects of National Significance: ...................................................................... 18
Section 18. Major and/or Innovative Projects: ...................................................................... 18
Section 19. Environmental Compliance Certificate: ............................................................. 18
Section 20. Residential and Industrial Subdivision Projects: ................................................ 18
Section 21. Planned Unit Development Projects: ................................................................. 19
Section 22. Easement: ........................................................................................................... 19
Section 23. Use Regulations in Water Bodies:...................................................................... 19
Section 24. Advertising, Billboards, and Business Signs: .................................................... 20
ARTICLE VI. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ......................................................... 20
Section 25. Application of Performance Standards: ............................................................. 20
Section 26. Buffer Strips: ...................................................................................................... 20
Section 27. Environmental Conservation and Protection Standards: .................................... 22
Section 28. Network of Green and Open Spaces: ................................................................. 23
Section 29. Historical Conservation and Preservation Standards: ........................................ 24
Section 30. Site Performance Standards: .............................................................................. 24
Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

Section 31. Infrastructure Capacities: ................................................................................... 27

Section 32. Socio-Economic Impact Assessment: ................................................................ 27
ARTICLE VII. SPECIFIC ZONE GUIDELINES ....................................................... 28
Section 33. General Provision: .............................................................................................. 28
Section 34. Allowable Uses: ................................................................................................. 28
Section 35. Residential – 2 (Basic) Zone Guidelines: ........................................................... 28
Section 36. Residential – 2 (Maximum) Zone Guidelines: ................................................... 29
Section 37. Residential-3 (Maximum) Zone Guidelines: ...................................................... 30
Section 38. Residential 5 Zone Guidelines: .......................................................................... 30
Section 39. Socialized Housing Zone Guidelines: ................................................................ 31
Section 40. Commercial -1 Zone Guidelines: ....................................................................... 31
Section 41. Commercial -2 Zone Guidelines: ....................................................................... 33
Section 42. Commercial -3 Zone Guidelines: ....................................................................... 34
Section 43. General Industrial Zone Guidelines: .................................................................. 35
Section 44. General Institutional Zone Guidelines: .............................................................. 41
Section 45. Cultural Zone Guidelines: .................................................................................. 42
Section 46. Parks and Recreation Zone Guidelines: ............................................................. 42
Section 47. Fishpond Zone Guidelines: ................................................................................ 43
Section 48. Utilities Zone Guidelines: .................................................................................. 43
Section 49. Cemetery Zone Guidelines ................................................................................. 43
Section 50. Waste Disposal Zone Guidelines: ...................................................................... 44
Section 51. Flood Overlay Zone Guidelines: ........................................................................ 44
Section 52. Liquefaction Overlay Zone Guidelines: ............................................................. 45
Section 53. Eco-tourism Overlay Zone Guidelines:.............................................................. 45
ARTICLE VIII. MITIGATING DEVICES .................................................................. 45
Section 54. Deviation: ........................................................................................................... 45
Section 55. Procedures for Granting Exceptions and Variances: .......................................... 46
ARTICLE IX. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT ................................... 47
Section 56. Approved Zoning Maps: .................................................................................... 47
Section 57. Locational Clearance: ......................................................................................... 47
Section 58. Waterways Clearance: ........................................................................................ 47
Section 59. Ground Preparation and Excavation, Fencing and Building Permits ................. 47
Section 60. Business Permit .................................................................................................. 47
Section 61. Occupancy Permit: ............................................................................................. 48
Section 62. Validity of Locational Clearance: ...................................................................... 48
Section 63. Real Estate Tax on idle Land: ............................................................................ 48
Section 64. Non-User of Locational Clearance: .................................................................... 48
Section 65. Issuance of Zoning Classification/ Certification: ............................................... 48

Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

Section 66. Notice of Non-Conformance: ............................................................................. 48

Section 67. Existing Non-Conforming Uses and Buildings: ................................................. 48
Section 68. Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement:......................................... 49
Section 69. Powers and Functions of the Zoning Administrator: ......................................... 49
Section 70. Action on Complaints and Oppositions: ............................................................ 49
Section 71. Functions and Responsibilities of the Local Zoning Board of Appeals: ............ 49
Section 72. Composition of the Local Zoning Board of Appeals: ........................................ 50
Section 73. Review of the Zoning Ordinance: ...................................................................... 50
Section 74. Composition of the Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC):........................ 50
Section 75. Functions of the Local Zoning Review Committee: .......................................... 50
Section 76. Amendments to the Revised ZO: ....................................................................... 51
Section 77. Violation and Penalty: ........................................................................................ 51
Section 78. Suppletory Application of Other Laws and Decrees: ......................................... 51
Section 79. Incorporation of Ordinance No. 148, Series of 2014: ........................................ 51
Section 80. Implementing Guidelines: .................................................................................. 51
Section 81. Non-Diminution of National Standards: ............................................................ 51
Section 82. Consistency between National and Local Plans, Programs and Projects: .......... 51
Section 83. Repealing Clause:............................................................................................... 52
Section 84. Separability Clause:............................................................................................ 52
Section 85. Effectivity Clause: .............................................................................................. 52

Map 1. Revised Zoning Map .......................................................................................................... 11
Map 2. Flood Overlay Zone ........................................................................................................... 12
Map 3. Liquefaction Overlay Zone ................................................................................................ 13
Map 4. Eco-Tourism Overlay Zone ............................................................................................... 14

Figure 1. Parking layout on lots with frontages of 10m or wider along road ROW widths of 30m
or more ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2. Parking layout on lots with frontages less than 10m along road ROW widths of 30m or
more ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 3. Parking layout on lots along road ROW widths of less than 30m .................................. 18
Figure 4. Buffer strip between different types of land uses ........................................................... 21
Figure 5. Location of Buffer Strips ................................................................................................ 21
Figure 6. Open-space Landscaped Buffer Strip ............................................................................. 22
Figure 7. Land Uses in Buffer Strips.............................................................................................. 22
Figure 8. Landscaped Parking Lots ................................................................................................ 25
Figure 9. On-Site Parking for Public Transportation ..................................................................... 25
Figure 10. Sample Image of Front Fence Design for all land uses except General Industrial ....... 26
Figure 11. Sample Image of Front Fence Design – General Industrial .......................................... 26
Figure 12. Six Units (max) per Housing Cluster or Row ............................................................... 27
Figure 13. Sample Image of a house on stilts ................................................................................ 44
Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

Republic of the Philippines

Metropolitan Manila


**Excerpts from the minutes of 100th Regular Session of the 7th City Council of Valenzuela held on
January 14, 2019 3:10 P.M. at the City Council Session Hall, 3rd Floor, Legislative Building, Valenzuela
City Hall, Karuhatan, Valenzuela City, Metro Manila.


Series of 2019


Authored by: Councilor Ramon L. Encarnacion, Councilor Antonio R. Espiritu, Councilor Rovin Andrew M. Feliciano,
Councilor Jennifer Pingree-Esplana, Councilor Marlon Paul D. Alejandrino, Councilor Ricardo Ricarr C. Enriquez,
Councilor Kimberly Ann D.V. Galang, Councilor Chrissha M. Pineda, Councilor Lailanie P. Nolasco, Councilor Kristian
Rome T. Sy, Councilor Joseph William D. Lee, and Councilor Chiqui Marie N. Carreon.

Be it ordained and enacted by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of VALENZUELA:

WHEREAS, on June 23, 2010 the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Valenzuela enacted Ordinance
No. 80, more commonly known as the Valenzuela City Zoning Ordinance, providing for the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the City;

WHEREAS, under the said Zoning Ordinance proposal for changes, amendments or modification
thereto may be made based on the review and recommendation made by the Local Zoning Review

WHEREAS, on November 21, 2013, the Local Zoning Review Committee was constituted and
organized by Executive Order No. 2013-196 issued by the Honorable City Mayor Rexlon T. Gatchalian;

WHEREAS, based on the recommendations of the Local Zoning Review Committee, the
Sangguniang Panlungsod of Valenzuela enacted Ordinance No. 164 Series of 2014, more commonly
known as the “Valenzuela City Zoning Ordinance Revisions, October 20, 2014;

WHEREAS, on October 20, 2014 the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Valenzuela enacted

Ordinance No. 164, more commonly known as “The VALENZUELA CITY Zoning Ordinance

WHEREAS, upon the recommendations of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board, the
City undertook a full review of its Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2009-2018 and has updated it fully
at the end of its term;

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Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

WHEREAS, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Valenzuela has adopted the City’s

Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2019-2028 and the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Valenzuela by
virtue of Ordinance No. 537 Series of 2019 entitled “AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE

WHEREAS, the City Government of Valenzuela, through its Sangguniang Panlungsod, is

empowered to regulate the use of land and/or its improvement and to enact measures prescribing
reasonable limitations and restraints on the use of prope0rty within its jurisdiction;

WHEREAS, the City Government of Valenzuela in the exercise of the powers expressly
granted, those necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental
for its efficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the promotion of the
general welfare as provided under its Charter (Republic Act No. 8526) and of the Local Government
Code (Republic Act No. 7160) hereby adopt the proposed changes recommended by the Local
Zoning Review Committee.

NOW THEREFORE, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Valenzuela in session duly

assembled do hereby adopts the following Revised Zoning Ordinance.


Section 1. Title of the Ordinance:

This Ordinance shall be known as the VALENZUELA CITY REVISED ZONING ORDINANCE
and shall hereinafter be referred to as the “Revised ZO”.


Section 2. Authority:

The Revised ZO is enacted pursuant to the provision of the Local Government Code of 1991, R.A.
7160 Section 458 (2 ix) authorizing the City through its Sangguniang Panlungsod to adopt a Zoning
Ordinance in consonance with the approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan and in conformity with
Executive Order No. 72.

Section 3. Purposes:

The Revised ZO is enacted for the following purposes:

1. Promote and protect the health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience and general welfare of the
inhabitants of the City;

2. Guide the growth and development of Valenzuela City in accordance with its Comprehensive
Land Use Plan;

3. Provide the proper regulatory environment to maximize opportunities for creativity, innovation
and make ample room for development within the framework of the City’s overall vision, goals
and objectives;

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Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

4. Enhance the character and stability of residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural,

institutional, open space and other functional areas within the City and promote the orderly and
beneficial development of the same; and

5. Guide the City Government and private sector in their development decisions.

Section 4. General Principles:

1. The Revised ZO reflects the City’s vision of “a modern and world class Valenzuela City in the
21st century”;

2. It recognizes that any land use is an exercise of a right but provides that the exercise of such
right shall be subject to the review standards of the City;

3. It will give the free market the maximum opportunity to spur the City’s development within the
framework of environmental integrity and social responsibility;

4. It has been designed to encourage high-quality developments rather than regulating against the
worst type of projects;

5. It has been crafted in a manner that is fully responsive to the ever-changing conditions that the
City continually faces;

6. It is a tool for an informed decision making on the part of the City Government and project
proponents by way of providing specific criteria to judge the acceptability of developments;

7. It will provide a direct venue for community empowerment where stakeholders become involved
especially in critical development decisions;

8. The regulations in the Revised ZO are considered as land use management tools that are
necessary to provide a clear guidance to land development in order to ensure the community’s
common good; and

9. The provisions contained herein shall be prospective such that these will be applicable to
applications submitted at the time of the effectivity of the Revised ZO.


The definition of the technical terms used in the Revised ZO shall carry the same meaning given to
them in already approved codes and regulations, such as but not limited to the National Building
Code, Water Code, Philippine Environmental Code and the Comprehensive Land Use Planning
Guidelines and Model Zoning Ordinance promulgated by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory
Board. The words, terms and phrases enumerated hereunder shall be understood to have the
corresponding meaning indicated as follows:

1. Actual Use - refers to the purpose for which the property is principally or predominantly
utilized by the person in possession of the property.

2. Aquaculture - refers to fishery operations involving all forms of raising and culturing fish and
other fishery species in fresh, brackish and marine water areas.

3. Base Zone - refers to the primary zoning classification of areas within the City which include
Residential – 2 (Basic), Residential – 2 (Maximum), Residential – 3 (Maximum), Residential 5,

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Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

Socialized Housing, Commercial -1, Commercial – 2, Commercial -3, General Industrial, General
Institutional, Cultural, Fishpond, Utilities, Cemetery, Parks and Recreation and Waste Disposal.

4. Buffer Strips - refers to landscaped open spaces intended to separate incompatible elements or
uses and to control pollution/nuisance.

5. Building Height Limit (BHL) - refers to the maximum height allowed for structures or
buildings expressed as number of floors or stories.

6. Certificate of Zoning Classification – refers to a document issued by the Zoning Administrator

citing the zoning classification of the land based on this Ordinance.

7. Commercial Uses – refers to uses that pertain to business, trade and service activities.

8. Compatible Uses - refers to uses or activities capable of existing together harmoniously e.g.
residential use and parks and playground.

9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan – refers to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Valenzuela
City for 2019 to 2028 as approved by Sangguniang Panlungsod Resolution No. ___.

11. Conforming Use - refers to a use that is in accordance with the zone regulations as provided
for in the Revised ZO.

12. DENR – refers to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

13. Dominant Use – refers to the principal use classification in mixed-use zones.

14. Easement - refers to open space imposed on any land use/activities sited along waterways, fault
lines, road-rights-of-way, cemeteries/memorial parks, utilities and the like.

15. Environmentally Constrained Areas – refer to areas prone to natural hazards, such as those
related to weather, hydrologic, and geologic disturbances. These hazards cover those that are
weather and water-related, earthquake-induced, volcanic and erosion-related.

16. Environmentally Critical Areas (ECA) - refer to those areas which are environmentally
sensitive and are listed in Proclamation 2146 dated 14 December 1981, as follows:

a. All areas declared by law as national parks, watershed reserves, wildlife preserves and
b. Areas set aside as aesthetic potential tourist spots.
c. Areas which constitute the habitat for any endangered or threatened species of indigenous
Philippine wildlife (flora and fauna).
d. Areas of unique historic, archaeological, or scientific interests.

e. Areas which are traditionally occupied by cultural communities or tribes.

f. Areas frequently visited and/or hard-hit by natural calamities (geologic hazards, floods,
typhoons, volcanic activity, etc.).
g. Areas classified as prime agricultural lands.
h. Recharge areas of aquifers.
i. Water bodies characterized by one or any combination of the following conditions:
• tapped for domestic purposes.
• within the controlled and/or protected areas declared by appropriate authorities.
• which support wildlife and fishery activities.

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of the City of Valenzuela

j. Mangrove areas characterized by one or any combination of the following conditions:

• with primary pristine and dense young growth.
• adjoining the mouth of major river systems.
• near or adjacent to traditional productive fry or fishing grounds.
• which act as natural buffers against shore erosion, strong winds and storm floods.
• on which people are dependent on their livelihood.

k. Coral reef characterized by one or any combination of the following conditions:

• with 50% and above live coralline cover.
• spawning and nursery grounds of fish.
• which acts as natural breakwater of coastlines.

Proponents of projects within ECAs are required to submit respective Initial Environmental
Examination to concerned DENR Regional Offices. They may later be required by the DENR
to submit an EIS, if necessary.

17. Environmentally Critical Projects (ECP) - refer to those projects which have high potential for
negative environmental impacts and are listed in Presidential Proclamation 2146 dated 14
December 1981, as follows:

a. Heavy industries:
• non-ferrous metal industries.
• iron and steel mills.
• petroleum and petro-chemical industries including oil and gas.
• smelting plants.

b. Resource extractive industries:

• major mining and quarrying projects.
• forestry projects such as logging, major wood processing, introduction of fauna (exotic
animals) in public/private forests, forest occupancy, extraction of mangroves and

c. Fishery projects:
• dikes for/and fishpond development projects.

d. Infrastructure projects:
• major dams.
• major power plants (fossil-fueled, nuclear-fueled, hydroelectric or geothermal).
• major roads and bridges.

e. Golf courses.

Proponents of ECPs are required to submit an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to the
Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the DENR.

18. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System – pursuant to PD 1586 of 1978, refers to the
entire process of organization, administration and procedure institutionalized for the purpose
of assessing the significance of the effects of physical developments on the quality of the
environment. Projects that fall within the purview of the EIS System include:

a. Environmentally Critical Projects;

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Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

b. Projects located in Environmentally Critical Areas;

19. Exception - refers to a type of Locational Clearance which grants a property owner relief from
certain provisions of the Revised ZO where because of the specific use would result in a
particular hardship upon the owner, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience or a desire to
make more money.

20. Exclusive Zone – refers to a type of zone that allows a singular set of compatibly-mixed land

21. Fish Pond - refers to a land-based facility enclosed with earthen or stone material to impound
water for growing fish.

22. Flood Overlay Zone (FLD-OZ) – refers to an area that has been identified as prone to flooding
and where specific regulations are provided in order to minimize its potential negative effect
to developments.

23. General Industrial Uses – refer to uses that pertain to light, medium and certain types of heavy

24. General Institutional Uses – refer to uses that pertain to the provision of government, social,
religious, educational, cultural, police / military and other services such as, but not limited to,
government offices, schools, hospitals / clinics, academic/research, convention centers and police

25. Heavy Industrial Uses - refer to industrial manufacturing/processing activities that are highly
pollutive/ non-hazardous, and highly pollutive/ hazardous.

26. Henequen – refers to a plant of the agave whose leaves yield a fiber also called henequen which
is suitable for rope and twine.

27. HLURB - refers to the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board.

28. LGC – refers to the Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160).

29. Light Industrial Uses – refer to industrial manufacturing/processing activities that are non-
pollutive/non-hazardous and non-pollutive/hazardous.

30. Liquefaction Overlay Zone (LQ-OZ) – refers to an area that has been identified as prone to
liquefaction and where specific regulations are provided in order to minimize its potential
negative effect to developments.

31. Locational Clearance - refers to a clearance issued to a project that is allowed under the
provisions of the Revised ZO as well as other standards, rules and regulations on land use. This
clearance is required prior to the issuance of a building permit.

32. Medium Industrial Uses - refer to industrial manufacturing/processing activities that are
pollutive/ non-hazardous and pollutive/ hazardous.

33. Mitigating Device - means to grant relief in complying with certain provisions of the Revised

34. Mixed–Use Zone – refers to a type of zone that provides for Dominant (principal) Uses and
Secondary (supportive) Uses.

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Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

35. n.e.c. – not elsewhere classified

36. NEDA – refers to the National Economic and Development Authority.

37. Non-Conforming Uses - refers to existing non-conforming uses/establishments in an area

allowed to operate in spite of the non-conformity to the provisions of the Revised ZO subject
to the conditions stipulated in the Locational Clearance.

38. Notice of Non-Conformance - refers to certificate issued to owners of all uses existing prior
to the approval of the Revised ZO which do not conform to the provisions herein provided.

39. Official Zoning Map - refers to a duly authenticated map delineating the different zones into
which the whole City is divided.

40. Overlay Zones (OZ) – refers to a transparent zone that is overlain on top of the Base Zone or
another Overlay Zone that provides an additional set (or layer) of regulations. These additional
layers of regulations may pertain to additionally allowable uses, building density and bulk and
building/ structure design that are deemed necessary to achieve the objectives for the Overlay

41. Parks and Recreation Uses – refers to uses that pertain to activities that provide
diversion/amusements as well as for the maintenance of the ecological balance of the

42. Planned Unit Development (PUD) – refers to a land development scheme wherein a project
site is comprehensively planned as an entity via a unitary site plan which permits flexibility in
planning/design, building siting, complementarity of building types and land uses, usable open
spaces, and the preservation of natural land features.

43. Residential Uses – refers to uses that pertain to dwelling/housing purposes and their customary
accessory facilities.

44. Rezoning – refers to a process of introducing amendments to or change in the text and maps
of the Zoning Ordinance. It also includes amendment or change in view of reclassification
under Section 20 of RA 7160.
45. Secondary Use – refers to land use types that support Dominant Uses in Mixed-Use Zones

46. Setback - refers to the open space left between the building and lot lines.

47. Sisal – refers to a plant of the agave family that yields a stiff fiber traditionally used in making
twine and rope.

48. Socialized Housing – as defined in the UDHA, this refers to housing programs and projects
covering houses and lots or homelots only undertaken by the government or the private sector
for the underprivileged and homeless citizens.

49. UDHA – refers to the Urban Development and Housing Act (RA 7279) of 1992.

50. Variance - refers to a type of Locational Clearance granting a property owner relief from
certain provisions of the Revised ZO where, because of the particular physical surrounding,
shape or topographical conditions of the property, compliance on height, area, setback, bulk

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of the City of Valenzuela

and/or density would result in a particular hardship upon the owner, as distinguished from a
mere inconvenience or a desire to make more money.

51. Warehouse – refers to a storage and/or depository of those in business of performing

warehouse services for others, for profit.

52. Zone - refers to an area within the City, as defined by manmade or natural boundaries, where
specific land use regulations are applied.

53. Zone Boundaries – refers to the boundary of one zone to another zone.

54. Zoning Administrator – a City government employee responsible for the

implementation/enforcement of the Revised ZO.


Section 5. Division into Zones:

The City of Valenzuela is hereby divided into the following zones, namely, Residential - 2 (Basic),
Residential - 2 (Maximum), Residential - 3 (Maximum), Residential - 4, Socialized Housing,
Commercial -1, Commercial - 2, Commercial - 3, General Industrial, General Institutional, Cultural,
Parks and Recreation, Fish pond, Utilities, Cemetery, and Waste Disposal.

The above divisions are for the following purposes:

1. Implementation of the Valenzuela Comprehensive Land Use Plan;

2. Defining the specific areas of the City of Valenzuela, each requiring different standards of
development to meet different circumstances present within the zone; and
3. To serve the purposes and intent of the Revised ZO.

Section 6. Exclusive and Mixed-Use Zoning:

The provisions contained herein anticipate the likelihood and desirability of mixed land uses. Unlike
conventional zoning, which segregate various land uses, the Revised ZO allows selectively-mixed
uses and place emphasis on minimizing or buffering any nuisance factors between uses. Further
provisions impose criteria to resolve any possible problems and eliminate what might be negative
impacts when unlike uses are located in proximity. Zones are distinguished according to allowable
uses and building height limits, which are discussed in detail in succeeding articles.

Exclusive Zones are characterized by compatibly-mixed land uses, such as residential and
neighborhood commercial. Mixed-Use Zones, on the other hand, are characterized by a divergence
of allowable uses such as residential and industrial brought about by existing developments.
Allowable uses within Mixed-Use Zones are classified into Dominant and Secondary Uses.
Dominant Uses distinguish each zone’s character while Secondary Uses provide support functions
to the former. Dominant Uses shall, in no case, be less than 60 percent of the land area covered by
each zone.

Section 7. Description of Zones:

The intent and purpose of each zone is described below.

1. Residential – 2 (Basic) Zone:

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of the City of Valenzuela

This is a Mixed-Use Zone intended for medium density residential developments. The Dominant
Use shall comprise single-attached, duplex or multi-family residential buildings. Secondary Uses
that may be allowed are those that provide basic support to residences to include home occupation
as well as neighborhood scale retail, service, recreational and institutional activities.

2. Residential – 2 (Maximum) Zone:

This is a Mixed-Use Zone that is likewise intended for medium density residential developments
but at a higher intensity than the Residential – 2 (Basic) Zone.

3. Residential – 3 (Maximum) Zone:

This is a Mixed-Use Zone intended for high intensity residential developments. The Dominant Use
shall be low to medium rise buildings for use as multi-family dwellings with mixed housing types.

4. Residential 5 Zone:

This is a Mixed-Use Zone intended for very high intensity residential developments. The Dominant
Use shall be medium to high rise condominium buildings for use as multi-family dwellings.

5. Socialized Housing Zone:

This is an Exclusive Zone intended for socialized housing as defined in RA 7279.

6. Commercial – 1 Zone:

This is a Mixed-Use Zone intended for commercial activities. Otherwise referred to as the central
business district, allowable within the zone are trade, service and business activities. This zone shall
be characterized mainly by low-rise buildings/ structures for low intensity commercial, trade and
business activities.

7. Commercial – 2 Zone:

This is a Mixed Use intended for quasi-trade, business activities and service industries performing
complementary/ supplementary functions to the Commercial – 1 Zone. This zone shall be
characterized mainly by medium rise buildings/ structures for medium to high intensity commercial,
trade and business activities.

8. Commercial – 3 Zone:

This is a Mixed Use intended for metropolitan level of commercial use/ occupancy. The zone shall
be characterized mainly by medium to high-rise buildings/ structures for high to very high intensity
commercial, trade and business activities.

9. General Industrial Zone:

This is a Mixed-Use Zone intended for industrial developments. The Dominant Use for this zone is
industrial to include light, medium and certain types of heavy industries. The zone shall be
characterized mainly by low-rise but sprawling buildings/ structures for low intensity warehousing,
manufacturing or production activities.

10. General Institutional Zone:

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of the City of Valenzuela

This is an Exclusive Zone intended for community to national level of institutional use or
occupancy. This zone shall be characterized by low- to medium-rise buildings/ structures for,
medical, government, educational, places of worship, military, police and similar activities.
11. Cultural Zone:

This is an Exclusive Zone intended to promote and preserve the City’s cultural and historical
heritage. Developments in the zone shall enhance the City’s cultural and historical sites.

12. Parks and Recreation Zone:

This is an Exclusive Zone intended for parks and recreational use and are specifically designated
for diversion/ amusements and for the maintenance of ecological balance of the community.

13. Fishpond Zone:

This is an Exclusive Zone intended for the development and enhancement of fisheries and aquatic
resources production, water-based recreation as well as eco-tourism. Only light, well-spaced, and
environment-friendly buildings/structures may be allowed within the zone.

14. Utilities Zone:

This is an Exclusive Zone intended for a range of utilitarian/ functional uses or occupancies
characterized mainly as a low- to medium-rise buildings/ structures for low to high intensity
community support functions, e.g. terminals, inter-modals, multi-modals and stations.

15. Cemetery Zone:

This is an Exclusive Zone intended for the interment of human remains.

16. Waste Disposal Zone:

This is an Exclusive Zone intended to accommodate and house the City’s Materials Recovery and
Composting Facility.

17. Flood Overlay Zone:

This is an Overlay Zone covering areas that have been classified and determined as flood-prone.

18. Liquefaction Overlay Zone:

This is an Overlay Zone covering areas that have been identified and determined as prone to

19. Eco-Tourism Overlay Zone:

This is an Overlay Zone covering areas established by law and/or Ordinance to be an area of
ecological interest to support conservation efforts and sustainable tourism within a natural and
cultural heritage areas.

Section 8. Zoning Map:

It is hereby adopted as an integral part of the Revised ZO, the Official Revised Zoning Map of the
City, duly signed by the Mayor. The designation, location and boundaries of the Base Zones herein
established are shown and indicated in the said Official Revised Zoning Map (Map 1). The

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designation, location and boundaries of the Flood Overlay Zone are defined and indicated in Map
2, Liquefaction Overlay Zone in Map 3, and Eco-Tourism Overlay Zone in Map 4.

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Map 1. Revised Zoning Map

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Map 2. Flood Overlay Zone

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Map 3. Liquefaction Overlay Zone

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Map 4. Eco-Tourism Overlay Zone

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Section 9. Zone Boundaries:

The locations and boundaries of the above-mentioned zones into which the City has been
subdivided are presented in the attached Revised Zoning Map and in the maps of Overlay Zones.

The zone boundaries for Commercial 2 is reckoned to be one lot deep along M.H. del Pilar St., T.
Santiago to Sapang Bakaw-Kabesang Porong-Ibaba-Bignay-Gitna-Hulo Road (Lawang Bato-
Punturin Road), Maysan Road, Bagbaguin Road, Gen. T. de Leon Road Sulok Road, La Mesa Road,
Pio Valenzuela Street, and G. Lazaro Street Dalandanan

The zone boundaries for Commercial 3 are reckoned to be:

• One lot deep along McArthur Highway from Marulas until the junction of Gen. T. De Leon Road;

• One lot deep along McArthur Highway from railroad crossing in Malinta and junction of
Malinta-Maysan Road to Malanday; and

• One lot deep along Mindanao Avenue Extension.

Section 10. Interpretation of the Zone Boundary:

In the interpretation of the boundaries for any of the zones indicated on the Revised Zoning Maps,
the following rules shall apply:

1. Where zone boundaries are so indicated as one-lot deep from a certain road, these shall be
interpreted as the boundary lines of lots along the roads which are farthest from the road right-
of-way line. Moreover, one-lot deep shall be interpreted as the configuration of the lot at the
time of the passage of this Revised ZO.

2. Where zone boundaries are so indicated to follow the boundary lines of lots, these shall be
interpreted as following the alignment of such boundary lines.

3. Where the boundary of a zone follows a river or other bodies of water, said boundary line should be
deemed to be along the easement line as provided in the Water Code of the Philippines.

4. In cases where a zone boundary line divides a lot, the lot shall be construed to be within the zone
where its major portion is located. In case the boundary line bisects the lot equally, it shall fall
in the zone where the principal structure falls.


Section 11. Classification of Uses:

Development proposals shall be classified according to the following uses/ activities:

• Residential – 2 (Basic) • General Industrial

• Residential – 2 (Maximum) • General Institutional
• Residential – 3 (Maximum) • Cultural
• Residential 5 • Parks and Recreation
• Socialized Housing • Fishpond
• Commercial -1 • Utilities
• Commercial – 2 • Cemetery
• Commercial -3 • Waste Disposal

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Section 12. Height Regulations:

Notwithstanding the Building Height provisions of this ordinance, the building code and other
relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, building heights should also conform to the height
restrictions and requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP).
Section 13. Area Regulations:

Area regulations in all zones shall conform to the applicable minimum requirements of existing
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, such as:

1. PD 957, “Subdivision and Condominium Buyers’ Protective Law” and its revised
implementing rules and regulations;

2. Batas Pambansa 220, “Promulgation of Different Levels of Standards and Technical

Requirements for Economic and Socialized Housing Projects” and its revised implementing
rules and regulations;

3. RA 7279 - Urban Development and Housing Act;

4. PD 1096 - National Building Code;

5. RA 9514 - Fire Code;

6. PD 856 - Sanitation Code;

7. NSCP 2015 - National Structural Code of the Philippines;

8. Batas Pambansa 344 – Accessibility Law;

9. Rules and Regulations – HLURB Locational Guidelines and Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Guidebook 2013-2014; and

10. Other relevant guidelines promulgated by the national agencies concerned.

Section 14. Specific Provisions in the National Building Code:

Specific provisions provided under the National Building Code (P.D. 1096), as amended, relevant
to traffic generators, advertising and business signs, construction of more than one principal
structure, dwelling on rear lots, building setback requirements and dwelling groups, parking, ramps,
yard, easement, setback, height limit and other relevant provisions.

Section 15. Abutments:

Except as otherwise provided in the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Building
Code, the abutment of buildings on property lines fronting streets shall not be allowed.

Accessory uses such as guard houses and houses for pets may be allowed to abut property lines
fronting streets provided that these do not occupy aggregate lengths greater than one-third of the
length of the subject property line fronting the street.

Section 16. Parking Layouts:

Under no circumstances shall vehicular parking be made to occupy road right-of-way. Moreover,
the following provisions shall govern the design of parking areas

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 Lots along roads with right of way widths equal to or greater than 30 meters

• Lots having frontages of 10 meters and above.

Parking spaces shall be provided with distinct entry and exit points, i.e. through driveways.
Parking layouts that cause the backing of vehicles onto these roads shall not be allowed.

Figure 1. Parking layout on lots with frontages of 10m or

wider along road ROW widths of 30m or more

• Lots having frontages less than 10 meters

Parking spaces may be laid out along the building frontage within the property line. To the extent
possible, however, the layout of parking spaces shall not cause vehicles to directly back onto

Figure 2. Parking layout on lots with frontages less than

10m along road ROW widths of 30m or more

2. Lots along roads with right of way width of twenty-nine (29) meters and below.

Parking spaces may be laid out along the building frontage within the property line. To the extent
possible, however, the layout of parking spaces shall not cause vehicles to directly back onto roads.

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Figure 3. Parking layout on lots along road ROW widths of less than 30m

Section 17. Projects of National Significance:

Based on established national standards and priorities, the HLURB shall, in consultation with the
Zoning Administrator, continue to issue locational clearances for projects considered to be of vital
and national or regional economic or environmental significance. Unless otherwise declared by the
NEDA Board, all projects shall be presumed to be locally-significant.

Section 18. Major and/or Innovative Projects:

The Zoning Administrator or the Local Zoning Board of Appeals (LZBA), as the case may be, may
seek the assistance of the HLURB or external consultants in the evaluation of proposed Major
and/or Innovative Projects such as oil depots, shopping malls, special economic zones, tourism
enterprise zones, and the like.

Section 19. Environmental Compliance Certificate:

For proposals covered by the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System, the Zoning
Administrator or the Local Zoning Board of Appeals (LZBA) may issue a provisional Locational
Clearance (LC) subject to the applicant securing an ECC from the DENR.

Section 20. Residential and Industrial Subdivision Projects:

Proposed residential subdivision projects shall be required, in addition to securing a Locational

Clearance (LC) shall secure a Development Permit pursuant to the provisions of PD 957 and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations and/or BP 220 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations
in the case of Socialized Housing Projects in accordance with the procedures laid down in EO 71,
Series of 1993.

Proposed industrial subdivision projects shall also be required to secure a Locational Clearance
(LC), as well as Development Permit from the City Council. The design of industrial subdivisions
shall, unless provided in this Revised ZO, conform to the latest design standards and guidelines of
HLURB regarding the same.

Further, proposed residential and industrial subdivision projects shall prepare their respective Deed
of Restrictions that shall include, among others, regulations pertaining to allowable uses within their
project sites. The list of allowable uses in the said subdivision must be in accordance with the
allowable uses in the zone to which it belongs.

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Individually built structures within residential or industrial subdivisions with valid Locational
Clearances, shall be required to secure their respective Locational Clearances from the Zoning
Administrator or Local Zoning Board of Appeals, as the case. In such case, compliance with the
provisions of the Deed of Restrictions shall form part of the requirements for the clearance of a
Locational Clearance.

Existing residential and industrial subdivisions, if without a Deed Restrictions with a list of
allowable uses, shall prepare and submit the same within six months from the passage of this
Revised ZO for the approval of the Zoning Administrator.

Moreover, residential subdivisions including socialized housing and industrial subdivisions shall be
required to provide completely asphalted/ concreted roads, as well as drainage, power, potable
water, firefighting and other utilities.

Section 21. Planned Unit Development Projects:

Proposed Planned Unit Developments (PUD) projects shall be accompanied by Comprehensive

Development Master Plans (CDMPs) showing, at the minimum, proposed land uses, building
density and bulk, road network layout, road and sidewalk section details, and master layouts of all
utilities such as those for potable water, storm drainage, sewerage, power supply,
telecommunication and solid waste management.

CDMPs shall prepare and submit a Deed Restrictions for approval of the Zoning Administrator
and/or Local Zoning Board and Appeals, as the case may be, proof of compliance of the PUD shall
form part of the requirements for Locational Clearance.

Section 22. Easement:

The following easements shall be observed:

1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Water Code, the following easements of public use in the
interest of recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing and salvage shall be observed throughout the
entire lengths of the banks of rivers and streams and the shores of seas and lakes, as applicable:
three (3) meters in urban areas, twenty (20) meters in agricultural areas and forty (40) meters in
forest areas.

The distance for all easement for public use prescribed for the banks of rivers and the shores of
seas and lakes shall be reckoned from the line reached by the highest flood which does not cause
inundation or the highest equinoctial tide whichever is higher.”

No person shall be allowed to stay in this zone longer than what is necessary for space or
recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing or salvage or to build structures of any kind.

2. Mandatory five (5) meter easement on both sides of earthquake fault traces on the ground
identified by PHIVOLCS.

3. As required by the City Government for road widening, road construction program and other

Section 23. Use Regulations in Water Bodies:

The utilization of Municipal Waters shall be in accordance with the provision of the Fisheries Code,
Water Code and related laws, rules and regulations.

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Section 24. Advertising, Billboards, and Business Signs:

No advertising, billboards or business signs whether on or off premises of an establishment shall be

displayed or put up for public view without a locational clearance from the Zoning Administrator.
Locational clearance for such signs or billboards may be granted only when the same is appropriate
for the permitted use for a zone and the size thereof is not excessive, taking into account the bulk
or size of the building or structure and the business practices or usages of the locality and the same
shall in no case obstruct the view of any scenic spot.

Obnoxious signs that would constitute nuisance to adjoining property owners, distract motorists or
constitute as hazards to public safety shall not be allowed in any area. No sign should project to
public property unless expressly allowed by the Zoning Administrator. The display of temporary
signs and billboards whose duration shall not exceed more than two (2) months may be allowed by
the Zoning Administrator upon payment of corresponding fees to the City. The permit for such sign
shall indicate the location, size, slope, contents and type of construction.

It shall be unlawful to maintain an obsolete sign by reason of discontinuance of business, service or

activity for more than 60 days there from.


Section 25. Application of Performance Standards:

The following performance standards are intended to ensure land use and neighborhood
compatibility. All developments shall exhibit compliance to these standards which shall form part
of the requirements for Locational Clearance. These standards are by no means exhaustive or all
inclusive. The LZBA may require other standards, when deemed necessary, to ensure land use and
neighborhood compatibility.

Section 26. Buffer Strips:

Buffer strips shall be required between two adjacent and different types of land uses. Aside from
providing light and ventilation, buffer strips can mitigate adverse impacts and nuisances between
such adjacent developments. Buffer strips shall be required to be extended and/or provided with
planting materials as well as additional screening in order to ameliorate said negative conditions
such as, but not limited to, noise, odor, unsightly buildings or danger from fires and explosions.
Building setbacks or yards shall be considered as part of buffer strips.

1. Buffer Strips Between Adjoining Properties. Between two different developments, e.g. General
Industrial and Maximum Residential -2, the more intense land use shall provide the proper buffer
design and materials. The hierarchy of land use intensities, from most to least intensive, is
provided below:

High intensive land uses

• Waste Disposal These shall provide three (3) meter wide buffer strips
• General Industrial (for between land use such as for example Waste
individual construction that Disposal and General Industrial.
is not part of an industrial
subdivision) Each of these types of development shall provide
• Utilities three (3) meter wide buffer strips if adjacent to
• Cemetery developments of low land use intensities provided
Low intensive land uses

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• Commercial – 3 The high intensive land user shall provide a three (3)
• Commercial – 2 meter wide buffer strip if adjacent to a low intensive
• Commercial – 1 land use, such as for example Commercial-3 shall
• Residential – 5 provide a three (3) meter wide buffer strip if beside
• Maximum Residential – 3 Commercial-2, and Commercial-2 shall provide a
• Cultural three (3) meter wide buffer strip if beside Commercial-
• General Institutional 1.
• Fishpond
• Parks and Recreation
• Socialized Housing
• Maximum Residential – 2
• Basic Residential – 2

Figure 4. Buffer strip between different types of land uses

2. Location of Buffer Strips - The building setbacks or yards shall serve as buffer locations, at the
outer perimeter of a lot or parcel. In no case shall the buffer strip shall occupy a public street

Figure 5. Location of Buffer Strips

3. Buffer Strips for Industrial Subdivisions. Buffer strips for industrial subdivisions shall be ten
(10) meters wide in accordance with the HLURB’s design standards and guidelines for the same.

4. Types of Buffer Strips - Open space, landscaped buffers with suitable foliage are required.

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Figure 6. Open-space Landscaped Buffer Strip

5. Land Uses in Buffer Strips - Buffer strips are part of yards and open spaces and in no case shall
buildings encroach upon it. It may, however, be used for passive recreation such as gardening,
pedestrian trails, and the like.

Figure 7. Land Uses in Buffer Strips

Section 27. Environmental Conservation and Protection Standards:

It is the intent of the Revised ZO to protect the natural resources of the City. In order to achieve this
objective, all developments shall comply with the following regulations:

1. Views shall be preserved for public enjoyment especially in sites with high scenic quality by
closely considering building orientation, height, bulk, fencing and landscaping.

2. The installation of deep wells shall not be allowed. All potable water requirements shall be
sourced from the water concessionaire.

Heavy-water using facilities such as golf courses, inland water-based resorts, shopping malls,
soft drink bottling plants and the like are required to submit a Water Management Plan that
ensures that their neighboring areas are not adversely affected by the rate and volume of their
requirements from the water concessionaire. Further, the Water Management Plan shall

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provide for the sustainable use of water such as controlled discharge to prevent undue flooding
in nearby properties, re-use of water, and other environment-friendly technologies.

3. Land use activities shall not cause the alteration of natural drainage patterns or change the
velocities, volumes, and physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of storm water.
Streams, watercourses, wetlands, lakes or ponds shall not be altered, re-graded, developed,
piped, diverted or built upon.

4. All developments shall limit the rate of storm water runoff so that the rate of runoff generated
is no more than that of the site in its natural condition.

5. All developments shall undertake the protection of rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, creeks and all
waterway from sedimentation and erosion damage.

6. The internal drainage systems of developments shall be so designed as not to increase turbidity,
sediment yield, or cause the discharge of any harmful substances that will degrade the quality
of water. Water quality shall be maintained according to the standards of the DENR.

7. Municipal and industrial wastewater effluents shall not discharge into surface and groundwater
unless it is scientifically proven that such discharges will not cause the deterioration of the
water quality. Effluents shall be maintained according to the standards of the DENR.

8. Floodplains shall not be altered, filled and/or built upon without proper drainage design and
without proper consideration of possible inundation effects on nearby properties.

9. All developments, particularly those in sloping areas, shall undertake adequate and
appropriate slope and erosion protection as well as soil conservation measures.

10. Facilities and operations that cause the emission of dust, dirt, fly ash, smoke, gas or any other
air polluting material that may have deleterious effects on health or cause the impairment of
visibility are not permitted. Such facilities should have appropriate pollution control devices.
Air quality at the point of emission shall be maintained at specified levels according to the
standards of the DENR.

11. Appropriate stabilization measures shall be provided for buildings/ structures that are in or
near areas prone to soil subsidence.

Section 28. Network of Green and Open Spaces:

All residential, commercial, industrial and mixed-use subdivisions, having total contiguous land
areas of five hectares or less are respectively required to provide tree-planted strips along its internal
roads as well as storm water retention ponds.

For residential subdivisions, the spacing of trees shall be in accordance with the provisions of BP
220 or PD 957 as applicable. For other types of subdivision developments, the spacing shall not be
more than 5 meters per tree. The planting of trees shall follow the provisions of HLURB
Memorandum Circular No. 29 Series of 2005.

Similar developments with total contiguous land areas greater than five hectares are required to
provide, in addition to the above, landscaped tree parks with areas not less than ten percent of the
total land area of the property, for the use of the occupants and/or the general public. These tree
parks may be made part of the open space requirements mandated by PD 957, BP 220 and related

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These open spaces, along with parks, playgrounds, roads, alleys and sidewalks shall be classified
as non-alienable and non-buildable public lands. Upon completion of the project, these open spaces
shall be donated by the owner or developer to the city government or to a duly organized
Homeowner’s Association with the prior written consent of the city government. No portion of
these donated open spaces may thereafter be converted to any other purpose or purposes.

Roof decks of all buildings shall be landscaped, as applicable.

Section 29. Historical Conservation and Preservation Standards:

Historic sites and facilities shall be conserved and preserved. These shall, to the extent possible, be
made accessible for the educational and cultural enrichment of the general public.

The following shall guide the development of historic sites and facilities:

1. Sites with historic buildings or places shall be developed to conserve and enhance their heritage

2. Historic sites and facilities may be adaptively re-used.

Section 30. Site Performance Standards:

The City considers it in the public interest that all projects are designed and developed in a safe,
efficient and aesthetically pleasing manner. Site development shall consider the environmental
character and limitations of the site and its adjacent properties. All project elements shall be in
complete harmony according to good design principles and the subsequent development must be
visually pleasing as well as efficiently functioning especially in relation to the adjacent properties
and bordering streets.

The quality of every neighborhood shall always be enhanced. The design, construction, operation
and maintenance of every facility shall be in harmony with the existing and intended character of
its neighborhood. It shall not change the essential character of the said area but will be a substantial
improvement to the value of the properties in the neighborhood in particular and the community in

Further, designs should consider the following:

1. Sites, buildings and facilities shall be designed and developed with regard to safety, efficiency
and high standards of design. The natural environmental character of the site and its adjacent
properties shall be considered in the development of each building and facility.

2. The height and bulk of buildings and structures shall be so designed that it does not impair the
entry of light and ventilation, cause the loss of privacy and/or create nuisances, hazards or
inconveniences to adjacent developments.

3. The capacity of parking areas/lots shall be per the minimum requirements of the National
Building Code. These shall in no case encroach into street rights-of-way. Parking areas and/or
lots that are fronting streets and visible to the public shall be landscaped.

Parking areas shall be developed and landscaped in order to enhance the aesthetic quality of the

For open parking lots having at least twenty (20) car parking slots, the minimum height of trees
at the time of securing an Occupancy Permit shall be 1.80 meters from the base to the crown. At

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least 50% of the parking lot shall be paved with permeable or semi-permeable materials such as
grass, gravel, grass pavers, and the like.

In no case shall parking areas/lots encroach into street rights-of-way.

Figure 8. Landscaped Parking Lots

4. Developments that have lot areas of two hectares or more and/or which attract a significant
volume of public modes of transportation, such as tricycles, PUJs, buses, etc., shall provide on-
site parking for the same. These should also provide vehicular loading and unloading bays so as
through street traffic flow will not be impeded.

Figure 9. On-Site Parking for Public Transportation

5. Buffers, silencers, mufflers, enclosures and other noise-absorbing materials shall be provided to
all noise and vibration-producing machinery. Noise levels shall be maintained according to the
standards of DENR.
6. Glare and heat from any operation or activity shall not be radiated, seen or felt from any point
beyond the limits of the property.
7. For all land uses except General Industrial, fencing along roads shall be see-through and have a
maximum height of 1.80 meters from the finish grade line inside the property line and
immediately beside the fence. The base of such fences shall be made of concrete, hollow blocks,
rock or any opaque material and shall have a height of no greater than 1.00 meter from the finish
sidewalk elevation along the property line. Side and rear fencing between adjacent lots (not
facing a road) shall have a maximum height of 1.80 meters and may be of opaque material.

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Figure 10. Sample Image of Front Fence Design for all land uses except General Industrial

8. For General Industrial Uses, fencing along roads shall be see-through and have a maximum
height of 4.00 meters from the finish sidewalk elevation along the property line. The base of
such fences shall be made of concrete, hollow blocks, rock or any opaque material and shall
have a height of no greater than 1.00 meter from the finish sidewalk elevation along the property
line. Side and rear fencing between adjacent lots (not facing a road) shall also have a maximum
height of 4.00 meters and may be of opaque material.

Figure 11. Sample Image of Front Fence Design – General Industrial

9. Commercial establishments along McArthur Highway and Maysan/Paso de Blas shall not be

10. Except for developments covered by BP 220, row housing units (apartments, townhouses or
the like) may be allowed provided that these shall not exceed six units per cluster or row.

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Figure 12. Six Units (max) per Housing Cluster or Row

10. Basement and upper level parking are encouraged. Parking buildings may also be built
provided that these are designed to appear as regular buildings.

11. Gates of industrial developments that are used for the entrance/ exit of trucks shall be setback
by at least three meters from the edge of the road right-of-way line bordering such

Section 31. Infrastructure Capacities:

All developments shall not cause excessive requirements at public cost for public facilities and
services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. All developments
shall exhibit that their requirements for public infrastructure (such as roads, water supply and the
like) are within the capacities of the system/s serving them.

The Zoning Administrator shall require the following:

1. Drainage Impact Statement:

All development proposals in flood prone areas and all major proposals likely to affect the existing
drainage regime, including commercial-residential buildings, shopping centers, office areas and
business parks, residential subdivisions, schools, universities, and industrial subdivisions, shall be
required to submit Drainage Impact Statements.

2. Traffic Impact Statement:

Major and high intensive facilities such as commercial-residential buildings having four floors and
above, shopping centers, office areas and business parks, residential subdivisions, schools,
universities, industrial estates and buildings, warehouses, and/or other similar developments that
are required to provide 20 or more vehicular parking slots by the National Building Code, shall be
required to submit Traffic Impact Statements. Other traffic generating developments, as determined
by the Zoning Administrator, shall be required to submit the same.

Section 32. Socio-Economic Impact Assessment:

Major facilities such as industrial estates, industrial establishments, shopping centers and/or similar
facilities that require 50 or more employees during operations shall be required to submit Socio-
Economic Impact Assessments which shall form part of the requirements for Locational Clearance.

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Proponents shall establish that their developments will cause direct socio-economic benefits to the
City such that they prioritize the hiring of qualified residents of the City, provide relevant employee
housing facilities/assistance and/or prioritize the sourcing of materials and supplies from the City.


Section 33. General Provision:

Application of the Specific Zone Guidelines shall be made with specific reference to the General
Regulations (Article V), Performance Standards (Article VI) and the Official Zoning Map as set
out in this Revised ZO and as may be subsequently amended.

Applications that are not within the list of the allowable uses within the zone in consideration, or
those that are seeking relief from any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be treated as
Deviations. These shall be processed according to the provision of Article VIII, Mitigating Devices.

Section 34. Allowable Uses:

The uses enumerated in the succeeding sections are not exhaustive nor all inclusive. The Local
Zoning Board of Appeals may allow other uses subject to the requirements of the Mitigating
Devices provision of this Revised ZO.

Section 35. Residential – 2 (Basic) Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Dominant Uses

• Detached family dwelling;

• Semi-detached family dwelling (duplex);
• Apartment;
• Townhouse/row house;
• Home occupation for the practice of one’s profession or for engaging home business such as
barber and beauty shops, tailoring and dress shops, retail drug stores and the like provided that:
- The number of persons engaged in such business/industry shall not exceed five, inclusive of
- There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the building premises.
- No home occupation shall be conducted in any customary accessory uses cited below.
- No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volume than would
normally be expected in a residential neighborhood and any need for parking generated by
the conduct of such home occupation shall be met off the street and in a place other than the
required front yard.
- No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation which creates noise,
vibration, glare, fumes, odors and electrical interference detectable to the normal senses and
visual or audible interference in any radio or television receiver or causes fluctuations in line
voltage off the premises.

• Home Industry classified as cottage industry provided that:

- Such home industry shall not occupy more than thirty percent of the floor area of the dwelling
unit. There shall be no change or alteration in the outside appearance of the dwelling unit and
shall not be a hazard or nuisance.
- Allotted capitalization shall not exceed the capitalization as set by the Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI).
- Such shall consider the provisions pertaining to customary accessory uses, traffic and
equipment as enumerated under Home Occupation of this section.

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• Residential subdivisions approved per P.D. 957 standards

Allowable Secondary Uses

• Boarding houses;
• Dormitories;
• Museums;
• Libraries;
• Neighborhood convenience stores;
• Religious Use;
• Multi-purpose/ barangay hall;
• Indoor recreation center;
• Clinic, nursing and convalescing home, health center;
• Plant nursery;
• Party needs and accessories (leasing of tables and chairs, etc.).
• Steam/ dry cleaning outlets;
• Ballet, dance and voice studios provided that the classes or instructions are held in
soundproofed and air-conditioned buildings;
• Processing, refilling and retailing of bottled drinking water;
• Parks and recreation uses such as parks/ gardens, open-air or outdoor sports activities and
support facilities including low-rise stadia, gyms, amphitheaters and swimming pools;
• Pre-school;
• Nursery/elementary school;
• High school;
• Vocational school;
• Tutorial services;
• Sports club;
• Recreational facilities for the exclusive use of the members of the family residing within the
premises, such as:
- Swimming Pool;
- Tennis court;
- Basketball court;
- Others.
• Customary accessory uses like:
- Servants quarter;
- Private quarter;
- Guard house;
- Laundries;
- Non-commercial garage;
- Houses for pets such as dogs, birds, rabbits, and the like;
- Pump houses;
- Generator houses.

Building Height Limit

Three (3) storeys or ten (ten) meters.

Section 36. Residential – 2 (Maximum) Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Dominant Uses

• Apartments;

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• Townhouse/row houses;
• Boarding houses;
• Dormitory;
• Apartment hotels/ hometels;
• Motels;
• Pension houses;
• Convents and monasteries;
• Military or police barracks/ dormitories;
• Sanitaria, nursery or convalescent homes;
• Branch library and museum;
• Elementary school;
• High School;
• Vocational School;
• Internet shops/ cafes;

Allowable Secondary Uses

• All Dominant and Secondary Uses allowable in R – 2 (Basic) Zone

• Existing General Industrial Uses (as defined in this ordinance)

Building Height Limit

Five (5) storeys or Fifteen (15) meters.

Section 37. Residential-3 (Maximum) Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Dominant Uses

• Residential condominium
• Residential-Commercial condominium (at least 60% of leasable or saleable floor area allotted
for residential purposes)

Allowable Secondary Uses

• Pension houses;
• Hotel apartments or apartels;
• Hotels;
• Parking buildings (aboveground/underground);
• All Dominant and Secondary Uses allowable in R-1 (Basic) Zone and R–2 (Maximum) Zone
except General Industrial.

Building Height Limit

Twelve (12) storeys or Thirty-six (36) meters.

Section 38. Residential 5 Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Dominant Uses

• All Dominant Uses allowable in R – 3 (Maximum) Zone.

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Allowable Secondary Uses

• All Secondary Uses allowable in R – 3 (Maximum).

Building Height Limit

Eighteen (18) storeys or Fifty-Four (54) meters.

Section 39. Socialized Housing Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Exclusive Uses

• All uses allowable in accordance with BP 220.

Building Height Limit

Four (4) storeys or Twelve (12) meters.

Section 40. Commercial -1 Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Dominant Uses

• Offices like:
- Office building;
- Office condominium.
• Commercial housing like:
– Hotel;
– Apartment;
– Apartel;
– Boarding houses;
– Dormitory;
– Pension house.
• Retail stores and shops like:
- Department stores;
- Bookstore and office supply shops;
- Art supply and novelties;
- Home appliance stores;
- Car display and dealer stores;
- Photo shops;
- Flower shops;
- Curio or antique shops;
- Pet shops and aquarium stores;
- Jewelry shops;
- Consumer electronics such as cellular phones, cameras, laptops, home appliances, and the
- Drugstores.
• Food market and shops like:
- Bakery, cake, pastry and delicatessen shops;
- Liquor and wine stores;
- Groceries;
- Supermarkets;
- Convenience stores.
• Product showroom/display store;

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• Warehouse/storage facility for non-pollutive/non-hazardous finished products;

• Personal service shops like:
- Medical, dental, and similar clinics;
- Beauty parlor;
- Barber shop;
- Wellness facilities such as sauna, spa, massage, and facial clinics;
- Dressmaking and tailoring shop.
• Bayad centers;
• Laundries;
• Internet café and cyber stations;
• Photo/video, lights and sounds services;
• Catering services;
• Event planners;
• Water stations;
• Courier services;
• Security agencies;
• Janitorial services;
• Travel agencies;
• Photo and portrait studios;
• Repair shops like:
– House furniture and appliances repair shops;
– Motor vehicles and accessory repair shops;
– Battery shops and repair shops;
– Bicycle repair shops;
– Repair shops for watches, bags, shoes, cellular phones, cameras, computers, and the like.
• Recreational centers/establishments like:
– Play courts e.g. tennis court, bowling lane, billiard hall;
– Swimming pool;
– Gymnasium.
• Restaurants and other eateries;
• Lotto terminals, off-fronton, on-line bingo outlets, and off-track betting stations;
• Parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, promenade and play lots;
• Plant nurseries;
• Vocational/technical school;
• Special education (SPED) school;
• Short term special education like:
– Dancing schools;
– Schools for self-defense;
– Driving school;
– Speech clinics;
– Tutorial centers.
• Commercial – Residential condominium (with residential units in upper floors; at least 60% of
leasable or saleable floor area allotted for commercial purposes);
• Embassies/ consulates;
• Libraries/ museums;
• Financial institutions/services like:
– Banks;
– Stand-alone automated teller machines;
– Insurance;
– Foreign exchange;
– Money lending;

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– Pawnshops.
• Parking lots/garage facilities;
• Parking buildings (aboveground/underground);
• Auto repair, tire, vulcanizing shops, and car wash;
• Engraving, photo developing, and printing shops;
• Printing, publication, and graphics shops;
• Manufacture of insignia, badges and similar emblems except metal;
• Construction supply stores/depots;
• Funeral parlors (Category I and III);

Allowable Secondary Uses

• All uses allowable in R-2 (Basic) Zone;

• Customary accessory uses incidental to any of the above uses such as:
– Staff houses/ quarters;
– Parking lots/building garage;
– Storerooms and warehouses but only as may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the
– Pump houses;
– Generator houses.

Building Height Limit

Five (5) storeys or Fifteen (15) meters.

Section 41. Commercial -2 Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Dominant Uses

• All uses allowable in C-1 Zone;

• Wholesale stores;
• Wet and dry markets;
• Shopping centers, malls, and supermarkets;
• Recreational center/ establishments like:
- Movie house/ theatre;
- Stadium, coliseum;
- Tennis courts and sports complex;
- Billiard halls, pool rooms, and bowling alleys;
- Sports clubhouses;
- Other sports and recreational establishment.
• Bars, sing-along lounges, bistros, pubs, beer gardens, disco, dance halls;
• Exhibit halls;
• Convention center and related facilities;
• Business process outsourcing services;
• Radio and television stations;
• Transportation terminals/garage with and without repair;
• Display for cars, tractors, etc.;
• Motor pool;
• Hauling services and garage terminals for trucks, tow trucks and busses;
• Auto sales and rentals, automotive handicraft, accessory and spare parts shops, marine craft,
aircraft and sales yards;
• Boat storage;

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• Vehicle emission testing center;

• Machinery display shop/center;
• Welding shops;
• Fuel filling station/ service station (facility which sells petroleum, LPG, lubricants, etc.);
• Repair shops like:
- House appliances repair shop;
- Motor vehicles and accessory repair shops;
- Home furnishing shops.
• Restaurants, drinking and dining establishments with less than 100 occupancies;
• Medium scale junk shop;
• Glassware and metalware store;
• Signboard streamer painting and silk screening;
• Printing/typesetting, copiers and duplicating services;
• Recording and film laboratories;
• Gravel and sand stores;
• Lumber/hardware;
• Paint stores without bulk handling;
• Gardens and landscaping supply/contractors;
• Manufacture of ice, ice blocks, cubes, tubes and crushed except dry ice;
• Lechon stores;
• Chicharon factory;
• Biscuit factory – manufacture of biscuits, cookies, crackers, and other similar dried products;
• Doughnut and hopia factory;
• Other bakery products not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.);
• Shops for repacking of food products e.g. fruits, vegetables, sugar and other related products;
• Manufacture of wood furniture including upholstered;
• Manufacture of rattan furniture including upholstered;
• Manufacture of box beds and mattresses;
• Funeral parlors (all categories);
• Commercial condominium (with residential units in upper floors);
• Commercial housing like:
– Motel;
– Condotel.

Allowable Secondary Uses

• All uses allowable in R-2 (Basic) and R-2 (Maximum) Zones

Building Height Limit

Six (6) storeys or Eighteen (18) meters.

Section 42. Commercial -3 Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Dominant Uses

• All uses allowable in C-1 and C-2 Zones

• Regional shopping malls/centers

Allowable Secondary Uses

• All uses allowable in R-3 (Maximum) and R-5 Zones

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Building Height Limit

Sixty (60) storeys or One Hundred Eighty (180) meters.

Section 43. General Industrial Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Dominant Uses

1. Light Industrial Uses

• Non-Pollutive/ Non-Hazardous Industries

- Drying fish;

- Biscuit factory – manufacture of biscuits, cookies, crackers and other similar dried bakery
- Doughnut and hopia factory;
- Manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli and other noodles;
- Other bakery production not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.);
- Life belts factory;
- Manufacture of luggage, handbags, wallets and small leather goods;
- Manufacture of miscellaneous products of leather and leather substitute and n.e.c.;
- Manufacture of shoes except rubber, plastic and wood;
- Manufacture of slipper and sandal, except rubber and plastic;
- Manufacture of footwear parts, except rubber and plastic;
- Printing, publishing and allied industries and those n.e.c.;
- Manufacture or assembly of typewriters, cash registers, weighing, duplicating and
accounting machines;
- Manufacture or assembly of electronic data processing machinery and accessories;
- Renovation and repair of office machinery;
- Manufacture or assembly of miscellaneous office machines and those n.e.c.;
- Manufacture of rowboats, bancas and sailboats;
- Manufacture of animal-drawn vehicles;
- Manufacture of children vehicles and baby carriages;
- Manufacture of laboratory and scientific instruments, barometers, chemical balance, etc.;
- Manufacture of measuring and controlling equipment, plumb bob, rain gauge, taxi meter,
thermometer, etc.;
- Manufacture or assembly of surgical, medical, dental equipment and medical furniture;
- Ice plants and cold storage buildings;
- Quick freezing and cold packaging for fish and other seafoods;
- Quick freezing and cold packaging for fruits and vegetables;
- Popcorn/ rice factory;
- Manufacture of medical/ surgical supplies, adhesive tapes, antiseptic dressing, sanitary
napkins, surgical gauge, etc.;
- Manufacture of orthopedic and prosthetic appliances (abdominal supporter, ankle supports,
arch support, artificial limb, kneecap supporters, etc.);
- Manufacture of photographic equipment and accessories;
- Manufacture or assembly of optical instruments;
- Manufacture of eyeglasses and spectacles;
- Manufacture of optical lenses;
- Manufacture of watches and clocks;
- Manufacture of pianos;
- Manufacture of string instruments;

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- Manufacture of wind and percussion instruments;

- Manufacture or assembly of electronic organs;
- Manufacture of sporting gloves and mitts;
- Manufacture of sporting balls (not of rubber or plastic);
- Manufacture of gym and playground equipment;
- Manufacture of sporting tables (billiards, pingpong, pool);
- Manufacture of other sporting and athletic goods n.e.c.;
- Manufacture of toys and dolls except rubber and mold plastic;
- Manufacture of pens, pencils and other office and artist materials;
- Manufacture of umbrella and canes;
- Manufacture of buttons except plastic;
- Manufacture of brooms, brushes and fans;
- Manufacture of needles, pens, fasteners and zippers;
- Manufacture of insignia, badges and similar emblems (except metal);
- Manufacture of signs and advertising displays (except printed);
- Small-scale manufacturing of ice cream;
- Dairies and creameries;
- Warehouse/ Storage facility for non-pollutive/ non-hazardous industries;
- Commercial warehouse for non- pollutive/ non-hazardous industries;

• Non-Pollutive/ Hazardous Industries

- Manufacture of house furnishing;
- Textile bag factories;
- Canvass bags and other canvass products factory;
- Jute bag factory;
- Manufacture of miscellaneous textile goods, embroideries and weaving apparel;
- Manufacture of fiber batting, padding and upholstery filling except coir;
- Men’s and boys’ garment factory;
- Women’s and girls’ and ladies’ garments factory;
- Manufacture of hats, gloves, handkerchief, neckwear and related clothing accessories;
- Manufacture of raincoats and waterproof outer garments, except jackets;
- Manufacture of miscellaneous wearing apparel except footwear;
- Manufacture of miscellaneous fabricated mill work and those n.e.c.;
- Manufacture of wooden and cane containers;
- Sawali, nipa and split cane factory;
- Manufacture of bamboo, rattan and other cane baskets and wares;
- Manufacture of cork products;
- Manufacture of wooden shoes, shoe lace and other similar products;
- Manufacture of miscellaneous wood products and those n.e.c.;
- Manufacture of miscellaneous furniture and fixture except primarily of metals and those
- Manufacture of paper stationery, envelopes and related articles;
- Manufacture of dry ice;
- Repackaging of industrial products e.g. paints, varnishes and other related products;
- Pumping plants [water supply, storm drainage, sewerage, irrigation and waste treatment
- Warehouse/ Storage Facility for non-pollutive/ hazardous industries.

2. Medium Industrial Uses

• Pollutive/ Non-Hazardous Industries

− Manufacturing and canning of ham, bacon and native sausage;
− Poultry processing and canning;

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− Large-scale manufacturing of ice cream;

− Ice plants and cold storage;
− Corn mill/ rice mill;
− Chocolate and cocoa factory;
− Candy factory;
− Chewing gum factory;
− Peanuts and other nuts factory;
− Other chocolate and confectionery products;
− Manufacturing of flavoring extracts;
− Manufacture of food products n.e.c. (vinegar, vetsin);
− Manufacture of fish meal;
− Oyster shell grading;
− Manufacture of medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations;
− Manufacture of stationery, art goods, cut stone and marble products;
− Manufacture of abrasive products;
− Manufacture of miscellaneous non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of cutlery, except table flatware;
− Manufacture of hand tools;
− Manufacture of general hardware;
− Manufacture of miscellaneous cutlery hand tools and general hardware n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of household metal furniture;
− Manufacture of office, store and restaurant metal furniture;
− Manufacture of metal blinds, screens and shades;
− Manufacture of miscellaneous furniture and fixture primarily of metal n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of fabricated structural iron and steel;
− Manufacture of architectural and ornamental metal works;
− Manufacture of boilers, tanks and other structural sheet metal works;
− Manufacture of other structural products n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of metal cans, boxes and containers;
− Manufacture of stamped coated and engraved metal products;
− Manufacture of fabricated wire and cable products;
− Manufacture of heating, cooking and lighting equipment except electrical;
− Sheet metal works generally manual operation;
− Manufacture of other fabricated metal products except machinery and equipment n.e.c.;
− Manufacture or assembly of agricultural machinery and equipment;
− Native plow and harrow factory;
− Repair of agricultural machinery;
− Manufacture or assembly of service industry machines;
− Manufacture or assembly of elevators and escalators;
− Manufacture or assembly of sewing machines;
− Manufacture or assembly of cooking ranges;
− Manufacture or assembly of water pumps;
− Refrigeration industry;
− Manufacture or assembly of other machinery and equipment except electrical n.e.c.;
− Manufacture or assembly of electrical apparatus;
− Manufacture or assembly of electrical cables and wires;
− Manufacture of other electrical industrial machinery and apparatus n.e.c.;
− Manufacture or assembly of electric equipment – radio, television, tape recorder, stereo;
− Manufacture or assembly of radio and television transmitting, signaling and detection
− Manufacture or assembly of telephone and telegraphic equipment;
− Manufacture of other electronic equipment and apparatus n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of industrial and commercial electrical appliances;

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− Manufacture of household cooking, heating and laundry appliances;

− Manufacture of other electrical appliances n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of electric lamp fixtures;
− Warehouse/ Storage Facility for pollutive/ non-hazardous industries;
− Commercial warehouse for non- pollutive/ -hazardous industries.
• Pollutive/ Hazardous Industries
− Flour mill;
− Cassava flour mill;
− Manufacture of coffee;
− Manufacturing of unprepared animal feeds, other grain milling n.e.c.;
− Production prepared feeds for animals;
− Cigar and cigarette factory;
− Curing and redrying tobacco leaves;
− Miscellaneous processing tobacco leaves n.e.c.;
− Textile and fiber spinning mill;
− Weaving hemp textile;
− Jute spinning and weaving;
− Miscellaneous spinning and weaving mills n.e.c.;
− Hosiery mill;
− Underwear and outwear knitting mills;
− Garment and undergarment factories;
− Fabric knitting mills;
− Miscellaneous knitting mills n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of mats and mattings;
− Manufacture of carpets and rugs;
− Manufacture of cordage, rope and twine;
− Manufacture of related products from abaca, sisal, henequen, hemp, cotton, paper, etc.;
− Manufacture of linoleum and other surface coverings;
− Manufacture of artificial leather, oil cloth and other fabrics except rubberized;
− Manufacture of coir;
− Manufacture of miscellaneous textile n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of rough lumber, unworked;
− Manufacture of worked lumber;
− Re-sawmills;
− Woodworking establishments, lumber and timber yards;
− Manufacture of veneer, plywood and hardwood;
− Manufacture of doors, windows and sashes;
− Treating and preserving of wood;
− Wood drying kilns;
− Manufacture of charcoal;
− Manufacture of wood and cane blinds, screens and shades;
− Pulp, paper and paperboard factories;
− Manufacture of containers and boxes of paper and paper boards;
− Wood and cardboard box factories;
− Manufacture of miscellaneous pulp and paper products n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet preparations;
− Manufacture of waxes and polishing preparations;
− Manufacture of candles;
− Manufacture of inks;
− Manufacture of miscellaneous chemical products n.e.c.;
− Tire retreating and rebuilding;
− Manufacture of rubber shoes and slippers;
− Manufacture of industrial and molded rubber products;

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− Manufacture of plastic footwear;

− Manufacture of plastic furniture;
− Manufacture of other fabricated plastic products n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of table and kitchen articles;
− Manufacture of pottery, china and earthen ware n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of flat glass;
− Manufacture of glass containers;
− Manufacture of miscellaneous glass and glass products n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of clay bricks, clay tiles and hollow clay tiles;
− Manufacture of miscellaneous structural clay products n.e.c;
− Manufacture of structural concrete products;
− Manufacture of asbestos products;
− Manufacture of engines and turbines except motor vehicles, marine and aircraft;
− Manufacture of metal cutting, shaving and finishing machinery;
− Manufacture of wood working machinery;
− Manufacture, assembly, rebuilding, repairing of food and beverage making machinery;
− Manufacture, assembly, rebuilding, repairing of textile machinery and equipment;
− Manufacture, assembly, rebuilding, repairing of paper industry machinery;
− Manufacture, assembly, rebuilding, repairing of trade machinery and equipment;
− Manufacture of rice mills;
− Manufacture of machines for leather and leather products;
− Manufacture of construction machinery;
− Manufacture of machines for clay, stove and glass industries;
− Manufacture, assembly, repair and rebuilding of miscellaneous special industrial machinery
and equipment n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of dry cells, storage battery and other batteries;
− Boat building and repairing;
− Manufacture of locomotives and parts;
− Manufacture of railroad and street cars;
− Manufacture or assembly of automobiles, cars, buses, trucks and trailers;
− Manufacture of wood furniture including upholstered;
− Manufacture of rattan furniture including upholstered;
− Manufacture of box beds and mattresses;
− Dry cleaning plants using flammable liquids;
− Paint stores with bulk handling;
− Paint shops and spray painting rooms;
− Signs and billboards painting shops;
− Warehouses where highly combustible materials are stored;
− Factories where loose combustible fiber or dirt are manufactured, processed or generated;
− Warehouse/ Storage Facility for pollutive/ hazardous industries;
− Commercial warehouse for pollutive/hazardous industries;
− Class “A” slaughterhouse;
− Class “AA” slaughterhouse.

3. Heavy Industrial Uses

• Highly Pollutive/ Non-Hazardous Industries

− Meat processing, curing, preserving, except processing of ham, bacon, sausage and chicharon;
− Milk processing plants (manufacturing filled, reconstituted, or recombined milk, condensed
or evaporated);
− Butter and cheese processing plants;

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− Natural fluid milk processing (pasteurizing, homogenizing, vitaminizing, bottling of natural

animal milk and cream-related products);
− Other dairy products n.e.c.;
− Canning and preserving of fruits and fruit juices;
− Canning and preserving of vegetables and vegetable juices;
− Canning and preserving of vegetable sauces;
− Miscellaneous canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables n.e.c.;
− Fish canning;
− Patis factory;
− Bagoong factory;
− Processing, preserving and canning of fish and other seafood n.e.c.;
− Manufacture of desiccated coconut;
− Manufacture of starch and its by-products;
− Manufacture of wines;
− Manufacture of malt and malt liquors;
− Manufacture of soft drinks and carbonated water;
− Manufacture of instant beverages and syrups;
− Other non-alcoholic beverages n.e.c.;
− Other slaughtering, preparing and preserving meat products n.e.c.;
− Cooking oil and soap processing plants;
− Warehouse/ Storage facility for highly pollutive/ non-hazardous industries.

• Highly Pollutive/ Hazardous Industries

− Vegetable oil mills, including coconut oil;
− Manufacture of refined cooking oil and margarine;
− Manufacture of fish, marine and other animal oils;
− Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats n.e.c.;
− Sugar refining;
− Muscovado sugar mill;
− Distilled, rectified and blended liquors n.e.c.;
− Cotton textile mill;
− Ramie textile mill;
− Rayon and other man-made fiber textile mill;
− Bleaching and drying mills;
− Manufacture of narrow fabrics;
− Tanneries and leather finishing plants;
− Pulp mill;
− Paper and paperboard mills;
− Manufacture of fiberboard;
− Manufacture of inorganic salts and compounds;
− Manufacture of soap and cleaning preparations;
− Manufacture of hydraulic cement;
− Manufacture of lime and lime kilns;
− Manufacture of plaster;
− Products of blast furnaces, steel works and rolling mills;
− Products of iron and steel foundries;
− Manufacture of smelted and refined non-ferrous metals;
− Manufacture of rolled, drawn or extruded non-ferrous metals;
− Manufacture of non-ferrous foundry products;
− Warehouse/ Storage facility for highly pollutive/ hazardous industries;
− Class “A” slaughterhouse;
− Class “AA” slaughterhouse;
− Class “AAA” slaughterhouse.

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Allowable Secondary Uses

• All Dominant Uses allowable in Residential-2 (Maximum) Zone;

• All Secondary Uses allowable in Residential-2 (Basic) Zone;
• Trucking garage;
• Parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways and promenades;
• Customary accessory uses incidental to Dominant Uses such as:
- Staff houses/ quarters;
- Offices;
- Eateries/ canteens;
- Parking lots/ garage facilities;
- Storerooms and warehouses but only as may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the
- Pump houses;
- Generator houses.

Building Height Limit

Twenty-Seven (27) meters per the National Building Code.

Section 44. General Institutional Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Exclusive Uses

• Government or civic centers to house national, regional or local offices in the area;
• Multi-purpose hall/barangay hall;
• Police and fire stations;
• Other types of government buildings;
• Colleges, universities, professional business schools, vocational and trade schools, technical
schools and other institutions of higher learning;
• Nursery/Day Care Center;
• Elementary School;
• High School;
• Learning facilities such as training centers, seminar halls, and libraries;
• Scientific, cultural and academic centers and research facilities except nuclear, radioactive,
chemical and biological warfare facilities;
• Museums, exhibition halls, and art galleries;
• Convention center and related facilities;
• Civic centers and community centers;
• General hospitals, medical centers, specialty hospitals, medical, dental, and similar clinics;
• Nursing and convalescing home, health center;
• Places of worship such as churches, mosques, temples, shrines, chapels;
• Seminaries and convents;
• Embassies/consulates;
• Parking buildings;
• Parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways and promenades;
• Customary accessory uses such as:
– Staff houses/ quarters;
– Offices;
– Eateries/ canteens;
– Parking lots/ garage facilities;

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– Storerooms and warehouses but only as may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the
– Pump houses;
– Generator houses.

Building Height Limit

Five (5) storeys or Fifteen (15) meters.

Section 45. Cultural Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Exclusive Uses

• All Dominant and Secondary Uses allowable in R – 2 Basic Zone;

• All uses allowable in Commercial – 1 Zone;
• Public park;
• Church.

Architectural Design Theme and Character

All structures shall observe a circa 19th century Filipino-Hispanic Architectural Design Theme and

All developments shall ensure that views of the church, plaza, Polo Market, old municipal hall
building, and the ancestral house of Dr. Pio Valenzuela, from the street are not obstructed.

Building Height Limit

Twelve (12) meters.

Section 46. Parks and Recreation Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Exclusive Uses

• Parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, promenades and play lots, gardens.
• All types of resort complexes such as those providing accommodation, sports, dining and other
leisure facilities.
• Open air or outdoor sports activities and support facilities, including low rise stadia, gyms,
amphitheaters and swimming pools.
• Ball courts, race tracks and similar uses.
• Memorial/ Shrine monuments, kiosks and other park structures.
• Sports clubs.
• Open space buffers and easements.
• Customary accessory uses incidental to Dominant Uses such as:
- Staff houses/ quarters;
- Offices;
- Eateries/ canteens;
- Parking lots/ garage facilities;
- Storerooms and warehouses but only as may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the
- Pump houses;
- Generator houses.

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Building Height Limit

Fifteen (15) meters.

Section 47. Fishpond Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Exclusive Uses

• Aquaculture;
• Crustaceans and mollusks culture;
• Smoked and dried fish production;
• Fishing;
• Ecotourism.

Building Height Limit

Whenever allowed, buildings/ structures shall have respective heights of no more than five (5)
meters from the natural grade line of the nearest bank.

Section 48. Utilities Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Exclusive Uses

• Bus and railway depots and terminals;

• Pumping plants (water supply, storm drainage, sewerage, irrigation, and waste treatment plants);
• Liquid and solid waste management facilities;
• Climate monitoring facilities;
• Telecommunication facilities, such as cell (mobile) phone towers;
• Customary accessory uses such as:
– Staff houses/quarters;
– Offices;
– Eateries/ canteens;
– Parking lots/ garage facilities;
– Storerooms and warehouses but only as may be necessary for the efficient conduct of the
– Pump houses;
– Generator houses.

Building Height Limit

Five (5) storeys or Fifteen (15) meters.

Section 49. Cemetery Zone Guidelines

Allowable Exclusive Uses

• Memorial parks;
• Cemetery;
• Columbarium;
• Crematorium;
• Ossuary;
• Customer accessory uses such as crypts, chapels, parks, playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways,
promenades, parking, and toilet facilities.

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Building Height Limit

Five (5) storeys or Fifteen (15) meters.

Section 50. Waste Disposal Zone Guidelines:

Allowable Exclusive Uses

• Materials recovery and composting facility.

Building Height Limit

Five storeys or Fifteen (15) meters.

Section 51. Flood Overlay Zone Guidelines:

• FLD-OZ regulations are applied in areas that have been determined as flood-prone. The
objective of the Flood Overlay Zone is to protect lives and properties from the harmful effects
of flood.

Allowable Uses
• Allowable uses shall be as provided in the respective Base Zone subject to the following
additional regulations.

Building/ Structure Design Regulations

• Buildings shall be made flood proof through any or combination of the following means:
– Raising the lowest floor line at or above the Flood Protection Elevation (FPE) as determined by
the City’s Flood Control Division (FCD) either through fill or by using stilts.
– Limitations on uses of spaces below flood protection elevation such as parking, access or
limited storage only.
– At least 40% of the roof area shall be with a roof deck that can be used for evacuation purposes.
– Wet and dry flood proofing measures such as backflow valves, waterproofing for doors and
windows, elevated electric circuits, etc.
– Natural drainage patterns should not be altered.
– Use sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) to include rainwater storage tanks, green
roofs, permeable surfaces, etc. that can decrease the flow and make productive use of storm
water run-off.

Figure 13. Sample Image of a house on stilts with roof deck for evacuation

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Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

• Buildings/ structures with lowest floor lines above the FPE shall be allowed increased
Building Heights equivalent to the height of the FPE.

Section 52. Liquefaction Overlay Zone Guidelines:


• LQ-OZ regulations are applied in areas that have been determined as flood-prone. The objective
of the Liquefaction Overlay Zone is to ensure that developments are provided with appropriate
designs to prevent the possible damage to lives and properties that may occur due to incidents
of liquefaction.

Allowable Uses

• Allowable uses shall be as provided in the respective Base Zone subject to the following
additional regulations.

Building/ Structure Design Regulations

• To the extent possible, areas within properties that are within the LQ-OZ shall be kept open and/
or made part of yards and setbacks.
• Regardless of height/ number of storeys, all applications shall be required to conduct geo-testing
to verify soil suitability and submit results of the same to the Zoning Administrator;
• Buildings/ structures shall be provided with appropriate engineering design, subject to the
review and approval of the City’s Office of the Building Official.

Section 53. Eco-tourism Overlay Zone Guidelines:


• The Eco-Tourism- OZ are applied in areas declared or later on will be declared as such to ensure
that conservation and protection of the environment and wildlife so as to have the least visible
adverse effect.

Allowable Uses

• Allowable uses shall be as provided in the respective Base Zone subject to the following
additional regulations.

Building/ Structure Design Regulations

• Building/ Structure Design Regulations shall be as provided in the respective law and/or
Ordinance establishing such areas.


Section 54. Deviation:

The LZBA may allow exceptions and/or variances from the provisions of this Ordinance only when
the following terms and conditions exist:

1. Variance

Variance may be allowed provided that proposals satisfy all of the following provisions:

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Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

• Conforming to the provisions of the Ordinance will cause undue hardship on the part of the
owner of the property due to physical conditions of the property (topography, shape, etc.),
which is not self-created.
• The proposed variance is the minimum deviation necessary to permit reasonable use of the
• The variance will not alter the intended physical character of the zone and adversely affect the
use of the other properties in the same zone such as blocking-off natural light, causing loss of
natural ventilation or encroaching in public easements and the like.
• That the variance will not weaken the general purpose of this Ordinance and will not
adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare.
• The variance will be in harmony with the spirit of this Ordinance.

2. Exceptions

Exceptions may be allowed provided that proposals satisfy all of the following conditions:

• The exception will not adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare and is in keeping
with the general pattern of development in the community.
• The proposed project shall support economic based activities/ provide livelihood, vital
community services and facilities while at the same time posing no adverse effect on the
• The exception will not adversely affect the appropriate use of adjoining properties in the same
zone such as generating excessive vehicular traffic, causing overcrowding of people or
generating excessive noise and the like.
• The exception will not alter the essential character and general purpose of the zone where the
exception sought is located.

Section 55. Procedures for Granting Exceptions and Variances:

The procedure for the granting of exception, variance or special use permit is as follows:

1. A written application for an exception or variance or special use permit shall be filed with the
Local Zoning Board of Appeals citing the section of the Revised ZO under which the same is
sought and stating the ground/s thereof.
2. Upon filing of application, a visible project sign, (indicating the name and nature of the proposed
project) shall be posted at the project site. This sign shall be maintained until the Local Zoning
Board of Appeals has rendered a decision on the application.
3. The Local Zoning Board of Appeals shall conduct preliminary studies on the application. The
application papers shall be made accessible to the public.
4. A written affidavit of non-objection to the project by owners of the properties immediately in
front and at the adjacent sides of the proposed project site shall be filed by the applicant with
the Local Zoning Board of Appeals at least fifteen (15) days upon filing of application.
5. The Local Zoning Board of Appeals shall hold public hearing(s) to be held in the concerned
6. At the hearing, any party may appear in person, or be represented by agent/s. All interested
parties shall be accorded the opportunity to be heard and present evidences and testimonies.
7. The Local Zoning Board of Appeals shall render a decision within thirty (30) days from the
filing of the application, exclusive of the time spent for the preparation of written affidavit of
non-objection and the public hearing in case of any objection to the granting of

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Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

All expenses to be incurred in evaluating proposals for Variances and/or Exceptions shall be
shouldered by the project proponent.


Section 56. Approved Zoning Maps:

The Revised City Zoning Maps, printed in standard color codes and with minimum dimensions of
1.20m x 1.20m, shall be posted at the following offices:

• Office of the Mayor;

• Office of the Zoning Administrator;
• City Planning and Development Office;
• City Assessor’s Office;
• City Engineer’s Office;
• City Environment Office and
• Office of the Building Official.

The Revised Zoning maps for each barangay shall be conspicuously posted at every barangay halls
for the information and guidance of barangay officials and its constituents. These should similarly
be printed in standard color codes and minimum dimensions of 1.20m x 1.20m.

Section 57. Locational Clearance:

All land owners/developers shall secure Locational Clearance from the Zoning Administrator or, in
case of variances and exceptions, from the Local Zoning Board of Appeals prior to the conduct of
any activity or construction on their property/land. This will include property/ land located in areas
administered by national and special agencies, except for facilities for national security as certified
by the Department of National Defense.

Section 58. Waterways Clearance:

All applicants for Locational Clearance whose property/ies is/ are adjacent to waterways or have
waterways within their property/ies shall first secure a Waterways Clearance from the City’s Flood
Control Division. The Waterways Clearance shall form part of the requirements for Locational

Section 59. Ground Preparation and Excavation, Fencing and Building Permits

No ground preparation, excavation, fencing and/ or building construction works shall commence
without first securing a Locational Clearance from the City Zoning Office or LZBA, as the case
may be. The Locational Clearance shall be a requirement for applications for Ground Preparation
and Excavation, Fencing, Building and any other permits to be filed with the Office of the Building

Section 60. Business Permit

The Business Permits and Licensing Office shall not issue a Business Permit unless a valid
Locational Clearance has been issued, except in special cases as justified by exigencies and public
service when conditional Business Permits may be issued.

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Section 61. Occupancy Permit:

A certification from the Zoning Administrator on the compliance with the conditions of the
Locational Clearance shall be a requirement for the issuance of the Occupancy Permit.

Section 62. Validity of Locational Clearance:

Upon issuance of a Locational Clearance, the grantee thereof shall have one (1) year within which to
commence or undertake the use, activity or development covered by such clearance on his property.

Section 63. Real Estate Tax on idle Land:

The assessed value of idle lands, for purposes of real estate taxation, shall remain the same and
shall not be affected by the zoning classification provided in this Revised Zoning Ordinance.

Section 64. Non-User of Locational Clearance:

Non–use of Locational Clearance within said period shall result in its automatic expiration/cancellation
and the grantee shall not be allowed to proceed with his project without applying for a new clearance.

Any change in the activity or expansion of the area subject of the Locational Clearance will
invalidate the same. In this case, the owner/developer shall apply for a new Locational Clearance.

Section 65. Issuance of Zoning Classification/ Certification:

An applicant may request from the City Zoning Office the zoning classification of his land/property
in relation to the Revised ZO. Such document shall not be used as a Locational Clearance but for
reference purpose only.

Section 66. Notice of Non-Conformance:

Upon approval of this Ordinance, the Zoning Administrator shall immediately issue Notices of Non-
Conformance to existing non-conforming uses, buildings or structures. The said Notice of Non-
Conformance shall cite provisions of this Ordinance to which the existing use, building or structure
does not conform to. The same Notice shall also inform the owner of said non-conforming use,
building or structure of the conditions for the continued use of the same as provided in the following

It may also provide conditions by which the non-conforming use can reduce its non-conformity.

Section 67. Existing Non-Conforming Uses and Buildings:

The lawful uses of any building, structure or land at the time of adoption of the Revised ZO may be
continued, although such uses do not conform to the provision of the Revised ZO, provided:

1. Such non-conforming use shall be allowed to expand only within the lot where the building has
been built upon.

2. No such non-conforming use which has ceased operation for more than one year be again
revived as non-conforming use.
3. An idle/vacant structure may not be used for non-conforming activity.

4. Any non-conforming structure, or structures under one ownership which has been damaged may
be reconstructed and used as before provided that such reconstruction is not more than fifty
percent (50%) of the replacement cost.

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5. Should such non-conforming portion of structure be destroyed by any means to an extent of

more than fifty percent (50%) at the time of destruction, shall not be allowed reconstruct except
in conformity with the provisions of the Revised ZO.

6. No such non-conforming use maybe move to displace any conforming use.

7. Should such structure be moved for any reason to whatever distance, it shall thereafter conform
to the regulation of the district in which it is moved or relocated.

8. Such non-conforming use and/or structure should not cause nuisance effects to its neighborhood,
such as but not limited to pollution of whatever form (air, noise, land, water, etc.), undesirable
traffic (whether vehicular or pedestrian) and the like and should further not pose health and
safety hazards as further provided in the Performance Standards provision of this Ordinance.

Section 68. Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement:

The City Zoning Office shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Revised
ZO and its implementing guidelines in accordance with City Ordinance No. 367, Series of 2017.

Section 69. Powers and Functions of the Zoning Administrator:

The Zoning Administrator shall perform functions as provided in the afore-cited City Ordinance
No. 367, Series of 2017.

Section 70. Action on Complaints and Oppositions:

A complaint for violation of any provisions of the Revised ZO or any clearance or permits issued
pursuant thereto shall be filed with the LZBA.

Oppositions to application/s for Locational Clearance, Variance or Exception shall be treated as a

complaint shall likewise be filed with the LZBA.

Section 71. Functions and Responsibilities of the Local Zoning Board of Appeals:

The function of and duties of Local Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals (LZBAA) shall now
vest with the hereby created Local Zoning Board of Appeals (LZBA) which shall exercise the
powers, duties and functions in accordance with Executive Order No. 2013-005.

Moreover, the Local Zoning Board of Appeals shall perform the following:

1. Act on applications of the following nature:

a. Variances.
b. Exceptions.
c. Non-Conforming Uses.
d. Complaints and oppositions to application/s.

2. Act on appeals on the grant or denial of Locational Clearance by the Office of the Zoning

3. Act on appeals regarding the non-conformity of existing uses, buildings or structures to the
applicable provisions of this Ordinance.

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of the City of Valenzuela

4. Decisions of the Local Zoning Board of Appeals shall be carried by an absolute majority vote
50% + 1) of its members. Decisions of the Local Zoning Board of Appeals may be appealed to
the HLURB.

Section 72. Composition of the Local Zoning Board of Appeals:

The Local Zoning Board of Appeals and its Technical Working Group and Secretariat shall be
composed of the members appointed by the City Mayor in accordance with Executive Order No.
2013, Series of 2013.

The Local Zoning Board of Appeals may invite resource persons to help and guide the Board in the
performance of its functions.

Section 73. Review of the Zoning Ordinance:

The Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC) shall regularly review the Revised ZO and the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP), based on the following grounds:

1. Updating/Revision of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan;

2. Introduction of projects of national significance;
3. Force majeure events with City-wide land use implications;
4. Petition for rezoning with City-wide implications;
5. Increasing number of applications/issuances invoking Variances and Exceptions; and
6. Any other grounds warranting the immediate revision/update of the Revised Zoning Ordinance
and/or Comprehensive Land Use Plan.

The Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC) shall be attached to the City Development Council.

Section 74. Composition of the Local Zoning Review Committee (LZRC):

The Local Zoning Review Committee shall be composed of members in accordance with Executive
Order No. 2013-196 Series of 2013. The following shall also be automatic members of the Local
Zoning Review Committee (LZRC):

1. Zoning Administrator; and

2. City Building Official.

The Technical Working Group and Secretariat of the Local Zoning Review Committee shall be
composed of members in accordance with the afore-cited Executive Order No. 2013-196 Series of

The Local Zoning Review Committee may invite resource persons to help guide the committee in
the performance of its functions.

Section 75. Functions of the Local Zoning Review Committee:

The Local Zoning Review Committee shall have the following powers and functions:

1. Review the Revised ZO for the following purposes:

a. Determine amendments or revisions necessary in the Revised Zoning Ordinance because of

changes that might have been introduced in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP);
b. Recommend changes to be introduced in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Revised
Zoning Ordinance in the light of permits granted, such as variances and exceptions and
increasing for re-zoning and reclassification.

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Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

2. Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod necessary legislative amendments on the needed

changes in the Revised ZO as a result of the review conducted.

3. Coordinate with HLURB of the recommended changes to the integrated ZO as a result of its

Section 76. Amendments to the Revised ZO:

Changes in the Revised Zoning Ordinance, as a result of the review by the Local Zoning Review
Committee shall be treated as an amendment, provided that any proposed amendment to the Revised
ZO or provisions thereof shall be subject to public hearing and shall be carried out through a three-
fourths vote of the Sangguniang Panlungsod.

Section 77. Violation and Penalty:

Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be
punished by a fine not exceeding P5,000.00 and/or an imprisonment for a period not exceeding one
(1) year. In case the violation was committed by a corporation, partnership or association the penalty
shall be imposed upon the president and managing partner/s thereof.

Moreover, such violations shall be subject to the imposition of an administrative penalties as

provided by Ordinance No. 148 Series of 2014.

Section 78. Suppletory Application of Other Laws and Decrees:

The provisions of the Revised Zoning Ordinance shall be without prejudice to the application of
other rules and regulations, laws, presidential decrees, letters of instruction, other executive or
administrative orders vesting national agencies with jurisdiction over specific land areas, which
shall remain in force and effect, provided that land use decisions of the national agencies concerned
shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP).

Section 79. Incorporation of Ordinance No. 148, Series of 2014:

Ordinance No. 148, Series of 2014 is hereby incorporated and considered as part of this Revised
Zoning Ordinance.

Section 80. Implementing Guidelines:

The Local Zoning Board of Appeals shall prepare the necessary Implementing Rules and
Regulations for the effective and efficient implementation of this Revised Zoning Ordinance.

Section 81. Non-Diminution of National Standards:

The rules and standards provided in this Revised ZO shall conform to the rules and standards
provided by national agencies and shall not in any way diminish those that have been set by national
laws and regulations.

Section 82. Consistency between National and Local Plans, Programs and Projects:

Plans, programs and projects of national agencies that will be implemented within the locality, shall
as much as practicable, be consistent with the provisions of the Revised Zoning Ordinance.

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of the City of Valenzuela

Section 83. Repealing Clause:

All Ordinances, rules or regulations in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby

Section 84. Separability Clause:

In the event that any part or provision of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, the other parts or
provisions hereto which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.

Section 85. Effectivity Clause:

This Ordinance shall take effect after approval and authentication by HLURB, Sangguniang
Panlungsod and within 15 days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation.

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Revised Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Valenzuela

Approved this ______day of ____________, 2018 in VALENZUELA CITY,

Metro Manila.

Sangguniang Panlungsod ng VALENZUELA

Hon. Lorena C. Natividad-Borja

Vice Mayor

Hon. Antonio R. Espiritu Hon. Rovin Andrew M. Feliciano

Councilor Councilor

Hon. Jennifer Pingree-Esplana Hon. Marlon Paulo C. Alejandrino

Councilor Councilor

Hon. Ricardo Ricarr C. Enriquez Hon. Ramon L. Encarnacion

Councilor Councilor

Hon. Kimberly Ann D. V. Galang Hon. Crissha M. Pineda

Councilor Councilor

Hon. Lalaine P. Nolasco Hon. Rosalie D. Esteban

Councilor Councilor

Hon. Kristian Rome T. Sy Hon. Cecil V. Mayo

Councilor Councilor

Hon. Joseph D. William Lee Hon. Janine Alexandra R. Carlos

Liga ng mga Barangay President SK City Federation President

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