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Brooke Humphrys s0274455

Reflective Journal

During practical skills classes I lack confidence, hesitation and speed. I often doubt my setup
then I look over at the tutor for reassurance and by that time I have allowed time for the
muscles to tense and then do not follow through with enough speed, this is evident in my
competency from week 1 (See Image 1 in Appendix).

I do have the knowledge and understand that I am attempting to do high-velocity low-

amplitude thrust and I want to be able to perform light, normal and heavy thrusts with
speed. There is evidence that chiropractic students can thrust similarly to experienced
practitioners (Owens et al., 2017). My own apprehension to perform the adjustments with
speed is hindering my development in skills classes.

A trustworthy peer reviewed study (Haworth et al., 2021) observed the perception of
readiness for transitioning chiropractic and osteopathic students into practice, it was eye
opening reading the students thoughts about being confident in what we do and it made
them more confident about talking about their chiropractic knowledge and that improving
their skills.

I decided to be more confident in my setups and automatically thrust when feeling lock up, I
recruited fellow students Kade, Tom and Chloe to help me practice weekly.

My final competency I was confident, I did not hesitate and my speed was no issue (See
Image 2 in Appendix). I can be sure that this approach addressed my confidence and speed
issue as I have made significant progress in my adjusting skills in regards to speed this

I do not need to develop a new approach but I do need to continue to practice this approach
to continue to improve my skills.


Haworth, N. G., Horstmanshof, L., & Moore, K. M. (2021). Chiropractic and osteopathic
students' perceptions of readiness for transition to practice: The educational value of
university clinic vs community and private clinics. The Journal of chiropractic
education, 35(1), 38–49.

Owens, E. F., Jr, Russell, B. S., Hosek, R. S., Sullivan, S., Dever, L. L., & Mullin, L. (2017).
Changes in adjustment force, speed, and direction factors in chiropractic students after 10
weeks undergoing standard technique training. The Journal of chiropractic education, 32(1),
Brooke Humphrys s0274455

Brooke Humphrys s0274455

Image 1: First practical competency for Clinical Practice 2

Brooke Humphrys s0274455

Image 2: Final practical competency for Clinical Practice 2

Brooke Humphrys s0274455

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Brooke Humphrys s0274455

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